Chapter: 1/?
Pairing(s): Angelus/Spike, Spike/Buffy, implied Spike/Xander
Rated: R for violence, sexual implications, and other shittyness. Oh, and the language thing.
if you do not like homosexual relationships, don't read!! if you do not like violence and mature sitches, also, don't read!! it generally ruins the point of reading a buffy fic, but ah well. it's late, and sense is not really making sense right now.
chapter one~~
Spike entered Xander's house, closing the door quietly behind him. Xander was out at the Bronze with Buffy and the rest of the Scoobs, enjoying a round of drinks and some well-deserved relaxation. Spike had been invited, but he politely declined. Ever since he had been captured by the First, he had kept more or less to himself, although he helped with the researching and fighting and the like.
Spike wandered over to the fridge and opened it, pulling out a pint of blood. He was just about to drink it, when something primal tugged at the back of his neck.
Slowly, Spike turned his head and looked at where the feeling was emanating from. Standing outside on the back stoop, blocked from entering by the glass, was his Sire.
"Angel." he murmured and walked over to the door and opened it.
"Hey." Angel said, quietly. He looked nervous… he smelled… well, nervous, Spike supposed.
"Can I come in? Something… Something's happened." he said and ducked his head in a shy, embarrassed way, that normally Angel would never do.
Spike nodded wordlessly, concerned. "Come in."
As soon as Angel stepped across the threshold, Spike turned and began to walk to the counter where he had left his blood.
"You can sit down." Spike paused to take a sip of the blood. "So, what hap-" he started to say as he turned to the sofas where Angel was supposed to be sitting, but a fist met his face, and he feel to the floor, Angel bearing down on top of him, distinctive in game face.
"What the Hell-!" Spike yelled. Angel smiled wickedly.
"Well, well, Spikey. Look who's back on top."
"Angelus." Spike said, the smell of anger and confusion replaced with fear. Angel revelled in the smell. Spike tried to push Angelus off of him, but Angelus pushed him forcibly back down. Spike winced as Angelus' nails dug into his wrists, cutting into flesh and hitting bone.
"What do you want." Spike asked calmly, trying to push back the fear for just a moment. Angelus smiled and leaned forwards, whispering seductively in Spike's ear. Spike's eyes widened, and he struggled harder, but Angelus only laughed and struck him back down.
Spike screamed in agony as Angelus beat at his helpless body.
"Oh stop screaming." Angelus rolled his eyes. "It's been a fucking two hours of pain and agony and your screaming now? What the fuck is your problem?" Angelus backhanded Spike across the face. Spike spit out blood. Angelus picked Spike up by the throat and tossed him across the room. Spike sailed through the air and crashed into the far wall, shards of glass from a lamp he had hit imbedded into his back. Spike yowled in agony as his body hit the floor, the scars from the previous tortures igniting with a fire once more. Spike curled into a ball, nerves screaming in pain, tears streaming down his face. Angelus approached him, and kicked him. Spike groaned and uncurled himself loosely. Angel bent down, pulled Spike into a compromising position, and straddled him. Spike looked up at him helplessly, eyes pleading.
"It's about time to loose some of those clothes" Angelus smiled.
Angelus smiled and left Spike sobbing on the floor of Xander's apartment.
"I'll be back, mate."
Laughter. Talking. Spike could hear the Scoobies approaching. A key entered the lock, and the door opened. Talking and laughter. Then silence.
"Oh God." That was Xander and Buffy. They had spoken in unison.
Someone rolled him over onto his back. Spike let out a hoarse, almost soundless scream as his raw skin rubbed against the floor.
"Careful!" Buffy said.
He could see them. Buffy and Xander, peering down on him, concerned. Afraid. He could smell. Damnit, all he could smell was that bastard. Giles and Willow entered his field of vision. Was Little Bit there? He hoped she wasn't.
Shit, someone was talking. His name- "William, can you hear me? Us?" Buffy asked. Spike mouthed what he hoped passed for a 'yes'.
"Who did this? Was it the first?"
Spike shook his head, and wet his lips. "Angelus." he tried to say, but what came out didn't sound remotely like a word, much less a name.
Spike tried again, and this time succeeded.