Last chapter! Hope you enjoy it and thanks for reading! :-D

And thanks for the reviews: gabyhyatt!



Sam had been browsing again and found another case, yet this time more away. "Hey Dean, I've found another case, also with ghosts. There seem to be a spooky house again. Interested?"

"Yeah, but why again?" Dean asked confused but then it clicked. "Oh. Wyatt, right. Anyway, where is this spooky house?"

"Richmond, Virginia." Sam laughed at his brother's enthusiasm. "Wow, you're very eager. What has gotten into you recently?"

Dean simply shrugged. "I don't know. The whole deal with Chris and his demons gave me energy I didn't know I had. Any infos on that haunted house?"

"Nope, but we should pay the house a visit. There we could find a diary or visit the local library to find some."

"Great idea. Let's go then but I'll drive."

Sam chuckled amused. "Sure, go ahead. By the way, Wyatt was more interested in the car. He was fascinated by it. So are you ready to go?"

"Of course. Southern kitchen here we come!" Dean grabbed his bags and ran to the Impala. The older brother quickly went in and waited for his baby brother to follow him which he did grinning. "C'mon, hurry up!"

Sam stepped in still amused. "You've become weird since your trip. Do you want to prove anything here?"

"I don't know. It's just that I'm very eager to do something."

"Whatever you say."

The brothers drove through the country until they reached their destination. Yet as soon as they were in Richmond, Dean entered a restaurant and began to order food items. When Sam stepped in, Dean's table was already filled with—a lot. Sam raised an eyebrow but said nothing.

"Oh Sammy, you should taste this! So delicious," Dean said and licked his fingers. "Anyway, where exactly do we find our house?"

"French Quarter, as I've heard." Sam looked a bit disgusted. "Ew, I hope you'll clean your mouth before we go there. Otherwise, the ghosts might flee from us!"

Dean simply shrugged. "Whatever. When do we start?"

"Midnight. Witching hour," Sam answered smiling. "So soon." He watched at his clock on his arm. "We'll be ready when you've finished your meal. We should look for a diary or anything similar since this house is old, there could be a library too."

"As always, you're informed, Sammy."

Sam rolled his eyes but his beeper went off. "Okay, show time." He opened his car door and stepped out, noticing that his brother followed. He pointed to an house in front of them. "That's it. Very old and very haunted. Ready to go in?"

Dean accepted nodding and walked forward. His brother came up with him and together they walked in. All seemed normal—until an angry ghost appeared. Both brothers quickly fired their guns and sealed the door with salt.

"I'll look for the library or the diaries or whatever I can find," Sam offered and went ahead. "Don't worry, I have my gun with me."

"Sure. Call me if you find anything!" Dean said quietly. "I'll keep them busy meanwhile."

After a long silence, there was a low whistle running through the house. Dean followed it carefully and found his brother sitting in the library and reading a diary. But he was more astonished by the amount of books here!

Looking up, Sam chuckled at his brother's facial expression. "I know. It threw me out of the loop as well when I found it. Anyway, you ready to hear the story of the house?"

"Sure." Dean looked for a comfortable place for himself and launched on a couch. "Go on or spill, Sammy."

"Funny." Sam cleared his throat and began to tell, "Well, this house was founded right after the French people landed here. It used to be a brothel with young women to service." He looked at his brother and could read his looks well. "I know what you're thinking but stay focused. One day, during Civil War, it was burned down by a soldier, yet rumor said it could have burned from inside too."

"Oh. Interesting. Does it say who might be responsible for it?" Dean asked curiously.

Sam shook his head sadly. "They didn't know which and how many people were in. Though they guessed around 20 people. Young and old. It doesn't say."

"Great. And how do we find the one now?" Dean requested in hope but his brother had no answer. "Oi. Wait a sec. We can make the ghost so furious that we'll kill him. The others are freed then."

"Not helping, I think," Sam disagreed smiling. "I may have an easier way. We smoke and see how the ghosts react. If one stops us, we can ask them who's responsible for this and poof, work done!"

"Sounds better. All right, let's smoke!" Dean pulled out some cigarettes and gave some to Sam. "Don't ask where I got them from. Just lit them and smoke!"

The two brothers began their little session with smoking and it didn't take long before a ghost appeared in front of them and stopped them. "No!" the young woman yelled afraid. "It's not right! We were killed this way."

"We know," Sam said and pushed his cigarette out. His brother did the same. "Can you please tell us who smoked in here? You'll be freed then."

The young woman looked down and cried softly. "It was the ghost who attacked you the moment you stepped in." She looked up at them shyly. "Can you really free us?"

"Sure," Dean assured her. "We'll kill him and you're free. I'm going now!" He turned around and yelled, "Yohoo! You can attack me now if you like to."

The angry ghost came up again and Dean shot several bullets of salt at him. He vanished and the other ghosts smiled at the brothers in thanks. The two Winchesters saluted and all vanished to their peace.

"Good work."

"Indeed. A good one. But now back to this fine restaurant. I'm hungry!" Dean walked out, stretched himself and went straight to their car. "You coming?"

Sam shook his head amused but followed his brother's wish. Entering their car, Dean drove back to New Orleans and his famous restaurant with his favorite meals.

Unnoticed by both, Castiel observed them and was glad that his lesson had worked so fine. The Winchester boys were back together as a team and would listen to each other in the near future. Hopefully. And now a look into the future!


Arriving at the central station in San Francisco, Wyatt and Chris were shocked to find their father standing on the platform. Looking at each other, they didn't know what to say but both hugged him still.

"I know you didn't expect me here but your mother and I thought we'd surprise you," Leo explained smiling, reading his sons' faces like a book. "So, surprise!"

"Funny," Wyatt only said. "Tell me: Are you planning anything with us?"

"No but we should go home. Your mother is very anxious to see her boys again, especially her baby boy." Leo smirked at his youngest son who blushed a bit. "Anyway, my car is waiting outside." He took two of the bags and walked away.

"There IS something going on," Chris whispered to his older brother. Out loud he said, "We shouldn't keep Dad waiting." He followed his father quickly and so did his brother.

As the car finally reached the Manor, the men of the house were greeted by Piper who smiled lovingly at them. "Hi boys, welcome home," she said and hugged her babies tightly. "How was your trip and Chicago?"

"As for the trip: interesting and Chicago: just as always," Wyatt answered honestly. "And Mom, what do you have in mind?"

"Nothing," the woman replied. "Just step in and eat something, please!" Her older son quickly did as told but Piper stopped her baby boy. "Chris, did anything happen?"

"Nothing," he repeated her words and kissed her on the cheek. "You worry too much, Mom!" He followed his brother inside.

"C'mon Piper," Leo said and guided her in. "Be happy that they're at home for once and you can mother them now." He kissed her on the head. "Then you can tell them what we've arranged. Now that'll be a surprise."

"Indeed." She kissed him back and went to her boys immediately, followed by her husband.

Later that night, the family of four sat together in their usual seats. Piper and Leo on the couch, the boys on the chairs. There was a long silence at first before Chris couldn't take it any longer. "Okay, what's going on? And the truth please."

Briefly looking at each other, the woman let her husband know that she'd be the one to explain. "All right, boys. We accepted that you needed your freedom in Chicago but I think, it's time for you to come home, back to San Francisco, for good."

The brothers were stunned and their jaws dropped, literally. "But we have our lives there! Friends, jobs, our apartment," Wyatt argued and looked at his brother for help. "What have you planned? I don't get it."

"Calm down, Wyatt," Leo cut in smiling. He cleared his throat and spoke up, "To be honest, we already got you an apartment but I'm sure, you can re-open old connections here as well. Friends and jobs shouldn't be a problem for you, I guess."

"True," Chris admitted sighing. "But why now?"

"Well," Piper began again. "Phoebe's girls are not quite ready yet to take over as the Charmed Ones and we three want to retire—for good and since you two are the eldest of the next generation, well, you can guess what I want."

Wyatt and Chris looked at each other incredulously. Okay, that was something they didn't expect—or maybe they did, a bit. The elder boy decided to speak, "I get it, I think. Still, it's a bit surprising for us. We know that you want to retire, rather earlier than later."

Chris agreed nodding. "Our cousins have kept us up to date, so we know what's going on here." He turned to his brother smiling. "Don't worry. I arranged some things already with our apartment in Chicago. It could be rented again. We can move quickly back home."

Three incredulous gazes turned to him. "Wha'?" the youngest son asked innocently.

"You're impossible!" Wyatt exclaimed, shaking his head laughing. "When on Earth have you done all this? As if you don't have enough to do already." His baby brother shot him a look which could have killed. "Never mind. When can we move in?"

"As soon as you're ready to go there," Leo said with immense pride in his voice. Looking at his youngest son, he continued, "It must be your Elder half, to have a sixth sense. Anyway, what now? We've eaten and talked." He turned to the boys again. "Anything else we should know about? Girls?"

Both blushed immediately and looked at each other in shock. "There's nothing," they said at once.

"Really?" their mother requested smirking. "Yet I believe there was. I bet this girl got you both in love but wasn't interested in you at all, right?"

The brothers shared another look but this one was sad. Something must have happened what had shaken the boys to the core.

"Boys?" Leo asked concerned, seeing their looks. "What happened in Chicago?"

Wyatt sighed and took his brother's hand for comfort and support. "Well, there was a girl and she attacked us out of the blue. We quickly found out that she was a witch as well. A Phoenix witch, to be exact and there was only one way to kill her."

"Wait. Her name is not Bianca, is it?" Piper asked afraid and grabbed for Leo's hand. "I can't believe it."

Now Chris was in shock. "How can you know her name? You haven't met her before or have you? What's going on here?"

Leo and Piper quickly exchanged a knowing look before Leo spoke up, "It's another complicated story and has to do with the other Chris who had been in the past before. Bianca was Chris's fiancee in the other timeline."

Both boys were even more in shock but not Chris obviously. He must have known something already. "I know," the younger son whispered under his breath, hoping to not be heard.

Luck was not on his side as three gazes turned to him unexpected. "We can talk about this later, please! Back on topic again, please."

"Okay son," Leo said nodding before his wife could even say a word. "Back on topic: How do you two plan to bring your things over from Chicago to San Francisco? One of you needs to be there to quit your apartment and all other stuff."

Wyatt rolled his eyes. "Thank you, Dad, for making a list." He turned to his baby brother. "You okay? Still, a question remains: Who goes from us?"

"Let me go! I need to clear my head!"

"All right. After you've done this, we four really need to talk about this," Piper said and took her baby's hand. "It'll be okay. But now your father, brother and I go to your new apartment when you orb your stuff over. Be careful with magic."

"Don't worry, Mom. I'm an expert in cloaking. With a Twice-Blessed brother, it was quite necessary." Chris chuckled amused before getting a slap on his upper arm. "Ouch. Sorry."

The mother smiled. "Boys, behave! You're not kids anymore." She looked at both her children. "It's settled then. Chris, you orb back to Chicago while we three drive to your new one and..."

"We got the rest, Mom. It's all clear." Chris waved his hand and orbed away.

The other three of the family made their way to the new apartment of the boys. Speaking with the landlord, the deal was made easily and Wyatt could send the address to his brother. It didn't take long before some furnitures came, along with many, many books—and other 'ehm' magazines.

Already within the next week, Chris and Wyatt were settled back in San Francisco, along with their old cliques of friends. Interesting and quick return! ;)

The End

Hope that satisfies your expectations and there will be some action for sure. With the other chapters it might be goody, goody and too easy but please, be kind. As said above: first crossover!

Let me know what you think!

Reviews are very appreciated!