Well here is another story. Yaaaay. It is going to be a long one. I'm sorry for grammar and other issues, I've been busy and rushed on this because I don't want to take years on this darn thing. I'm hoping to maybe upload once a month or more but we know I'm not good at keeping that promise and shit happens.

Happy Place was a very calm place to stay, just as the name declared, it was a lot of people's 'happy place'. With white walls and people of all ages walking around in a game room or cafeteria, playing things like ping pong, checkers, or chess, it was a peaceful, sterile, place to stay. The people in the game room were very friendly and tended to be just like everyone else, smiling and waving at the people who worked there.

Of course, they were the nice ones since they were the minimum security patients in the asylum. The workers were just caretakers and monitors wearing white suits that seemed to match the walls. The only colors seemingly in the entire place were drawings done by some of the patients that were proud of their macaroni and marker artwork.

There were only four workers in total, being out numbered by the patients three to one. They were all male workers because they had issues with women workers in an all male patient facility, especially in the more dangerous areas of the asylum. At the moment two of said workers were standing against the back wall in the room watching over the happy patients, a man named Arthur and his co-worker Yao.

Arthur was holding a newspaper in his hands humming as he read over the unusual drama of the city. There had been a massive string of murders lately throughout the town, with victims of all age, race, and religion, but every single one of them looked like an animal had attacked them and they had bled to death. The authorities had absolutely no idea where to start with this case, some even saying they needed to hire a priest to bless the town, or others demanded to hire a monster hunter because of the brutality of the crimes. This time it had been a middle aged prostitute with her throat ripped out.

Arthur furrowed his thick brows over his green eyes, his blonde hair was a mess because, at this point, he didn't care anymore how people at his work saw him, they were just a bunch of loonies or close friends anyway. Yao was much better groomed, with his long smooth hair and his blemish free face. He was a Chinese man in his late thirties, but he tried to act like he was in his twenties, while Arthur looked like he was much older than he really was, twenty-three.

"They are really going to have figure something out with this. It seems like whatever is killing is just getting more brutal with how it is doing things." Arthur hummed offhandedly to Yao.

"I'm sure it's just another nut like Ivan!" Yao snapped and showed a tiny bruise on his wrist. "He waited until I came to his cell and he threw the tray out perfectly from the slot and hit me!"

"That is why they say stand to the side of the slot, not directly in front of it when you get to his cell." Arthur rolled his eyes at the tiny mark. He knew Yao was over reacting, but he also knew men like Ivan in the asylum were no laughing matter.

The bad patients, the ones that were actually crazed psychopaths and liked to hurt or kill people, were kept in a separate wing of the mental hospital. They were never allowed out and they were extremely dangerous and expensive to care for. A lot of people thought that because they were locked up for being 'mentally insecure' it meant that they were stupid, but that was as far from the truth as it got.

Ivan was the scariest and most dangerous inmate in the entire hospital. He was smart, incredibly smart, bordering genius. He had killed thirteen people in total and played a sick game with detectives and officers. He would cut the hearts out of all his victims and send them to the detective's office as a joke. At one point Ivan had been a doctor so everyone believed that he had made the deaths as painful as possible. Ivan always claimed that he actually knocked them out before he killed or did things to them because the screams hurt his ears and he didn't like to take medicine for headaches because they "hurt his tummy". When he was arrested and asked how he felt in an interview his response had been, "I'm getting free food, care, and housing. It's not like I went out much anyway, so why wouldn't I be just as happy as I was at home? I assure you, if I didn't want to be there then I could leave and nobody could stop me without a bullet to my head. This is all just a big game and I'm playing for my amusement." Ivan scared the hell out of Arthur because he would always make off hand comments on how his body looked, like he was thinking of slicing it up and dissecting him. He always had a creepy smile and Arthur wished they had put him to death instead of sticking him here where he had to come into close contact with him.

"If I had the chance I would get rid of him." Yao grumbled with his arms crossed across his chest as he leaned on the wall.

"Get rid of who?" A quick happy chirp of a voice pitched in from the doorway not five feet away. The hospital therapist was standing there with the boss damn near riding up his ass.

Feliciano and Ludwig were never really seen without each other. If Feliciano was somewhere, Ludwig was bound to be at least a room over to eavesdrop and watch the very happy man. Even if Feliciano was the therapist of the hospital, he was also trained to work as a daily caregiver, so when he wasn't with a patient he was helping Arthur and Yao feed or care of the patients.

Ludwig wasn't as happy as his friend, actually he never was. He was the manager and supervisor of the hospital, but once again, also trained for taking care of the patients. He was stiff and always watching and calculating everything that happened as if someone important were about to walk through the door for a surprise inspection. He yelled a lot to make sure that everyone was in gear, but after so long of listening to him yell everyone kind of figured that was just his talking tone, until Feliciano would pop off, "Watch your blood pressure Luddy." He would get flustered and help the other three with daily work after the comment. It seemed like everyone that knew them saw he had a major thing for the smaller man except for Feliciano himself.

"We are talking about Ivan." Arthur lazily waved like he were shooing a fly away from his ear.

"He is very scary!" Feliciano whined and looked terrified at the mere mention of the killer's name.

"He isn't that bad, he is just big and insane and he tries to scare people with that." Ludwig scoffed acting all tough and hard.

"But...you are big and aren't really scary…" Feliciano blinked slowly and Ludwig choked on air and tried to make some form of coherent sentence.

"Yes, but I'm not insane!" That was the best comeback he had for that. Yao let out a laugh and make fake goo-goo eyes and batted his lashes.

"Oh, Luddy are you trying to compete with the big scary guy? You know if he wasn't crazy he would be pretty good looking." Arthur burst into laughter at Ludwig's angered face and the angry yelling that followed, it was always fun to make him mad.

"Get your asses back to work and stop fantasizing over the inmates!" He boomed then he stormed out with Feliciano right on his heels giggling and smiling like usual.

Arthur rolled his eyes and tossed the paper he had in a trash bin.

"Ok, I'm going to do one more look over, feed the nut wing, then clock out and go home." He waved lazily at Yao and Yao just gave a grunt and waved him off.

Arthur walked around the asylum checking over all of the rooms to make sure nobody had anything that they weren't supposed to have. He found a bunch of pudding cups in Matthew's room.

Matthew was one of the best patients in the entire hospital. He was only in there because he had a mental breakdown after being forgotten by his entire family, and they constantly had to give him pudding cups to show that he wasn't forgotten. If he didn't think he was being forgotten he didn't even need to take his medicine. Arthur still didn't understand where all the pudding went, considering Matthew had told him once when he first came there that he didn't like pudding and he always left the room at lunch to go do something with the pudding but it was never thrown away in his room or anywhere else.

Arthur went from there to the yellow wing, with the patients that were locked up for most of the day but still let out to walk around or even go into the game room and cafeteria for a few hours. These patients had their own rooms that had comfortable beds, some board games, books, and a window that was big enough to see out of, but not big enough to get out. He checked them and gave them their medicines to keep them level headed and calm, if he didn't give the medicine they would start getting wild.

He then went to the red wing. This wing was for the most dangerous of the patients; killers, rapists, men that seemed to be straight from hell with orders from the devil himself. Arthur walked down this hall with mace he could spray into the meal slots if they decided to grab him when he gave them their food. They were never let from their soundproof cells unless it was shower day or time to clean. Their cells were meant for their own protection; all white soft pillow walls and floor, a pillow mattress, a toilet, no windows, and no way in or out but the door. Arthur pushed the food in through the slots quickly so if they were guarding the slot to attack he wouldn't get grabbed. He would only give them their food if they cooperate and gave him their flimsy rubber tray from the day before, if they didn't then they would miss dinner.

Ivan often missed dinner because he liked to stand at the back of his cell and throw the tray like a frisbee out the slot to hit the person there to give him his food. He had scared off a worker or two so now only Arthur and Yao remained to feed him. He didn't usually lash out at Arthur because Arthur liked to get pepper spray happy and that stuff got stuck in the soft cloth of the room so it lingered for a few days.

"Ivan, hand your tray out slowly...No sudden movements or I will spray you." He tried not to let his voice waver.

"What's the matter friend? You sound as if I'm after you." His voice was always unusually happy, like he found everything extremely funny. Ivan leaned down and Arthur could see his purple eyes flash slightly with amusement and malice after he handed out his tray.

"What is that smell Ivan?..." Arthur could smell something sweet and it made him nervous since he could only smell it when the slot to Ivan's room was open.

"What smell?" He chuckled softly and tilted his head. "Maybe it's just my natural smell." His voice was daring Arthur to question him. Arthur knew Ivan's real smell; a thick smell of timber and winter when snow freshly falls on a cold day. Ivan was taken out once a week by Ludwig with a taser to his temple so he wouldn't be able to attack or run without hitting the floor with the pain of being fried.

"Whatever Ivan. You better not be causing trouble."

"When am I not trouble, Da?" It was a deep rumbling laugh that sent chills up Arthur's spine. He tossed his food in and he didn't stick around to talk to the man after that.

Arthur clocked out with Ludwig so he could record his hours, changed into his normal street clothes, then started walking home. It was dark outside by time he started walking and the only thing keeping the street lit were the old lamps that were lined up on each side of the street. It was silent, not a single noise. The only thing Arthur could hear was his feet hitting the ground, and every now and then the sound of a soft wind blowing against him made a small flutter of his clothes reach his ears.

Arthur had to walk past a park that he lived maybe a block from and it never had any light on it, the street lights that would usually light the trees had been out for almost a year or more. It always made Arthur afraid to walk by it because at night it was always unusually silent around it and the string of murders recently didn't exactly help the situation.

A small rustle got his attention and he stopped and looked over at the park. He could have sworn he saw something move from the corner of his eye, but there was nothing there. He walked and heard the rustle again, it was moving when he did. Arthur slowly grabbed the pepper spray in his pocket and started walking faster.

A low long wail went through the air and Arthur froze up going wide eyed with goose bumps rising on his arms and the hair on the back of his neck stood up. It was a deep sad noise of a dog howl but it was to feral and sounded more like a large wolf. It slowly trailed off into almost a scream of agony. Arthur ran as fast as his legs could carry him to his house knowing there was no way in hell that was a human noise.

He got into his house and slammed the door before deadbolt and chain locking it. He let out a hefty sigh as he tried to get his breath back from running. He forced the noise out of his mind and he went to go make tea and have a quick bath so he could head off to bed.

He smiled softly as he read his favorite book in bed by candle light. He was on the last chapter and he already knew what would happen because he had read it at least a dozen times before, but it got better every time. When he finished the book he was content and ready to go to sleep, so he shut the book with a quick easy snap and leaned blowing out the candle with a short burst of air. He laid down and settled into his pillow, but off in the distance he could still hear the low wailing howl of whatever had been in the park. Strangely enough it sounded almost beautiful to Arthur, as long as whatever it was stayed at a good distance and didn't try to kill him.

It's the first chapter and I'm ok with it, but I know it could have been better. if you find mistakes or anything please tell me so I can fix it. Thanks for reading, please review.