A/N: Again, I have no excuse. I sincerely apologize for the almost two-year delay in updating. I was holding off because I got distracted with other stories and, honestly, don't have the next chapter completed yet. I'm hoping posting this will help spur my creative juices with this story and get me writing it again. If you've stuck around and waited on me to post this chapter, I can only thank you.

Disclaimer: I don't own Artemis Fowl, I just have my little broken dolls that I play with.

Zeppelins Ghost! You win the chapter title contest! Yes indeed, I am formatting the chapter titles of this story after those in the Enchanted Forest Chronicles. (Great series, for anyone who's interested.)

Chapter Six: In Which More Not NOT Specified Holly is explained and There is Some Flirtatious Comments Made

For a while, there was nothing but stunned silence. It was finally broken when O'Neill cleared his throat and looked pointedly at the woman calling herself Cerise.

"Well," O'Neill said simply. "I think I speak for most of us here when I say, what the hell is an 'Inner'?"

The fairies present had to hand it to the man. The fact that he was willing to listen to their explanation instead of immediately accusing Holly of being insane was impressive.

Cerise, who always had been much more lady-like than her counterpart, folded her hands in her lap.

"Human mythology actually speaks of Inners quite frequently. You just use a different name." She examined her nails and asked casually, "How many of you have heard of Hercules? Not that crap Disney version. The real 'myth' of Hercules."

The humans around the table looked surprised.

"Heracles supposedly was the son of the god Zeus and a human woman named Alcmene," Artemis cut in, suddenly extremely interested in what was being said. He had known some information about Inners, but this bit was new to him. "Better known by the Roman equivalent of his name, Hercules. But I believe the term you're asking if we are familiar with is demi-god or demi-goddess."

Cerise looked at him, clearly impressed.

"Quite," she said. "Only he wasn't 'supposedly' their son. Zeus and Alcmene were very real, as was their son."

She paused briefly.

"Well, Zeus is still alive and kicking, but that's beside the point." Cerise turned toward the rest of the table and continued. "Hercules was born a Child of the Gods, just as Holly is. He just happened to have human blood instead of fairy blood."

The humans gaped at her.

"As you know, a Child of the Gods is a direct descendant of a god or goddess," she said. "Within a certain number of generations, anyway. Once the bloodline becomes too diluted, those born are no longer considered Children of the Gods.

"Those who are Children of the Gods are born with Inners, a conscious mind within their own consciousness if you will," she continued. "That internal consciousness houses the power passed down from the god or goddess the Child is descended from. We're commonly referred to as Inners and are what mark an individual as a Child of the Gods."

She leaned back in her chair and smiled serenely. "And, since you demanded a Child of the Gods, we figured you'd probably want a demonstration."

"We?" Coltford said weakly. "What do you mean, 'we?'"

Cerise turned serious.

"Understand, Holly and I are completely separate entities," she explained. "Yes, we share a body, but we both have our own thoughts and feelings and so on and so forth. Her view on one issue," here she looked at Artemis and smiled coyly, "could be completely different from mine."

Artemis looked at the elf turned apparent demi-goddess and raised an eyebrow. She was referring to him — her pointed look made that clear — but on which specific issue of the many Holly had with him, was hazy.

"Obviously, you're referring to me," he said. "So I'm inclined to ask, exactly which issue are you speaking of?"

Cerise slowly smiled in a way that resembled the Cheshire Cat. "Why, you of course, you silly man."

Artemis resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "Yes, but which issue regarding me are you indicating? Our marriage?"

Cerise chuckled softly.

"That. But mostly just you in general." Here, she cocked her head to the side and studied him more closely, that Cheshire Cat grin still gracing her heart-shaped face. "Your attitude, the way you treat others, the way you react — or more often don't react — to complications. Just...you."

Artemis nodded his head slightly and smirked.

"You must be talking about Holly's feelings toward me," he said. "I think Wing Commander Short has made it rather clear to all of us how much she dislikes me. So, if your feelings don't coincide with hers, then you would have to 'like' me, for some reason you have yet to divulge."

Here, Cerise threw her head back and straight up laughed. Once she calmed, she looked back and Artemis and grinned, her eyes shining with amusement.

"True, Holly has been rather vocal regarding her dislike of you. But keep in mind, I subscribe to the 'bigger is better' mentality, while Holly tends to care more about quality over quantity." She rolled her eyes. "Who knows why that is, but she does."

Cerise shrugged. "Anyway, I don't particularly care about your reasons for doing this — to end the war, good PR, to get laid — it doesn't matter to me. To Holly though, it matters a great deal."

Artemis raised an eyebrow. To say he was marrying Holly in hopes of getting laid no doubt was a joke. God only knew how well it was going to go over when that particular issue was brought up, especially given her reaction to the idea of a simple kiss.

"To the first part of that comment, I happen to believe I have numerous qualities." Artemis smirked. "Whether those qualities are favorable in Holly's eyes, I can't say. As to my reasons for doing this, is ending the war not enough?"

The demi-goddess/elf obviously was highly amused. "Oh, it's enough alright. It's just not your only — let alone main — reason. I'm just trying to decide if it's good PR or getting laid you're more interested in."

Artemis was impressed. The fact that she was willing to call him out said a great deal about her character.

"Fair enough," he acquiesced. "However, 'getting laid' hardly is a realistic reason given Holly's thoughts regarding this entire process, not to mention her general personality."

Cerise waved his concerns away and smirked.

"Work hard, play nice — and by nice, I don't mean nice — and you'll be fine. Besides," she said sensually as she leaned forward. "Holly isn't the only one you'll have the chance to get 'close' to."

Artemis smirked back. "Yes, I'm sure I'll get to know you quite well, also. Our sparse moments together most likely will prove to be more enjoyable than the time Holly and I will spend together over the course of months."

"Oh I know they will be," Cerise practically purred as she rose to kneel on the chair, propping herself on the armrest as she leaned toward Artemis. "I promise. In fact, why don't we start the 'enjoyable' part right no—"

She froze and her whole body went tense. Without warning, a low hiss escaped her. "Bitch."

Cerise practically threw herself out of the chair in an apparent effort to get away from everyone. Clutching her head she swore violently.

When the female's voice began to fluctuate between Cerise's and Holly's, Artemis' smirk slipped from his face, his brows drawing together in concern.

After nearly a minute of cursing that would put a sailor to shame, she collapsed on the ground.

Slowly, Artemis stood and moved to where her body had fallen.

He knelt beside her and two fingers on her throat, feeling for her pulse. It was elevated and thrummed beneath his fingers. She wasn't dead, but her unconscious state obviously wasn't doing anything to dampen her internal struggle.

Without warning, her eyes snapped open and she sat up, dislodging Artemis' person. Taking in her surroundings, her gaze locked on the male near her.

Internally, Artemis sighed, although he wasn't entirely sure if it was in relief or disappointment. Her eyes were hazel once more. It was Holly.

Holly blinked and then groaned, grabbing her head as she swayed slightly. When Artemis reached out to steady her, she batted his hand away in annoyance.

"Don't touch me. I'm fine," she snapped. Grumbling to herself, she stood. "Bitch my ass. She's the bitch, the little skank."

Artemis' lips turned up in mild amusement. He was still a bit concerned, but he wasn't going to touch her if she asked him not to — not now.

He watched her closely. "Feel better?" he asked softly.

"I said I'm fine," Holly snapped again. Contrary to her words, she staggered slightly when she tried to move.

Artemis placed a hand on her elbow to keep her steady. This, only Holly could really object to.

"What part of, 'I'm fine,' do you not get Mud Man?" she growled as she glared at him.

Against his better judgement, Artemis released her.

"Let's just get through the rest of this shit," she muttered. "I'm tired and I just want to sleep."

The rest of the night went as smoothly as it could, all things considered. Soon enough the group of fairies were climbing back into the shuttle.

When Holly moved to take the controls, Root opened his mouth to object, but one look from Holly silenced him. No one else dared to protest as the best pilot in the LEP, tired as she was, took control of the craft.


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