
They were always together.


Yuzuha and her husband weren't often home to look after them. Thus, whenever they actually were home, the couple would usually find their children asleep, hugging each other tightly.

This image of having their two year old twins, sleeping in the same bed and pressed against each other, as they were afraid that a person would take one away from another, was only one of the adorable images the parents had of their children in their head.

Rarely, Yuzuha was home when Hikaru and Kaoru were still awake. And, even though she wanted it a lot, the two siblings always denied her the possibility for her to read them a story before sleep.

At first, it pained both parents. Because it was a sign that they weren't home enough and therefore, the twins were already locking themselves up, not trusting their own parents anymore.

But, this sadness disappeared when, one night, Yuzuha was busy, trying to cope with the sorrow of being rejected by her kids again.

Mr Hitachiin, a very silent man who could barely be noticed, even by his own wife sometimes, had heard a very young voice speaking up pretty loudly as he was wandering in the house. He had come to realize the voice could be heard through the twins' room's door.

He got closer to the door to listen to his child's speech and he smiled as he realized that the latter was reading a story to his twin.

"And they lived happily ever after." The patriarch could recognize the younger kid's voice, finishing reading.

The father couldn't help but smile, feeling extremely proud of them. Kaoru was only two years old and he had learned how to read very quickly apparently. Thus, the little boy would always read Hikaru a story. That was why the twins always denied their mother to read them a tale. He decided to leave to tell Yuzuha what he had just heard.

"I really liked this story little brother." Hikaru said, smiling brightly. The younger twin returned the smile sweetly.

Suddenly, Kaoru remembered something he needed to show Hikaru.

"Oh! Wait, Hika. I have to show you just one thing..." He stood up, searching through tons of clothes and pulled out a piece of paper from it. "Tada!~" Kaoru exclaimed proudly as Hikaru blinked.

"What is it?" Kaoru handed Hikaru the piece of paper so the older twin could see what the little boy had done.

Hikaru's eyes widened, holding the paper and read out loud, what was written, clumsily looking.

"'I love you Hikaru. We will always be together, big sister.'" Kaoru smiled as his sister read, proud that he had managed to write something on his own.

Of course, neither of them knew there were some spelling mistakes, but Hikaru had gotten the message from her brother and as she looked up at him with teary eyes, she pulled him into an almost choking hug.

Hikaru wanted to be as close as possible to Kaoru. And the feeling was reciprocated.

"What?" Yuzuha exclaimed, not really understanding anything when she just saw her children. It was their very first day of Elementary school and both twins had walked on her, wearing the male uniform.

"Hikaru, darling! Why are you wearing this? I bought you a cute little uniform!" The mother said, holding her small daughter by the shoulders. The latter looked up at her seriously as Kaoru watched them nervously.

"I-I don't want Kaoru and I to be separated at school!" Hikaru almost yelled, complaining that if Kaoru were to ever find himself alone, something very bad would happen to him. Yuzuha tilted her head in confusion, before smiling weakly at the older twin, patting her head.

"My little daughter... You and Kaoru won't be apart." She said, trying to convince Hikaru to wear the female uniform. Unfortunately, Hikaru shook her head stubbornly.

"People will treat us differently! And I don't want that!" This made Yuzuha's eyes widen a bit. As Kaoru already knew how to write and read, it seemed Hikaru already had an image of the outside world. And it was a very bad and sad image.

Yet, it was true. Nowadays, gender mattered a lot, especially in their world filled with responsibilities. A woman would maybe never be seen the same as a man.

"Okay..." Was the mother's response to that, making Hikaru and Kaoru's eyes sparkle. She smirked mischievously as she led them to the limo "Onto Ouran Academy! Since it's your very first day, Daddy and I had managed to take a day off!" She added, excitedly as the twins sat down in the limo, quickly followed by their father who smiled at them.

The parents looked at them in adoration as they saw Kaoru was tugging on his sister arm tightly.

A/N: ...

*grins creepily* YES! I made Hikaru a girl! XD (Sorry, I was having a strange moment.) Oh see the prologue's title? I was suuuuuper inspired.

So, yes Hikaru's a girl in this story, but normally you know it by the cover...which I made... again. Hikaru's personality won't be exactly the same. I'll always keep the nervous protective (obsessive if you want as well XD) and tsundere-ish persona. She'll be different. BUT, it doesn't mean that now that she's a girl, she'll be a crybaby, longing for a prince charming. NO. When I say different, it's for especially one thing:

Hikaru has canonically a very low opinion on women. Because of the girls both twins had to reject. The only thing that will change now is that, Hikaru won't despise girls. And I think she'll be more seductive (Agh what did I get myself into?! XD) and teasing, so we keep our Hikaru more or less.

Now, Hikaru can end up with whoever you want. Be creative. (Well, please... I won't really handle Benio x Hikaru... I don't know how I could make that happen) Hikaru can end up with the hosts, INCLUDING Kaoru (meaning it would be twincest) and Haruhi (so a shoujo-ai, not a yuri because I don't plan on writing lemons XD)

Also, feel free to post ideas because I-... let me rephrase that: PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU POST IDEAS! (I'll start school soon, so I'll be thinking about is maths maths maths and... sports T^T so I'll need ideas)

Oh and first: Only Kaoru knows about Hikaru's gender (and her family of course) My first question I'll ask you is, when the host club finds out:

-Does Hikaru still keep on being a host?

- OR, does she begin dressing as a girl?

I know lots of OCs stories have the main character cross dress so she can be a host. But we're talking about Hikaru. Do you think it'd still be cliché if she keeps on cross dressing or not?

That was for the story in general (yes my A/N isn't finished! XD)

For the prologue, I hope you liked it. When I was 6, I knew a pair of twins in my class, a boy and a girl. They were always together, when they're small, most twins tend to rely on each other but as the time passes, they start being independent. BUT, the independence is even larger when it's about twins of opposite sex. Because, their friends wouldn't be the same, thus not the same influences and all. See? (Well that's my opinion, you have the right to disagree.) That's why Hikaru cross dresses, she's one hell of a stubborn sister X3

Thanks for reading, and putting up with this A/N which is probably as long as the prologue itself! XD

P.S: I don't own Ouran, no flame but constructive criticism is welcome.

P.S.S: I know twins of opposite gender can't be identical but... it's fanfiction. XD