A/N: So, this is the other version of Breath Again that I have been working on. When I first posted that. Shay's age was fifteen. Which then changed because most of you wanted to see her younger. But I always wanted to try that version out. So I won't be changing her age this time. But I still hope that you guys will read it because I like this one.
Also. This will be a short multi chapter story. Just because I don't have enough time to make it longer. With work and finished Fallen, I just don't have the energy. Sorry! In saying that, updates for this story wont be as frequent but they will be quicker than most. Hope you guys can understand. :)
So without further a due. Here we go.
Chapter 1: Common Faults
Unknown Location
Lauren didn't know where the last sixteen years of her life had gone, they had breezed by in a flash. So many amazing things had happened, and so many terrible things. Her relationship with Bo had gone down the tubes as she suspected. After the altercation with Isaac Taft, she thought that it was better to just go away.
Away from the Fae, her old life, and Bo.
As much as it killed her, it was what was best for both of them. Lauren would forever hold Bo back in the sense that she wouldn't be able to feed her. She wouldn't be able to heal her when she got hurt. Not it the way that Dyson could. She couldn't keep the brunette from reaching her full potential.
So she Left.
She didn't think of taking something to remind her of Bo, but it turned out that she didn't have to. Because she had a permanent souvenir to remember the succubus, in the form of a baby girl. Not long after she fled from her old life, Lauren found out that she was pregnant. And the child that she was carrying, was part Fae.
At first she thought that she was going crazy, there was no way that it was possible. But the longer that she thought it over, the more real it became. Bo was the only person that she had been with in the months before she was pregnant. It wasn't a coincidence.
Lauren thought that if she were ever to have a baby, that she would be being taken care of by either her partner of maybe her friends. But she had no such luck. Thanks to her involvement with Taft, most of the Fae community was after her. Going on the run with a baby wasn't easy.
And one night. She almost lost it all. That was until an old acquaintance came to her aid. In the last month of her pregnancy. Lauren would take long walks to try and bring her labour forward quicker. Her baby was proving to be quite the stubborn little girl, much like Bo.
She didn't remember much of that night, just that it all happened to fast. She remembered walked through the park, it was early in the evening. The sun was just setting as she kept taking slow steps down the gravel path.
Out of nowhere, a man jumped out from a nearby bush. Nearly scaring Lauren half to death, but that fear was also enough to spur her labour on. Her water broke, and her contractions came on fast. He snarled in her face, telling her that he was going to get a hefty bounty for bringing her in to the Elders. As he approached her, ready to claim his prize. His entire body jerked, within a second he fell forward. Like a tree being cut down.
When Lauren looked him over, she saw that he had a blade in his back. She lifted her head to thank her saviour, only to see that it was someone that she was all too familiar with. "Tamsin?" She frowned.
The Valkyrie stepped forward, placing her foot on the dead man's back and tugging on her blade. She wanted it back. "Long time no see Doc…" She saw that Lauren wasn't looking very, fit. "… What did you eat? Two cows?" She chuckled.
Lauren tried to straighten up. "Funny…" She paused when a jolt of pain hit her stomach. "… God! Not now! Please" she didn't want it to happen in a dirty park.
Tamsin rushed to her side, "Whoa! Are you…" She couldn't believe what she was seeing right now. "… Are you pregnant?" She didn't need to wait for her answer, because Lauren's screams were doing that for her.
"I need to get to the hospital. Now!" Lauren grabbed Tamsin's arm, squeezing it tight.
The Dark Fae shrieked, damn she had a tight grip. "Yeah, that's not a bad idea actually. Considering you're breaking my arm! Come on, my truck is over there" she helped her to the car, getting in and taking her to the Hospital.
Once there. Lauren was immediately wheeled to delivery, leaving Tamsin standing alone in the reception. She didn't know whether to call Bo, or Dyson. But surely if Lauren wanted them here then she would have called ages ago. Tamsin knew how long Bo had been looking for her. With no luck.
And now she of all people, found her in a park. She only stopped to throw some trash out of her car. What were the odds? An hour passed, Tamsin found herself still in the reception. She couldn't bring herself to leave. Damn it! She was here now, she might as well see it through.
Tamsin used her police badge to get past the receptionist. Telling her that Lauren was her sister, and she had been running late due to police business. As Tamsin reached the delivery room, she was told that Lauren had been taken into recovery. Walking into the room, she saw the Doctor in a bed holding a bundled up baby in a pink blanket.
"You stayed?" Lauren was surprised.
The detective nodded, stepping closer to her. "Yeah, I figured that leaving you would be a little insensitive…" She shifted her gaze to the baby sleeping in Lauren's arms. "… Is this why you left? Because you were pregnant?" She couldn't help but wonder.
"No, I didn't know until two months later…" The doctor touched her daughter's cheek, stroking it with her finger. "… She's so perfect" she smiled.
Tamsin looked down. Then saw the most unbelievable thing, the baby opened her eyes. And when she did, she revealed that they weren't just brown. They were also blue. Just like Bo's. "Eyes both brown and blue…" She whispered, then it came to her. This baby, wasn't a normal baby at all. "… She's Bo's"
Lauren could only nod. "I don't know how it happened but, here she is" she rocked her daughter back and forth.
"You know, she's been miserable without you…" Tamsin could see that Lauren was having a hard time believing that, especially given the look that she was giving her. "… I'm serious Lauren. She's been looking for you for months. After failing so many times, now she just sits in the clubhouse. Hoping one day that you'll come back" she said.
The doctor felt sad hearing that. But she knew that what she had done was what was best for herself and her baby. "I can't go back Tamsin. Not after everything that's happened" she sighed.
"And what about this?" The Valkyrie nodded to the baby girl. "Don't you think that Bo has a right to know? You know if someone somewhere was having my kid, I'd wanna know about it" even saying the words freaked her out. Luckily. She wasn't a succubus, so she wouldn't have that problem.
"Bo is better off without me. Without us. All we're gonna do is hold her back. It's better if we stay far away" Lauren had made up her mind, and she wasn't changing it.
Tamsin understood what she meant, Bo was important to the Fae. She mattered more than most. But the blonde still thought that she should know about this. "And what about that guy? He was a bounty hunter, you know that right?" She had to come back to that.
Lauren nodded. "He's not the first, and he definitely won't be the last. But I've lasted this long without any help" she was strangely proud of that.
"Yeah. But now you don't just have to worry about yourself, you have worry about her too…" Tamsin looked at the baby. "… So, does this Bo clone have a name or what?" She thought it best to change the subject.
The doctor laughed, "Well, I can tell you that it's not Bo Clone. I was thinking of calling her Shay. It's unique, and yet strong. What do you think?" She hadn't had this in a while, someone genuine to talk to. It was nice, even if it was with Tamsin.
Tamsin leaned in, looking at the baby's face. It was cute. "I thinks it's a good fit. So, did they say when you could leave this dump" she looked around the room in disgust, the walls had clouds painted on the. It was way to cheery for her liking.
"Uh, well. I can leave whenever. They just want to monitor me for a couple of hours after the birth, it's just standard procedure" Lauren said.
Tamsin couldn't let Lauren be alone right now, not when there were hunters after her. And now she had a little baby to look after, they were literally sitting ducks. "I'm gonna stay, until you're ready to leave"
Lauren shook her head. "Tamsin I'm okay. You can go, really. We'll be fine" she didn't want to cause trouble.
"Look, if Bo knew about this and she knew that I left you alone to fend for yourself then she would kill me herself. And I'm on my last life, so…" She laughed. "… I'm staying"
"Okay" the doctor smiled.
That was nothing but a distant memory now. After that night, Tamsin decided to stay with Lauren and Shay indefinitely for protection. She promised not to breathe a word to Bo about Shay. But she knew that she couldn't leave them without a guardian. Bo would skin her alive if she knew about this.
Giving birth to Shay, had changed Lauren. It had made her more that what she was, more than just a Human. She aged slower, she was stronger, more agile, and she healed quicker than ever before.
Shay on the other hand, was something else entirely. As soon as she turned four years old, she came into her powers. But not just her succubus side, she also had other abilities. Ones that Lauren had never anticipated. She was very strong, also agile like Lauren. And she healed instantly.
Lauren had never told Shay about Bo, not to keep her from the truth. But to save her from getting hurt. Especially since Lauren had no intention of ever going back to Bo. Tamsin helped in raising her, not with the important stuff. Lauren saw to that.
But the Valkyrie did come in handy when teaching the young Hybrid how to handle herself and hone her abilities. Shay would train with Tamsin everyday after school. She was becoming quite the little warrior in Tamsin's words.
Shay was so defiant though, whenever Lauren would tell her to do something she always ended up fighting with her. That was clearly something that she got from Bo. Shay was turning sixteen in two days. And Lauren wanted to do something to mark the day.
Turning sixteen was a big deal.
But lately, Shay had been grumpier than usual. She'd been fighting in school, talking back to teachers and to Lauren when things got heated. But she never spoke back to Tamsin, the Valkyrie was the only one that could get the young brunette to clam down.
Lauren was standing by her daughter's bedroom door. Leaning her shoulder against the frame, Shay had been sent home from school for fighting with another girl. Actually, a bunch of girls. Two of the girls that she had hit, were in the hospital with broken bones due to how strong Shay was.
The young Hybrid had her back turned to her Mother as she laid on her bed, she had her head phones on. Blasting whatever alternative music that she liked.
"Still nothing?" Tamsin came up beside Lauren, seeing her little protégé in a mood. Something's never change.
Lauren shook her head. "Nope, I know that she knows we're standing here…" Shay had developed a sort of sixth sense when it came to people around her. She knew whether they were a threat of if they were harmless. "… But she's being stubborn. Like always" the blonde sighed.
"Apples don't fall far from the tree Doc, what do you expect? Look, why don't you head downstairs. I got this" Tamsin tapped her friend on the arm. In the time that she had spent here, she and Lauren had become really good friends. Their relationship was purely platonic.
"Thanks Tamsin. I'll get started on dinner, see if you can persuade her to come down" Lauren smiled, then set off downstairs.
Tamsin stepped into the room, going over to Shay's bed and jumping down on her. "Hey!" She snatched her headphones off of her. "Come on, get up! Now Shay!" She ordered.
Shay groaned, sitting up. "What?!" She was in no mood to talk.
"Okay, first of all. Lose the attitude! I am the last person that you wanna yell at, got it?" Tamsin and her serious face on.
The brunette sighed, she shouldn't have done that. "Got it. I'm sorry. It's Mom, she just doesn't get me you know?" She bowed her head, playing with her hands.
"What do you mean? You're Mom is the one person that totally gets you. Did you honestly think that she would praise you after what you did today?" Tamsin understood why Shay felt so annoyed, but she was in the wrong here not Lauren.
"No, I just thought that she would be more understanding. Those girls had it coming. They kept picking on this kid, I couldn't just stand back and do nothing. I had to help, I needed to help" Shay said.
This was why Shay was so much like Bo, she liked to help people. Half of the fights that she would get into were because she was standing up for someone else. "I get that. Okay, I do. But you know that you're not normal Shay, people can get more than a black eye when you fight. You know that" she sighed.
"Is Mom really mad at me?" Shay lifted her head, looking to her Aunt with sad eyes. She really was just trying to do the right thing. She didn't mean for it to go this way.
Tamsin smiled, tapping the girl's arm. "She'll get over it, you know that she can't stay mad at you for too long…" She was cut off from her sentence when she heard a loud crash come from downstairs. The blond went to the window, looking down into the driveway she saw a big black SUV. It was the bounty hunters, they'd come for them. "… Damn it!"
"What is it? Where's Mom?" Shay was scared, she didn't know what was going on.
When they first got here, Lauren and Tamsin put a plan in place to get Shay out at all costs. If one of them was indisposed then they had to leave them behind. The main thing was getting Shay somewhere safe. "Okay, here's what we're gonna do…" She ran to the end of the room, getting to her knees and pulling Shay's rug off of the floor.
Shay walked over, seeing that there was now a small safe underneath the planks of wood that Tamsin was removing. "What the frack?! Are you and Mom spies, is this what's happening right now?!" She was panicking.
Tamsin punched in the code, waiting for the light to turn green and then open. She reached in, grabbing the fully stocked backpack that they had prepared for Shay if anything like this happened. "Not spies! But we are in danger, so you need to put this on and then we need to bounce!"
Shay pulled the back pack on, and man was it heavy! "Wait! What about Mom?" She asked. Her Mother hadn't come upstairs yet, and she heard groans coming from downstairs.
"It's too late for her kid, we gotta go now!" The Valkyrie sighed, she didn't want to leave Lauren behind. But this was the whole point of their plan.
"No! I won't go without her!" Shay yelled, she loved her Mother and she wasn't leaving this house without her.
Tamsin grabbed the girl by her shoulders, "Shay! Listen to me very carefully. Your Mom and I have talked about situations like this. And trust me, she would want to know that you got out safe. You're leaving whether you like it or not! Now let's go!" She pushed her towards the window, forcing her out.
Shay stopped halfway through the window, when she saw that Tamsin wasn't getting ready to come with her. "Aren't you coming?" She couldn't leave by herself.
"No, you have to run okay. Get to the end of the road, there's a bus that picks people up every hour. If you run fast, you'll make it" Tamsin and Lauren had everything planned out.
"But, where am I going?" The brunette didn't understand any of this.
Tamsin didn't tell Lauren, but she had slipped something in Shay's emergency bag. Something that she would need if this ever happened. "Somewhere safe. I promise, everything thing that you need is in that bag. Where you're going is the last stop on that bus. Love ya kid" she smiled, she told Shay to run.
And that's exactly what she did. The brunette ran, until her legs got tired. She cut through an few bushes, coming to the bus stop that her Aunt mentioned. And right on cue, the coach was pulling up.
The doors folded over, revealing an elderly man in the driver's seat. "Is it just you Miss?" He asked with a polite smile.
"Uh, yeah I guess…" She stepped onto the bus. Looking into the back, there couldn't have been more than five passengers. "… Where's your last stop?" She asked him.
"Last stop is in about twelve hours, once I pull up in Toronto I'll be shutting down for a couple of days. Is that where you're headed?" He wondered.
Shay could only nod. Tamsin said that the last stop was where she and to go. So that was where she was going. "Yeah, I guess so. How much is it?" She looked in the bag, finding a wad of cash. Where was this bag when she wanted a guitar?
The driver could tell that this girl was a little scattered, and she seemed like she was in a bit of trouble. "I'll tell you what. Why don't you just head on down to the back. Grab a comfy seat, we'll deal with payment later. Take a beat, we've got a long ride ahead of us" he smiled, closing the doors and starting up the bus.
"Thanks…" Shay smiled back, walking off to grab a seat at the back. She jumped down, leaning her back against the window. She placed the bag in her lap, she needed to look through this.
It was a bunch of things, clothes, I.D's, more money. And a large envelope, it had Tamsin's handwriting on the front. Opening it up, she pulled out various pieces of paper. One was a large letter. And the other was a photograph of a woman. She had brown hair, brown eyes. And she was pretty, sort of.
Shay unfolded the letter. Bringing it up to read.
If you're reading this then the worst has happened, you're Mom and I always tell you that you're special. It's not just because we love you, it's because you truly are. There are people that want you and your Mom captured. I can't explain exactly why, but just know that we would do anything to keep you safe.
You've probably found the picture of the strange woman by now, it's okay. You can trust her, she's an old friend of ours. She'll help you get us back. That much I know, her name is Bo Dennis. Her address is on the back of the photo.
Although, it has been a while since we heard from her last. If for some reason, she isn't living there anymore. Then go to the second Address, it's a Bar called the Dahl Riata. There, you'll find a man named Trick. He'll get you in touch with Bo.
Don't worry about finding us, or if we're okay. The bad people would hurt us, they need us to get to you. And I know that they'll bring us to you, so don't worry. Just focus on finding Bo, she'll take care of you.
Remember our training, if you are ever cornered. Use your strength the way that I taught you. I know that your Mom says that fighting for you is bad, but it's all about survival now kid. And I know that you'll do great!
We love you.
Shay's tears fell as she leaned back into her seat. This was such a trip, one minute she was a not so normal teenager with anger issues and now she was a teenager on the run. It was funny, she always wished for more excitement. But she never thought that she would get this.
One thing she knew, was that whoever this Bo woman was. She had to find her. Shay dug deeper into the bag, finding a brand new iPod. Turning it on she saw that it was loaded with all of her favourite songs. They really had prepared things to the tee. She placed the head phones in her ears, and sat back comfortably.
She had a twelve hour journey to get through. She might as well get some sleep.
Clubhouse (10 Hours Later)
Bo was in the middle of getting ready for work. A lot had changed in the last sixteen years. After Tamsin had transferred out of the city, Dyson asked if his ex wanted to become a detective. The pay was good, and she had actual benefits. Being Fae meant that he could pull some strings to get her up to the top quicker.
And boy was she good at being a detective. It was basically what she was doing when she was a P.I. Except she had to carry a badge and a gun. Which wasn't that bad either. She looked badass.
After Lauren had left, she was pretty miserable. And she did spend a good amount of her time looking for the blonde, but she never found her. She wondered if Lauren was off living a happy life, with someone new. Someone who could give her all of the things that Bo couldn't.
Kenzi had moved out, a couple of years ago. She was currently travelling the world with Hale. Every post card that she sent made Bo smile, if anyone deserved happiness it was Kenzi.
Bo grabbed her badge, hooking it on her belt and then grabbed her 9mm. Holstering it securely. Grabbing her jacket she was out of the door, Dyson had called about a homicide down at the docks. That was her first stop.
2 Hours Later
The bus pulled up right outside of the address that Tamsin had given her, he wasn't scheduled to. But the drive did it anyway. He was nice. Shay stepped down from the bus, jumping off of the steps. All she saw was a condemned building, although the house itself didn't look that bad.
"I think that this is it…" Shay turned back to the driver, "… How much do I owe you Sir?" She had to settle up. She reached into her pocket, pulling out her cash.
He held his hand up with a smile. "Not a thing little miss. You look like you could use a friend right now, so that's what I'll be. Do you want me to wait, if there's no one home?" He couldn't leave this poor girl all alone. She clearly didn't know what she was doing.
Shay couldn't let him do that. "No, I'm okay. If worst comes to worst I'll just get a hotel, I mean. It's not like I don't have the cash right?" She laughed. "Thanks for everything, but I can take it from here" she nodded.
"You are one brave kid. I wish I had a daughter like you, see you around little miss" he waved her goodbye and closed the doors. Setting off down the road.
Shay walked down the path, passing the fence. She saw tire tracks in the gravel. Someone definitely lived here. She made it to the door, knocking on it a couple of times. She got no answer. "Shit!" She sighed. It was cold here, and she was starving. She didn't feel like waiting around for this woman.
The girl pulled out the other address from her pocket, reading it over again. The Dahl Riata, was now her next destination. She ran out to the road, hailing down a cab. This day just kept getting better.
The Dahl (20 Minutes Later)
Shay threw the cabbie $50 dollars, she never asked for the exact amount of the fair but she was tired and ash just wanted something hot to eat. Plus, she had plenty of doe to go around. She walked into the bar, seeing that there were a few patrons around. Sitting, laughing, drinking with their friends.
The girl moved over to the bar, seeing an elderly man behind it. His smile was inviting, and she felt like she knew him for some reason.
"I'm sorry Miss, but I don't serve minors. Can I ask what you're doing here?" He asked.
"That is a mighty fine question Sir. One that I wish I could answer but I wouldn't know where to start. I'm looking for someone named…" She forgot the name, she reached into her pocket pulling out the letter from Tamsin. "… Trick? I was told that I would find him here" she said.
"That would be me…" Trick eyed the girl up, he felt like he had seen her somewhere before. But he couldn't put his finger on it. "… What can I do for you, Miss…" He paused, since he didn't know her name.
She caught on quick thought. "Shay, my name is Shay" she introduced herself.
"Okay, Shay. What seems to be the problem?" He asked.
"Uh, I was told that you could put me in touch with someone named Bo Dennis? I'm supposed to find her, I need her help" Shay was out of touch with this kind of thing, she had literally been awake for more than twelve hours.
Trick could see that this girl was helpless, she needed something. And whatever it was, started with Bo. "Who told you to look for Bo here? And about me?" That was something that he needed to know.
Shay didn't know how to explain it, "If I told you, you probably wouldn't believe me. Or it wouldn't make any sense. So, here…" She pushed the letter over to him, "… This is all I have"
Trick took the letter, reading it over. It looked like it was written by this girl's parents, but he didn't understand what that had to do with Bo. Since her Mother was referenced a lot, he assumed that her Father must have written this. "What was your Father's name?" He asked.
Shay shook her head. Father? That was a riot. "Don't got one. My Aunt Tamsin wrote the letter, she and my Mom raised me. Did you know them?" She wondered.
He couldn't believe what he just heard. Tamsin? He hadn't seen or heard from her in years. "What's your Mother's name?" He needed to know.
"Lauren Lewis" she answered.
Trick almost had a heart attack on the spot. This was why she was sent for Bo. Because this girl was Lauren's daughter. "I knew your Mother, very well. She was a dear friend of mine. Not to worry, I'll give Bo a call and I'm sure that she'll be right over..." he smiled, turning around he touched the arm of one of his staff. "… Give that girl, anything that she asks for. On the house" he walked off to his phone.
Downtown Harbour
Bo and Dyson were in the middle of going through a crime scene, when suddenly the succubus' phone began to buzz. "One sec…" She held her finger up to her partner, walking away to take the call. It was Trick. "… Hey Trick, now isn't really a good time—"
"No time for that Bo, you need to get to the Dahl now!" Trick sounded worried.
"Is everything okay?" She asked.
He sighed on his end. "In a sense, just please. Come down here, I'll explain everything once you're here" he said.
Bo could tell that something was wrong, he never called her sounding this anxious. "Alright, I'll be there as soon as I can…" She hung up the phone, walking back over to Dyson. "… That was Trick, he said that he needs me to get to the bar now. Are you good here?" She asked.
Dyson had no problem handling this one solo. "Yeah, no problem. Give me a call if you need me"
"Will do Partner…" She gave him a wink, running to her car and then speeding off for the Dahl. She would soon see for herself what was so important.
The Dahl (30 Minutes Later)
Shay was really liking this Trick guy, he was letting her have everything for free. She was now on her third bowl of ice cream. Normally her Mother wouldn't let her have desert so early, but she wasn't here. So the girl was free to experiment.
"So, how long did you know my Mom for?" She wiped her mouth. She had a chocolate moustache. But she didn't care, because she was rocking it.
"Uh. A little over three years. But then she left a long time ago, I haven't seen her since. Or your Aunt for that matter" he still didn't understand any of this.
Shay licked her spoon, "How come?"
Trick shrugged. "I have no clue, they just left and never came back. So, can you tell me more about the bad people that Tamsin wrote about? Why are they after you?" He asked.
"I dunno. Apparently it has something to do with me being special. Though to be honest, I'm not really feeling that special at the moment. I couldn't even help my Mom when they broke in" she bowed her head.
"If these people were as dangerous as Tamsin made them out to be, then there is most likely nothing that you could've done. You shouldn't blame yourself" he smiled at her.
"I like you…" Shay chuckled. "… You've got that cool Grandpa thing going on! I could use one of those right now" she admitted sadly. Her Mother never told her about her Grandparents, or if she even had any.
"Why thank you. I'll take that as a compliment…" He laughed with her, suddenly he noticed Bo's arrival. "… Here she is! Bo, I'm glad that you came" he smiled.
Shay turned her head, taking in the look of this Bo woman. She looked just like her picture, maybe a little bit older but not much. "You're Bo?"
The succubus met the young girl's gaze. "I am. And you would be?" She extended her hand, frowning as she looked at her. This girl, she was a stranger and yet Bo felt like she knew her. Like she had always known her.
Trick watched the two of them shake hands. "Bo, this Shay. She's Lauren's daughter" he said.
Bo's expression froze in shock. Did he just say what she thought? Did that mean that Lauren was back? "Lauren? You're Lauren's daughter?" She couldn't bring herself to let go of her hand.
Shay nodded. "I was told to find you"
"Why?" Bo asked.
The girl let go of the woman's hand, grabbing the letter from her aunt and handing it to her. "I don't really feel like going over it again. I kind of have a major headache. Read this, it'll explain everything. I'm gonna hit the head" she tapped the bar top and ran off to the ladies room.
Bo watched the girl walk off, then turned to Trick. "What the hell is going on Trick? Since when does Lauren have a daughter?" She was freaking out.
"Since now, apparently. Just read the letter Bo" he nodded to the paper.
The older brunette picked it up. Reading over the words. It was saying that there were people after Shay and that they wanted her captured. Whoever wrote this, told Shay to find Bo and that Bo would be the one to help find them. "Did Lauren write this?" She asked.
Trick shook his head. "No, Tamsin did. It turns out that she has been with Lauren this entire time, she helped raise Shay. According to her" he knew that Bo wasn't going to like this. And judging by the look on her face right now, she was pissed.
"Tamsin? She's been with Lauren this whole time and didn't call me!" She was seething. Tamsin knew how much Bo wanted to find Lauren, and she had been with her all of this time. When Bo found her. She was going to kill her.
"I wouldn't worry about that right now Bo, now we need to take care of this girl. Lauren probably sent her here because she knew that she'd be safe with us. We need to help her" Trick said.
Bo sighed. Nodding her head. "Yeah, you're right. I can still plot Tamsin's gruesome death while I help this girl. No biggie. Can I get a drink please? Something strong..." she needed one. Trick poured a glass of whiskey, sliding it over to his Granddaughter who then knocked it back in one. By the time that she put her glass down, Shay was back and looking at her wearily. "… Hey"
"Are cops supposed to drink on the job?" The girl folded her arms, giving her a judgmental look. She clocked Bo's gun and badge on the way in.
Bo let out a laugh. "They do when they get information like this. So uh, did your Mom ever talk about me?" She was thinking that more than anything.
"Nope, why would she?" Shay jumped back onto her stool, drinking her root beer. She loved blowing bubbles through her straw.
"Oh I dunno. Maybe because we have a pretty massive history…" Bo was a little mad at the fact that it seemed like Lauren had totally forgotten about her. The blonde was in for an ear full when she found her. "… How old are you anyway?"
"Fifteen. It's my birthday tomorrow. But, it doesn't look like its gonna be a good one this year" the girl said sadly. She couldn't spend her birthday without her Mother and Aunt. They always did something fun on her birthday.
Bo didn't like seeing her upset. "Well, don't worry. I'll make sure that you have a good birthday while your Mom's not here" she felt like she had to do something. Turning sixteen was a big deal.
"No offence Lady, but I don't know you. How can you give me a good birthday?" Shay leaned her head on her hands.
This girl that attitude. Bo liked that. "First of all, my name is not Lady. It's Bo. And I'll have you know that I am very good at having fun. Trust me, your Mom learned from me. Everyone should have a good sixteenth birthday. And even though yours will be missing someone special, you'll have fun. I promise" she smiled.
"Can you really find her?" Shay asked.
Bo nodded without hesitation. "I'll find her"
A/N: Aww, lovely moment between Shay and Bo. How long do you think it will take Bo to figure it out? Let me know what you think and thanks for reading. Much love xoxo