Hey finally decided to upload this thanks to A Sleeping Demigod who sent me an incredible review that was just so damn funny, Thanks man! Anyways most of you probably won't read this until the 1st, but whatever hope you enjoy this chapter and I wish you all a Happy New Year.

As always I do not own the Legend of Zelda or Fairy Tail they belong to their own respective owners.

Chapter 3

The four of them had been traveling together for roughly two weeks with still no town or settlement in sight but they didn't really mind. They had actually grown fond of each other in those short two weeks and enjoyed each other's company. They even learned a little bit about each other for one Link was actually a pretty good cook, Wendy was raised by a Dragon and she was taught a special kind of magic called Sky Dragon Slayer magic, and Jellal was once someone of great importance. Epona had even warmed up to the other two especially Wendy who was now currently riding on her back with a big grin on her face.

It was at this same time that Jellal had sense something in the distance that sent a chill down his spine. "The Anima" He whispered to himself but once again Link had inadvertently heard it and had signaled Epona to take Wendy out of earshot as he made his way over to question Jellal.

"Anima? Jellal what is the Anima?" Link asked while he stared at him with a curious look..

"W-wha, it's nothing." He stuttered trying to play it off as nothing but was obviously shaken by the surprise question.

"Really Jellal these ear's aren't just for show. Now what's this 'Anima'?" He asked "Does this have anything to do with your mission?" He added. Jellal wanted to drop the subject as quickly as possible but from Link's tone and the look in his eyes he knew that was gonna happen to he relented.

"Alright I'll tell you but what I tell you is the truth understand?" Link gave him a quick nod and then he let out a sigh "I'm not from this world I'm actually from an alternate dimension known as Edolas." He paused to take a quick look at Link expecting to see disbelieve written on his face but he was just calmly listening, he didn't even seem fazed by this sudden revelation. "In my world magic is a natural resource and it'll soon lose all of it's magic unlike here where they have it in abundance. The 'Anima' project was originally supposed to be a way for our world to replenish it's magic supply by taking it from another world namely Earthland and I fully intend to stop it."

"But if this world is full of magic energy isn't it alright to take a little to maintain the magic in your world?" He asked. "That can't be the whole story there has to be more to it."

"And there is, you see in my world magic is the source of the problem. Since we have a limited amount to work with the King of Edolas Faust wants to hoard it all for himself, in order to do this he has been destroying every magic guild in Edolas. The reason why I must stop it is because Faust won't just stop at replenishing the world's magic supply, he fully intends to take all of Earthland's magic so he can have an infinite supply of magic." He paused for a moment before continuing. "I want to stop the Anima and drain Edolas of all it's magic so that we can start anew." He was waiting to hear Link proclaim he was insane but it never came and when he looked at him he saw that he was thinking over all the new information he just heard. Jellal wondered whether or not he believed him but it was so hard to tell with him as his face was calm and stern which made it impossible to tell.

"I see well that makes sense now. Well then let me help." He asked

Jellal's eyes widen at this. He never expected anyone to believe such an outlandish story it was all true mind you, but to hear such a story from a kid sounded more like fiction than reality "Really how do you know I wasn't just lying?" He asked

"Jellal while we've only known each other for a little over two weeks I've always been a good judge of character and I could tell you meant every word." Jellal was honestly surprised at just how much faith he had in him and the next words that came out of his mouth left him speechless. "Besides you're not the only one from a different dimension" He added as he continued to walk forward.

Jellal was planted where he was eyes wide and his mouth completely open. "W-what?" He stammered as he ran to catch up to Link. "What do you mean?"

"Hmm it's as I said I'm not from this dimension." He said calmly but began to elaborate when he saw Jellal wanted an explanation. "I hail from a land called Hyrule it's much like Earthland in many ways but also different in others. Unlike you however I didn't come to this dimension to put an end to a tyrant but had come here in search of a friend."

"A friend?" He asked

Link nodded before continuing "Yes her name is Navi, she was my companion on my first journey through Hyrule but after it ended she just up and disappeared and ever since then I've been trying to find her."

"Hmm I seeā€¦ wait first journey how long ago was that?" he asked

"Hmm I'd say two years ago. Why?"

"Two years ago! Just how old are you?"

"Eleven." He answered flatly

"But that would mean you were nine on your journey! Why would your parents let you go alone." He remarked as he feared the worst.

"I don't have any parents nor do I have any recollection of them they died shortly after I was born." His face showed no signs of sadness he was actually fairly calm when he said it.

"I'm sorry I brought it up" He apologized. He felt like a complete asshole.

"No harm done you didn't know." He said brushing it off. "Anyways how can I help"

Jellal was surprised at the sudden change of topic but quickly regained his composure. "Well if you insist there are multiple dormant Anima gates scattered across Earthland and there's no telling how many more will appear or when they will open but in order to stop the Anima we need to find those gates and seal them before they cause any considerable damage to Earthland."

"Alright but how will I know when I find one and how do we go about closing them?" Link asked

"Well are you able to sense magic?" He asked to which Link just nodded. "Well than you probably already felt a gate open back there" Once again Link nodded in affirmation that he did sense it. "As for closing them I'm not entirely sure before I left Edolas I took this book from the King's library that details every aspect of the Anima." He said as he took out a thick black book from his pack. "The only problem is Faust had the Anima created with the intention of keeping them open indefinitely and even if he knew how to close it only a select few would know it, but I was hoping to find someone here who could help me figure it out."

"That's quite a gamble but alright then and what about Wendy?" Link asked

"We can't take her with us we might just end up putting her in danger." He replied

"True then I suppose we'll just have to continue traveling together until we find a village to leave her in." He added. He didn't like the idea of just leaving poor little Wendy with some stranger after she had just gotten attached to them, but it had to be done.

"It's our only opti-" Jellal was about to say when he heard Wendy scream and when they turned to see what had happened they saw her on Epona running away from a giant green gorilla-like monster. Both of them had sprung into action Jellal had begun to cast a spell using his stave while Link pulled out his bow from inside his cloak earning a look of confusion from the blue haired male but quickly dismissed it as it wasn't the time. Link had quickly loaded an arrow and shot with such precision that the arrow lodged itself into the gorilla's left eye earning a cry of pain from the beast but also pissing it off in the process.

"ARGHHH! Kid you're gonna regret that!" The beast screamed but before he got a chance to charge forward he was struck by a blast of magic from Jellal sending him into a tree badly wounded and groggy but still unwilling to give up. He was making his way back up but then he felt a sharp pain on his chest and saw a large gash across it where a tremendous amount of blood was seeping out. Dazed and groggy he was unable to comprehend what was going on around him, but he was soon brought back to reality when he noticed the blonde haired child was standing on his chest with a sword pointed at his neck.

"Leave now or I'll end your life here and now." He proclaimed with a terrifying look in his eye that said he meant every word. Under the boy's gaze the gorilla began to sweat bullets and he literally began to fear for his life at least until realization struck him. Why was he afraid of some kid when he could easily crush him with one hand especially when he was so gracious to get well within striking distance.

The beast began to laugh but it didn't seem to faze the kid who was still waiting for his answer until he raise his right fist to strike the blonde. "Die kid!" Was all he yelled.

"Link watch out!" Was all Jellal was able to say before Link was struck but the unexpected happened as Link burst into a cloud of smoke leaving everyone baffled at what had just happened.

"Ahhh!" Was the next thing that could be heard as the youth appeared out of thin air as he plummet down on to the creature and plunged his sword into his heart ending him. He backflipped off of the corpse and with one quick motion he flicked the blood off of his sword before sheathing it and making his way back to Jellal who had just recovered from his initial shock when Link burst into smoke. "Well that takes care of that." He said still with a cold look in his eyes that sent a shiver down Jellal's spine before it soften to his normal gentle hue. "Is Wendy alright?"

"Y-yea" Was all he could mutter at first before voicing what was on his mind. "That was impressive but h-how did you do that I thought he struck you."

"Oh you mean when he hit my shadow clone"Jellal was confused by what he said but slowly nodded his head. "It's a technique that uses a small amount of my magical energy to create a copy of myself. I had to use it since I didn't believe he would just leave quietly."

"But if you didn't believe he would just leave why didn't you just kill him then and there?"

"I don't like killing especially if there's a chance it can be avoid, but if necessary I won't hesitate." He said with an unwavering conviction in his eyes.

The two continued to stand there in silence for a few moments longer and Jellal had thanked whatever gods were out there for sending him a great ally. They were soon broken from their silence when Wendy came running towards them with tears in her eyes with Epona walking right behind as she brought them into a tight embrace. "A-are you.. both ..o-okay" She just managed to get out through her sobbing. The two older boys shared a glance before offering a wide smile and a nod at Wendy that put her at ease.

"We're alright Wendy but we're more concerned about you." Link replied

"I'm okay I'm just glad you're both okay." Her voice was sore likely from all her crying

"We better get moving we don't want to get into anymore trouble." Jellal said and the two nodded in agreement.

Link had taken Wendy's hand in his own and began guiding her over to Epona and was helping her up right after she casted Troia which was a spell that allowed her to combat her motion sickness which was a negative aspect of being a dragon slayer. He noticed some gray clouds overhead. "It's gonna rain soon." He announced loud enough for everyone to hear and at the same time he took off his cloak revealing the clothes underneath and putting on Wendy to protect her from the coming rain.

Jellal had looked at Link honestly confused because he found no mask or even any indication that he had a bow at all. The only thing he had on his back was a sword and shield that looked a little big for his size and some pouches on his belt. He had believed they were hidden within his cloak but no, perhaps he used magic but then why was there a need to put it in his cloak unless the cloak itself was magical. As he looked at Wendy now with the cloak around her body and saw she didn't show any indication of the cloak having any magical properties, it was just a regular cloak. This kept eating away at him as he wanted answers until finally. "Hey Link where's your bow and arrows and your mask?" He asked hoping Link would tell him.

"Hmm oh I keep them all stored in here." He said pointing towards the pouches around the belt. "You see these pouches are enchanted to store any number of things no matter the size or weight and still remain weightless." He explained as he took out two dark blue orbs out of the pouch that were easily twice the size of the pouch and handed one to Jellal who quickly found out that while not heavy and probably weigh around 1 pound that carrying enough of these orbs could really impede one's movement. "In case you're wondering that's a bomb you're holding." The mention of this object being a bomb caused Jellal's eyes to widen and wonder why would he be carrying around explosives.

"Why do you have these?" He asked.

"In case I need them." He answered so casually that Jellal almost fell over. "Now we better get moving before we get caught in the rain." He said as he took back his bomb and grabbed Epona's reins and walked down the dirt path. Jellal let out a sigh due to Link not really answering his question and it was best to find shelter before they were caught in the rain.


Link's prediction had come true but fortunately they had found a village and had decided to take shelter in a nearby barn. Wendy had already fallen asleep huddled up next to Epona who was also resting and using link's Cloak as a blanket for warmth. Link and Jellal weren't in there however as they were in the downpour and were wearing some spare cloaks Link had stored in his pouch. They were currently exploring the village to see if there were any inhabitants but to no avail at least until they saw some light in one sole building in the center of the village. They made their way over there quickly and noticed that the building resembled a cat everywhere from it's windows to it's entrance and it even had paws at either side. They took a look inside to see a room painted a light green with a single wooden table and chair, there was also a bed to the side. The room was empty but it was clear that someone lived here. "Is anyone here!?" Jellal called out hoping to get a response and thankfully did when they heard movement coming from the door to the left of the room.

From the doorway came out a short old man he was very slender with a big beard that covered most of his face it reached all the way up and connected with his eyebrows. On his head he wore a feathered headpiece and around his neck was a necklace made up of several large teeth. On his arms were golden bangles on his biceps and bandages around his forearms merely for decoration. On his legs was a gray kilt over brown pants with a bunny-like tail behind his back and on his feet he wore simple light brown shoes. "Hmm how may I help you?"

"My name is Link and this is Jellal" He said pointing at himself and then Jellal who had his hood still on while Link kept his on. "We were caught in the rain and are currently taking shelter in a barn at the edge of the village." He then pointed to the barn at the edge of town. "We wanted to know if you could possibly spare some food and blankets to keep us warm."

"Hmm I understand but wouldn't it be better instead if you stayed here it's warmer and it'll save you the trouble of going back out in the rain." He said with much kindness in his voice.

"Thank you Mr..?" Jellal asked remembering that he hadn't learned the man's name yet.

"Roubaul. My name's Roubaul" He replied

"Thank you Mr Roubaul we appreciate your generosity but.." He paused as he felt another Anima gate appear in the distance and turned to Link for confirmation and contemplated what his next move should be until he looked back at the Roubaul and an idea came to him. "Roubaul we have a little girl traveling with us and I wish to know if we could leave her in your care?" His question caused both Link's and Roubaul's eyes to widen.

"May I ask why?" He asked wondering why he would trust a complete stranger to care for a little girl. It was at this time when he noticed Link's eyes flash a quick red but shrugged it off as his eyes playing tricks on him

"Link and I have something we must accomplish and we fear that if we take her with us we may very well put her in danger." He replied

"I'm sorry but can you explain what you must do?" With this Jellal took a quick glance at Link to which he nodded . Jellal began to explain who he was and where he came from along with what his mission was. Roubaul just merely stood there taking all the details in at first it sounded like a child's rambling but after many years he learned when someone was telling the truth and when someone was lying and his instincts told him that every word coming out of the child's mouth was the truth. "I see and what about you did you come here for the same reason?" He said looking at Link

He shook his head before answering. "No. I also come from a different dimension but I came here in search of my friend Navi the fairy." The sudden reveal of his friend being a fairy caught both males by surprise. For Jellal he knew that Link was looking for his friend but never expect her to be a fairy and as for Roubaul he was baffled because all this time he believed fairies were just myths, just creatures from a story book but to hear they actually existed was incredible granted this fairy was from a different dimension but even still just to know they're actually real was enough. "But I will be helping Jellal in stopping the Anima." He then added.

"I see but you're both children and I can't very well in good conscious let you go." He said but it was at that moment he noticed the look in their eyes. Jellal had a firm determination, it was a look that told him he would not back down and would go no matter what while Link's surprised him, in his eyes was something he had never saw in someone so young. He had the look of a season warrior one who's been through hell and back it was a look that he had only seen in a few warriors. He had wondered what had this child gone through to get eyes like that but realizing that they would still go either way he let out a sigh. "Alright take me to the girl."

"Thank you" Jellal replied as he bowed his head.

The three of them then proceeded to walk out of the house and walk to the barn. While walking a question popped in both of their mind that Link decided to voice. "Roubaul are you the only one in the village?" He asked to which the elderly man nodded with a grim look on his. "Can you tell us what happened?"

"I'd rather not talk about it." It was clear by the expression on his face that whatever happened to the village pained him greatly.

They walked the rest of the way in silence until they reached the doors to the barn. Jellal pushed open the doors and they gave a slight creak in protest but once they were fully open it revealed a young girl peacefully sleeping curled up next to a now fully awake little filly. "So this is her?"

"Yes we shall leave her in your care. Link it's time we leave." He said

Link was staring at Wendy's sleeping body and noticed how at peace she looked compared to how scared and full of grief she was when they first met. When her foster mother left she was probably feeling alone and scared. She reminded him a lot of himself when he first left the Kokiri Forest once the Great Deku Tree had died. He was confused and scared in a world he didn't understand, but even when he wanted to break down and cry Navi was always there to keep him together, to encourage him to go on, and to face his fears. He recalled how happy and energetic Wendy was when they began traveling together and it pained him knowing that once they left she would feel the same he once did while she would have Roubaul it wouldn't be the same she'd wake up to find them gone and left with a stranger. She'd feel abandoned and unwanted by the people she felt cared for her and even began to consider family. "Jellal I'm staying with Wendy." He said firmly

"What! Are you sure?" Link nodded in response. "But why? I thought we were going to do this together."

"And we will, but right now Wendy needs me more than you need me." He said. "How do you think she'll feel when we're not here. She'll feel abandoned and scared like when we first met her. I don't want to see her go through that pain again so I'll stay and help her adjust to life here and then I'll follow after, besides you don't know how to close the gates yet so when you find out how just send for me." He finished sounding firm in his resolve.

"I understand my friend once I know how to close them I'll send for you." He said and held up a hand which Link took into a firm handshake.

"Thank you Jellal. I wish you luck in your endeavors and may the Goddesses watch over you." Jellal nodded in return before they let go and Jellal left. Link waited for Jellal to get out of earshot before turning to face Roubaul "Now then Roubaul what are you?"

The nature of the question surprised him "What do you mean?"

"Back in the your house I used a technique called the eye of truth" Link said. "It allows me to see things that normally people aren't able to see and when I used it I was able to see that you were nothing but an illusion, now tell me what really happened here." He added now originally Link could only do this with the help of an item called the Lens of Truth but ever since he first learned it was possible to acquire it through training he had asked Impa during his time in the future where he learned it was possible through meditation. From then on every so often when he had free time and when he stopped to eat he would meditate but he hadn't had much luck at least until he was nearly finished with his training with Impa was he able to use it granted with a lot of effort. Also due to exposure with the lens of truth he was able to accomplish what took others years to do and as he continued to practice it, it only got easier.

Roubaul was honestly surprise that someone was able to see through his illusion especially a child. "Alright." He said as he began to explain.


It's been six months since Link and Wendy had settled into Ordon village, at first it was hard to adjust and there were many times where Wendy woke up in the middle of the night due to nightmares about everyone leaving her and Link took it upon himself to design a book called the Hero of Time, he wrote the tale and even did some decent illustrations and read it to her whenever she had trouble sleeping. It honestly helped her to be brave and it even helped him because while he accepted that he was never recognised for what he did for Hyrule he hadn't realize how much it was eating him alive. Writing the children's book made him feel great to finally get it off his chest, to tell his story and while he never referenced himself directly it didn't bother him. Perhaps one day he would write a more detailed record of his adventure.

To help Wendy adjust Roubaul used his magic to create fake villagers to make Wendy feel at home. It came as such a surprise to Link at how life-like they all were, each one had their own physical body and personalities. Roubaul had even went as far as creating a magic guild call Cait Shelter which Link and Wendy were both a part of.

While Wendy missed Jellal and had cried she still had Link, Epona and Carla whom they had found and hatched a month and a half ago. Carla was strange to say the least, she was a white haired kitten, with pink ears and brown eyes but what was strange about her was her uncanny ability to speak, walk on two legs, and could even use magic mere moments after she hatched. When they first met her she seemed very reserved and even tried to leave the village once but Wendy managed to convince her to stay.

The four of them lived in a house it was small but big enough for all of them to fit in comfortably, it was at the edge of the village right next to the barn where Epona stayed. Link even began to raise some wild goats he'd domesticated when he was in the Worth Woodsea with the help of some of the villagers.

It was late in the morning, the sky was a deep blue with only a few clouds in the sky and it was fairly warm out. The whole village was already awake going about their daily routine except for one dragon slayer who had just so happened to sleep in despite all efforts to wake her. It wasn't until the sweet smell of bacon enter her nostrils did she begin to stir before getting out of bed and making her way to the kitchen where she saw Link in his white apron finishing up breakfast while Carla was setting the plates.

"Good..*yawn* morning." Wendy greeted groggily

"It's about time you woke up! My goodness child what will we do with you!" Carla scolded

"Sorry" She responded sheepishly

"C'mon you two eat up before the food gets cold" Link interjected having already taking his place at the table and began eating his food comprised of scramble eggs, a few strips of bacon and pancakes. The two soon took their place at the table and began to chow down.

They were in the middle of enjoying a pleasant breakfast when a knock was heard at the door. Link went to go answer it and when he opened the door he was greeted by Roubaul. "Good morning Roubaul. How are you doing today?"

"Fine Link and what of you and the girls?" He asked.

"We're fine so what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" He inquired

"This." He said before revealing a package. "I received it this morning and it was addressed to you I guess you know what this means."

"Yes and thank you for bringing it to me" He responded as he took the package and opened it. Included in the package was a letter from Jellal, a map of where they would meet. The letter read as followed 'Hello Link how have you and Wendy been? I've been doing good. Anyways, it's taken awhile but I've finally figured it out with the help of Makarov Dreyar the guild master of Fairy Tail. Inclosed in the package is a map of where you can meet me. Hopefully this gets to you as soon as possible since it took me a while to find the location, we really didn't think this through.' Before he turned back to Roubaul he noticed that the letter was dated two months ago. His eyes widen for a second before turning back to Roubaul. "Once again thank you and sorry to ask this of you my friend but can you take care of Wendy and Carla in my absence."

"Yes of course you needn't worry." Roubaul replied with a smile.

"Thank you. Now if you'll excuse me I have to prepare." Roubaul nodded in response as he headed back to his home. Link closed the door and headed back to the kitchen. "Alright girls I have to go somewhere and I'll be gone for a while." Once these words left his mouth Wendy's face lit up with shock and a feeling of anxiety in the pit of her stomach.

"W-why?!" She cried as tears began to form in her eyes. "I-I'll come with you!" She said obviously scared of Link leaving her. While she did have friends and people who cared for her in the village Link was like the brother she never had. He was there for her, taking care of her, encouraging her, and helping her with her problems.

Link shook his head to imply she couldn't come with him. "Sorry Wendy but it's too dangerous to take you with me." He said as he made his way to Wendy and brought her into a tight embrace while wiping away her tears. "I'll be back I promise." His voice was gentle and soothing and put her at ease. In the corner of his eye he noticed Carla floating quite awkwardly while looking at the pair. He had on a smirk of amusement as he reached out and brought a surprised Carla into their hug that earn a 'hmph' and a blush from the small kitten. While they only knew Carla for a little over a week she was a welcomed addition to their little family. But they soon broke the embrace since Link had to get ready.

After some time had past he was finished packing and saddling up Epona they now stood at the edge of town. He was in his usual attire green tunic with a white undershirt, gray pants, black boots, his floppy green hat and his Sheikah cloak. The whole village which comprised of Rusl the local swordsman, his wife Uli the local teacher, their five year old son Colin, Fado Link's ranch hand, Jaggle and his wife and kids, Hanch, his wife Sera and daughter Beth, and lastly Bo the deputy mayor and his daughter Ilia were there to see him off excluding Wendy who was probably too sad to come and Carla.

"Link listen." Rusl a moderately tall man with dirty blonde hair and a scruffy beard spoke to him. "Take care of yourself and don't do anything stupid and remember to come back safely." He said as he walked up and gave Link a firm handshake. Soon the rest of the village came up to him to wish him luck on his journey until the last person left was Ilia. Ilia was a girl around Link's height and age with dirty blonde hair and forest green eyes.

"Link.." She started but quickly became hesitant. "Be careful and remember to come back." She said with downcast eyes as she stood there. Many of the villagers knew how quite taken she was by the young man ever since she first met him.

"I will don't worry." He replied in a soothing tone as he looked upon Ilia." Can you do me a favor and check in on Wendy and Carla every so often while I'm gone?" He requested

"Sure." She answered quickly lifting her gaze to me his.

With a quick thanks and hug Link mounted Epona and began to leave wishing that Wendy and Carla had come to send him off. Once he got far enough at the edge of the village he casted Farore's wind in case of emergencies if he ever needed to return home in a hurry. He continued forward to his destination unaware of two distinct figures following not to far behind.


They had been traveling for two days now and had only gotten halfway there even with Epona going at full speed they were honestly surprised at the size of Fiore it was bigger than Hyrule but that didn't mean Hyrule was by any means small it was a massive kingdom and he was glad that he had Epona in the future or his quest would have taken forever.

The two continued until they heard arguing nearby. It was hard to hear at first and was muffled by the strong wind, but they sounded familiar to him. His need to find out what was going on and to figure out why they were familiar drove him to get closer to inspect what was happening. The closer he got the clearer the voices got until he was close enough to make out the two voices.

"We should head back Wendy Link said he would be back!" A familiar condescending voice said what was weird was this person knew him. Link had a strange feeling of dread that he knew who this person was. "No way Carla you can go back if you want but I'mma keep going!" Said a young girl who sounded like she may have been on the brink of tears. His suspicions were confirmed when he reached their location and saw Wendy and Carla standing there or in Carla's case floating there looking really angry at each other.

"What are you two doing here!" He yelled in complete shock as he couldn't believe what he was seeing. The two girls turned to him with equal shock completely unaware that he was there.

"Linkkk!" Wendy cried as she ran to hug him with tears streaming down her face. He wrapped his arms around her in order to comfort her and then he noticed how ragged and disheveled her hair and clothes were with a few leafs and twigs sticking out of her hair. Looking over to Carla he saw that she fair better but her fur was still dirty and she looked tired.

He wanted to scold them for disobeying him but decided against it after seeing their condition. He knew he had to take them back to the village but they both looked like they could use a break. Letting out a sigh he began to speak. "Look you two I told you to wait for me to return and you shouldn't have followed me it's dangerous out here. I'm gonna have to take you back to Ordon." The two girls hung their heads in shame as Link began to reprimand them. "But, we'll worry about that later for now let's take a break." He finished softly with a bright smile on his face to which Wendy and Carla responded to with a smile of their own as they followed him to where Epona was waiting for him at the side of the road.

It was currently mid afternoon and the four of them were happily eating their lunch. Link and the girls were eating some of the food Link had packed. Link had quickly finished his lunch and took out a book and began to write in it while the girls continued to eat their lunch.

Sadly their Lunch was cut short when they heard some rustling in the bushes near them and a girl around Link's age and young boy came barreling out but halted when they saw they weren't alone. Sweating and panting heavily the girl brought the boy behind her as she got into a defensive stance. The four of them stared at the two with peaked curiosity for a few moments before he broke the silence. "Are you okay?" He asked as he got up and walk towards them.

The pair just stared at him as they tried to catch their but managed to get some words out. "You.. *huff*.. have.. to get ...out of.. *huff* here."

"Why is something chasing you?" As if on cue two figures came out of nowhere.

The first figure was a tall slender man, he wore a black bandana over his black hair, he had no shirt on revealing his meager abdomen, on his legs were blue jeans accompanied with simple shoes. His skin was a sickly pale white and on his face was a green mark in the shape of a skull. "You know it was a pain chasing after you ain't that right Bear?"

The second figure now known as bear was a giant of muscle and fat he was easily seven feet tall and had large amounts of hair all over his body it was easy to see how he got his name. He wore a pale orange vest with the same symbol as the other one on the back with no shirt underneath revealing his hairy chest and gut. He wore a pair of dark brown cargo pants and brown boots. "Right Bones because of them I missed lunch." He said with an annoyed look on his face.

"Oh shut up and stop thinking about food fatas-!" The man now identified as bones was about to say before he noticed they had more company. "Well well well look what we have here!" He said as he looked at Link, Epona, Wendy and Carla. "Looks like the boss will be really happy with our haul, he might even give us a reward."

"Oh like a feast?!" bear asked enthusiastically

"Or maybe some of the women." He said licking his lips with excitement and lust.

While they continued to talk about their potential prize Link had just been staring and listening to them trying to size them up and gather as much information as possible. He already knew that they were up to no good but wasn't sure why they wanted the girl and boy. He'd find out after he helped them. He then drew his weapons an action that everyone present hadn't missed. "Leave them alone!" He shouted his voice was commanding and full of malice.

"Now now kid put those away, you wouldn't want to poke your eye out." Bones mocked as he inched his way closer and closer getting ready to strike but froze when he met the boy's gaze, they were hardened and icy cold, those eyes sent a shiver down his spine. He was soon forced to act as the boy came in with blinding speed that he wasn't prepared for and attacked him. He was unable to dodge in time as he acted too late and got slashed across his chest forcing blood to gush out. The sheer force of the blow caused him fly and hit a nearby tree.

Bear having witnessed this was outraged that some kid just attacked his buddy and charged forward to confront the little nuisance. He came in with a right hook aimed at the boy's head but only hit air as Link nimbly dodge out of harm's way while simultaneously slashing at the giants forearm drawing blood. This served to only agitated the behemoth and caused him to go into a frenzy and began wildly lashing out with both fists hoping to hit Link who had dodged every strike with relative ease.

The four on the sideline stared in awe as they watched the young boy dispatch of Bones in a single move and then dodge Bear's punches as if it was the easiest thing in the world while Epona decided to take a nap. At this point it was clear that Bear was exhausted due to the large amounts of sweat streaming down his face. It was at this point that Link took the offensive with a few quick swipes at the giant's legs toppling him over and a red magical circle appeared below Bear as Link made a few quick hand signs.

"Sheikah Art: Fireball!" He shouted and then without warning a sphere of fire fell from the sky and collided with bear's back with such force knocking him unconscious and leaving a nasty burn mark on his back. With Bear and bones now dispatched with he made his way over to the four spectators to see if they were alright but failed to noticed shadowy hands reaching for him on the ground before it was too late as they wrapped around him.

"Shadow Magic: Binding Shadow" Came Bones voice catching everyone off guard. They all turned to where the voice came from only to see Bones leaning on a tree he looked terrible. His skin was an even paler white and he was sweating profusely, it was clear he had lost quite a bit of blood and was fighting to remain conscious. The shadows around Link began to to squeeze tighter and tighter earning a cry of pain from the hero but something unexpected happened when Link began to glow red.

"Din's Flare!" He shouted. His red aura began to glow even brighter as it began to swell until it began to expand outwards in the form of a bright red and golden light that blinded everyone unfortunate enough to witness it and made the surrounding area feel like a sauna. It was similar to Din's fire but unlike it instead of burning everything around it, it merely lit up and heated the area around it.

When the light finally died down the women and child were able to see again and they were shocked at what they saw. This boy who was fighting for them was now standing over Bone's unconscious body. "Wow" The little boy said quietly as he stared in awe at their savior. The woman however still couldn't believe what was happening one moment they were running for dear life and the next they were saved by a mysterious child, she couldn't believe how strong this boy was.

'M-maybe he can help us' She thought before she noticed her savor knelt down and doing something with Bones body. She took a few steps forward the action was so sudden it shocked the young boy out of his muse as he watch her get closer to their savior and soon followed. Upon closer inspection her eyes widen as she saw he was treating his wounds. "W-what are you doing?! They tried to kill you a moment ago why would you help them!?". She yelled but Link paid her no mind as he continued to Treat the wound.

Link had just about finished and moved on to Bear before answering. "Because even if they attack me I won't just idle around and watch them die." He replied. "Now tell me why were they after you?"

The sudden change of topic caught her slightly off guard but she was quick to compose herself. "We lived in a village not too far from here it was a quiet and peaceful place at least it was until a dark guild called Cursed Bones moved in two months back." She paused as she tried to hold back tears as she recalled the things the guild did. "At first they were just an annoyance but then they started terrorizing us for fun, taking what they wanted. We tried to fight back but their magic was two strong and they killed some of the men including our father just to set an example!" She screamed as the tears began to freely fall on her face as she remembered how they killed her father right in front of her, her brother was also crying. "Then this last week they began to take women and children to their guild hall saying they would be serving a better purpose. They took our MOTHER!" She screamed at the top of her lungs as she collapsed onto her knees sobbing. "I wanted to rescue her but against those mages there was nothing I could do so I took Toby and ran away!" She continued to sob for a moment before looking up at Link with hope in her eyes her face stained with tears. "But you were able to beat them no problem please you have to help us!" She said as she bowed her head and her brother did the same.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Alyssa. Alyssa Blackstone and this is my brother Toby" She replied introducing herself and then her brother.

"Well Alyssa and Toby I'm Link, that's Wendy and Carla and lastly that lazy filly is Epona" He said pointing at Wendy and Carla and then at the little filly who just woke from her nap and was busy lazing about. "And all you needed to do was ask."

So how did you guys like it? And hopefully it wasn't shit. Now as for the things I had decided to do with Link. I want Link to be father figure to both Wendy and Carla so that they would have someone to look up too. I also didn't want to separate Wendy and Link since I can only imagine how she must have felt in Anime when Jellal left. I also wanted Link to be more than just a swordsman and since he's also an adventurer I can only imagine he's skilled in surviving and fending for himself, even being able to cook for himself unless he wanted to throw up every time he burnt his food. The whole writing a children's book and potentially writing about his adventures came about after I watched a show called Sherlock which I absolutely love by the way. In the beginning of said show it showed Watson with his Therapist who wanted Watson to write about his life in order to help him get over his stress. Like I said previously a lot of my ideas come while writing so all came about as I was writing and thinking about what I was going to write and what I had already written.