I know it's been a long time since I last updated - sorry. I can't really think of anything to write. I've got the plot thought up in my head but I don't know how to put it in words. Anyway, I've written an April Fools' Day one-shot. Hopefully you could check it out. Without further ado, here's Chapter 18.

P.S I'm sorry that you think Musa is a bully and a bitch, cybercorpsesnak, but she's not really that bad. I guess she's just rebellious and blunt - well, most of the time she's rude. But when I wrote the chapters, I didn't really thought of her that way. Hopefully this chapter can help you see that there's a sweet side to Musa - I've been thinking about how to write this scene for a long time.

Chapter 18: New girl, new lunchmate

"Hey guys." Musa greeted the Winx and Specialists as she walked up to them with Riven following not far behind her.

"Hey, Musa!" the Winx hugged her.

"Where's Layla?" Musa asked as she looked around the group. "And Nabu?"

"It's their anniversary today." Stella chirped. "So they skipped school."

"Oh." Musa said. "Lucky them."

"They're missing a chance at learning." Flora frowned as she leaned into Helia.

"Oh, lighten up, Flo." Riven smirked as he caught up to their subject of conversation. "Its not like they missed a week of school. Its just a day."

"A day for every month equals a week of school." Flora deadpanned.

Riven rolled his eyes and leaned against the tree beside Brandon. Musa snickered.

"Its not like Layla and Nabu is failing in school." Tecna spoke up just as the bell rang.

"Junior class, here I come." Musa muttered with next to none enthusiasm.

The Winx laughed before kissing their respective boyfriends goodbye and dispersing to their classes. Musa walked with the Specialists to the junior's homeroom.

Musa tried to subtly yawn as Mrs. DeClair went on about World War 1 and how over 9 million combatants and 7 million civilians died because of it.

"Musa!" Mrs. DeClair called on her.

Musa immediately snapped her head up. "Yes, Ms?"

"I see you're bored with my lesson with the way you're slouching." Mrs. DeClair snapped.

Musa immediately straightened and put her hands neatly on top of the desk. Even if Musa was rebellious, she wouldn't dare to trigger the history teacher. Mrs. DeClair was like a ticking bomb. Nobody knew when she wouldn't go off on one of her outburst. As a result, nobody dared to make a sound when she was teaching.

"No, Ms." Musa replied.

Mrs. DeClair made a sound of disapproval before returning to her lesson while Musa breathed a sigh of relief. She hated this class since none of the Specialists was in this period with her and Layla - who was in this period with her - was off skipping school with Nabu.

When the lunch bell rang, she was one of the first ones to hop out of her seat and rushed towards the door.

Musa was heading towards the school courtyard after depositing her bag in her locker when she heard a familiar voice. She slightly changed her course of direction and entered another hallway.

"You should, like, really watch where you're, like, going. Like, always." Veronica was saying snidely to a small girl.

"Yes." the poor girl whispered.

"What's your name?" Veronica crossed her arms. Fate and Destiny was standing behind her, looking apologetic but doing nothing to stop Veronica.

"Haley." the girls hesitated as she gave them her name.

"More like Paley." Veronica sneered at the pale girl.

"Hey!" Musa spoke up as she got near them.

Veronica rolled her eyes as she transferred her gaze to Musa.

"What?" she snapped.

"Don't you have somewhere else to be?" Musa smirked. "Like, I dunno, under a boy or something?"

Veronica glared at Musa. If looks could kill, Musa would already be not 6 feet, but 12 feet under the ground by now.

"Says the slut herself." Veronica spat out as she pushed past Musa. Fate and Destiny followed behind her, not even sparring Musa a glance.

Musa brushed off her comment and turned to the girl. Haley cowered under her gaze.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you." she said in a soothing voice. "Do you have anyone to eat lunch with?"

The girl shook her head.

"No. I'm new here. I'm a freshman."

"Great." Musa smiled and took her hand. "You can eat with us."


"You'll like them. They're nice." Musa assured Haley as they headed towards the courtyard.

"Where's the girl now?" Riven snapped as he leaned against the tree.

"For the hundredth time, Riven, I. Don't. Know." Timmy sighed as he messaged his nose.

"There she is." Stella suddenly shouted as she broke off from her conversation with Bloom.

Musa was walking towards the group with a small girl in tow. Riven scowled when he realised that another person would be joining them. He always had a problem with new people and it doesn't help it when Musa invited practically every new person she met to have lunch with them. First Krystal and her stupid boyfriend, then a anti-social nerd from their Music class. One time, she even invited Destiny with them when Veronica and Fate was absent from school. Riven found out that Destiny was actually quite nice - when she's not around her friends, that is.

"Hey, girls. Guys." Musa waved cheerfully as she came to a stop in front of them. "This is Haley. She'll be eating with us today."

She gave the girl a little nudge and let her stepped forward. Haley shyly waved at them before hiding behind Musa. There was a chorus of 'Hi's and 'Hey's from the Winx and Specialists. By now, the girls and boys - except Riven - were already used to Musa practically inviting everyone on the planet to have lunch with them. The group of eleven went towards the cars after deciding what to eat and where to meet up.

What do you think? It's shorter than the previous chapters - only 890 words but still, please leave a review. See ya next chapter!