Being next to Lars from the time she met him, Alisa witnessed feelings that made her question the human nature. Her diary was waiting for more but Lars couldn't help her this time, however…

Further explanation of the story at the end of the chapter…

IMPORTANT NOTE: I do not own anything


Alisa Bosconovitch was a girl, who was expecting from others to help her realize what the word "feelings" meant. She could feel but she wasn't able to understand how she should call this mental state she was in. These days it was usually Lars Alexandersson the one, who would help her find out…However, it was quite difficult for the man, since when you are a human and tries to explain the part of the human nature called "soul" and "feelings", you understand that even yourself don't know how to describe those…

Once his dear Alisa, as he was usually calling her, asked him about what "Hatred" was. He remembered his hands trembling, his blood boiling and his heartbeats rising in the thought of the person, who created this filthy feeling inside of him. But then…How was he supposed to explain this to her? At least his way of feeling the definition of hatred. For him Alisa was a human girl but unfortunately her body wasn't…In the end, he wouldn't be able to explain this…Somewhere in the back of his head, he thought that this was actually for the best…If Alisa didn't know of that feeling, she wouldn't turn into someone like him and not fill her soul and mind with dirt…But then, was he actually protecting her?

Thankfully, she stopped bothering…no, no bothering…more like, she stopped asking him. She, maybe, had felt it. That he couldn't help her. Alisa was always next to him. Helping him without asking for anything in return. Comforting him and making him laugh. Sometimes, she would manage to make him forget his hatred for his disowned father and make him realize the true reason he was fighting…Peace…Fighting in exchange of peace…Kind of oxymoron, huh? Or maybe ludicrous…Whatever someone would want to call it…Anyway, the last thing a person would want to learn for Lars Alexandersson would be his ideals…Women would want to learn his number and how to get into his bed and men, how he was getting women…

But a day that made everything worse arrived. That was something that even the leader of Yggdrasil wouldn't be able to handle…

"Lars-senpai?" said Alisa Bosconovitch with a shy smile on her face…

The blond man turned his head and looked at his beloved girl. He saw her as she was holding that notebook as always. He found it cute. Alisa keeping a diary. He responded to her smile by giving her sincerely one, in return, showing some of his front teeth. He put his phone inside his pocket and said…

"Alisa…What is it? Are you hungry?"

The pink haired girl raised an eyebrow… "Umm…Must I feel hungry? Didn't we eat an hour ago?"

He shook his head… "Forget it." He said… "Do you want anything with me?"


Lars watched Alisa tightening her grip on her notebook. What was wrong, he wondered? Alisa would surely tell him, if he was supposed to give her a little push. He placed his hand on her shoulder and she looked at him straight in his blue eyes. Lars sometimes didn't know how to react when she would show him this gaze. She was so innocent and sweet. Why did she want to throw herself in finding out different definition of feelings? In the days they were living only bad things were happening and only "ill" feelings had managed to sustain. Why would she want to suffer this?

"Why are you hesitating? Come on, let's talk quietly, since I believe that it's something serious for you, right?"

The young girl gave him a brief nod and followed him as he started to walk. They walked inside Lars' office in their Headquarters and he motioned for her to sit on the comfortable couch. Alisa smiled and did as Lars asked her. In the same time, she witnessed Lars doing the same. He relaxed his back on the couch wanting to make her feel less uncomfortable, even though he was as much as her, since he didn't know what she wanted to ask. He hoped something different from the "what hatred is?" thing. But he was damned unlucky…

Poor Lars…


Alisa turned to face him and opened her notebook stopping on a certain page. Lars could see that it was blank. Was she going to take an interview of him? Everything was possible with that girl…


"Alisa…" he said in reply waiting impatiently for her to talk. By the way, he really wanted to use the bathroom as well and he needed her to be fast with what she wanted…

The girl placed a finger under her chin and, finally, said… "Remember, when I asked you what hatred was?"

He nodded… "I still remember…"

"You didn't answer me…But I believe I understand why?"

"Really?! How come?"

"It's because you're not feeling any hatred, right?"

Lars rolled his eyes in the inside. Totally wrong, Alisa. Even though, sometimes he wished that she would be right. Who wants to hate? The man decided that he had to be honest with her… "Alisa…If I say "yes" I'll be lying to you and I wouldn't want that. Truth is that you got it wrong. I still can't explain it to you. I'm…I'm sorry."

She stayed silent. She got it wrong, huh? And she stood there trying to figure out the reason of Lars not being able to answer. For her, he was one of the smartest people she knew. Her father, himself and Xiao-onesan…Alisa, suddenly, remembered her friend…Has Xiao-onesan ever felt hatred?

"Anyway, Alisa…" he said trying to get her attention and she looked at him, he smiled and motioned with his hands for her to talk…

The girl nodded and placed her hands on her lap setting the notebook on the coffee table next to the couch… "Umm…I decided, since I was mistaken to not ask you further questions based on the definitions of hatred."

Lars gave her a weak smile and apologized to her in the inside… "So…" she continued… "I believe that on what I'm going to ask you now, you could answer me."

"And what this might be?" asked Lars suspiciously…

With Alisa everything was possible. His sharpness had helped him be able to read somehow a person and all that due to the requirements his job had in order to be able to deal with an opponent and how he was going to move in the battlefield. He stopped wondering when he heard her voice…

"I was thinking about…I mean…I want to fill the empty pages of my diary with this…Can you tell me what love is like?"

The man swallowed hard at what she said and blinked his eyes several times. That was way worse than the "what hatred is?" thing. What was he supposed to tell her now? The situation was very awkward…Alisa had this expectation like expression on her face and she was looking him straight into his eyes. What should he do? He didn't want to disappoint her any further. The only thing he knew was that she couldn't definitely understand his kind of love. How could he tell her…How could he…That…That he wanted to hug her, instead of placing his hand on her shoulder? That he wanted to tell her that he loved her and for her to say that she loves him, too. Instead, he was going to hear responses like: "Thank you, Lars-senpai!" or "I appreciate it and I'll do my best!"…And not for him to mention way other things…That was what Alisa would possibly give him…A rejection straight in his face. And what is worse than Alisa rejecting you? Here's the answer…Alisa rejecting you with a smile on her face…

In the end, Lars Alexandersson knew, deep inside, that he couldn't have such expectations from her. He didn't want to be by himself into a relationship, in the case of Alisa accepting his feelings. As she said that and these thoughts came into his mind, he turned to face her and smiled. He decided on two things in a blink of an eye…

"Alisa…" he sighed… "I'm a terrible man."

"Huh? Why are you saying that? You're not! You're not!" she said with a frown above her eyes…

He touched her hand but he, immediately, removed it and made it into a fist. Her previous look turned into a confused one…


The man shook his head and said… "I may know how is to love someone…but…Being completely sorry…I won't tell you!"


Lars stood up and walked to the window of his office. He looked outside and saw some of his comrades walking around the base…

"I'm not an expert myself but…I know some things. People accept, most of the times, love differently. And that's because they are different themselves. There are lots kinds of love…But as I said…People understand it, each one, in their own way."

Alisa nodded… "What kind of love is yours?" she asked and heard his giggle…

"That's my secret! If you want to find out the concept of love, you need to feel it first by yourself. Same goes with…h-hatred, as well."

"I see…" she said and looked at the floor…

"Beside me…You're not going to find out…That's for sure, since you can't understand the way a man loves. That's, also, a difference…Women and men love, for an unknown reason, differently. You must be with people, who you can be sympathetic towards them and notice the way they act when they are in that state."

Alisa frowned… "But how am I…"

Lars smiled and sat next to her once again… "Don't worry…What would you say about a vacation?"

"Vacation? Where are we going to go?"

"We're not going together. I'm invited somewhere but…about you, now…leave that to me, ok?"

"I don't know where to…"

He hushed her when he touched her shoulder… "Just trust me! I can just reassure you that you might be able to fill those empty pages of your diary."

The pretty girl smiled and stood up. She looked at him, while he was sitting on the couch, and said… "You mean that?!"

Lars stayed silent but he gave her a nod…

He had something inside his mind about how to help her and he hoped that he would be able to do as he promised her. He was positive that he would because the kind of the character, the person he wanted to ask for help, had…

Entry one: I'm going to find soon what "love" is.

Thanks for reading!


This story is completely random when it comes to the whole surrounding of the game…

A very obvious example of what I mean includes two things:

1) The devil gene doesn't exist and more importantly…

2) Jin and Kazuya are on good terms with each other and both of them are still victims in the hands of Heihachi. (Jun is alive, as well)

Alisa became friends with Xiaoyu, when the latter helped her…umm, well…find her arms. She was never created to serve Jin and the Mishima Zaibatsu and was, accidentally, found by Lars and his team.

Xiaoyu and Asuka are living together studying in the same college

Hwoarang soon becomes Lili's chauffeur and bodyguard.

Lili doesn't live with her father and works as a worldwide known model

These are the ones, I remember for now…

However, I'll do my best to keep them in character, even though, I'll change a part in Asuka's character to give a more humorous side to the story. (P.S. Do not expect from me to keep Kazuya into character. Saying that he's on good terms with his son is enough to completely change him.)

The story focuses equally to all the characters and their romance!



