Jim slipped into the hot shower. He'd been having hotter and hotter showers lately. Something Amanda said she'd gone through with her little bundle of Vulcan joy. They'd spent the next two hours discussing their various pregnancy cravings. Spock was scandalised. And quite the pretty shade of green. Not their fault Vulcans were prudes. Or that all Human soon-to-be-mothers craved sex.

Seriously. Jim was hornier than he'd been as a teen. Only Spock could make grading papers sexy. Or turtle necks. Or opening the fridge. Or any of the millions of things which made Jim want to jump him.

The best thing about being bonded to a Vulcan? He knew when Jim wanted sex. And he gave it to him. It was about the only thing he could enjoy at the moment. Other than teasing Pavel about his newest stalker. Who Spock promptly buried. (Jim was about 60% sure he was joking. The number dropped every day.)

He leant his head back against the cool tiles, slowly sinking the rest of his back against it. The cold helped clear his mind. And his breathing. The room was a bit foggy. It made each breath just that little bit more difficult.

A warm hand curled around Jim's hip. He let his body be pulled out of the spray and into a hard chest.

"I was under the impression you were waiting for me." Spock's voice sent shivers up his spine. Or maybe it was the hand rubbing across his baby bump.

It had been something which took a while to get used to. At first, he'd been self conscious. Jim wasn't a fool. He knew he was beautiful. He did work out at the gym three times a week, practise four different martial arts disciplines and do a session of yoga every other weekend to keep in shape. Bones thought it was borderline excessive. Jim just liked to move. And be pretty but he couldn't really tell Bones that.

Spock quickly put his worries to rest. He liked the rounding of Jim's stomach. Really liked it. Something about his Vulcan heritage. Apparently pregnant mates drove them wild. Maybe female Vulcans were simply too sexed up to crave any more romps in the bedroom. Kitchen. Living room. Bathroom. Hall. Foyer. Dining room. Lounge. Study.

Leaning into the touch, Jim guided his bondmate's hand down further. It wrapped around the sensitive flesh, eliciting a moan. Spock's hand squeezed and twisted as he stroked Jim just the way he liked it. A steady string of encouragements fell from Jim's lips.

"Please. Spock. Ngggh." He panted, head turned into Spock's neck.

Without further prompting, Jim was marched forward until his hands slapped the wall. He whimpered as Spock's warmth disappeared from his back. A whimper which transformed into a high keen when he felt a warm tongue lapping at his entrance. That tongue was doing devious things which made his tummy flip and his knees go weak. No wonder Spock was a xenolinguistics professor. He had a very talented tongue.

It flattened against his hole before drawing back and spearing deep inside him. Jim moaned obscenely and bucked back onto the muscle. In a pleasured haze, Jim barely noticed when the tongue was slowly replaced by long Vulcan fingers.

He whimpered when they were removed. He felt much too empty and disconnected from Spock.

"Fuck me. Please, Spock. Need you." He whined, body arched and ready. It was the cruellest torture.

In one quick motion, Spock filled him. They moaned, long and drawn out. A bare second passed before Spock was slowly sliding in and out. With each push, he brushed Jim's prostate, sending white hot sparks of pleasure up and down his spine. Pleasure pooled in his stomach. It was so perfect. They'd had enough practise lately that Spock could make him finish in under ten minutes. He knew where all the buttons were and what order to push them. Stupid, beautiful, amazing telepath.

Spock chuckled as Jim scrambled for a better hold on the tiles. He groaned and tightened around the cock thrusting in and out of him at such a tortuously slow pace. Behind him, Spock growled and began to nip at the back of his neck. The sharp spikes of pain only made Jim arch his back and lean his head forward in offering. More room for Spock's mouth meant more marks. Jim didn't lie to himself. He found it incredibly hot to see Spock's marks on his skin days after the tryst they'd been made during.

As Spock picked up the pace, one hand covered Jim's, their fingers entwining. The other explored Jim's body. He shivered and moaned as his nipples were played with. The stray hand wandered lower, resting on the protruding stomach and drawing little circles.

Wet lips kissed at Jim's shoulders as two pairs of eyes looked at the place where their baby was growing. If the shower wasn't still running and fogging the place up, Jim was certain he'd feel a few traitorous tears slipping free. Gods, he was turning into such a sap. Amanda and his mother both swore it was only hormones but, he couldn't imagine not loving his bubby this much after they're born.

"I love you, both of you." Spock whispered into his shoulder, eyes still locked on his stomach.

Jim sniffled, leaning back into Spock. The position pushed harder against his prostate. Unexpected, pleasure shot through him. Spock hissed, teeth pressed against love bitten skin.

His hand continued on it's journey, wrapping around Jim's erection and tugging harshly. Each of Jim's breaths came in short pants. He was so close. He just needed-

"Come for me, ashayam." Spock breathed right into his ear. It sent shivers dancing down his spine. And in the next second he was pushed over the edge. His entire body rocked with the force of his orgasm. Blearily, he felt Spock's thrusts stutter as he reached his own completion.

They stood under the water, cum washing down the drain as they caught their breaths. Jim turned in Spock's arms and kissed him soundly. Their bond hummed with sated affection which warmed Jim from the darkest depths of his soul. His fingers traced the green flush stretching over Spock's cheekbones. He let his head fall on Spock's shoulder as he was held close. He wished this moment could last for-

"If you boys are finally done, Winona is here." Amanda said as she popped her head in the room.

"Ko-mekh!" Spock reprimanded his mother as Jim squeaked against up against him. He was sure his face was bright red by now.

"I can never look at her in the face again." Jim mumbled into Spock's skin.

Jim took his time getting dressed. By the time he had no excuses to dawdle left, he was almost ready to -throw himself off the balcony- face his shameless in-law. And his mother. They were probably sitting on the lounge and comparing 'fun' childhood anecdotes. Pavel would never be able to respect him again. He'd probably leave Starfleet and run back to Russia.

It was worse. Much worse.

Sitting on the armchair was Captain Pike. Captain Pike of Starfleet. A place where Jim couldn't technically be an officer because of his omega genetics. They were screwed. Royally screwed. Didn't matter that the guy was technically his godfather. No one outside Winona, Sam and Frank knew about Jim.

"Jimmy, it's been a long time. I thought you'd never make me a grandpa." Chris said as he pulled himself up and gave Jim a quick hug and pat on the back.

"Huh?" Jim was in shock. He hadn't seen Pike since May when he'd applied to defer for a year. His three years would now be four. It made him pout a little. But he'd rather spend time with Spock and the bub after giving birth. Graduating at 24 was still pretty good.

"Number One and I can't have kids so, you're the one spreading the DNA around, Jim." Chris explained with a smile. He did look like grandpa material. Not that he was too old. Just, Jim knew Pike would be great with kids. The few times he'd met him as a kid backed it up. Pike was always ready to play silly games, read books, explain all 483 'why' questions which spilled out of small mouths. It happened once. Scotty always wondered how Jim could pilot a shuttle when he was thirteen. Pike was rather thorough in his explanations. And Jim had an excellent memory. But why did he know? How did he know? When would Starfleet kick him t the curb?

"No, what? Wait, what?" Jim looked around for support. "Mumma?"

"Don't freak out Jimmy. Chris has known for a while. I told him when I found out you'd applied. I needed someone to watch over you." Winona answered his rather pathetic whimper. He thought he'd grown out of relying on his mother's reassurance. He was a grown man. About to have his own child and everything.

"Kiddo, I just wanted to say that Christopher's a pretty good name." Pike winked. Jim stared. Through the bond he could feel Spock's concern. No shock or panic.

"You knew, you bastard!" He turned on his bondmate, pointing an accusing finger. From the corner of his eye he could see Pavel excuse himself and slide into the kitchen. He'd gotten used to hiding out when Jim's moods went wonky.

"Indeed. Who do you think I changed our marital status through?" Spock asked, the concern inside his head doubling. It was all so confusing. For so long, Jim thought he was alone. Him against the world. Spock and Bones playing backup sure. A safe haven in a wide universe out to get him. But now, he wasn't so sure. They'd gone behind his back.

Jim looked back and forth between everyone in the room. He was honestly hurt and confused.

"Jim, honey, look at it this way. You could either be hurt because they didn't tell you. Or, you could be touched having so many good people looking out and believing in you." Amanda got up and pulled him into a motherly hug. She really gave the best hugs. His mother didn't like touching. It was one of the things he'd wished he'd had growing up. His babe was so lucky.

Behind them, the door opened and in walked Sarek. His long black coat swished around his legs like something out of a movie. The man was perfect. A bit of a self centred git. But really smart and oddly funny. Jim could definitely see where Spock got a lot of his attributes. And he'd be lying if that didn't make him like him. Just a bit. It was hard not to smile when they did something similar. He could see a younger Spock by Sarek's side. It melted his heart every time.

The other adults all stood and began making their way to the door. Jim looked at Spock questions swimming in his eyes. The Vulcan sent him a mental shrug. They followed everyone into the foyer.

"We're all ready to go, Sarek." Amanda brushed her fingers along Sarek's in a kiss before turning and hugging both 'her boys'. "You're coming over for dinner tomorrow night. Bring all those friends I've been hearing Pavel talk about." She kissed their cheeks and fussed with Spock's bangs before Sarek guided her out the hall.

"Don't worry Jimmy, he'll come around. Old Vulcans always take a while. Too set in their logical ways." Winona straightened out his shirt. "I'm so proud of you, Jimmy. So- so is George."

"Don't be a stranger, Jim." Chris gave him a hug and shot Spock a quick ta'al. "If you ever need a baby sitter..."

"I'll remember the guy who gave me a step by step guide to steal a shuttle. Including the command codes." Jim joked, leaning slightly on Spock's shoulder.

"Hey! I didn't tell you to actually steal it!" Chris replied indignantly.

"A stolen shuttle, Captain?" Spock asked with a single raised eyebrow. Pike wisely decided to simply walk away. Best not get Spock to begin lecturing.

Jim swung the door closed and leant his back against it. His family was crazy but at least they were there. It was more than he'd ever expected. And everything he'd ever hoped.

Aaaand that's a wrap. So sad to see this finished. Look out for the epilogue. :D