AN: I have been reading a fair amount of High school DxD Fics recently. Some of the best ones have been Gamer fics. However in all of them there is something odd; Issei never uses his new power for perverted reasons. As his perversion is one of the central aspects of his character I have decided to correct this lack.

"Talking", 'Thinking', Sound Effect, [Game Notification]

Hyoudou Issei: The Game of Love

Hyoudou Issei, known as the Oppai Baka of Kuoh Academy's Perverted Trio, had one primary goal in life. He wanted to be a Harem King. He wanted to see, touch, and suck as many breasts as he could in his life. His lust was so strong in fact that he rarely thought of anything else, including ironically, how to best achieve his goal.

In the normal way of things Issei would eventually mature. He would face hardships and experience pain, he would overcome obstacles and face challenges, and through it all he would build relationships he would value. This would cause him to realize facts about the difficulty of a Harem that few ever have to think about. It would lead to him understanding there is more to it than his own lusts.

Unfortunately for the chastity of many, our young protagonist is about to receive an interesting power and with it whole new avenues with which to satisfy his lust.

The seventeen year old Hyoudou Issei was awoken by a loud Ping. This in itself was not normal as his alarm was most certainly not something so generic. This however was not the most unusual event happening, for there floating perhaps two dozen centimeters from his face was a small transparent blue rectangle.

[You have slept in your bed. HP & MP restored]

Hyoudou Issei responded to this event like most teenagers respond to any event shortly after waking. He ignored it completely. He simply turned his alarm off and staggered into the bathroom

Now however with his morning routines finished and the sleep washed from his eyes he noticed the strange event before him. Issei closed the window with a perverted grin spreading across his face. This was the second morning he had woken up to such a notification. If there was just the occasional strange pop up, he probably would just continue on with his life however as he had discovered yesterday there was more to his strange new gift.

He had awoken that Sunday morning and upon noticing the strange events occurring had panicked rushing about his room causing a ruckus which continued until his mom came into her son's room cautiously; wondering just what had caused her son to be so active this early. Seeing his mother caused Issei to freeze though not for the usual reasons. No he froze in shock due to what he saw floating over his mother's head.

Hyoudou Sachiko

LV: 7

Seeing that his mother made no comment on the strange words floating over her head Issei assumed that for some reason only he could see these strange new additions. After calming down and diverting his mother's interest Issei went about his morning routine. This of course is where he discovered his own slightly different addition in the bathroom mirror.

The Gamer

Hyoudou Issei

LV: 4

Deciding that the floating words were not really hurting anything as only he could see him Issei spent the day as he did most weekends. However while intently watching a scene in his most recent eroge another event occurred.

[A Skill has been created through a special act]

[Through continuous observation, a skill to find the target's information 'Observe' has been created]

That's right he just spontaneously developed a skill that could possibly surpass that of his friend Motohama. Motohama could with a glance accurately tell you any woman's three sizes. Issei decided that since he had already relived himself while playing that now was a great time to test his new ability and possibly gain new ones.

While he had not discovered any new skills he had come up with a few ideas before getting distracted. Issei figured that this morning before his first day of class with these new powers was as good as any other time to try his ideas out. So with a breath he spoke.

"Main Menu"… Nothing

"Pause"… Again nothing, Issei ran his hands over his head with a sigh.

"Options" Still nothing Issei was beginning to get frustrated. He tried one he was almost certain he had to have.

"Skills" With a Ping a window opened and Issei felt a surge of triumph he had a skill list and… three skills? Issei studied the list.

[A Gamer's Mind](Passive)LV: MAX

Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through.

Allows Peaceful state of mind.

Immunity to psychological status effects.

[A Gamer's Body] (Passive) LV: MAX

Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game.

[Observe](Active) LV: 1

Allows the User to discover the targets information. More information appears at higher levels

MP: 5

Those first two skills surprised Issei however it was the one he expected to see that really interested him. 'It costs MP to use, that means I must have MP to spend, which means' Issei thought for a bit before closing the window before him and trying

"Stats" Ping a new window appeared. Upon actually studying the window Issei felt conflicted on the one hand he had a status window on the other his actual stats were…

Hyoudou Issei

Class: The Gamer

Title: Oppai Baka

Level: LV 4

HP: 100/100

MP: 12/12

STR: 9
VIT: 13
DEX: 8
INT: 6
WIS: 4
LUK: 15

Points: 0 Money: 0

Rather bad especially his mental stats assuming ten was average for his age which based on his physical stats seemed about right he was barely more than half as smart as the average student and his wisdom was even worse. His only good stats were his luck and vitality. He wasn't really that stupid was he? Sure he did not pay that much attention to the teachers in class but that was because he had better things to focus on like the H magazines his friends brought and Oppai and peeking on girls changing so he could see Oppai. He wasn't stupid he just had different priorities!

Then again there it was plain as day on the window his two mental stats combined equaled one average mental stat. Before Issei could get any more upset he heard a call from the kitchen

"Issei if you don't hurry up you're going to be late to school again!" His return call was interrupted by an unexpected Ping

[Quest Alert]

Get to Class on time

You are about to be late to class. Hurry and arrive on time.

Quest Completion: 250 exp, Increased reputation with School Administration

Quest Failure: Detention, Reduced reputation with School Administration


Issei was unsure of what to do at first this was after all the first time he had received a window of this type. After reading the alert one more time and seeing no real down side hit [Yes]. He then raced the timer to prepare for class.

Hyoudou Issei made it into his homeroom with a little over five minutes to spare much to the shock of his class representative. As Issei hurried to his seat she was wondering what had led to the infamous pervert getting to school not just on time but early.

Issei himself was in the process of scoping out the levels of all his classmates currently in attendance completely oblivious that he had, for a brief moment, garnered some female attention that was not negative. Most of his class did not surprise him with their levels they were mostly threes and fours with the occasional five. One level however did stand out as it was actually higher than his mother's; who had the highest level he had seen at this point.

Kiriyu Aika

LV: 9

The fact that his class representative was more than double his level and was higher than the few adults he had seen made him curious enough to use his newest skill with a near silent whisper.

"Observe" What he saw was both interesting and not while he could not see her stats or why her level was so much higher than his he did learn some information that could prove… useful.

Kiriyu Aika

LV: 9

Kiriyu Aika is the Class representative of class 2-B at Kuoh Academy she is the 6th most intelligent student in the school with a surprisingly keen grasp on applying her knowledge in the real world. She is also a pervert of the highest order. She has studied the male body so obsessively that she can with a glance accurately estimate his size with less than a tenth of a centimeter of error. She has used this ability to measure the length and girth of most of the males at Kuoh Academy and keeps a log book of that and other measurements for reference.

It would seem that his class rep was a fellow pervert. It was nice to know that there were girls that were as interested in seeing others nude as he was. In fact perhaps they could perv on each other? Issei knew that he was not the most handsome or fit person around but then again the class rep was no great school beauty either they were both just about average. That meant he had a chance! A shot to see some real Oppai! This would require a lot of effort and careful planning but the potential rewards… the thought had him drooling. He was shocked for his perverted thoughts when he heard a now familiar Ping.

[Quest Alert]

My first pair of breasts!

Using your gamer ability and your natural skills convince a girl to show you her breasts!

Quest Completion: 10000 exp, seeing a girl topless

Quest failure: Death


This quest was strangely relevant to what he had just been thinking was it possible that… his train of thought was derailed by a small group of students bursting into the room. In the group were two people he knew well and several he would like to know better. Issei quickly accepted the quest before his friends arrived. As his friends grew closer their levels became clear and Issei felt … under whelmed both were level three feeling the urge Issei once again used his skill on the smaller of his two friends first


Nakakuni Motohama

LV: 3

Nakakuni Motohama is a member of Kuoh Academy's infamous Perverted Trio he is known as "Perverted Glasses" and "Three Sizes Scouter" Has the ability to calculate a females three sizes just by looking. He is the smartest member of the trio and the only one testing above average.

Seeing nothing surprising Issei turned to his other friend and activated his skill just as he sat beside him.

Takumi Matsuda

LV: 3

Takumi Matsuda is a member of Kuoh Academy's infamous Perverted Trio he is known as "Perverted Baldy" and "Sexual Harassment paparazzi" A former jock and current member of the Photo Club his current goal is to take pictures of a girl in a compromising situation. Despite his lack of recent training he is still the strongest member of the trio.

Again nothing he did not already know he needed targets better than his friends after greeting them he let them return to a previous conversation and searched for an interesting target. He quickly noticed that among the recently arrived students two stood far above the rest and dethroned Kiriyu Aika for highest level seen they were they were Katase Yui, and Murayama Kaori levels eleven and thirteen respectively. Issei decided to use his skill again who knew maybe one of them was perverted as well?


Issei waited for the expected screen to appear while focusing on Katase. Instead he felt something squeeze him and heard a faint hiss. Frowning Issei pondered about what had gone wrong. With a start he realized


It was as he expected.

Hyoudou Issei

Class: The Gamer

Title: Oppai Baka

Level: LV 4

HP: 100/100

MP: 2/12

STR: 9
VIT: 13
DEX: 8
INT: 6
WIS: 4
LUK: 15

Points: 0 Money: 0

He did not have enough mana to use his skill again he could only use his new skill twice before having to recover. The question was how quickly did he recover MP? Pressing his MP bar revealed that he recovered a point of mana every minute which meant that he could scan Katase in three minutes then Murayama in five. Or he could just wait ten minutes for his MP to recover fully and scan then both. As he was trying to decide their homeroom teacher entered the room and class begun with the ringing of a bell. Deciding to prove his mental scores wrong Issei focused on the lesson.

[Your WIS has increased by 1]

[Your INT has increased by 1]

Issei did not know whether he should be happy or angry. On one hand he had gained two stat points last class, and he did feel smarter, on the other if he gained a point of wisdom for deciding to pay attention and a point of intelligence for doing so it made his mental scores that much more pathetic. If he continued to gain INT at this rate he would be twice as smart by the end of the day. Deciding to improve his mood Issei focused on the two Kendo girls in his class while waiting for the next teacher. This time he could feel the energy leaving him. He used his skill.


Katase Yui

LV: 11

Katase Yui is a Second Year student at Kuoh Academy. The vice-captain of the kendo team, she once beat four delinquents without getting a scratch She is expected to go far in this year's national completion.

Issei could feel himself beginning to sweat. He knew that Kuoh had a good kendo team; however the fact that she could beat four people who could almost certainly beat him one on one left him wondering how he walked away after the team was done punishing them for peeping. With a breath he focused of Katase's taller friend


Murayama Kaori

LV: 13

Murayama Kaori is a second year student at Kuoh Academy. The Captain of the Kendo club she once shattered a man's knee with a single swing as such she will rarely act with violence outside of sanctioned matches. She is expected to reach the semifinals in this year's national competition.

It seemed that low to middle teens was about what he could expect for the best the school had to offer and seeing how Kuoh was once one of the best all girls schools around that was a standard most teens should stick to. That said he was going to be peeping on different girls for a while.

The next few classes before lunch went as expected with the exception of the substitute teacher they had being a surprising level 15 making him the highest level he had seen yet. Observe had also gone up a level. By the time the bell rung for lunch Issei had only gained one more point in INT it seemed that the higher his INT got the more it would take to raise it. That said Issei expected his INT would double in about a week.

Issei was eating lunch in the cafeteria with Matsuda and Motohama when he heard an all too familiar squealing sound. That could mean only one thing, pretty boy Kiba the enemy of all men had entered the cafeteria. Issei turned to scowl and the boy as he tended to do whenever in his presence he was about to comment on the cursed pretty boy's good fortune to his friends when what he saw floating over Kiba's head caused him to freeze chocking on his tongue in disbelief.

Knight of Gremory

Yuuto Kiba

LV: 29

What kind of monster was this pretty boy!? Not only was he more double the level of any other kid he had seen he actually had a title; A title that seemed to indicate that he was awfully close to Rias-Senpai.
What if … what if the pretty boy got to see her Oppai every day!? Issei was sure if he saw such a sight daily he would be stronger as well. He doubted he would be almost level thirty though. Did that mean that the damn pretty boy got to do even more? Was he allowed to touch and play with them or perhaps even suck them!? He was going to kill Kiba and take his place!

"That pretty boy does not deserve to suck Rias-senpai's Oppai!" Issei screamed as he stood.

All the students near him froze as they processed what he said his two friends looked at him with confusion. Around the room people started to whisper. Many people in the school assumed that Rias and Kiba were a couple however after months of no one seeing them do anything couple like the rumors had died down. Issei's unplanned shout had just reignited the rumor mill. After all, Issei may be a pervert but he would not scream something like that without some form of proof right?

Kiba it seemed noticed just what many of the girls were starting to discuss. With a frustrated sigh Kiba left the cafeteria with speed knowing that no girl who found him would give him any peace.

Issei meanwhile was trying to explain to his friends that he really had not seen anything and his imagination had just got the best of him when he saw Kiba. Something that was true even if it avoided just why he had that response. Lunch passed without much incident after that though the trio did receive a few more looks than normal. Sadly none of them were good.

The school day had just ended and instead of heading home or going to peep on the Kendo club like Matsuda and Motohama, Issei was heading toward the Old school building where the Occult Research Club was housed. He planned to wait near the building and see if Kiba was the only member of the club with a freakishly high level or if it was all of them. He also planned to Observe as many of them as he could. As he did not want them to know that he was watching them. He moved as far from the old school building as he could while still seeing the front door and took a seat under a nearby tree to wait. He did not need to wait long.

The first person who he saw enter was a tiny girl who he thought was a first year. She certainly did not look normal with her near white hair and tiny even by Japanese standards body. They words over her head just cinched it.

Rook of Gremory

Toujou Koneko (Shirone)

LV: 27

This proved that there was definitely something strange going on with the O.R.C Why else would two of its members have such ridicules levels not to mention that this girl also had a title involving Rias-Senpai. And it seemed she was also using a fake name. Issei decided that she made an excellent target for observe.


Toujou Koneko (Shirone)

LV: 27

Toujou Koneko, birth name Shirone is a first year student at Kuoh Academy and Rook in the service of Rais Gremory. A rare breed of nekomata known as the nekoshou she is fiercely loyal to Rias' peerage. Due to a trauma of her youth she has a deep fear of her natural aptitude for senjutsu.

Never before had three sentences turned his world on his head so soundly. Apparently the little girl before him was not human she was some form of cat monster know as a Nekoshou. Due to his power Issei had begun to suspect that magic, or something similar may be real. However it was a huge jump from magic to rare catgirls pretending to be human at your school. Was Kiba a catboy? Did he want to find out? His observe had just given him some pretty personal information. With a shake of his head Issei decided to head home. After all he had enough to think about magic, and catgirls, and apparently senjutsu was also real. How he was going to find out more on these topics he did not know. What he did now was that he was going to be keeping an eye on the members of the Occult Research Club.

AN: So here is the very first chapter of my very first fanfiction. What did you think? I wrote this over a period of 5 days and this is currently all I have outside of an outline of where the story could go. What do people think I need to improve? What did you like? Do you see any glaring errors? All critiques are welcome as long as they give advice on how to correct the issues they point out. I plan on my chapters all being about this size are the too small? How do you think I've been portraying Isssei's character? Do you see any ways I could improve my characterization of him?

Chapter word count- AN and title: 3387

Edit: Corrected the spelling of Rias' name. Sorry about that. Also added horizontal lines for scene breaks as edited out the ones I had.