Ok guys, just thought I'd let you all know that I have started writing the sequel! Even better news, I have uploaded the first two chapters of it so definitely check it out. The name of the sequel is The Forbidden Land so you should all definitely check it out. Just a warning though with how often I'll be uploading, I'm not quite sure at the moment. I'm currently going through a really tough time, toughest in my life so far, and I've just been so tense and stressed out lately that I haven't had any motivation to do anything except read, and sing. So, no promises as to when that 3rd chapter will be up, but please if you guys liked Forgotten Memories, I encourage you all to check out The Forbidden Land. Also leave a review on it and tell me what you think about it! I want to make sure you guys like the story and are able to understand it all!

For anyone who's curious, I've mentioned this before, but if you're interested in Teen Wolf, take a look at my story called Into the Void! If you like The Book Thief then check out The Boy With Lemon Colored Hair, or if you're interested in looking for some good Percy Jackson stories check out my favorite stories cause there are some good ones I've favorited.

I think that's it for now. You guys are all awesome and I'm sorry in advance for taking a little while longer to update than I usually do!
