
Many Years Later…

Pyrrha turned the house key and opened the front door so she could get in the house.


Right on cue, Pyrrha knelt down to catch a small blonde haired boy, whose height reached up to her waist.

She scooped up the child and spun him around, savouring the delighted giggles emitted from the young lad upon seeing his mother.

She hugged him tightly and he eagerly returned the gesture.

"Well, someone's happy"

"I missed you mom", the boy mumbled as released his mother.

"You'll never guess what happened today. No wait, do guess you won't get it". The boy quickly shook his head. "No forget that, I don't want to wait too long to tell you. I'll do it now. You ready?"

Pyrrha smirked at her son's ability to speak a mile a minute when he was excited.

Just like his father

"Okay Milo, slow down". Milo did as he was told and took a deep breathe.

"Good. Now, what is it you're so desperate to tell me?"

Milo chuckled to himself before straightening up and clearing his throat for the big announcement.

"I got a call from Kiara. She told me we just got accepted into Signal! We're going to Signal!"

Pyrrha could understand Milo's excitement. Not only was training at Signal his dream since he was a toddler, well he wanted to go to Beacon but he knew he had to pass through Signal first, but now he could train there with Kiara, Weiss and Ruby's daughter and his best friend since their first meeting.

"Milo that's wonderful! You must be so excited".

"Well yeah! It's Signal! I'm gonna be a huntsman!"

"When do you begin?"

"Kay told me we have to be there for tomorrow. I've gotta…I've gotta pack my things. No wait, I did that".

Milo was pacing back and forth, frantically trying to remember what it was he was supposed to do.

"Do I have to tell Kiara? No, no! She told me, why would I have to tell her. Ugh! What was I supposed to do now?"

"Maybe you were supposed to go to bed? Ya know, so you don't sleep in tomorrow?", called a voice from the top of the stairs.

At the top was a blonde haired man, arms folded and a raised eyebrow at his son's explosive enthusiasm.

"Right! That was it, thanks dad".

"No problem Milo. No get ready for bed or you'll never go to sleep".

"Aww but daaaaad…"

"And no buts. I know auntie Nora gave you her special pancake syrup for the ride to Signal and I also know you've already had some".


Jaune sighed and shook his head, though all the while smirking and laughing good naturedly.

"Let's see, the jumping up and down, the two empty bottles of it in your room and the fact that I was there with Nora when she invented it and I know for a fact no living creature can go any longer than three hours without trying it".

Pyrrha chuckled at the memory of Nora's famous "Perfect Pancake Syrup" and how thorough she was in making sure it was, "The best syrup ever, of all time".

And Jaune's wrong. It's two and a half hours

Pyrrha knelt down and gave Milo's shoulders a gentle squeeze, two pairs of green eyes locked onto each other.

"Milo, if you head up to bed now", she pulled him closer and whispered into his ears. "I'll sweet talk Ruby into making you some cookie for the ride".

Nothing, not gold or diamonds, would ever be worth more than Ruby Rose's legendary cookies.

"Deal!", he cheered, running up the stairs until stopping halfway and u-turning to race back down to give his mother a kiss goodnight.

"Love ya mom!"

"I love you too Milo".

He bolted back up the stair and hugged his father.

"Love ya dad".

Juane lightly hugged his son, a warm smile gracing his face.

"Goodnight Milo".

Pyrrha wiped a single tear away from her eye before anyone noticed.

Seeing the two men who meant the most to her in the world like this brought warm feeling to her heart.

Milo sped off to his bed, finally giving the couple the chance to be alone.

Pyrrha walked up the stairs and was pulled by Jaune into a kiss, light to the touch but still as strong with affection as their days in Beacon.

"Remind me to never to let Nora give him that stuff at night time".

"That never stopped us when we were in training".

"Yeah, but she doesn't have to calm down Milo at elven at night. You rember when he played, "the floor is lava" with Kiara after three bottles?"

Pyrrha shuddered.

They both agreed never to speak of the "Lava Floor Incident".

Even for Weiss that phone call was loud

An ache in her shoulder made itself known and Pyrrha grunted in frustration. She craned her neck in various directions to try and limit the pain.

Jaune noticed it immediately.

"Tough day?"

"Yes", she sighed.

"Yang and Blake needed assistance routing a horde of Grimm trying to scale one of the walls".

Jaune was about voice his concerns, but Pyrrha silenced his worries with a wave of her hand.

"Nothing serious, but I really pushed myself with those last few waves".

Jaune sighed in relief.

Then he smirked.

"So you need to relax then? Maybe loosen up your joints a bit?"

Pyrrha grinned back.

"Jaune Arc, what are you suggesting?"

Juane just sniggered and lead Pyrrha to the bed.

She eagerly obliged his offer.

Late at night, Pyrrha awoke form her slumber to find Jaune sill wide awake looking at the ceiling.

"Jaune", she murmured. "Are you still awake?"

He turned to face her, a little upset he disturbed her rest.

"It's nothin Pyrrha", he smiled. "Go back to sleep".


"Jaune", she asked sternly.

He sighed in defeat, knowing his wife was far too smart and determined to let this go.

"It's just…I really wish we were the last one, ya know? I mean, I'm not denying being a huntsman hasn't given me the best years of my life. Nor would I ever trade it for anything else".

His expression became crestfallen.

"But that wasn't how it always was. There were times when…God Pyrrha the things we've been through. Not just the Grimm, we're meant to fight that. But the White Fang, Torchwick, Cinder Fall, they were worse. I know it sounds like the good old days when we talk about, but when we actually lived through it, it was hell. That woman nearly destroyed everything and…Pyrrha I never wanted him to have to go through what we did. The pain, the loss, the doubt".

"And the anger. That unbelievable rage the just burns inside you and grows with every new problem. Eventually we didn't even know what we were anymore. Whether we were heroes keeping peace or just another weapon, pointed at the enemy. I just…I…"

Pyrrha held Jaune's hand in her own, offering reassurance.

"You can't stop him you know".

"Yeah. I know. It's like he didn't even hear the bits about death and betrayal when we talked to him about our time at Beacon. All he saw was brave hunters fighting bad guys".

"So did we".

"But it's not that simple…"

"He'll learn. We did".

"Yeah but…"


An uncomfortable silence filled the room for a brief while.

"I just don't want him to be hurt".

Pyrrha turned Jaune on his side, facing her. Her smile was sincere and full of pride. Her hand reached to his face, her touch calming his worried mind.

"Of course you're worried. That just means you're a good father. But if you stopped him, if you locked him away behind eighty inches of bullet proof glass to keep him safe, you know it would kill him inside. He needs to become a huntsman".

"He'll have bad days. Days when he'll question his truest friend's loyalty, days he'll endure horrors he never dreamed were possible, days he'll think there's nothing left that can be taken from him and realises he's wrong".

"But then he'll have days where he'll be a hero to the world. A friend to many other hunters. And maybe even the love of someone else. And he'll know that all of the pain, all of the fear and anger the world throws at him, can't hope to match against the good in this world".

Jaune placed his hand to his wife's face.

"How are you so sure?"

She smiled wider.

"He's our son. He's got too much of my stubbornness and your spirit to give up just because of a little bit of evil facing him".

At last Jaune smiled, Pyrrha's word finally bring him round.

He moved in to give her a deep, powerful kiss.

They finally broke away to catch some air.

Finally, Jaune got the sleep he so desperately needed, with Pyrrha not far behind him.

Though she shared her husband fears over the many obstacles the stood before their son, she was confident in her words. He was the result of a love that survived everything thrown at them and would no doubt show the same strength in his years to come.

How was it Nora put it once?

Oh yes

"Nothing in this world can stop Arkos!"