A/N: Hello everyone! So this is my first attempt at making a fanfic so while it may not be perfect I hope you enjoy it and give me your honest opinion. I don't know what else to put here so lets get on with the story!

Chapter 1 Prologue

The sky was a pitch black with not a single star to be seen, the wind was raging and the Earth was quivering. The sound of thunder could be heard for miles around and was accompanied by a heavy downpour. It was as if the heavens themselves were weeping for what was to come.

In the center of all this madness stood a large city with countless homes and shops. The streets were empty as you would expect for a city at this time of night but were littered with lost belongings such as shoes, hats, a few scraps of food and clothing. It seemed as if everyone had evacuated or so it seemed for if you'd look closer only a few remained such as the guards that protected the city, the Mayor who had been forced to stay due to his wife, the Mayor's wife, a couple who have just said their vow to each other and decided to stay behind to face what was to be their fate, and one extremely stubborn carpenter that stood in the plaza.

In the center of this deserted city was a mighty clock tower that stood above all else. The clock tower was fairly simple, just a building made up of stone like most of the surrounding buildings but on the face of the clock was an intricate design of a bird-like creature, it's body was red but it's wings were of gold soaring through the sky. But, what stood out the most was the moon that was the cause of all the gloom that hung over the city of Clock Town. It was huge and menacing with huge bulging bloodshot eyes and a menacing grin plastered on it's unnatural face.

The moon itself was coming down and the resulting impact would have not only killed the Inhabitants of termina but destroy the very planet or at least if not for the four guardian deities that had come from the four corners of Termina to halt the moon's descent. The Giants were massive, standing slightly under 40 feet with long slender arms and legs and a small body that only really had enough room for their bearded faces and big noses. Their sudden appearance during the land's time of need brought great relief to the citizens of Termina if only for a moment because even with the combined strength of these four behemoths, they struggled to stop the falling rock. The giants like all the inhabitants of Termina had began to pray, the people had prayed for the giants to succeed but the giants had put their hope in a young boy. A young boy in green with golden hair and blue oceanic eyes, armed only with a Sword of gold and steel , a Shield of unknown origins, and the various items he'd acquired throughout his quest. The giants were quick to tell the people of the one fighting for their lives and at first they were confused of why was a young boy fighting for them and not a man. A young boy named Link who was so foreign to not only this land but also to most of these people but he was fighting for them. The people didn't want to believe it but due to the circumstances had run out of options and began praying for the boy's success.


Inside the moon a great battle was being waged, a battle to decide the fate of Termina. The two combatants stood in a hexagon shaped room that glowed every shade of the rainbow. Four of the walls in the room had faint inscriptions of a magic circle that had once held the four masks of the former deities that Link had to slay to awaken the giants, and now they lied broken on the floor.

Link had been fighting for what felt like hours. He was bleeding from several minor cuts he had received during the battle, his clothes once a dark forest green tunic and shorts were now torn and drenched in sweat and his muscles were screaming for him to stop but he knew he had to press on despite the pain. Even though he was fighting a harsh battle where any mistake was fatal , he couldn't help thanking the goddess that this monstrosity was not at full power since most of Majora's power was making sure that the moon fell.

Majora was now in his final form and what a strange sight it was, he appeared more humanoid in appearance. His body looked like it was made of twisted flesh and bone, he had strange markings all over his body that ranged from blue to red, a pale green on his arms, yellow, and pink. On his chest were eyes that were very reminiscent of the ones he had in his mask form. He had one big spike protruding from both sides between the neck and shoulders with two horns on either side of his head and was now equipped with long whip-like weapons on his arms.

'Damn if only there was a way to get past-' Link didn't have time to finish his thought since Majora had began going on the offensive with a bunch of wild swings 'Hmm looks like he's getting impatient maybe I can use this to my advantage' he thought as he skillfully dodged every swing aimed at him, waiting for his chance to strike but due to his exhausted state it required quite a bit of effort and ended up getting even more minor wounds.

The hero continued to dodge the never ending onslaught of attacks in hopes of finding a big enough opening to make his move, sadly it never came because out of the corner of his eye a top came at high speeds that he didn't have time to dodge but instead had to swiftly bring up his shield to block but something he didn't expect to happen was for it to be an explosive. An explosive so powerful it sent him hurdling into one of the walls.

"ARRRGGGHHH" Link screamed as he was sent to the wall with bone crushing force and landed with a heavy thump. His shield was heavily damaged, his arms were numb from trying to block the attack and his sword was now a few feet out of reach. Worse of all he was badly hurt and could barely muster the energy to even stay awake.

"LINKKK!" Came the voice of his companion Tatl who up till now had hid in Link's hat due to the fact that there was little she could do to help other than offer support "Get up Link you need to get up or else everyone who you fought so hard to protect will die!"

"...Every...one..?" He muttered, not able to think clearly due to the pain he was feeling.

"Yes everyone! Romani, Cremia, Anju and Kafei, the Bombers, the Deku princess, the Gorons, Lulu and her children, Epona and all the people of Termina!" she screamed with tears streaming down her face "You swore to the Deku butler's son, to Mikau and to Darmani that you would save this Land!"

Images of the friends he made in Termina flashed before his eyes, their grief, their happiness, and ultimately the fear they had every night as they quivered in their beds. He recalled the three spirits within the masks along with the promise he made to save their land before the final confrontation with Majora. Slowly but steady Link attempted to rise but his legs were too weak and easily gave out on him causing him to come crashing down to the floor.

"GHAHAHAHA!" Was all Majora could say as he watched the hero fall back to the ground. "IS THAT ALL YOU HAD 'HERO'!" He taunted as his ear piercing deranged laughter continued to echo throughout the chamber as he began to make his way to the hero.

As Majora was making his way to end Link's life, he had attempted to stand once more and through sheer force of will he was able to get to his feet just as an item came out of his pouch and hit the cold stone floor. The noise caught Link's attention and there lying on the floor was the very mask Majora gave him it was as if it was beckoning him to put it on. Link was very apprehensive about putting on the mask since Majora was the one to give it to him but without any other options he went to pick it up and put it on.

"WHAT'S THIS TRYING TO BEG FOR MERCY?! GWHAHAHAHAHA!" Majora yelled "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR SPINE 'HERO'" He continue to mock Link until he heard

"AHHHHHH" Was all that could be heard in 'Majora's playroom' as Link's body glowed with a bright light and began to morph into a new entity. His body grew and the light intensified with each passing second. The light grew so intense that even Majora had to shield his eyes.

When the light finally subsided the young boy that stood there was nowhere to be seen but in his place stood a massive man standing at 8 feet and 6 inches. His skin was a pale white, his hair was a messy and brittle white, his framed looked fragile and weak it appeared as if he hadn't had a meal let alone a shower in goddess knows how long, it was a surprise he was even standing. He wore a silver breastplate with a golden triangle on his left pectoral and a golden crescent moon on the right. He wore a plain white tunic over a skin tight long sleeve black shirt. On his arms he wore dark gray gauntlets that stopped just short of the elbow, a white floppy hat similar to the one the young boy wore, he had on a pair of black pants and a pair of worn out brown boots that was just below the knees. The most prominent features the man had were on his face and the sword he carried. His face had some tribal war paint with two blue lines that almost converged on his forehead and two streaks of red under each eye. His eyes were white, void of any emotion or weakness and the sword he carried was just as massive as himself, the hilt was a plain green while the blade was in the shape of a double helix, one side of the blade was a pale green while the other was a turquoise color.

"YOUUU!" Majora yelled as he began to back away " FINALLY! GHAHAHAHA FINALLY I CAN FINISH YOU AND THAT DAMN BRAT TOO!" He said through his hysterical laughter.

"LINK IS THAT YOU!?" Tatl said after she recovered from her initial shock.

'Interesting so this is what it transforms me into… but something feels weird.' The man now revealed as Link thought as he looked down at his now clenched hands '..Power.. there's so much power, it feels like I'm overflowing with power.. it feels GREAT!' he thought as he looked up to face Majora "MAJORA IT'S TIME FOR ME TO END YOU!" His voice was powerful and booming.

"WE'LL SEE YOU PEST!" Majora yelled as he lunged forward as he swung his whips in a overhead swing but all he hit was the ground and the strange man was no where to be found.

"HMPH THAT WAS LAUGHABLE." Link calmly said who was now behind of Majora with his arms cross.

"ARGHH!" Majora screamed as he quickly turned around and swing his right whip horizontally but once again hit only air. Link had once again dodged it effortlessly with a smirk on his face that only irritated and enraged Majora further. "DIE YOU PEST!" He spat and began swinging his whips wildly and throwing explosive tops which Link effortlessly dodged with a big grin on his face at Majora's futile attempts to hit him.

Tatl was now high up in the arena as she hovered in shock at how Link was merely toying with this monstrosity that had almost killed him only a few seconds ago. It wasn't until it hit her that she remembered what their task was. "Link what are you doing, you need to kill this bastard now or all we worked for would have been for nothing!" she yell

'That's right what am I doing? I need to end this quickly' He thought to himself, his eyes now wide at the sudden wake up call from his fairy friend. Unfortunately he got distracted and was unable to dodge Majora's next attack which sent him into the wall

"GOTCHA!" He screeched and began charging a beam of dark energy from his mouth. "NOW DIEEEE!" He cried as he unleashed his beam of destruction that rocked the arena.

"LINKKK!" Was all that could be heard before the explosion.

The arena was dead silent until Majora began to laugh "GHAHAHAHA FINALLY HE'S DEAD" was all that could be heard until his eyes widen when the dust cleared and Link was still standing, granted he was slightly wobbly but virtually unscathed "NOOOO! YOU SHOULD BE DEAD" Majora screeched as he charged another blast and sent it on a collision course with Link.

"Sorry to disappoint." Was all he said as he drew his massive sword and effortlessly cut the beam in half. It was a surprised he even managed to lift the damn thing. "But you're the only one who's dying Majora!" He shouted as he charged Majora at incredible speeds that surprised Majora, considering how awful he looked, that he didn't have time to dodge and ended up being cleaved in half.

"GYAHHH!" Majora wailed from getting bisected and his body caught on fire until all that remained was his mask that now sported a big crack in the middle of it.

"It's finally over" He sighed "Better remove this mask before I lose myself again." He said to himself as he went to remove the mask 'Huh whats going one' He thought as he tried to remove the mask but it wouldn't come off no matter how hard he pulled.

"Linkkk! You did it!" Tatl cheered but quickly noticed something wrong. "Whats the matter Link?"

"The mask won't come off!" He said. Panic quickly spread between the two until they remembered the the song the strange Happy Mask Salesman taught them.

"Link play the Song of Healing." Tatl said which only got a nod from the swordsman.

When Link reached for his ocarina or whatever equivalent this form had he quickly realize this form had nothing on it. As he was about to panic he felt something weird course through his body and then a second later he felt fine. It also seemed as if the mask on his face loosened so he went to reach for it and sure enough he began coming off. Once again he was covered in a blinding light and once it faded he was once again standing in his child form.

'Strange' was all he thought as he looked at the mask he named the Fierce Deity's mask, since he felt as if it gave him the power of a god, but something felt off. The mask felt hollow it seemed that whatever spirit that was inside it had pass on after Majora's defeat. Link believed that Majora and this Deity were mortal enemies since Majora seemed to know him and once Majora was finally destroyed he was able to rest in peace.

"Come on Tatl let's go" He said as he picked up Majora's mask and the Fierce Deity's mask and put them in his pouch and proceeded to exit the arena through the newly formed exit in the middle of the chamber.

"Yeah!" Was all she said as she landed on his shoulder and they both exited together.


Outside in Clock Town the Giants continued to struggled as the moon continued to come down, they were almost forced down to their knees until the moon stopped and dissipated in a bright Light. The light shined like a beacon to signal to everyone in Termina including the Giants that their prayers have been answered. Most of the inhabitants of Termina rushed to Clock Town in order to celebrate not dying, to thank the Giants, and mostly to congratulate the young hero who against all odds saved them all.


Link was now lying outside of Clock Town on a grassy plain by the south gate and was woken up by his trusty companion Epona.

"Hey girl what's going on?" He asked as he began looking around and saw the skull kid, Tatl, and Tael right next to him.

"Hey Link how're you feeling?" She asked obviously concerned.

'I'm fine just a little tired" he replied with a yawn.

"Well no sleep for three days will do that to you" She stated

"Haha yea you're right" He said as they both began to laugh as they recalled the events that led up to this from their rocky introduction when she was separated from Skull kid and Tael to the various temples they visited, to the people they helped, to the friends they made, and finally to the fall of Majora.

When their Laughter died down a familiar voice was heard. "You saved me?" Skull kid asked and Link nodded in return "Why?"

Link took a second to reply "Because they asked me to." He said as he pointed to the Giants that were now heading in their direction.

Skull Kid's eye's grew wide as tears began to flow from his eyes and he made his way towards the Giants.

Seemingly out of nowhere the Happy Masked Salesman appeared wearing his usual purple robes, purple curved shoes, golden bracelets, his golden scaled neck piece with it's intricate design and most noticeably his huge backpack filled to the brim with masks . "Hello Link have you acquired what I asked you to?" He asked in his usual happy yet creepy tone.

"Yes I have here you go." He responded with a grin as he reached into his pouch and pulled out Majora's mask then handed it over.

"Hmm" He mumbled as he examined the mask until his usual grin turned into a frown. "It appears the spirit in the mask is now gone" He said with a sigh. "Oh well I guess in the end beggars can't be choosers. I thank you for returning it to me although slightly damaged it's nothing I can't fix" He said as he walked away.

"Wait!" Was all it took to stop the salesmen. "Just who are you?" Link asked

"Me?" He replied " I'm just a simple mask salesman my boy. I wish you luck on your travels." He said as he did a slight bow and began to walk away "I'm sure we'll meet again" He quietly added as he suddenly vanished.

"...Strange guy." Link said still looking at the spot where the salesman vanished

A sudden voice caught Link's attention when he heard Skull kid say "So you haven't forgotten about me?" He said with a smile upon his face. Skull kid noticed the attention he was getting and turned his head to Link and said "Friends are great aren't they?"

"Yeah they sure are" His voice was sincere as he remembered all his friends in Hyrule and in Termina but also held some sadness because some of those friends wouldn't remember or even knew he existed. Such was the fate of the young time traveler because each time he went back in time the memory of him would fade away and he would have to start from the beginning. It was a sad truth he had learned the hard way.

Skull kid continued to look at Link until an idea popped up in his head."I know, why don't we become friends?" He asked. The sudden question bringing Link out of his thoughts

There was a pause for a few seconds until Link's expression soften and he put on a gentle smile "Sure." Was all he said but that one word caused Skull kid to jump for joy.

"Hey Link." Link turned his head to see that Tatl was the one speaking to him. "Um… t-thanks for saving us." She said with her usual bright white light now a light pink. "There I said it, now don't expect me to say again!" She yelled but only got a small snicker from Link and although he wouldn't admit it to anyone, she was cute when ever she got flustered. "Now you Tael." She said as Link turned his attention to the purple fairy right next to Skull kid.

"Um sure! Thank you Link for helping Skull kid and stopping my sister from destroying Termina herself." He said and then proceed to fly away as fast as he could from his sister.

"Taellll! GET BACK HERE!" She scream as she chased her brother.

Link and Skull kid just laughed at the two's antics at least until they heard what seemed like a stampede heading their way. This sudden noise forced Link to his feet with his weapons drawn but it wasn't long until he was forced to his knees since he was still exhausted from his previous battle and lack of sleep caught up with him but seemingly healed of all injuries.

"Damn." Was all he said as the sound got louder.

"Link!" The other three all said out of concern for their friend as Epona rushed to her friend to offer her support.

As the noise kept getting louder with each passing second they were left to their imagination as to what it was since most of them weren't in any condition to fight. They soon let out a sigh of relief and instead took on a look of surprise as the noise was soon revealed to be the inhabitants of Termina but what surprise Link the most was when he was suddenly lifted into the air as they cheered and congratulated him on his victory before returning to the town to get the festival underway in his honor.

"Well what are you waiting for lets go have fun!" Skull kid said as he ran past him with Tael in tow.

Tatl let out a long exasperated sigh. "Those idiots. Well let's make sure they don't get into too much trouble." She said to Link and recieved a smile and a nod as they both ran after the two 'idiots'

The day seemed to pass by rather quickly as he enjoyed the festival and much to Link's delight all the deeds he had done through his multiple trips through time merged into this timeline meaning that all the friends he made now had memories of him and while not all were present, many of them were such as Romani, Cremia, Anju, Kafei, the Indigo-Go's, even the Deku princess and father came and a few others. His day was spent hanging out with Skull Kid, Tatl,Tael, and Romani but he also got to be the guest of honor at Anju and Kafei's wedding and playing with the Indigo-Go's even though he was disguised as Mikau but the only downside was having to explain that Mikau was dead. The looks the band held as they cried and grieved over their friends apparent death tore Link's heart apart and he too began to grieve with them. It was intensified even more due to the fact that wearing the masks grants more than just the spirits form and abilities but also their memories so while they didn't know Link he knew all of them very well.


As festival came to a close and the giants had left Link had begun to emerge out of the Great Fairy's Fountain in Clock Town with a sad look in his eyes from the information he had gotten from the Great Fairy that no such fairy named Navi was in Termina or even this dimension. He had decided in the morning he would saddle up Epona, say goodbye to his friends and go home.


Link and Epona were now back in the lost woods, slowly making their way back to Hyrule Castle to inform Zelda of his return and see if she or anyone else may have any information on Navi. He was donned in his newly repaired forest green Kokiri attire however he now wore a long sleeve dress shirt underneath his tunic and steel chainmail over his shirt for added protection. On his hands he now had a pair of brown leather gloves for added grip and he now wore a pair of loose fitting gray pants compared to his usual green shorts. On his feet he wore his usual brown leather boots, on his head he wore his newly modified floppy green hat which was modified so he could adjust the size when his head outgrew the current size and most noticeably on his face he wore a white round mask with three rounded spikes on the top. It also had red paint that formed an eye in the middle of the mask with curved red line at the ends of the eye and a yellow pupil in the center. There were three triangles that were spread out three inches above the eye and lastly by the bottom of the mask there was an opening that formed into a creepy grin.

The reason he wore the mask was due to its uncanny ability to allow the wearer to hear the thoughts of animals which was especially useful for the young hero since he could now openly engage in conversation with a certain faithful steed who so happen to understand the human language.

'It's so great I can finally speak to you!' Epona said thanks to the power of the mask of truth 'So where are we going?'

"It sure is and we're going to the castle" He replied from behind his mask

'Castle? Oh is it that big fancy building?'She asked since there was still much she didn't understand.

"Yea that one" He quickly replied

'Why?' she asked in a confused tone.

"I want to check up on things and try to see if I can find a lead on Navi"

'So you're still looking for her' She asked as she looked back and got a nod from Link 'Well alright I kinda miss her too but don't you think you should get stronger first because this time you told me you would have died if it wasn't for that ultra super dee duper powerful mask, maybe you should find someone to train you'

Link sweatdropped at that last statement "Yeah you're right but the last teacher was a complete joke! And where am I gonna find a competent teach-" he was about to say before he remembered studying the basics of swordplay under Impa. 'Maybe there's more she can teach me.' He thought "Alright Epona let's hurry to the castle I think I just found my teacher."

'Really who?' She asked as she changed gears and began to gallop towards their destination.


Link and Epona were now slowly approaching the palace gates until they heard a voice "Halt! Identify yourselves and state your business" A palace guard said with a booming and commanding voice.

Link rolled his eyes as he began to speak. "I am Link Kokiri, Royal Messenger of the Royal Family of Hyrule and I have come to speak to the Princess" He said in an equally loud and confident tone.

"Nice try kid but there's n-" He was about to say before another voice interrupted him.

"Let him through!" said as a man adorned in full steel armor with a blue crest on his helmet that signified him as a captain and a broadsword around his waist came walking towards the gates

"But Sir how do we know he is who he says he is?" He asked

"Don't worry I know the Kid and he's the genuine article" He replied "Now get the gates open private"

"Y-yes sir!" He said as he gave the signal to open the gates.

Link along with Epona walked through the gates with a look of confusion as they tried to figure out the identity of the mystery man.

"Well kid it's good to see you again" He said before he noticed the confused look on Link's face. "haha right I suppose you wouldn't recognise me with all this armor on." He said as he removed his helmet to reveal a man in his mid thirties with straight black hair that was slick back, light brown eyes and with a scruffy beard on his face. "How about now?" He asked and smiled as Links eyes widen to seemingly impossible lengths.

"S-sir Michael!" He said in surprise. "Is that really you?" Link asked as they began to head to the castle.

"Sure is kid, much has changed since you've been gone for instance I've been made a captain not to long ago."

"Haha you a captain what has the world come to when they let you a man who would let anyone walk through those gates for a measly ten rupees." He said as he continued to laugh as Michael's face grew different shades of red.

"H-hey that only happened one time and that was only to you!" He said embarrassed but couldn't help joining in the laughter as he remembered when he first met the boy in front of the gates seemingly out of place and confused but looking at him now strong and confident put a smile on his face. He alway enjoyed talking to the lad but it always confused him because it always felt as if he was speaking to someone much older. "Well Link, I'll escort you as far as Princess Zelda's private garden but your friend there must wait in the stables after that I must attend to my own business. Understand?"

"I understand and thank you Michael for your help. How has the Princess been. " He responded

"Think nothing of it lad and she's doing well, albeit bored." he said in a gentle tone as the three strolled down the path leading towards the castle. They continued to engage in conversation, it was there Link learned how much Hyrule had changed. For instance Hyrule was in the middle of a golden age, the King was expanding Hyrule's border and he was even in talks with the Gerudo to negotiate a peace treaty since after the Ganondorf's execution relations had been rocky at best but seemed to be looking up thanks to their new leader Nabooru. It wasn't long until Link had put Epona in the stables and the the two were standing outside the Zelda's garden

Link said his goodbye and was just about to walk in when he stopped to face Sir Micheals. "Oh right I almost forgot!"

"What is it lad?" He asked but then got slightly agitated as Link handed him ten rupees.


Link was now patiently waiting for Princess Zelda in her personal garden on a newly added bench. The garden was a moderately size circular room that was surrounded by water on two sides with a piece of Land in the middle where many flowers bloomed. To his left were marble stairs that led to sole window where one could look into the audience hall and to his right was the only exit where many guards kept watch in the labyrinth like passageway leading to the garden. The room itself brought back many memories of sneaking into the castle, waking up a sleeping Talon and getting past the guards in order to meet with Zelda.

"Link!" He was brought out of his thoughts when a sudden voice called to to to his right he noticed Zelda running towards him in full sprint and before he could react he was pulled into a tight embrace "How have you've been! I've missed you, the castle has gotten so boring lately."

"Nice.. t-to see you too Zel-da but can.. I have my lungs back!?" He asked. Zelda's face grew red as she loosen her hold on him and he was finally able to breathe again and get a good look at the princess. She had pearly white skin, deep blue eyes similar to Link's and had golden blonde straight hair that was kept in check by her golden regal crown. she was wearing a simple light pink dress with some purple around the ends of her dress and significantly more purple on the upper part of the dress that was separated by a golden belt, clipped onto the belt was a blue banner with various markings in red but most noticeably had the Triforce on it. On her arms she wore light pink gloves that reached past her elbows, on her shoulders there were a pair of gold pauldrons and lastly she had on a long white flowing cape.

"Sorry." She apologized "So did you find her?" She asked but soon noticed the melancholy look in his eyes as he shook his head.

"Sadly no. Originally I was gonna come back to castle town to check on things and look for any rumors on Navi but on my last adventure I ended up in an alternate dimension known as Termina" The mention of another dimension peaked Zelda's interest but what he said next made her gasp "This dimension was on the verge of annihilation from a demon called Majora who intended to destroy it by crashing the moon into the planet in three days so I went on a quest to save it. In the end we fought and I was on the brink of death but if it wasn't for a certain object that granted me immense power I wouldn't have won." He paused for moment to let it all sink in. "That fight taught me how inadequate my current strength was so I've come to request something of you Impa." He said as he watched a figure emerged from Zelda's shadow

The figure was none other than Impa who was currently wearing her usual attire of a blue and black body suit with short sleeves on her arms and legs, a steel breastplate, a pair of simple black leather gauntlets and blue and black leather boots. "Hmph how did you know boy" she said with a very rare smile on her face. She was glad that not only was he back but also that he was able to detect her. When Link first met her she appeared cold and uncaring but she was surprisingly kind and loving.

"Two reasons. Reason one." He said as he put one finger up. "You weren't even trying hard enough to hide yourself. Reason two." He then put another finger "Wherever Zelda is you're never too far behind."

"Well done boy so what is it you ask of me?" She asked knowing full well what he was about to ask.

"I wish for you to train me as a Sheikah." He proclaimed.

"My apologies Link but I cannot. My duties to the Royal family bind me to stay but Zelda's side." She answered quickly. Link had expected that response but he wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Then why don't you train both of us." Impa's eyes widen slightly at his statement but otherwise remained calm until.

"Sounds fun I wanna try!" Zelda said enthusiastically much to the Impa's dismay

"B-but Princess you can't!" She said

"Please Impa." She said as zelda's blue eyes grew to incredible sizes, Her eyes began to water, her lower lip began to quiver, and she compressed her body to make her seem smaller than she was. Under Zelda's gaze Impa began to crack until finally.

'Sorry Impa.' He thought when he literally saw Impa crack from Zelda's puppy dog eyes.

"A-alright but only if the King allows it" She said as she began to make her way out of the garden as quick as possible.

"Alright! Let's go Link!" She cheered grabbing Link's wrist and pulling him after Impa, giggling all the way.


The three now stood inside of Impa's house after the King had quite hesitantly allowed for Impa to train the two because even the King could not find the words to deny his only daughter when under her puppy dog eyes of doom. Impa's house was fairly big at least compared to the rest in kakariko village. They had just about finished up unpacking and helping with chores around the place when Link began to look around. The place was rather simple and only had two floors. The first floor is where most of the facilities such as the kitchen, bathroom, fireplace, living room, and even a small library full of books with genres ranging from magic tomes and history books to fantasy and quite a surprising amount of romance novels. The second floor is where the bedrooms were, there were three bedrooms in total, one master bedroom where Impa and Zelda would sleep and two other bedrooms one of which was Link's but the other room belonged to Impa's longtime friend and caretaker Anju.

"Alright you two it's time to begin training, follow me." She said while walking to the middle book case and pulling out a certain book and an audible 'click' was heard. In response the book case swung open to reveal a hidden staircase that led down.

As Impa made her way down the staircase with her two students in tow she began to explain where they were going. "As you know the Sheikah clan are known as the shadows of the Hylians meaning everything we do is kept in secret, our teachings and our way of life are never to be disclosed to just anyone and should only be taught away from prying eyes."

They continued to descend down the steps until they reached a dark unlit chamber. Impa walked into the room and signaled for them to follow. As the two youths follow they quickly lost track of Impa but who could blame them they could hardly even see two feet in front of them.

"Link I'm scared" Zelda said while simultaneously grabbing on to Link tightly. She was scared that she'll lose him too and be completely alone "Don't leave me. Okay?

"Yea don't worry I-" He was cut off when he suddenly grab Zelda and quickly dove to the ground which caused her to give a loud scream at the sudden action. He quickly stood up protectively in front of Zelda with his sword and shield drawn.

"Link what was that for!" she said now irritated with her green garbed friend. At least until she found out why when she heard her guardian's voice.

"Impressive that you were able to sense me just in time to dodge." She stated. She then proceeded to snap her fingers which caused the chamber to light up.

Link after learning that it was just a test began to put his equipment away and then took a quick look at his surroundings. They were in a large underground chamber it was about the size of Kakariko village if not slightly bigger and was littered with training equipment from practice dummies to obstacle courses. The room seemed to be litten up by some strange lanterns that were emitting magical energy, while he was no great mage or even considered himself one Link had seen enough magic to be able to tell the difference. There was even various weapons on a weapon rack ranging from plain long and short swords, great swords and even a few spears. Right next to the weapon rack were a few harps that had confused him as to why they were even here unless they would also be learning Sheikah culture as well. Lastly what caught his attention was the giant red eye with a teardrop that was in the middle of the ground where Impa was standing and even all over the chamber the reason why this had caught his attention the most was because he was currently in possession of two items that bore the same mark.

'What does it mean' He wondered and he was even about to ask but Zelda spoke first.

"What the heck Impa! What was that for!" She demanded.

"My apologies Princess but I merely wanted to test the boy, you see as Sheikah warriors we must be prepared for anything including fighting in the dark." She replied.

"You still could have warned us! We could have gotten hurt!" Zelda replied clearly irritated.

"No it's alright Zelda if She had warned us then we would have expected an attack and have had time to prepare but she wanted to see how we would react at a moments notice." Link answered

"Correct. As I said you must be ready at all times now then Princess I believe it would be wise if you take on a disguise." She said calmly but only got a confused look from Zelda.

"Why do I need a disguise" Zelda questioned

"Because such training is unbecoming of a Princess and it would be best as to not cause a commotion." Impa answered but that wasn't the whole reason. It was largely because ever since the end of the Hylian Civil War the King had garnered many enemies. She didn't want to tell her because she didn't want to scare Zelda. "I've already taken the liberty to have a disguise prepared for you and I've also prepared a training uniform for you as well Link."

"Wait how do you know my size!" Link questioned with wide eyes and a slight blush but only got an amused smirk from Impa

"Remember a Sheikah warrior is always prepared." Zelda joked as she burst into giggles and soon the other two joined in as well.


20 minutes later the two trainees were now standing in front of their new master in their new training gear. Zelda was currently in an outfit similar to the one she were in the future as sheik the only difference was it was smaller in order to fit her size, she was even given the alias of Sheik thanks to Link. Link however was now in a very different outfit compared to his usual attire. On his torso he was wearing a forest green sleeveless Gi with a red eye on the back and a skin tight sleeveless black undershirt that went high enough on his face pass his nose that formed into a mask, he also had a pair of black leather bracers for his forearms and gloves on his hands . On his legs he wore a pair of comfortable black pants that were easy to move around in and it was tucked into a new pair of black boots that were of a different design than his usual pair since these had three straps on them to ensure they stayed in place but made a considerable amount of noise whenever he walked. The whole outfit looked good on him especially considering his well toned physique honed by being in constant battle.

"Hmph looks like you're looking the part now." She said as she inspected the two. "Now le-"

"Wait!" Link yelled suddenly interrupting Impa. "I've wanted to ask you something"

"Hmm what is it?"

"I wanted to know what the sheikah symbol represents or more like why does it look an eye crying." He asked and when he said this even Zelda got to wondering. Link noticed Impa had a hint of sadness in her eyes that was only there for an instance before it disappeared before she spoke

"Well if you insist I'll tell you once you finish your training. Now let's begin!" Impa yelled

'I wonder what's the story behind the mark.' Link thought before they began to training.

A/N: So that's it. Let me know what you think