Warning : the whole scene in italics contains some shoujo - ai (soft love between two girls) it's nothing explicit, but I prefer to warn you. Just skip to where the text stops being in italics, if you aren't very comfortable with that, you'll miss out on practically nothing.

To Cross-dress or Not To Cross-dress ?

Hikaru's eyes opened widely as the sunlight hit her face. She squinted her eyes and held her arm above her head as not to be bothered by how bright the light was.

'Something's not normal here...' She told herself as soon as she noticed she was standing up. She'd normally just woken up, and as far as she knew, people never -or maybe rarely- fell asleep while they were on their feet.

"Hikaru!" She heard a familiar voice call her enthusiastically. Hikaru turned around to look for the person who had spoken up.

Eventually she saw Haruhi hurrying over to her. The redhead smiled as she recognized her friend. The latter kept running until she was only less than a foot apart from Hikaru.

What was striking to the twin was how happy Haruhi looked. The natural rookie had never worn that kind of smile on her face.

'Something's clearly not right here.' Hikaru repeated to herself, even though seeing Haruhi smile like this was really endearing.

"I'm happy you waited for me." Haruhi sighed and landed her hands where her heart was located,on her chest. She gripped on her shirt as she looked down at her feet.

Hikaru tilted her head in confusion as she watched the smaller brunette. Then she spoke up without thinking.

"You told me you wanted to meet me here." The twin smiled sweetly at Haruhi, whose face went up to face her.

In fact, Hikaru had no idea what was going on but her mouth had decided to make her speak against her own will. Her mind didn't comprehend the current situation at all, and it was pretty weird to her.

It was as if she weren't her own self, but a witness of the scene that was displayed before her eyes.

Haruhi cleared her throat and winced a little. Hikaru noticed that her friend looked a little red and it disturbed her even more.

"Hikaru… I needed to tell you something..." Haruhi's voice was clearly trembling. The natural type stepped closer to the older little devil type.

The latter gulped, realizing where this was going.

'But...How?' Hikaru wondered as her heart started beating a little faster. She was becoming nervous.

Everything she would have wanted to do was to step away, but her own body wasn't listening to her mind's orders.

"What is it Haruhi?" She asked her friend, her eyes' irises glittering.

Hikaru wrapped her arms around Haruhi's back, almost as if it were instinct. The brunette replied by putting her arms around the redheaded girl's neck.

"I'm in love with you, Hikaru..." The brunette confessed as she squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for the twin to do something.

'But I'm not… Am I?!' Hikaru mentally gasped in fright. While her mind stopped functioning properly, her body seemed to just know what she had to do.

She leaned down to reach the brunette's face, making the gap between their lips smaller and smaller… till-

"I run and run a thousand miles… I am barely breathing!"

Hikaru's phone's ringtone woke her up.

She was panting and cold sweat was beading her forehead. What kind of dream was that !?

'Haruhi was... in love with me... and, I was on the verge of kissing her!?' She almost freaked out and was about to check where she was.

"...Hika...pick it up, please..." Kaoru's small grumble reassured her as she realized she was in her bedroom, with her younger brother, who was struggling against the ringtone to drift back to sleep.

The said girl eventually sat up on the mattress and yawned a little before picking up.

"Tono, what's wrong?" Hikaru asked, sounding a bit sleepy. The last action she managed to do was rubbing her eyelids before her ears were assaulted by Tamaki's scream of relief.

"HIKARU! THANK GOODNESS YOU'RE STILL HERE!" The Host Club's President sounded reassured but oh so very panicked at the same time.

He was so loud Hikaru had to hold her cellphone far from her ear as to not end up half deaf.

"Tono..." The younger twin moaned in displeasure as he was woken up once again. He shifted a little before giving up.

'I won't get any extra sleep...' Kaoru pouted as he sat up and scooted closer to his sister.

"What's wrong, big sister?" He asked as he wrapped his arm around Hikaru's shoulder. The latter shrugged, for she didn't understand what Tamaki was saying either.

"I couldn't survive while knowing both my daughters are missing!" The blond host exclaimed, triggering both twins' attention.

"What!? Do you mean that," Hikaru asked, quickly followed by her brother, "Haruhi is missing!?"

Meanwhile, Tamaki was in the Host Club Conversation Room, therefore he was on the phone with each of the hosts' cellphones, except Haruhi's and Kaoru's.

"What do you mean, Tama-chan? Is Haru-chan really missing?" Honey asked, sounding a little worried about the natural type.

"...Her family went bankrupt?" Mori mumbled, trying to keep track of the conversation.

"I told you all! I've tried multiple times to call her house's phone and even her father's not picking up! What if something serious happened to her!?" Tamaki freaked out, pacing up and down.

Kaoru sighed, still a little sleepy. He asked Hikaru to give him her cellphone.

"Tono, you can call her on her cellphone..." He advised the Host Club's King, in a very calming tone.

"Which cellphone?" Tamaki gritted his teeth because of nervousness gradually building up in the pit of stomach. "YOU MEAN THE CELLPHONE SHE'S NEVER HAD!?" He added in a higher pitched voice.

"Tamaki… You're hurting my ears. Haruhi's at Karuizawa." Kyouya eventually spoke up, relieving his best friend from all his stress.

In the end, the whole Host Club agreed on getting prepared as soon as possible to fly to Karuizawa. At least, that's what Tamaki had decided, and as his fellow hosts, they had to follow him.

After having hung up, Hikaru had buried her face in a pillow.

"What's wrong Hikaru?" Kaoru frowned as he noticed his sister wasn't very pleased with Tamaki's idea. "We're going to see Haruhi. Isn't that great?" He added, smiling bashfully.

Hikaru lifted her head up from the pillow and grimaced.

'I'm not sure I can face Haruhi after that dream...' She recalled her romantic dream she had last night starring the natural type and herself.

Kaoru wondered why his twin wasn't replying. He tapped his chin several times before leaning down to rest his head on Hikaru's shoulder.

"Is it because of the sun?" He asked, making his sister's eyes widen.

'Should I tell him the truth? Or should I just go along with that excuse?' She wondered, wincing at the thought of lying to her twin.

She wished she could tell him what was bothering her, but at the same time, she was too embarrassed about it.

'It isn't like me… But, I should probably hide the truth for now...' She frowned and sighed. Deep inside, something was convincing her that it was better not to say anything.

"Hika…?" Kaoru was starting to get really concerned.

What surprised him was how fast Hikaru eventually got up, making him fall over and hit the mattress with his back. He hissed a little in pain and sat up again.

Kaoru rubbed the nape of his neck and looked at his sister. His eyes widened as he saw she was smiling brightly.

"You're right. It's because of the sun. And..." She began, getting out of their bed. She headed to her wardrobe before adding, "I was wondering if I still had to hide my gender in Karuizawa."

The younger twin gasped as Hikaru opened the cupboard, revealing all the female clothing she owned but that she rarely got the chance to wear.

"…I'm not sure I can help you about that..." Kaoru frowned, furrowing his brows.

The Host Club members knew Hikaru was a girl in hiding. Actually, apart from the students at Ouran, and people they hadn't met yet, everybody knew.

So, was it really going to harm her if she were to stop cross dressing during their journey in Karuizawa?

A/N: I'm very sorry. I took ages to update, and this chapter isn't even as long as it usually is. I start college tomorrow, and I kind of dealt with a stressful thing that I should have taken care of before - but that doesn't interest you and it isn't an excuse, so long story short : I'm dumb.

I have two questions to ask you, people who still read this story. Plus I need to tell you that I really don' know how busy I'll be starting tomorrow. I hope I'll be able to write for an hour every evening or something...

So questions :

- For the next chapter: Do you think Hikaru should cross-dress or not? The twins are known, thanks to (or because of, however you see it) their family, especially their mother who is a famous fashion designer. If people recognize them and see that Hikaru is a girl, that might turn into some clutter.

Unless, their parents made a deal with the academy's chairman to keep Hikaru's gender a secret only inside the academy, just to fulfill their daughter's wishes.

-I know some want Kyouya x Hikaru and others want Honey x Hikaru... But unfortunately, the only pairings that I think work are HikaHaru, TamaHika and maybe KaoHika. I'd want to create a new poll, where you'll have to decide between these three.

Please tell me whatever you'd like to happen (through reviews, PM's... whatever you want), because it's been disturbing me, I don't want to disappoint anyone... And I kinda feel like it's already done, so just tell me if there's anything bothering you, if there's anything you'd want to happen etc.

Sorry for that monster and emotional A/N, but I needed to voice something out. XD

I love you all, and I thank you for reading that story. :3