Author's Note: Hi everyone so this is my first Diabolik Lover fanfiction, and I am not yet done watching the entire season just to let you know so I apologize in advance if ever they will appear a little OOC. I will try my best to keep them in character. Anyway, I am not really a fan of Yui Komori and her being a masochist somewhat turned me off but I felt bad when she is being attacked and toppled by powerful fierce OCs, makes her look dim and you know weak. I have nothing against OCs in DL and I meant no offense but it's just my opinion and I think even if Yui appears to be soft hearted damsel in distress in the series, she's still more than meets the eye.
So here is the first DL story that I strongly dedicated to her, I got a feeling I will start falling in love with her character because of this. Constructive criticisms are accepted, bashings and flames can hurt my feelings-as well as other writers here-but I believe it really cannot be helped sometimes since there are some people who choose to give out such inappropriate statement but then again it's their opinion so no matter how offending, it has to be respected. Freedom of Speech I should say.
I hope you will give it a try, here it is.
Disclaimer: I do not own Diabolik Lovers.
She was not and never her father's daughter...She is adopted and this was never told. Until the day she stepped foot in this mysterious mansion full of monstrous, salacious vampires. Little did they know-Well, it's not like they give a damn anyway unless it's her blood-she always ask WHY...WHY did her 'father' make her stay in such a horrible place in the first place? What did she do that warrants such punishment? It's not making any sense because he could have send her to another place BUT why here?! Why?! Was she that revolting?
Yui Komori remained looking up at the dark sky from the window of her room, her unique colored eyes glinted sadness while gazing at the scattered stars; She wants to get out of here, go home where she really belongs...the normal human world with no one to boss her around and suck her blood. Her pale hand went up to the curve of her neck and rubbed it but not the part where a two puncture wounds were. It is undeniable that the Sakamaki brothers are attractive but it will not change the fact that they are NEVER human, living with them is not a dream nor a fantasy come true. They are monsters beneath those beautiful skin.
"The longer I stay here the more I will lose my remaining sanity..." Yui sighed heavily before getting up from her sitting position near the window, her body felt tired despite the dinner she ate awhile ago and it's because of Ayato...AGAIN; She thought that the redhead is being way too hard on her, not to mention very possessive and he takes a heck lot of pleasure on 'marking' her skin.
"I hope..." She paused for a moment, throwing herself face down on the fluffy bed. "I hope I will get out of here."
Is that possible?
What can a mere mortal such as herself do to stand against six male vampires?
Since when did asking for freedom become a deathwish? Until you started living here, a part of her mind said.
Yui thought she's making sense no more and as she slowly succumb to sleep, once again she crushed her crystal hope of being able to escape and be free.
She was standing in the middle of a beautiful large garden full of assorted flowers and plants, it was spring and the wind blew from the North making the flower petals, leaves as well as her hair danced. The weather wasn't too hot or too cold, just the right temperature and perfect for a hang out.
Where is she? Yui looked around and none of her surrounding is familiar, the Sakamakis will never have such atmosphere in their place; most of the time even its morning their mansion echoed gloom and mystery. But the garden where she is at? It was like all wonderful things were there; her pinkish red eyes caught sight of a white-gold gazebo not that far, there were white chairs around the circular table and a tea set was placed in the middle.
Is she still asleep? Dreaming? Because it doesn't feel like one, the wind brushing on her face felt so real.
"Yui, do you want to have a tea with me?"
The blonde girl turned around and found someone standing meters away from her. It was a woman-taller than her with hair a beautiful shade of auburn, it swayed to the left because of the wind. Yui squinted her eyes as she couldn't properly note the female's appearance because for some weird reason she appears blurry like an apparition and she was looking down so Yui couldn't really recognized her.
"Who are you?" Yui asked, somewhat hesitant, she felt no familiarity or connection to her so how did she knew her name?
The woman didn't reply, she stood still with her hands from behind but she let out a light chuckle which Yui didn't find scary at all.
"Yui..." This time, her voice came out as a whisper as if it was part of the wind itself.
"Little bitch..." Lick.
"You taste really good..." Another lick. "I'm certain you wouldn't mind me taking a bite now."
Yui's eyes flew open at the feel of fangs sinking down on her neck and before she could even react or make a move of refusal, Laito already clamped both of her hands on her side and began drinking her blood. She winced at the pain of having her neck pierced and she could feel her blood rushing in her veins; Yui thought that no matter how many times this happened already she still couldn't get used to it. And she doesn't want to, she'll never like the feeling of being bitten without her consent.
"...Please..."She tried speaking, "S-stop, that's enough."
Laito finally pulled away and looked down at her smiling widely with her blood still staining the side of his lips. His shiny green eyes reflect malice which she finds not to her liking.
"I am loving it more when you are being hard to get, little bitch." The top hat wearing vampire licked the remaining blood off his lips. "I can't help make me feel-"
"I'll appreciate it if you will stop what you are doing and prepare for school, Laito" Reiji said standing straight across the room, his eyes narrowed at the younger vampire.
Laito let out an annoyed groan but remove himself from Yui, "Reiji why do you always have to ruin the moment?" He put his hands inside his pants pocket.
"Hurry up and get ready." Reiji said in a stoic voice, he shifted to look at the blonde girl now sitting in the bed. "You as well, don't take too long and make sure to drink your cranberry juice."
And Yui gave him her usual reply since there's no point arguing with him-it might just put her in danger. "Ahmm...yes, I will."
"See you later, little bitch." Laito winked mischievously at her before following Reiji outside and closed the door.
When the two vampires were gone, Yui lied down again and stared up while holding the part of her neck where Laito bit her. She could feel her veins and the wound throbbing and it made her wince again. Can she not go to school anymore and just...stay there? Find a way to escape? Of course that's a stupid idea and no way Reiji will let her stay while they are away.
The unknown woman. The dream. It returned back to her like tidal waves and her dilemma was momentarily put at the back of her head. The very thought of 'her' made Yui feel somewhat light and washed her fear away. But why is that?
Was it just a delusion? Her defense mechanism since she knew the words ESCAPE and FREEDOM are impossible to reach or it's really something significant?
So what do you think guys? Feel free to drop by a review.
- Cadi Crimson