Ok everybody . . . this is the last chapter : ( Sorry I haven't updated, I couldn't come up with a good ending. I had a lot of fun writing this. I thank all of you for reading and I hope you enjoy the final chapter : )

Disclaimer: I don't own Young Justice or Danny Phantom.

Danny was still standing guard over his cousin and the other clones multiple hours later. The other heroes had fallen asleep and their mentors had whisked them to their rooms in the cave. They all were quite exhausted after the ordeal they went thought, but Danny had to stay up. He had somehow convinced Batman to let Vlad come to see Dani, with a League escort to the cave, of course. That was a short while ago and Vlad was due here any minute. . . speak of the devil.

"Daniel," Vlad whispered, as to now wake the others, "How is she doing?"

"Better," Danny whispered back, suppressing a yawn, "Her fever has gone down and her wounds are starting to heal. A few were infected, but their doctors dealt with that. It could've been a lot worse. Dani told me how the other two protected her, helped her stay sane."

Vlad sat down next to Danny and held his daughter's hand.

"I should have stopped Atruevious sooner," Vlad said.

"We both should've seen this coming, but that whack job is in prison now," Danny said yawning aloud this time.

"You should probably get some rest," Vlad said, "You've been through quite an ordeal."

"I don't need," Danny started, but was cut off.

"Mr. Masters is right, the others are all asleep," Green Arrow said sitting next to his former protégé, "There's a guest room open down the hall, second door on the right."

Vlad gave Danny a look that told him that sleep was mandatory. The young half ghost grumbled as he left the room. A few minutes after he left, Conner decided to rejoin the land of the living.

"Easy, Conner," Green Arrow said having the panicking boy lay back down.

"W-what happened?" he asked looking around.

"The team rescued you. Atruevious and Kat are in prison," Green Arrow said.

"Are they alright?" Conner asked looking at his fellow clones.

"They will be fine," Vlad said reassuringly.

"I have to go get one of the doctors. I'll be right back," Green Arrow said and left.

"So, you're Vlad?" Conner asked.

"Yes, but how did you know?" Vlad asked.

"Dani. She talked about you and her cousin a lot," Conner responded, "Is he here too?"

"Yes, we just sent him to bed though," Vlad said, "Thank you for helping keep my daughter sane through the ordeal."

"It's what we do," Conner said.

(A few days later)

"Boys, don't push yourselves too far," Black Canary called to the training clones. "You're still healing."

"We haven't been able to move in over a week," Conner said.

"We're taking advantage of it," Roy said as he and Conner continued to spar.

Canary shook her head and smirked at them.

"Like you wouldn't get right back to training the minute you could stand," Green Arrow said to Black Canary as Conner pinned Roy. "Roy, stop going easy on him."

Roy muttered something as Conner helped him up. Roy then flipped over Conner and pinned the younger down.

"That a boy, Roy!" Green Arrow said and Roy muttered something else as he helped Conner up.

~'Phantom D01, Spirit D02' the computer called as their new friends teleported to the cave.

"Roy! Conner!" Dani shouted as she ran to meet her fellow clones.

"I still can't get used to teleporting," Danny complained as the Boy Wonder popped up behind him.

"You will, eventually," Robin said as Dani got sparing tips from the other clones.

"So, you say," Danny muttered.

"Hey, Miss M. What's for lunch?" Kid Flash said coming up behind Robin as the adults left the room.

"I'm making turkey burgers!" she said excitedly as Artemis helped her chop onions.

The three that were standing by the zeta tubes made their way to the living room.

"We are glad the two of you could come for lunch," Kaldur said.

"Well, someone told me this would be good team bonding," Danny said looking at Robin, "Plus, Dani would rather be learning more techniques with you guys, than caching up on school work."

"Does anyone else get confused with you two having the same name?" Raquel asked.

"My cousin is usually the only one who calls me "Dani" when he's around," Dani said as she sat down on the couch.

"If you don't mind I think I'm going just call you by your codename, Spirit," Zatanna said.

"That's cool," Dani said.

"So, what are we watching until lunch is done?" Artemis asked as Robin turned on the T.V.

"Ghost Busters!" Robin and Kid Flash shouted at once.

"Ha, ha," Danny said as Dani chuckled, "You know they weren't too far off with how we catch the ghosts."

They all laughed a bit at that and Danny pointed out all the similarities and differences between the movie and real life. He wouldn't stop interrupting until Dani through a pillow at him. Then a buzzer went off.

"Oh, burgers are done!" M'gann called as she flew over to the kitchen and set everyone's burgers up.

They sat in the living room eating the delicious burgers as they finished the movie. None of them noticed their mentors in the back of the room silently watching over them.

Well, that's the end of this story . . . I don't know if I'll do a sequel or not . . . I hope you enjoyed it! : ) : ) : ) : ) smiley faces for all : ) : ) : ) : )