President and Vice President

Pairing: Ayano x RIse

Genre: Friendship/Romance

Disclaimer: I do not own Yuru Yuri or any of its characters.

Author's Note: (jumps and waves) Hello, everyone! My name is Yuri and here's my first Ayano x Rise fanfic! Yup! Ayano x Rise this time! Why? Well, during the series, I've noticed that Ayano interacts with Rise a bit more than the other student council members. So, I thought, "Why not ship her with Rise this time?" Yes, yes, Ayano x Kyouko may be the ultimate pairing, but hey, I'm kind of taking a break from all that.

So, please enjoy this little series~!

One late afternoon at the student council room, everyone is done organizing and cleaning up the place after the meeting and are getting ready to head home. Ayano checks the fridge to make sure that Kyouko hadn't stole her pudding like usual. But to her surprise, there are two of them in the fridge. Had she gone and bought another one yesterday? Ayano immediately shakes her head at the thought. She only bought one for today after doing the meeting.

"Chitose?" she calls while turning her head over to her silver haired friend. "Why are there two puddings in the fridge?"

"I have no idea, Ayano-chan," Chitose answers truthfully. "Did you buy another one?"

"No, I swear I bought 1 for today," Ayano says. She turns to Sakurako. "Did you buy some?"

"No," the blonde replies as she turns to the blue haired girl sitting next to her. "Maybe it was her!"

"H-How could I buy pudding at this time of day?" Himawari protests.

"If neither of you did, then who bought this extra pudding?" Ayano says as she turns to the last person on the desk: Rise Matsumoto. Surely, it can't be her, right? After all, she does spend so much time at Nana's classroom, blowing away at every experiment that could possibly test out. She decides to ask anyway.

"President?" Ayano says. "Was it you who bought the pudding?"

Rise turns to the violet haired girl and shakes her head while whispering.

"Ah, okay," Ayano says. "I guess I really did buy two puddings today. But why does it feel like I didn't?"

As Ayano ponders around that question, the door opens and the energetic blonde pops up with a cheerful smile on her face.

"Hello, there, student council members~!" Kyouko hollers. "Time to get down to business!"

Ayano angrily stands up and shouts, "There is no barging in the student council room without permission!"

"Yeah, yeah," Kyouko says while waving a hand dismissively. "Anyways, I wanted to come down here to check something."

"No, you're not getting either of those puddings," Ayano says while crossing her arms.

"Eh?" Kyouko tilts her head in confusion.

"W-wait, weren't you always coming down here to steal my pudding?" Ayano asks.

"Huh? Ohhhh~! Those two puddings!" Kyouko says as she playfully bonks herself on the head. "Well, I wanted to give you a break and buy another one for you! Just in case I can't help myself~!"

Ayano blushes hard at this. Sh-she did this for me? Then . . . does that mean . . . "W-well, if you're going to have it with me, then-"

"Oh, the second pudding is not for me this time," Kyouko says.

"Say what?" Sakurako says as she stands up to hear more.

"Huh?" Ayano is totally confused. Kyouko's always obsessed with Ayano's pudding, so why did she buy two of them for her sake? "I don't understand."

"Let's just say that there is someone that needs a little more company," Kyouko says while winking. "Someone that deserves to enjoy spending time with other people."

Ayano looks around the room at the other student council members, who are shrugging.

"Well, I'd better get going," Kyouko says. "Both of you enjoy the pudding!"

With that, she skips out the door while closing it. Himawari and Sakurako turn towards each other and shrug.

"What was that about?" Himawari asks.

"I have no idea," Sakurako replies.

With no one speaking another word, everyone finishes what they're doing and Himawari and Sakurako start to head home. Chitose picks up her bag and starts to leave the room when she turns to Ayano.

"Are you two coming?" she asks.

"Yes, in a minute," Ayano replies. "I'll catch up later."


When she closes the door, all there is left are Ayano and Rise, alone in the clean and tidy room. Rise goes over to the fridge and examines the two cups of pudding. She notices a couple sticky notes attached to them that has both of their names on them, which surprises the quiet girl. Why would Kyouko do something like this? The raven haired girl walks over, taps Ayano on the shoulder and whispers while showing her the pudding cups.

"Eh? Why does it have our names on it?" Ayano takes her pudding and takes a gander at Kyouko's hand writing. Behind Ayano's name is a note. She pulls out and reads:

"You two have a good time. Enjoy your pudding~!


"But why?" Ayano asks herself. "Why is she doing this for us? It's . . . it's not like I did anything for the president."

She then feels a tug on her sleeve and turns to notice the student council president looking at her with her ruby eyes while whispering. Ayano tilts her head in confusion as she still cannot understand Rise's quiet whispers until the raven haired girl points to a couple of chairs on the table.

"Oh, okay," Ayano says while walking with the president and the two sit down next to each other and open up the lids to their pudding.

There is nothing but silence as the two dig into their deserts. Ayano takes a glance at Rise after taking a couple bites. Though she's not sure of it, this is the first time that she and Rise ever got together like this. It made her feel a bit happy to spend some quality time with the president for once.

Rise turns to Ayano and whispers. The violet haired girl wishes she could understand her like Nana does, but couldn't, even if she tried to.

"President, I'm so sorry," Ayano says sadly. "I wish Nishigaki-sensei were here to let me know what you're saying. But . . . how can I understand you without her here?"

Rise's expression saddens as she looks down at the floor. Ayano does have a point there. How else will Rise communicate with her? This is one of the main reasons why she lacks presence and Rise dislikes it a lot. Unfortunately, Nana had another meeting to go to, leaving Rise taking care of the student council since it's her duties as president to do so.

Without warning, Rise leans in against Ayano's arm and rests her head on her shoulder while exhaling softly. Ayano's eyes widen for a bit.

"P-President? Wh-what are you doing?"

Rise doesn't say anything as she snuggles close to the vice president while closing her eyes. It takes Ayano a few minutes to realize what Rise is trying to tell her.

"President," Ayano says. "You're really enjoying spending time with me?"

Rise gives the violet haired girl a simple nod while pulling away and looking up at her.

"I see. Well, to be honest . . . I can't recall when the last time we spend some time alone together, but I'm enjoying it as well. So, thank you, President."

Rise nods and goes back to her pudding, which is half empty by now. Both she and Ayano finish their pudding within minutes and throw their cups away soon after. They take a look at the student council room and decide to make a few adjustments before leaving, in which they do within the next couple minutes.

Picking up their school bags, the two leave the student council room and Ayano locks the door. Turning to the student president, the violet haired girl hugs Rise.

"Thank you for your time, President," she says softly. "Even though it wasn't much, I had fun."

Rise returns the hug and whispers. Then, after pulling away, Rise suddenly leans in and gives her a peck on the cheek, which makes Ayano blush. Rise blushes as well for doing that without thinking and starts to walk off while waving farewell to her. Ayano slowly waves back and puts her hand on her cheek to feel extreme warmth on her face.

"I've been kissed . . . by the president . . .!" Ayano says. "Wh-why!? Why did she kiss me out of the blue!? I . . . I only love . . . Toshino Kyouko!" She gasps as she puts her hands on her mouth and frantically looks around the hall to see if anyone heard that. "KYAAAA~! NOW I JUST SAID IT OUT LOUD! OH, HOW EMBARASSIIIIIIIINNNNNNNGGG~!" She blindly runs off with her hands both on her cheeks while screaming.

A/N: Well, what do you think of this one? I decided to do a one-shot collection here since I may come up with other stories with this pairing. I don't think anyone's ever done this pairing, considering that it's uncommon for sure. But I like to test this out myself and see where this goes.

Feel free to give out any suggestions, questions or concerns and don't forget to review. ;)