Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar the Last Airbender or it's characters.

A/N I'm back, bitches.

He was sitting across from her, eyes closed and face blank. His hands were relaxed in his lap, one cupping the other and thumbs lightly touching. His breathing was deep and even, smooth as he slowly exhaled from his nose. In this moment, he looked completely at peace. So different than he normally appeared to her.

"I know you're watching me," he said dryly, not even opening his eyes.

Katara jumped back, not aware of their close proximity until he spoke, and she scrambled into a more discreet position. Coughing to clear her throat, she replied in something akin to a squeak, "I- I, uh, don't know what you're talking about. I just got here."

His eyes open, golden and bright in the early morning sun, and he sneered humorously. "Oh, really? You've been staring at me for about five minutes. It's hard not to notice when you're such a loud mouth breather."

Affronted, Katara huffed and folded her arms across her chest. "Excuse me?"

Zuko lifted his arms above his head, stretching his back- and his perfectly sculpted abdomen, not that she was looking or anything- and he popped his knuckles before propping himself back on the palms of his hands. His single eyebrow was arched when he looked at her again, then he said plainly, "Why were you watching me?"

Katara didn't have an answer for that. In all honesty, she really didn't know why she had been observing Zuko as he went through his morning meditation. She had left her room right when she woke up and dressed herself, then headed straight for the kitchen like she always did. And now that they were at this lavish and abandoned vacation home, she was more able to keep to herself when she made breakfast for everyone. Except this morning, when she realized she woke a little later than usual and found herself walking by the courtyard with the broken fountain, where Zuko had already taken up his morning routine.

Usually she would be in the kitchen already when he would start, but today he beat her to the punch. Though Zuko still trained with Aang every day, he took it upon himself to meditate and practice some calisthenics before Aang would even wake up. It wouldn't be until after breakfast that they even attempted going into the courtyard. Yet Zuko still trained relentlessly before everyone else was up. Everyone else except her, that is.

That's why she was a little distracted when she walked by. He hadn't noticed her presence, so he had continued doing hot squats without skipping a beat. She watched him, losing track of time, as he dropped down into push ups and then back up into lunges. It wasn't until he stretched for a few minutes and then lowered himself into the lotus position that she approached. And when he finally acknowledged the fact that she had been watching.

She swallowed thickly and felt her cheeks heat, realizing that Zuko was still inquisitively staring at her. There was no accusation in his eyes, just genuine curiosity and mirth. The animosity between them was extinguished now, but something was still uneasy about being in his presence. It wasn't uncomfortable, but it was still something that kept her on edge and unable to properly focus or keep a straight head. It was unnerving and she hated it.


"I... I-I guess I was just wondering what you did every morning," she stumbled, breaking their locked eye contact to glance at the stones beneath her knees. "I always see that you're awake when I'm making breakfast. I just never knew what you did."

Zuko hummed, seeming to accept her answer, when he stood and bent over to touch his toes. Katara looked up when he straightened his back- popping it loudly in the process- and stared down at her.

"Wanna spar?"

She gaped up at him incredulously. They hadn't fought since Ba Sing Se, at least physically. The thought of going head to head with him, although very tempting, was probably not the best of ideas. She had to make breakfast and start laundry. Though no one else would be up for at least another hour, so she could waste the time fighting with Zuko. Who was, at the present time, standing above her; shirtless and dewy with a thin sheen of sweat. The morning sun was beating down on them already, probably causing energy to thrum through Zuko at such an alarming amount that he was most likely buzzing in his place. It was no wonder he would wake right when the sun would rise. He would be so energized that he would just have to release some of the tension right when he woke up.

The thought of releasing tension with him also sounded very tempting.

With a shrug, Katara stood and replied, "Sure. Any rules you want to lay down before we start?"

Zuko grinned- that lopsided little smirk that made her heart do a tiny jump- and he bounded over to the other side of the courtyard. He obviously was way too excited for this. "No knockout moves, loser is the first to get hit and knocked to the ground."

Katara popped her hip, grinning as she cupped her chin and added, "Loser cooks breakfast?"

He stared at her for a moment or two, a smile slowly growing larger on his lips. "Deal. You ready?"

She nodded, sinking into her most comfortable waterbending stance, and waited. She was internally thankful that there were large stone resins of water on the edge of the courtyard, courtesy of Toph, because now she would be on even ground with her opponent. She just needed to get him down before it all evaporated from his fire and the summer heat.

Zuko struck first, sending a barrage of fireballs in her direction. She dodged to the left, swinging her arms wide to bring an arc of water barreling towards the firebender opposite of her. When she rolled to her feet, Katara pulled some of the water to her hands and cloaked them thoroughly. Zuko was sprinting around her attack and heading straight for her.

Leaping into the air, Zuko kicked out a few more blasts of fire that Katara quickly snuffed out with a wave of water in front of her. Right as the water steamed away, Katara barely had time to block the punch heading straight for her face. Quickly she parried it and they were soon in a battle of fists. Zuko was fast, nimbly countering any of her attacks and still managing to get his own in without breaking a sweat.

Before Katara could act, Zuko ducked down and away from her elbow, then thrust his leg up in a forceful kick. She thankfully blocked it with her forearms, but was sent flying across the courtyard. The last thing she saw before closing her eyes was Zuko leaping up from his place on the ground and jumping towards her. Soon, they collided and Katara felt herself plummet towards the ground with him pushing her down.

He landed on top of her, pinning her wrists above her head and pressing his hips down on hers to keep in her in place. Her breath came out in a whoosh and disorientation swept over her quickly. Katara knew her head didn't hit the ground because she was still conscious and there was no pain. In fact, it felt like it was cushioned on something much softer than the ground.

"Are you okay?" he breathed above her.

Katara opened her eyes to see him close enough that their noses were almost touching and he was looking down at her with worry, panting as he caught his breath. Something lightly scratched against her scalp and it was then that she realized that it was Zuko's hand. He had made sure it didn't hit the ground as they fell. Her eyes widened and locked onto his, hypnotized, as her mouth opened- making that soft 'o' of realization- and she nodded.

He smirked when he saw her nod, his entire demeanor instantly changing back to the playful and cocky side he was showing just moments beforehand, and leaned a little closer- close enough for their nose to barely graze each other- and whispered, "Yield."

As fast as her heart was racing with exhilaration and anticipation, Katara could help but herself sag with defeat. She knew that he beat her, loathe that she admit it. He had gotten so much better than their last battle. Maybe it was his training with Aang, or perhaps it had to do with the new inner peace he held. Regardless of the reason, he had beat her fair and square this time. He truly was becoming a master.

It was exciting to think about.

Zuko's grin grew as she shrank away, knowing that she was admitting defeat, and as he went to get off of her his hips accidentally pressed into hers. As soon as that happened, a spark of something incredibly intoxicating and unheard of washed through her, causing her to gasp and press her chest against his- all out of her own will. Zuko bit back a breathless groan at the same moment and they both froze. His eyes went wide, comically so, and she saw his throat bob as he swallowed.

Everything went into sharp focus, from the smell of Zuko's musky sweat to the sight of his golden eyes wide with the unknown. Her body was buzzing now, waiting for him to move again so she could feel that pleasurable little friction that seemed to make her mind whirl senselessly.

What exactly was this?

Time was halted as they waited for the other to move. Katara had no idea what had just happened, but it ignited something inside of her that she just could not explain. Even if she knew what just had happened to either of them, she still couldn't put into words what it was.

Frankly, that was much more terrifying than their new friendship. Now, that seemed like sleeping when it was pitch black outside with no fire.

Zuko looked as if he knew though, the way his eyes widened and his jaw went slack. His eyes kept darting around her face, settling on her eyes and occasionally on her lips- which excited her more than she would care to admit.

It was him who broke the trance first and moved away, with more haste and care than she wanted to see. He looked away and sat back on his knees, giving her space to sit up without being too close. He rubbed the back of his neck as he mumbled with embarrassment, "Sorry. I shouldn't have... Sorry..."

She was sitting up when she asked as innocently as she could, "What do you mean?"

Zuko's mouth was agape when he snapped his head in her direction. To her, he looked like a fish out of water as he stared at her in shock. Her body flushed under his gaze and she felt that excited tug under her navel again. She couldn't stand being under the glare of his scrutiny, so it was her turn to turn away. That must have done something that Zuko didn't like, because she heard him exhale heavily and then stand.

"Forget about it," he said under his breath as he bolted inside, leaving her by herself.

Katara would have went to follow him, but the sound of her brother's shrill cry for food brought her back to reality.
