The Fallen One

Chapter Five

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or High School DxD

AN: o my gosh… TFO is actually back? I sincerely apologize to the two people who were waiting for this to continue. Lol but on a serious note I hope the recap is enough to jog your memory.


Koneko turned a corner and then went on a little ways ahead to sit on a wooden bench, when he joined her she finally spoke. "You were truly scared of him, why?"

"He said you lied to him, he doesn't take too kindly to lies."

She stopped staring ahead of herself at nothing and looked Naruto in the eyes, "You were scared for my part, why?"

"Trust me when I say death would have been the best outcome for both of us if he'd been in a less forgiving mood," Naruto liked to think that he had nerves of steel, but the intense look Koneko gave him now had him on edge.

"He is far stronger than you yet you were willing to fight to protect me, why?"

"I've already explained how I see you as a friend. I protect my friends."

"Are you still out for revenge on Rias-sama?"


"A pity." She finally looked away from Naruto and her face went back to its almost emotionless state. "Is this Father of yours a threat to Rias-sama?"

"It has nothing to do with her."

"Good." Silence lingered in the air for a while because Naruto felt she wasn't done yet. "I did lie to him."

"O, then what's the real reason you talk to me?"

"I feel a familiar energy from you."

"Heh... already confessing to me, seems my charms have no bounds after all!"

"Stop acting like an idiot. You know what I'm talking about."

"I figured you don't want talk about it."

"I don't. Have you already seen why? Is that how you know I don't want to talk about it?"

"The day we met I sensed that you would be the one to pull me out of my darkest hour. I also sensed that you were in your darkest hour. Ever since that day I've had visions of you, which is out of my control mind you, and I've tried to get as close to you as possible."

"You tried to butter me up with candy? I can't believe I'm friends with a wannabe pedophile."

"Wha...?! No, no, no, no you got it all wrong I tell ya!"


He was ready to defend his actions from this sadistic girl one way or another when he caught her trying to contain a laugh, "That wasn't funny."

"It was." She looked back at Naruto and just stared at him for a moment, "So I am supposed to save you? What if I'm not this great savior you expect?"

"I'll survive either way. My question is why do you doubt yourself? You're much stronger than any of those other slav... cough your friends."

"Did you see it with those eyes of yours?"

"No, you simply have more talent than they do."

"Why are you in my domain, Fallen Angel?"

At the sound of that voice, Naruto grit his teeth and put his best fake smile on display, "I came to see Koneko, and I didn't think it would be a problem, Rias Gremory."

"Last we met you vowed to kill me, forgive my slight hesitation when it comes to believing you're here for any other reason."

Rias stood in front of Naruto with her hands on her hips, Akino and Issei flanking her, ready for a fight.

"It's true he just came to check up on me, I'll explain why later, Rias-sama."

"You believe him, Koneko?"


Sensing that this is the perfect time to get out before any trouble is made, Naruto took it. "Time for me to go, great spending time with you as always Koneko. I'll text over the next week, okay?"


As he walked away from the angry redhead and her slaves, Naruto saw the value in skills that let one instantly move from one space to another.

The Fallen One

"Heard you banished my little brother over a misunderstanding."

"I did no such thing, Gabriel. He left of his own accord."

A blonde woman with eight pure white wings glared at the arch Angel Michael, who was facing away from her and observing the human realm. "Always have an answer for everything don't you. I'm going to bring him back, my mission has been completed so I have free time."

Michael turned around to look Gabriel in the eyes while sporting his kindest smile, "Our little brother chose his path, we've no choice but to accept his decision... even if it hurts to see him being manipulated so." Tears could now be seen rolling down his face.

"You dare cry!" Gabriel angrily grabbed Michael by the collar and held him in the air, "You're the reason he is walking this path! I don't care if father told us to leave him be if he ever did this, I'll be damned if I cut my little brother off."

Michael grabbed Gabriel's wrist as she let him go and prepared to turn around. She glared yet again but before she could say anything he narrowed his eyes and spoke in an even tone, "To go against God for your own selfish reasons would mean betraying heaven itself, made much worse by the fact that you are an Arch Angel. Do not force me to do something I will regret for all eternity, sister."

"Even if you could somehow scheme your way to a narrow victory against me, Michael, only our father could make me a fallen." She glanced at the hand holding her wrist with an almost incredulous look, "Let go of my wrist or prepare yourself for a long visit in the med bay, brother."

"...Ever the reckless fool." He let go of Gabriel's wrist and turned around to look back down on earth, "You may talk to him but do not try to drag him back to heaven, it has to be his decision. Oh, could you ask him why he thinks he does not have flashes of people he does not know anymore. He'll ask how you know... just tell him you're his big sis and you always know things."

"He told me about those a long time ago, deuce."

"You're much closer than I thought. Good luck with his new friends, hope to see you again."

Chapter 6

'I need to stay focused, our entire race depends on me staying focused.'

His father showing up had shaken Lucifer more than he could ever show anyone.

To them… to the people he had brought into this war… he was their absolute power. He was the one pillar that could not be shaken, he was the only one who could whether the full might of the creator and keep standing.

'Father has become stronger.'

His hand shook as he brought the bottle of whisky to his mouth.

'How am I supposed to save us now? If this Lion person Naruto fought is any indication… He has created powerful adversaries.'

"Shit! Shit! Shit! Keep it together!"

Another swig and he could visibly feel his body stop shaking and his mind clearing. He scanned his bar and thought back to how his father had held back his power with no effort. Not even like it was nothing, it truly was nothing to him.

'I need to get Naruto ready… the timeline will have to be moved… I think we can manage it… can we manage it? As he is now, it would still take decades to get him… no, I'm hesitating. I will send Maze to the underworld, let her secure the asset, trying to bring her to me would be a mistake.'

He stood and took the last sip of whisky left, feeling confident he was back in his right mind.

"I'm ready."

"For what exactly, brother?"

Shock raced through his veins as he heard a voice he hoped to never hear again and yet longed to hear again but after feeling her power surge earlier he knew this was coming. So he put on his most charming smile as he turned around and greeted his sister in a cheerful voice.

"Gabriel, dear sister, this is quite the surprise… to what do I owe the pleasure?!"

Gabriel slowly made her way to, Lucifer, until they were face to face. Staring him dead in the eyes.

"You are leading our kind down a road of blood and regret, brother. I am here to try, against my better judgement might I add, convince you to stop this childish rebellion of yours."

She'd always been like this… always thinking others were her juniors, even if they were the older sibling. Always thinking hers was the only real way to do things.

"I am trying to save us, little sister."

"Don't call me that."

"Who's being childish now?"

The smirk that has slowly been forming on his lips vanished when instead of her normal 'you are you stupid.' she just walked past him hand sat at one of his bar stools. Something was wrong.

"When you first started your rebellion, you forced me to slay thousands of my brothers and sisters. After you left, we were the ones who were left burying them, while you started your own little kingdom… I had nightmares for millennia."

Gabriel lowered her head and as Lucifer sat next to her he saw the face of someone who was haunted by their past. Her eyes were filled with sorrow as she remembered that day.

Yes, his so called rebellion only lasted one day.

"Then you radicalized the demon race against us… which forced us to fight a never-ending war. One which has caused countless of us to fall from grace… leaving our kind so few in number."

Life finally came back to Gabriel's' eyes and she looked back at him.

"If this is how you plan on saving us then I am willing to beg you to stop this, brother."


Lucifer swallowed his words and he stared ahead instead of at his sister, he couldn't bear to look at her now.

"Do you know why I did what I did that day?"

"Tell me."

"We were created for one purpose and one purpose alone… look after humans. Not a single one of us was ever given a choice, were we? Perfect beings were forced to watch over savages. Things that hurt their own kind and when they showed some compassion here, a little bit of kindness there… they were granted everlasting happiness. Why? Because father was always going on about how much 'potential' they had."

He couldn't help the rage building in him now and his fingers intertwined as he clenched them.

"Was it so wrong to want more for us? They were given everything while we were treated like puppets. Rule after rule. Heaven? We were prisoners in his sick fantasy of order. Imagine the tranquillity this verse would have without their greed? Every world they inhabit is eventually destroyed. Yet they have the potential to be great so they are forgiven."

He looked back at his sister and she was still staring at him, unblinking.

"I realised then that we were expendable to him. So I did something and yes, maybe, it wasn't the right thing to do but… even if… I knew even if I would regret it till the end of time it was something that had to be done. I praise my fallen brothers and sisters every day I live for they stood for justice on that day."

"Then you despise the ones who stayed in heaven as traitors?"

"You made a choice I do not agree with but unlike father, I do not punish those who disagree with my way."

"You are talking about wiping out a defenceless race… yet you're still trying to make our Father out as the one who is wrong. I see you have not changed."

"You're the one who doesn't understand that we will die if I don't succeed, sister. I'm not just talking about Angels, either. Devils, Demons, the Fallen… every supernatural being in existence will die. I can't stop. I won't stop."

"So… you're forcing my hand yet again, all because you couldn't do your job?"

"He created you to enforce his will with violence, Gabriel… but you could choose to walk away."

"You have put together a team to enact this plan of yours, yes?"


"You depend on them to do their part, yes?"

"Yes, but…"

"It is though, is it not? Father created me because he needs me to do a job… and unlike you I intend to do it. This verse is under constant threat from the outside which means my days are a constant battle. So, imagine my disappointment when I come home after so many years to find I will fight against my own kin yet again?"

"We're allies in this war, Gabriel… with the silver cities help our victory is assured."

"Would you have us erase every human soul in it to prove our loyalty? Wake up, brother, you can stop this… he'll forgive you and we could go back to the peaceful days, don't you miss it?"

"You know, of every one of us… I'd always thought you would be the first one to join me?"

This came as a surprise to Gabriel.

"Why would you think that?"

"Everyone always thought he never made mistakes, I must admit I was one of them, then he made you… and I knew he wasn't perfect because you were there to clean up his precious humans' mistakes."

Lucifer grabbed Gabriels' hands and held them tight as she stared unblinkingly at him.

"It broke me to see you come home covered in blood. Their disgusting blood. The first time I felt anger was the day you tried to question your job and he just talked around it like it was nothing. Dismissing you with a hollow thank you"

"I find honour in doing what I was created to do, brother."

"Someday, when we have a place of our own… I hope to see you there, sister."

Gabriel's' eyes shifted to his hands and stayed there, "You would slay your own, come for your fathers head and still think you are the hero? Brother… can you not see what you have become?"

He let go of her hands and his head dipped as he let out a sigh.

"How is Michael?"

"Still a prick. Why?"

Lucifer grabbed another bottle and started drinking again.

"He knows what Father is planning… much has changed in the last hundred years, sister."

"Speaking of, was Father here?"


Gabriel clenched her hands on the counter but her face remained blank, "It has been close to one thousand years since I have seen him. You have always been his favourite I suppose."

A rueful smile made its way unto Lucifer's' face as he took a big swig of whiskey, "Did you know… I married a human?"

A shocked look came across Gabriel's face, the first sign of emotion she had shown since their conversation started, "You hate humans. How? …When did this happen?"

"I met her ten years ago… My plan was halted then, we married seven years ago…" Another big swig and he continued, "… She was stabbed and killed the next day."

Gabriel raised her eyebrow, "Why did Michael not bring her back? He'd know you would appreciate the gesture."

"He said he tried… but her soul wasn't in heaven."

Her eyebrows creased at this, "I assume it is not in hell either? Which means Father has it."


"Hmm… She must have been quite special then. You should be honoured he cares so much about her."

"Gabriel… he took her soul. That means she is gone forever, I'll never see her again… what… exactly should I be honoured about?"

"Your human spouse was chosen by its creator to be one of the first souls in a new world. How can you not see the honour in that?"

"Let's change the subject… I can see this is going nowhere. What do you think of humans, sister? Do you share Michaels view?"

He could see this question bothered her quite a bit. She was visibly twitching, almost like a robot malfunctioning.

"You can be honest… no one is spying on us."

She turned her head towards him and then went back to looking in front of her, "They are truly despicable creatures. Simply thinking about how they have destroyed the Earth, a truly perfect creation of Father, boils my blood. Some days I feel so much rage that I need to meditate immediately."

"Which is why I thought you would be the first to join me."

"You look at the verse through the eyes of a child, Lucifer." Gabriel stared at him yet again, "Once one accepts a responsibility, it is your duty to shoulder it. You say Father forced me to clean up their messes but in reality, I accepted the job."

She stood up and started to walk to the door, stopping mid-way, "You were supposed to bring them light, who's to say they wouldn't have turned out different if you simply did your job?"

The bottle stopped in front of his mouth and he looked at Gabriel with a grim look, "So, you don't believe our people deserve free will?"

Yet again, Gabriel looked at him with a shocked expression, "Free will? The humans are born without purpose and they die without purpose. We…" Here she vigorously pointed between them, "… Were created with a purpose. Every single one of us are perfect. My brothers and sisters used to live in peace."

At this point her anger started to boil to the surface, it looked like her carefully crafted mask of emotionlessness was cracking, and "That wasn't enough for you though, brother, no. You wanted more than everything you had already been granted. Tell me, what other race suffers from such greed?!" came spilling out.

The bottle in his hands cracked at this accusation, "Don't you dare compare me to them, Gabriel. It wasn't greed that led to my actions. It was the need to see my brothers and sisters free from slavery!"

The two of them glared at one another but both knew they wouldn't fight here.

"Brother, it would seem you have become just as self-righteous as Michael."

He couldn't help laughing at that, "Look who's talking. I'm not the one who's judging someone here."

Gabriel's' eyes slowly shifted to the ground, "Yet again, we are at an impasse… How many millennia ago was that conversation?"

Lucifer smirked, "I honestly don't remember…"

"Hmm… much simpler times I'd say."

His smirk turned into a reminiscent smile, "That's it then."

"Yes, I feel I have heard your side." With her peace said Gabriel continued making her way to the door.

"I do miss you. I miss all of you."

Gabriel stopped and turned back towards him, "I miss my little brother… unfortunately you-"

Twenty minutes earlier


After the fight with Lion guy, then the meeting with my supposedly lost father, I thought a party was in order, right? I mean, that much excitement could only be met with some much needed time off right?


I just had to be woken by half my apartment being blown to bits… good thing I don't have a hangover today. Oh, and I hope Tojiro is alright… I guess.

Even with my thoughts still muddled, my body sprang into action ready for anything.

As my eyes tried to survey my surroundings I could see nothing but smoke around me. What had my body on high alert and Ruin in my hand was the very familiar energy I felt directly in front of me. I couldn't see her but I could sure as hell feel her staring daggers at me.

"H-hey… Sis, didn't kno- Ooof!"

Naruto didn't even get to finish his sentence before a body came flying at him and they both went flying through one of the only walls left in the apartment.

As he groaned from the impact, Naruto looked down to see a dazed Tojiro looking beat up.

"Naru-to… someone… claiming to be your sister… is… looking for you *cough*"

Naruto rolled Tojiro's injured body off him and carefully stood with his hands in the air, as to not agitate his sister.


Her voice was as cold as can be.

As the smoke began to clear, Naruto, could begin to see his sister Gabriel.


Any sane person would do exactly what the Angel of war asked of them at this point. Any lesser beings would have fainted because of the aura of death surrounding her. Even if you couldn't sense the danger, those cold eyes staring back at Naruto and the ground literally shaking around her made it clear how she felt at this moment.

Naruto hadn't seen her in a number of years though and with what he'd been through in such a short amount of time, it was no surprise when he rushed up to her and then… hugged her as tight as he could.

"I… sob…I… missed you so much!"

He was actually crying. A warrior who'd seen countless battles was crying in his sisters arms. The person who could tip the balance of an unimaginable war broke down the second he saw someone from his past life.

Gabriel knew she couldn't let him off easy this time, he'd messed up too much. As his older sister she had to discipline him…

But seeing him like this…

He must have gone through a lot and had no one to talk to. Her hand instinctively began to pat his head.

"I'm sorry… I should have been here."

She could never stay mad at him.

Since the first day Father made him she'd looked after him and they had become closer than any brother and sister.

"Why is it you always cry when we see each other after a long time?"

Naruto loosened his grip on Gabriel and looked her in the eye, "Would it kill you to be a little nicer?"

Gabriel looked at him with a blank expression, "No, it would not kill me. Why do you ask?"

Naruto's eyebrow twitched. A hundred years and she still takes things so literally, "I didn't… no never mind…" At this point she was wiping his tears away, "… Do you… do you want something to drink?"

Gabriel finished wiping his tears, neatly folded her handkerchief and put it away before she looked at him. "Luckily your crying didn't produce any mucus, it would have been quite disgusting having to walk around with it."

Another twitch, "Just throw it away then!"

Gabriel cupped and looked him directly in the eyes, "I could never throw away something you gave me?"

Naruto's eyes shifted around his broken apartment awkwardly as Gabriel intensely stared at him. Her constant physical affection wasn't much of a problem when he was an Angel… but things have gotten intense since he became a Fallen. Luckily a wheezing Tojiro became a welcome distraction.

He grabbed her hands from his face and urgently asked, "Can you please heal Tojiro? He's kind of a friend…"

Gabriel looked disappointed as Naruto let go of her hands but then raised an eyebrow as he motioned to the Vampire, "Why would I heal it? This… friend… of yours is a Vampire, you know this?"

Naruto rubbed his temples, "I know how you feel about other races, sis… but can you please just heal him?"

"I simply mean to say…" Here, she cupped his face again but this time she turned it left, right, up and down as if to examine him, "… why would I waste energy on healing it when it will simply regenerate?"

She stopped examining his face and started prodding at his body, at which Naruto started to flinch away and swat at her prodding finger. She looked at him in annoyance, "Stand still."

He tried to say no but what came out was, "Yes ma'am."

She continued her examination and then looked at him with a blank stare, "Something is missing, what happened to your power? Did Ruin do this?"

It's only now that Naruto noticed Ruin wasn't in his hands anymore. Looks like he made himself scarce as soon as he realized who it was. "No, it was the other one."

"Hmm…" Gabriel suddenly closed the distance between them and he found himself in a tight hug, "Poor baby, this past century must have been so hard on you. I am sorry I could not be there for you."

Tears started welling up in his eyes again but he quickly blinked them away. 'Why am I always such a little bitch around her?'

He gave her a quick hug back and then stepped away from her, "No, it's… its fine, I'm used to it."

"Tell me everything that has happened to you."

Naruto gulped as he looked into his sisters' expressionless face but he started his story nonetheless.

Victor Lionheart had lived what most... no, all, would call a blessed life. He was born into a family of immense wealth, he was exceptional at anything and everything he ever tried, he was handsome and his body was the epitome of physical perfection. He had never failed once in his life and for that blessing he praised God with all of his being.

In return for his faith in life God gave him the honor of serving him in death. He proved to be just as exceptional an apostle as anything else he had tried in life, which made him proud. Since that first day on the job he performed his duties without a single blemish on his record. His success rate was perfect, just like always. Until yesterday.

"Ahh... you're awake, Victor, my boy."

His body instinctively tried to bow as he heard his Lord and savior's voice but it was completely stiff, not even his mouth could move. His eyes moved toward the being he served and he tried to convey his worry.

"O, the paralysis is for your own safety, can't have you moving around while your skin is a charred mess. Electricity can be a cruel element, my boy."

The glowing being morphed into an old man with a long white beard who wore a tattered black robe and carried a walking cane. It started to slowly pace around the room while talking to itself.

"I gave you everything you could ever want in life, insuring your undying loyalty as a servant, then made you my very own apostle. Your body is a finely tuned fighting machine with exceptional battle instincts. The only reason I could see you lose the fight would be because of your own arrogance. It's a regrettable quality… but one as blessed as you cannot help but have I suppose."

It suddenly stopped and stared at Victor for a full minute before walking to his side and leaning in close to his face, to the point where their noses almost touched, "You're a failure. Hmm..." Its eyes scanned Victors' face. "…you are crying because you think that makes you useless?" The old man cupped Victor's face and wiped his tears away, "It's expected, it is your first failure after all."

The old man walked away from Victor and walked over to the window where he basked in the sunlight for a moment. He looked into the clear blue sky and sighed as if he was simply tired of everything, "I failed in creating a universe where all my children could live happy lives. I failed to protect my first born from the harshest pain anyone could ever feel. I fail to save most from terrible things daily, Victor."

He finally turned to look at Victor again but this time he had a gentle smile on his face, "What we, as failures should remember is why we keep fighting. Unfortunately we do not have the luxury to wallow in our own shortcomings, we need to learn from them. Grow stronger because of them. Become better through them."

'I will follow you to the end of time, my Lord. Naruto will pay for turning his back on you!'

The old man smiled when he saw the determination on his Apostles face. 'Lucifer my boy… I may not be able to see the future but I do believe the human race has capable enough defenders now. Do try to prepare a better offence… it would be quite disappointing if I did not even need to step in.'

It walked over to Victor and slowly started to heal his wounds. The damage was quite extensive, in fact, were he a normal human being he would have died twenty times already. 'Though healing such extensive wounds without showing Victor how much effort it takes me would be pointless'

As Naruto finished telling her his story, Gabriel gave him a single nod and then stood, "Ever wonder why you do not have your flashbacks anymore?"

"Wha-No… I don't know, I think it's because I don't care about being perfect anymore?"

Gabriel simply looked at her little brother with a pitiable expression, "Still hopeless." Then she made her way to the still unconscious Vampire on the floor and a sword of pure light materialized in her hand, "This thing…" Before Naruto could react, the sword came crashing down on Tojiro and a cloud of dust obscured his view, "… and its allies have been drugging you."

"Sis, what the hell?!" Naruto came rushing to Tojiro's side but when he looked down, he wasn't there."

"Whoa Mrs. Hot… you almost took my neck." As the dust settled, Naruto could see a still bleeding Tojiro flexing his bloodied body, "What have I ever done to you?"

Gabriels' emotionless eyes came to rest on the Vampire before her, "I suppose I misjudged your strength." The light sword in her hands disappeared and a physical one took its place. There was nothing special about its design, there was no unique style to the blade, no artistic value to the handle. Just a simple sword. "It will not happen again."

Tojiro may not have known to fear that simple looking sword but Naruto knew. He jumped between them and held his hands in a pleading way towards his sister, "Sis, please! Tojiro has been nothing but helpful! He's done nothing wrong!"

"Sorry, Naruto but if she wants to take me out…" Power suddenly erupted from Tojiro and a menacing pressure could be felt from behind Naruto, "…Then I have to defend myself."

If Naruto looked behind him at that moment he would have seen the bloodthirsty grin on Tojiro's face but he couldn't afford to look away from his sister at this moment, "Sis, he doesn't know what he's doing… I beg you, please don't do this. I don't think I'll be able to forgive you."

Gabriel finally looked away from Tojiro and stared at Naruto and when she saw how serious he was she immediately let the sword vanish. Unfortunately Tojiro took that as his opening and he suddenly appeared next to her with his fist cocked back, ready to punch with all his strength.

Time stood still… or it seemed to stand still because before Naruto could shout for him to stop and before Tojiro could finish his punch, Gabriel cocked her head to the side and looked at him in genuine interest then she simply raised her hand and flicked him under the chin. This sent Tojiro shooting into the sky at an extremely fast pace.

"I did tell him I would not underestimate him again…" She looked at Naruto with that same look, "…did I not?"

Naruto gave her a careful nod in the affirmative and slowly made his way toward her, "Sis… have you calmed down?"

She stared at Naruto and then at the sky, "Then why did he attack? Could he not sense that my full power dwarfed his or is he a simpleton?"

Naruto finally made his way close to the still radiating Gabriel and put his hands on her arms, "Sis, only high ranking Angels can sense this form remember?"

Realization finally struck Gabriel and she gave a small smile as she remembered, "Yes, now I understand why he would attack." She cupped Naruto's face and yet again stared deep into his eyes, "The Vampire is unconscious, I have reinforced the floor to withstand the impact his body will make which means the humans on the floor below will not be harmed."

"Wi-will he survive the fall?"

"No, you will have to either catch him here or fly to fetch him."

Four wings immediately materialized behind Naruto, "I have to go, and I hope you'll wait for me sis… I really missed you." Then he took off after Tojiro.

Gabriel watched her little brother fly after the Vampire before looking in the direction of her other little brothers bar and her eyes narrowed, 'Michael.'

'Do not do it, Gabriel. Father told us to not interfere with Lucifer and his plans, you are still loyal are you not?'

'He brainwashed Naruto!'

'That may be, however, it was a simple concoction that made the boy forget about his previous life. He still chose to stay.'

The air around Gabriel started to vibrate with power, 'Then I will simply talk to him.'

'Gabriel, do not let your emotions take control.'


"-brainwashed him and now I can't even be sure who or what he is." She stared at Lucifer and slowly made her way toward him, light began to radiate from her, "You took away the thing that made him my little brother."

Lucifer stood from his seat and walked toward her, light being swallowed around his body, "Let's not do this, Gabriel. I helped him."

Gabriel and Lucifer stood opposite each other, one producing light the other swallowing it, "Funny is it not? Father created you as the morning star. The light that would lead lesser beings to prosperity… yet look at you now. Corruptor of worlds, the darkness that swallows light, a disgusting farce of an Angel."

Lucifer growled at Gabriel, unable to contain his rage at that statement but he remained motionless, "You can bait me all you want, Gabriel, I will not attack you."

Gabriel cocked her head sideways in confusion and then spoke, "I pulverized the Vampire's bone structure and put a curse on him so he cannot be healed."

"I have ways around even that, Tojiro will be fine." The aura of darkness around Lucifer disappeared and he finally relaxed, "It seems you won't attack first, sister. If you want to stay and relax, you're welcome to, if not then please leave without breaking anything else."

Gabriel bit her cheek in frustration but realizing that Lucifer will not attack first, she saw no need to stay, "He will see through your childish tantrum, Lucifer, it is only a matter of time." With her peace said, Gabriel took off toward heaven through the bars' roof leaving a huge hole behind.

Lucifer looked at the hole in exasperation, "She calls me childish?"

"You are Koneko, yes?"

Koneko looked at the old man in rags before her with bored looking eyes, "You're Naruto's father."

"That is what he called me." The old man motioned to the open chair opposite her, "May I?"

"Heard you're dangerous… you here to kill me?"

The old man chuckled, "Naruto has always had an overactive imagination, I'm harmless at the moment."

"Then have a seat."

"Oh… you're certainly a brave one." The old man took his seat nonetheless.

"He also said you don't like liars, I'm guessing that means you don't lie."

"Very brave indeed… to put your life on the line for a guess I mean." The old man stroked his beard while looking at her and then made a waving motion with his other hand "You deserve a treat."

Koneko stared wide-eyed at the myriad of expensive looking sweet things in front of her and she couldn't help but gulp when she imagined how good they all must taste, "What is this?"

"Hmm… your treat of course, I believe these are the worlds' top rated dishes for the sweet toothed connoisseur… do enjoy." When he saw Koneko hesitantly grabbing one of the cakes on display he couldn't help but smile, "I've also taken the liberty to present my own pudding…" He motioned to a silver bowl, "… I mention this simply because you may not wish to eat something coming directly from me."

Koneko wiped chocolate from her mouth and raised an eyebrow at the old man, "Is it poison?"

The old man stroked his beard "No… I tested the earlier versions on humans and they survived. This last batch was quite liked, they said it was the best thing they had ever eaten." He continued to stroke his beard and hummed in thought, "Of course they were quite biased."

Her eyebrow raised even further, "You made this for me?"

"Yes, something completely new, you will be the first being on earth to taste it… if you want to."

"I thought you used humans as test dummies?"

"Yes well, they were not on earth… at the time of testing I mean…" The old man suddenly stopped stroking his beard and coughed in his hand, "Again, you have no obligation to eat it."

"Fine I'll try it." Koneko took the bowl and used the spoon next to it, the desert was surprisingly delicious, "It's delicious."

"Ahh…" A disappointed sigh came out of the old mans' mouth as he heard those words, "They were biased after all."

"It may not be the most delicious pudding I've ever eaten but it's still delicious." She continued eating the pudding as she watched the old man. Ever since he appeared she had sensed no malice from him at all, she'd already prepared her escape but there had been no reason to do so yet. So she stayed to gain any information she could about who this being was.

"Now back to the actual reason I came here." The old man raised his hand and snapped his fingers, "Believe it or not… an entire planet just blinked out of existence." He waited for Koneko to fully grasp the meaning behind his words before he continued speaking, "If you were truly a loyal servant of Rias Gremory, when she comes out of that bathroom you will tell her exactly what just happened and then you will stay as far away from Naruto as you possibly could." He stroked his beard again and looked at her with a faint smile, "Before that… Hmm… I asked you a question when we first met, I would like an answer now."

Fear gripped Koneko's being. Whether this thing had just destroyed a planet or not was not important now, what was important was that its attention was on her and she could not move. 'What is this thing?!'

"O…" The old man chuckled at his mistake and reigned in his presence, "Sorry, I sometimes forget, you see."

She could finally breathe and more importantly speak, "I… feel a familiar energy from him."

"Hmm… that was honest. I'll take my leave now." As he made to stand the old man paused and smiled at her, "Don't forget my message… and do enjoy the time you have with your friends."

AN: its been a while huh? Couple of years maybe? Idk I'll see how long its been when I check fanfic. Anyway I've no real excuse here so to those that continue to read this I thank you. To the new ones, thanks for giving it a try. To those that are about to flame me… idk man, make it funny at least? That way people can probly get a laugh out of your toxicity.

So with this chap I tried to delve into the mystery element of the fic… by now the plot should be 'obvious' but the mystery about what's actually happening is right beneath the surface

Slade963 out (for another year? Lol no…no prob not that long.)