A/N: Hey guys, thank you for all the support I have been getting from my other story, "Broken Hero" which is a story you should totally check out. Anyways, on with the story!
The Muted
Disclaimer: I Do Own PJO Or HoO
Chapter 1
Percy POV:
I was currently in Montauk, with my mom and dad. I was having one of the best days of my life. We were all laughing not having a care in the world. You could even put a hurricane, and it still wouldn't matter to us, as long as we're always together. My family and I were currently in the water, splashing and kicking each other with the water. We would always laugh when the water would hit our faces.
After a few more minutes in the water, we went back to the shore. My mom and dad, were sitting down on the sand. My mom was reading a book, while my dad was reading a marine animals magazine. My parents' names were Sally Jackson and Poseidon Jackson. They both actually met at where we are playing and staying at for a while. Montauk. They were both walking along the shoreline, grieving about their pasts. After a while, they seemed to notice the others' presence. They comforted each other and eventually they got married, and after that I got born, and 5 years later, we're here now again.
Anyways, while they were reading, I was making a sand castle. After a few minutes of trial and error, of the castle always falling down, it was finally done. I then decided, I wanted to make another creation. So I sent off to work. After a couple of minutes, I finished my creation. I took a step back and admired it. A trident. Right when I was done admiring my work, my dad called me and said,
"Hey Percy, you want to get some ice cream?" I immediately nodded my head. I nodded so fast, I thought my whole head would fall off. My dad smiled at me, and told my mom to get ready and go to the car. She obeyed, and started to get up and head towards the car. I followed suit also.
When we got to the car, my mom quickly, helped me put on my booster seat and the buckle. When that was finished, my mom went to the passenger seat, while my dad went to the driver seat. My dad quickly turned on the radio, and it just so happened to be our most favorite song. We started singing so loud, some people gave us strange glances and looks. At this point, we honestly didn't care, we were all laughing and we even sang the song louder.
When we got to a red light, my dad asked,
"So Percy, want kind of ice cream do you want?" I thought about the flavors for a second before a massive grin spread across my face and said,
"Can I have mint chocolate chip plwease?" I questioned showing my trademark grin. My dad responded by saying,
"Sure pal" He said as he ruffled up my hair. At that moment, the light turned green. We quickly sped off, and we were halfway across to the other section, when a car was coming down fast to our right. He immediately passed the red light and was heading straight towards us.
"Dad! There's a car comi-" BOOM! Pain shot up at every time I moved my limbs. I frantically tried to open my eyes, but to no prevail. After a couple of seconds, I managed to flutter them open. My vision was really blurry, and my senses were yet to comeback. My head was pounding so hard, and was hurting so much. I finally got my wits together and looked around at my surroundings. I found two limp and emotionless bodies on the ground a few feet away from me. Blood was coming of the both of the figures. I then heard sirens coming towards us. I then turned my attention back to the two figures, but when I saw the first figure, my eyes grew wide and tears blurred my vision. And if that was the first figure, I had a pretty knowing guess who was the second figure. I shouted the one word of the figure before me.
I quickly woke up, panting heavily, and sweat coming down my forehead. I also noticed that there was tears coming down my cheeks as I remembered the painful memory. I quickly got up from my make shift bed, and went towards the stairs. I quietly went down the stairs not wanting to wake up my uncle Gabe. (In this Gabe is his uncle.) I mainly did this, to not get another beating from him again. Man, I wish I could run away, but he knew that I wouldn't know where to stay or get any food. But at some points, I wouldn't really care.
When I reached the downstairs, I went to the kitchen, and quickly pinched my nose to not breath in any of the alcoholic scent. I then made myself a glass of milk, and winced when I took a grip of it. I wondered at why I winced and I looked at the cuts on my arms. Realization hit me, when I noticed that the cuts were the causes. I remembered that those cuts, were the first few days with living with Gabe, when I got really depressed at life and I would start to cut myself.
I then went upstairs, with the glass of milk, and went to my bedroom. I closed the door to the bedroom, as quietest as possible to not wake him up. I finished down the milk, so fast and sighed. When I finished the milk, I thought of how messed up my life was. Of me being abused and bullied everywhere. I'm basically alone, no one in my life, would really understand me or people wouldn't want to be near me. Tears started to form in my eyes, and the idea of committing suicide was coming up in my life. I mean, no one would even notice anyway, and if they did notice, they wouldn't care. I thought of my mom and dad, of all the good times we had. More tears started to swell up in my eyes and roll down my cheeks. At that point I grabbed a razor from under my pillow, and started to cut my left arm. I don't know why, but whenever Gabe hits me, I would cut my arm, and when the blood comes down. I would relish the moment of the warm blood going down my cold arm. It sort of reminds me of the ocean and the sun.
On that note, I thought of my parents, and more tears gathered up, and I eventually cried myself to sleep hoping for a better tomorrow.