AN-Okay let me clear up some stuff. Bella is not a virgin. She and Paul had sex about five times while the whole wolves vs. Victoria thing was going on. There were no emotions and it was purely sex. I don't know where that got lost in the story but I apologize. That's my fault.

And, yes, I would very much like to have someone editing my stories. I always seem to miss something, no matter how many times I go over a chapter. If I could figure out how to get one I would totally get a beta.

Also, ITS BEEN A YEAR! A whole fucking year. I'm really sorry but to tell the truth I completely forgot about this story. I plan on updating this story and At First Sight so for those of you who like that story, go check it out. But, I digress. Let's get to the story.

I shoved Rose away from me roughly and stumbled back in shock. She fell back onto the bed and looked up at me wantonly.

"Wh…you…ki…ho…Emmett," I finally managed to spit out after about a minute of stuttering.

She sat up slowly, never taking her eyes off of mine, "What about him?"

I looked behind me uneasily before hissing as quietly as possible, "What about him?! He's your mate! You're cheating on him…with me! He thinks of me like a sister. This is all kinds of wrong!"

She rolled her eyes, "It's not cheating if it's with a woman and there's nothing wrong with this, us."

I gaped at her and looked around incredulously before whispering furiously, "It's not-It's not cheating if it's with a woman! You are stuck in the past! Men leave their girlfriends for other men all the time now! Women do the same!"

She stood up smoothly and said, not trying to be quiet at all, "Listen, Bella. I heard from Alice about how Peter's holding out on you. I would nev-"

I jumped on her and clamped my hand over her mouth, "Shut your beak, woman! Do you want everyone to find out?"

I waited in a tense silence for someone to come running up the stairs and see us in such a discriminating position. When nothing happened I let out an unnecessary breath of relief and looked down at her.

I removed my hand before getting up and whispering, "Rose, I'm not attracted to girls. I'm sorry."

She didn't look deterred in the least but lowered her voice, "Then why did you kiss me back?"

I blanched, "I…It was the succubus in me! Apparently, it's my instinct now to kiss someone back when they mouth rape me."

She rolled her eyes again, "I'm not gonna force you, Bella. Just know that if you ever change your mind I'll be here. But just as a reminder…"

She stood up, leering at me lustily and grabbed me by the back of the neck then pressed her lips to mine. Her lips were smooth and cool, like mine but as her lips parted and her tongue poked through I found her mouth was rather warm. Her lithe, burning hot tongue forced its way past my shocked lips easily and I held back a moan. To be honest, this has been what I've been craving for the last few months. Someone to completely worship me and my body so fully I wouldn't know what to do with myself.

I was jerked out of my thoughts as her other hand worked its way down from my shoulder, passing over chest teasingly, dragging down my stomach slowly before dipping into the band of my jeans. In the back of my mind I knew that that was the boundary I refused to cross and Rose seemed to sense that because her hand deftly changed its direction to curve around my hip and grasp my ass through my panties.

I never realized how much a hindrance breathing had been as a human until I found myself not needing to break away for a quick breath of air. Rose moaned, long and loud, into my mouth and, before I could stop myself I was kissing her back. My hands were now in her hair, tugging and directing her head as needed as my lips and tongue worked over time. I plunged my tongue into her hot, little mouth as my lips nipped at her roughly.

If she wanted to play with fire I was more than ready.

But she just took my response as and signal to go further and forced her knee between mine roughly, and shoved my shoulders back against the wall. I collapsed onto her awaiting knee as her now unoccupied mouth worked my neck, sucking and biting. My hips rocked unconsciously against her thigh as her hands found my breast, one in each. My nipples were hard and I knew she could feel them through my bra and t-shirt. She let out a sound of something akin to a chuckle as both her hands found a nipple and twisted hard.

My hips jerked against her thigh with a renew fervor as I mewled and gasped pitifully. I felt like a dog in heat as I humped her leg and it turned me on. Suddenly I felt her cold fingers caressing my nipples beneath my bra and I couldn't hold myself back any longer.

I grabbed the thigh I was sitting and I humped. I gasped and shook, tossing my head back and forth all while her teasing fingers stoked me, urging me on until I finally released. And what a release that was.

I collapsed back against the wall as she removed her thigh, letting me slide down the wall. It sunk in what I had done and a wave of shame crashed over me.

I looked up at Rose embarrassed and she smirked down at me as she fixed herself, or tried. There was a very big, very obvious wet mark on her upper thigh. She smirked at me once again before changing her pants, "You know where to find me if you ever need that again…"

Then she just left, like nothing ever happened. How did my life get so fucked up so fast? Literally less than twenty-four hours ago, I was human, in love with pussy boy, and had not been raped, by a girl no less.

If my mind wasn't made up before it is now. Peter and I are leaving and never coming back to this den of awkwardness.

I took a deep breath before turning and slowly going downstairs. Peter wasn't sitting near or talking to any of the three sisters and was having what looked to be a very awkward conversation with Eleazar. Good boy.

I stopped at the bottom of the stairs and waited a beat before making a beeline for Peter. Once I reached him I sheepishly curled up to his side and looked around for Rose guiltily. I had tried to let her down easy before she raped me. I hope I did it right and she didn't tell Peter about what happened in her room. I've never had to turn down a girl before.

I bit my lip and looked at Eleazar, "Where's Rose?"

One of the sisters spoke up, Irina, I think, "She went hunting."

Peter shifted to look down at me, "What did you guys talk about?"

I smiled as best I could and answered, "She…uh, she just wanted to talk about, uh, girl stuff. And, you know, wanted to bond and stuff."

Peter gave me weird look but I gave him the 'we'll talk about it later' look and he nodded. We would talk about it later.

Eleazar cleared his throat, "Bella, now that you've talked to Rose maybe the three of us could have a chat."

Peter and I shared a glance, "Sure."

He smiled softly, "Great, follow me and I will explain some things."

He stood before walking out the door, waiting for Peter and I to follow. We did, albeit slowly, but we did. He gave us a quick reassuring smile before loping into the forest, leaving Peter and I to follow again.

We shared a look before hurrying after him, it must be important if he needs totally privacy to tell us.

We found him pacing in a small clearing and approached cautiously. He looked at us nervously before continuing to pace for a few minutes, gathering his thoughts.

"Okay," he abruptly stopped and turned to face us, making Peter step in front of me protectively.

Eleazar took a deep breath, "What I'm going to tell you may not come as a shock to you but I feel I must say it. The Volturi want you, Isabella."

I nodded, I know as much from my visit.

Peter clenched his fists and I put a hand on his shoulder as he half whispered, "They what?"

Eleazar looked around nervously, "They've been looking for a shield as powerful as you for quite some time now. Since before I came to them, even. When they catch wind that you've been changed and that you're a shield. They will call you in and they will trap you there."

This time Peter couldn't control his growl, "Trap us?"

Eleazar solemnly nodded, "Yes, trap you. I don't know how and I don't know when but they will because it is their way. It is Aro's way."

Peter and I were silent so Eleazar took that as a signal to continue, "This is the reason why I think you should go nomad. With Bella's shield, Demetri wouldn't be able to find you easily so it should buy you a couple of years to prepare. Make no mistake though. They will find you. With or without your shield, they will find you."

I looked at him with wide eyes, "But I don't even know how to use my shield."

It was Peters turn to comfort me now.

Eleazar smiled regretfully, "I'm sorry to frighten you. But I offer my services to you in any way. It would be my pleasure to teach you how to use your power."

Peter still had his fists clenched, "What's in this for you? Why are you helping us?"

Eleazar frowned as a sad look came over his face, "To make up for all those I couldn't save when I was with them."

Peter and I shared a scared, determined look and I spoke up, "Thank you, Eleazar. I… We accept your help. Thank you for telling us. It means a lot."

Eleazar smiled, "Of course, Bella. It's the least I can do."

I grasped Peters hand tightly, "When do we start?"

Eleazar smiled, "Now."

AN- What did you guys think? I know it's terribly short and so very over due but I couldn't write anymore. That little lemon took a lot out of me and I didn't want the rest of the chapter to come out sounding forced. I hoped you enjoy. Sorry again it took so long.