It's been three months already, a lot has changed… Riley never said anything about that kiss… But I could feel everything was different, specially at school, as you probably imagine my belly is starting to show up so people are talking, and one thing was to see Lucas pissed at someone for talking about me and another was seeing Lucas pulling Riley off a girl who called me slut on the school halls, it was weird, I wanted to do something but Farkle held me back, who was this girl? The Riley I knew was always against violence, and now, she almost broke the nose of this girl.

-Riley we need to talk - I said to her

-Peaches please understand, I'm not going to let anyone say things about you

-Yes but… What you did today


Hopefully at home things are better, Topanga and mom are really helping me take care of myself, I'm still not comfortable talking with the doctor but I guess I'll have to get used to it. Topanga says that the more my pregnancy progresses the more I'll have to be in the clinic. But what worries me is that I've seen Riley talking too much to Farkle, I know she is up to something, specially after something she found on the Internet a couple of days ago… It was them again. Now it was a 12 year old named Kenzie… Yeah, the girl from that video game thing, I don't know much about how it happened but she was hurt, badly.

Riley POV

I'm too confused, even though there has been three months I still don't know what to make about that kiss Maya gave me and what she said after, I mean, she is my peaches but, should I feel the same for her? What will mom and dad think if one day I come up to them and tell them that Maya is my girlfriend or the other way around? It's scary, and now that her baby belly is showing up it is up to me to stand up for her. And what about the creeps who did it? Something needs to be done, they keep hurting people and I can't stand it.



-So, are you going to help me?

-Look, this is too dangerous, I think you should let this to the police.

-It is been three months Farkle! The haven't done anything and those creeps already hurt another girl.

-Riley I

-Yes or no Farkle.

-You promise you will be OK?

-If you do your part I will. But you can't tell anything about this to Maya, do you understand me?


-Farkle this is between you and me.

-Riley if something goes wrong… if you get hurt… I will never for

-Farkle… if something goes wrong… it will be MY fault. And MY fault only.

Maya POV

Again Riley has been talking a lot with Farkle and now she tells me they're going to the movies but something tells me it's a lie… I followed them and I see Riley changing into her cheerleading outfit on a McDonald's restaurant… little plant what are you doing?

Riley POV

Today is the day… I'm nervous… what if… no… it has to work… they can't just do it again… I pressed my ear and I her Farkle's voice, he gave a prototype his Dad built, small enough to hide in the ear and give the user two way communication… oh the idea? I'm going to venture in the subway… alone… let those creeps try to get me… Farkle will alert the police and they will catch them… but if they take too long… no… it has to work…

-OK Farkle here I go.


No, don't hold me back Farkle they have to pay for what they did to my peaches and that girl from Game Shak… my peaches? Riley focus on the matter at hand.

-I´m on the subway…

I can feel my hands trembling as the subway moves.

Maya POV

I followed Farkle all the way back to his father's office. It was easy to lie telling the guard I´m Farkle's girlfriend. I hear him talk to someone. OK, I'm going to find out what they are up to.


I saw him almost fell from the chair and his face going paler by the second.

-What are you up to?

-Nothing, nothing at all.



I felt my heart sank. My little plant was risking herself in a very stupid stupid way and I couldn't do anything to stop her. Like a zombie I took my phone I dialed.

-H.. Huckleberry…

-Maya? Maya what is it? Are you OK?

Like a robot I told him what Farkle had just told me, the next thing I heard was the dial tone. I felt a huge rage growing as I turned to Farkle.

-Listen to me Minkus… if something happens to Riley…

Riley POV

I was about to get there, but where's Farkle… I have been pressing my ear for several minutes and he's not… oh God…

-What do we have here…

Farkle please answer…

-I guess someone… wants to have some fun…

Farkle for the love of God please…

I felt them pull me from where I was sitting, like a rag doll they passed me around touching me and forcing me to kiss them, I don't have to tell you how disgusted I was feeling… and how scared……


-WHERE IS SHE? - Maya barked




In the subway Riley struggles as she's laid on the cold metallic floor, she felt a blade passing her cheek.

-Since you came here looking for… fun… we'll give you all the fun you want…

Riley POV

I closed my eyes… everything went wrong… and now… now they were about… mommy… I can feel them cut my blouse and my bra… his hands are moving up my legs… I'm sorry peaches… I'm so sorry… please… let it not hurt too much…

-Now… let's see if you're brand new like your friend was


I opened my eyes, that voice, LUCAS?

The guy who was about to hurt me got up and glared at Lucas, I can't move with the guy holding my hands still keeping me down.

-This is a private party man, get off and get away.

-Let… her… go. - Lucas said menacingly

-Maybe you're not listening well, this is a private party, get off the train and go away.

I knew that it was my only chance, the guy holding me was distracted and I saw his hands near my mouth, I bite him as hard as I could and it worked, he released my hands, and I was able to get up, his scream distracted them enough for Lucas to hit the one in front, he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him, just when the train stopped and police officers went in, I thought everything was over when I saw the one who wanted to hurt me pull a gun.

-you little b….

I hugged Lucas as hard as I could, then everything went black…

Lucas POV

I heard the shots, first from that piece of trash, then from the cops, then I felt Riley fell on me, as I hugged her I felt my hands wet and then I realized it. She never moved, she… protected me… no… she can't… she won't…. The minute I took her limp body in my arms I saw the pool of blood forming on my shoes… I had to get her some help…

Farkle POV

Maya fainted and I can't a hold of Riley… God please… then I turned to the TV beside me and saw a news report.

-...police finally caught the subway gang responsible for assaulting and raping several young girls in the past few months, unfortunately when police arrived they were attacking yet another girl and despite the quick response from police they managed to shot her before they were taken down. Our sources tell us that the victim's name is Riley Marguerite Matthews who sadly died on the scene…

Please no… not Riley…

Lucas POV

I know they are moving fast but I feel the ambulance going too slow, they already gave Riley a blood transfusion yet she's still too pale, come on Riley, you can do it… don't leave us… please don't…

Three hours later…

-The family of Riley Marguerite Matthews? - a doctor asked

Maya, Farkle, Lucas, Cory, Shawn and Topanga, all got up.

Maya POV

No… this has to be a nightmare… he didn't just said that my little plant… I can feel the tears running down my face… please no…

Shawn took to Farkle who just kept saying that it was his fault.

-Farkle listen to me… it was her decision…



Maya POV

I just gave birth to a beautiful girl… and yes… you guessed it… I´m going to call her Riley, and Cory and Topanga are going to adopt her. That's the best way to go, I'll be able to see her grow while I grow myself, and I know that someplace my little plant is smiling because she knows that's the best decision.

The End.