Hey everyone I'm back with another chapter. I'm writing this the night after the third chapter went up, but you guys probably won't see it until Sunday or after. I want to wait and see what people think of the previous chapter before I post this one. This chapter is going to be following the kids a little more than the adults, after all it is Tekken Next Generation, the kids will be doing stuff they do throughout their day or just hanging out. I might throw in a training session if I'm feeling like it. For the most part I just hope you guys enjoy reading it. Remember that if you have any questions, I'll gladly answer them. The only problem is a lot of people post reviews under guest so it's hard to get back to them. Either review or PM me and I'll respond when I can. Anyway on with the story.
EDIT:After I started actually writing this chapter, I decided that it would be sort of a day following just Daichi and Areum as they kinda unintentionally go on a date. I may or may not make chapters like this for other characters later on. Please tell me your guys' opinions on who you think should be paired with who. Keep in mind not to suggest male/male or female/female or pairings between family members I won't be introducing kids from other characters until next chapter if you are wondering. You might even be surprised by a few of them. Anyway this time we can be on with the story.
The ringing alarm woke Daichi from his sleep. Unlike the previous Mishimas, Jin preferred not to use the workers for everything. Therefor the kids had to either set an alarm or hope they woke up on time.
He groaned, "At least it's not a school alarm." he mumbled to himself.
The teen walked groggily to the bathroom to shower. After he was done with that he walked to the mirror to brush his teeth.
He chuckled inwardly as he saw his hair was still spikey in the back despite being wet, 'Of all the traits I got from Dad.' he thought and combed his hair the best he could.
Like his father and grandfather, Daichi took to wearing clothes with some sort of pattern on them. He still liked the flames like Jin, although he prefered it in a light blue color instead of red. The jacket he picked out was white with black sleeves, and had flame patterns around the back. He also had a matching pair on pants and a pair of black and white Converse. Not to mention like other members of his famiy, he was quite accustomed to wearing a pair of fingerless gloves, particularly a pair of black white and red ones. . When he got down stairs, Daichi saw that Akira was finishing up breakfast already.
He rolled his eyes, "Of course you're ready already." he said to his sister.
She turned around with one hand on her hip, "Yeah because I'm not lazy like you." she said pointing at him with her free hand.
Daichi just shook his head and went to the kitchen to grab some breakfast.
Jun smiled at him as he entered, "Good morning Daichi. I see you finally woke up." she greeted.
He returned the smile, "Good Morning Grandma." he replied politely.
The older Kazama woman laughed, "Even after 17 years I'm still not completely used to hearing that." she said more to herself than her grandson.
Daichi just chuckled lightly and went to see what there actually was to eat.
As he was about to open the fridge he was stopped by Jun, "That won't be necessary dear. I already prepared something just in case." she told him.
He moved away from the fridge and turned to see her holding a plate filled with food.
He smiled thankfully and took the plate from her before heading to the dining room.
After he had stuffed his face with the meal, he got up and stretched before going to find one of his parents to let them know he was leaving.
The first one he found was his mother, "Hey mom. I'm heading out to meet up with the others." he said.
Xiaoyu smiled, "Alright dear. Have fun and remember to be home before dinner. You won't be lucky to beat your dad home this time since he's got the day off." she reminded him.
Daichi took a mental note to be on time, unlike most days where he'll make it home right before his dad shows up.
He nodded, "I got it. Love you mom." he said leaving the room she was in.
She smiled brighter, "Love you too sweetie." she called back.
Outside the Rochefort vacation home not too far from the Mishima Manor, Areum was walking out the front door as she saw her dad at the front of the house trying to fix his old motorcycle.
She sighed, "Any luck Dad?" she asked.
Hwoarang looked up, "Not quite, but I'm not giving up on her yet. I've had this bike since before the third King of Iron Fist tournament, so that's about 25 years I've had it. Where you off too?" he suddenly asked after his moment of nostalgia.
Areum smiled, "I'm off to meet my friends." she answered.
Hwoarang grinned, "Oh I get it. You're sneaking off with the Kazama boy aren't you. Yep I bet that's it. How'd I not see it coming you've been meeting the Kazama boy all along." he teased as his voice was full of sarcasm.
She punched his arm, "Stop it Dad! Sometimes I feel like you don't want me to have any friends." she said shaking her head.
The red-headed man chuckled, "Oh yes it was your mother and I's plan to trap you in the old Rochefort manner and never let you out. You could stay with us forever." he said in a tone that made him sound like he was a stalker or something.
The reddish-orange haired girl laughed, "That's sounds creepy don't talk like that!" she said trying to catch her breath.
Hwoarang grinned, "What do you mean?" he said in the same voice.
The father and daughter laughed before finally calming down.
The Korean man kissed the top his daughter's head, "Have fun, but not too much fun." he called back from his spot working on his motorcycle.
Areum looked over her shoulder to see her dad wink at her. She growled, but it was easy to tell she wanted to laugh more.
Hwoarang watched his daughter walk away and his comment on the Kazama boy came to mind, 'Is that a possibility? I don't really care if my daughter has taken an interest in him. Jin and I made amends years ago. They've been stronger ever since Asuka disappeared. I still hope there's a chance to find her. Hopefully she found some way to live out her life in a place she's happy with. I just worry that if we do find her she'll be in bad condition or worse." he thought before cringing at the thought of Asuka being in any sort of pain or danger. Especially if it could of been because of him. Anger quickly overtook him and he slammed his fist into the ground.
Lili, who was approaching stopped in her tracks, "Hwoarang are you okay dear?" she asked with concern.
He sighed and relaxed a bit, "Yeah just a little frustrated that I haven't got thing thing up and running." he said gesturing to his old motorcycle.
Lili brought a hand to her chin, "Why can't you send it somewhere to be repaired?" she questioned.
Hwoarang looked at her like she was crazy, "No one is touching this bike, but me. It's something that I've had so long that it's like a part of me. I'm not gonna let someone else take her apart and destroy everything I worked on. If I send it to a shop to get fixed then they'll try and replace everything with newer hardware and I'm not okay with that." he said all too seriously.
Lili laughed lightly, "Alright then. At least take a short break. I've had the chefs prepare some things from Korea you've said that you missed." she said holding out her hand for him to take.
He grinned, "Why not." he said taking her and they walked together back to their home.
At the park, Daichi quietly waited on a bench under a tree for his friends to show up. He felt his phone vibrate and he pulled it out to see that he had gotten a group text that included Kyle, Reylin, Emily, Areum, and himself.
Not going to be able to make it today. Got to go meet a friend of my parents. His name's Eddy Gordo and apparently he taught my mom Capoeira.-Kyle
Hey your mom was trained by Eddy? I know that guy! My dad said he lost two him in third tournament. We talked to him not too long ago when we met up with Paul, my grandpa, and a few other tournament fighters.-Reylin
He was friends with my dad awhile back that's all I know though-Areum
Eddy worked for my dad at one point. Dad let him go after he his master had been cured at one of the Zaibatsu's facilities. By the way I'm at the park already, where are the rest of you guys?-Daichi
I'm a few minutes away-Areum
Alright I'll see you here-Daichi
Ugh I'm not gonna be there either guys. Parents decided to make me spend today working at the old man's restaurant.-Reylin
That's just great. Anyone else gotta a reason they can't show up?"-Daichi
I gotta help my mom convince the last city in Arizona that hasn't been reforested join our cause."-Emily
The only you say in this conversation and it's that you can't show up. I'm wondering how you're like that when you're from an orphanage run by a Jaguar masked Wrestler.-Reylin
Shut it will you. If she can't cum, she can't come!-Areum.
So it looks like it's just me and you today Areum.-Daichi
Sounds like fun. Now we don't have to drag a bunch of party poopers around with us.-Areum.
I see you walking up now. Later guys.-Daichi
Daichi put his phone back in his pocket and stood up to lean against the tree beside him, "How's it going?" he said with a playful wink.
Areum giggled, "Very funny. So what do you wanna do now that the others aren't coming?" she asked.
He wiped the sweat from his forehead, "Ice cream sounds great right now. I'm burning up in this jacket." he suggested, taking off the jacket and tying it around his waist.
All he was wearing underneath was a white V-neck shirt with the Kazama family crest on the sleeve.
Areum smiled, "Sounds great. Let's go." she said as she started too walk towards the nearest ice cream shop.
Daichi quickly got into step with her and the two were on their way.
Areum noticed along the way that girls kept giving her weird looks and some even jealous glares. Then she remembered she was walking with Daichi, who in her opinion was pretty good-looking, but she would never admit that to anyone. She just smiled and unconsciously moved a little closer to him. If he noticed, he didn't mention it to her. Most of the girls looks became angry glares as they made it to the nearest place with decent ice cream.
Luckily there wasn't many people here as most people were working at this time of day.
They looked over the various flavors for a few minutes before Daichi decided on chocolate and Areum decided on cherry chip.
She happily ate her ice cream while he nearly dropped his while walking out there door. He was clumsy sometimes, but wasn't everyone.
He smiled in content, "That hit's the spot" he said.
Her response was to punch him in the arm, "How's that do?" she teased.
The spiky haired teen chuckled, "That hit the same spot you manage to hit every time you do that." he replied.
Areum finished off her ice cream and stretched her arms, "What do you say about a little training after this?" she suggested.
Daichi shrugged, "I ain't got a problem with it. We could probably sneak into the training area without my parents noticing. If you have another idea on a place we could go, feel free to share." he answered.
She hummed in thought and absentmindedly walking towards the road. Daichi noticed a car swerving close to the sidewalk and quickly grabbed her and pulled her back as it went by.
Areum's heart was pounding and she was breathing heavily. She looked back to see Daichi with a panicked look on his face.
She smiled reassuringly, "That was close. Thanks. I would've been roadkill if it wasn't for you." she told him.
He smiled at the fact that she was okay, "No problem. What are friends for?" he said.
They both looked down to see that Daichi's arm was still wrapped around her stomach. They both blushed before Daichi removed his arm. Areum pulled down her white and purple tank top that had been moved up when Daichi grabbed her to pull her out of the car's path. Daichi's hand briefly brushed across her exposed skin and he noted that it was very soft.
The two just looked at each other before deciding to go back to what they had been talking about.
Areum looked back towards him once she though the blush or her face was gone, "What I was gonna say is that we could head over to my dad's dojo that's about 15 minutes from where we are now." she told him.
He nodded, "Perfect. Let's head over there now. IT's better than trying to get past security at my house. They literally won't let anyone in there without calling my dad first. I'm part of the family and I can't even just go in!" he said loudly.
The girl just laughed at his dramatic way of explaining it.
Once they were in the dojo they both got changed into their fighting gear, well Areum did. Daichi was fighting in a V-neck and track pants. They looked at each other with narrowed eyes.
Areum had a confident smile on, "Are you ready for this?" she asked mockingly.
Daichi returned a cocky smirk, "Bring it on." he said back.
AND CLIFFHANGER! Yes I'm makign you guys wait until next chapter to see what happens. So as you guys can sorta see already, I've already kinda paired these two together a little bit before I even started writing the story. I'll see what you guys say about the rest when more people show up. That's all I really have to say, but before I go I want to give you guys a hint as to who will in the next chapter.
They are all connected to this work, but you must unscramble it: xceelentl
There's your hint. Goodbye and Good Luck!
Oh yeah this is officially the longest document I've made with more than 2500 words!