As The Villains on the Isle were coming up with a plan to come over to Auradon things in Auradon were becoming everything the four ex-villains always wanted. King Beast and Queen Belle had thrown a ball in honor of the four ex-villains for saving the day not once but twice. A lot of people were supportive of Mal, Carlos, Evie, and Jay but there was still some who weren't so willing. And ever since Mal found out it was Audry who stabbed her. No one could find Audry. There was something off about her and everyone knew that. Everything had been going good with Mal and Ben. But Ben had other plans for their relationship. That's where the story starts.

"If I could have your attention please." Ben said while the microphone in his hands. Everyone stopped what they were doing to listen to what the newly King of Auradon had to say. "First I want to thank everyone who came tonight to honor the new heroes of Auradon." Everyone clapped. "And secondly where is Mal?" Suddenly a spotlight shinned on Mal as everyone moved out of her way so she could be just a few feet away from Ben.

"Mal." He took a deep breath as he walked off the stage and down to his girlfriend. "When I first met you I instantly had a connection with you. I saw the good in you before you even saw it for yourself. And before you came to Auradon I used to have dreams of a girl with purple hair. Come to find out I was falling for Mal the daughter of Maleficent. I know we have been through a lot these past months. But-" The King stopped and got down on one knee and pulled out a box. He opened the box to show an engagement ring. The stone was a huge diamond with a gold band. When Mal saw it she started to tear up. It was a surprise to her. "Mal I love you and I'm in love with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You make me so happy. So will you make me the luckiest guy alive and marry me?" Ben just poured his heart out to Mal. Mal stood there thinking for a second before answering.

"Yes!" Mal said just as she said it when Ben asked her to the coronation. Ben slipped the ring on Mals finger and for the first time Mal kissed Ben on the lips. Everyone started clapping. Even King Beast was tearing up a little.


Mal just made me the most happiest person ever.

"I love you Mal." I whispered to her.

"I love you too." That was the first time I heard Mal ever say that. "You make me really happy too Ben. When you first told me you loved me I wasn't sure if I was even capable of love. I didn't even know what love was until I met you. I'm glad I did." I then pulled Mal from my chest and I looked into her eyes.

"I'm not going any where any time soon." She smiled as I moved her purple hair out of her face.

Back On The Isle

Audry had watched the whole thing on the TV that the villains had.

"How can he even be with her." Audry said. "Makes me sick."

"I know, Mal can get a prince but Evie can't." The Evil Queen was mad.

"But don't you want to get revenge on her?"

"Yes but she can still get a prince."

"I called in someone who will help us." Cruella De Vil said as she walked into the room.

"Who did you call?" Jafar said as he polished metals for his shop.

"Welcome Ursula to operation get revenge." Just then you could hear a voice laughing evilly. Just then tentacles came in the door following a purple monster with white hair.

"It's our time to rise villains."

To Be Continued...

[I have big plans for this story so I hope that you guys will like it! Please review to tell me what you think.]