The Fallen One

Chapter 1

Written By: Slade963

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or High School DxD.

AN: Naruto will start out as an Angel, but he won't stay one for long though. Wont start out as a single pairing, but this will be a single pairing in the end (NarutoxKoneko).

Begin Chapter:

A blond haired man with bright blue eyes, wearing white armor, with a golden cape flowing behind it. He sapphire blue eyes glowed as they looked over a ledge, and through the clouds, scanning the earth for living beings. Four magnificent golden wings sprouted from behind the figures cloak, he put his helmet on, and took flight to a higher cliff than the one he was on.

The now revealed Angel landed on the high cliff with grace, and ease befitting of an Angel, and walked up to the door. He stopped in front of it and sighed, before knocking three times. He waited for a few seconds before he heard a voice say come in. After nodding to himself, he opened the door, walked in and quickly closed the door. The figure turned around, gave a bow out of respect, and greeted the person sitting behind a desk. "Archangel, Michael, thank you for seeing me on such short notice."

A man paler blond hair than the bowing one and green eyes smiled, "I had a bit of free time, Naruto, and you seemed rather stressed." He motioned for the Angel before him to sit, "What seems to be bothering you my child?"

Naruto stood straight after Michael showed him to sit and went to sit on a chair in front of him. He took off his helmet and looked at Michael with tired eyes, "Archangel, I fear I am losing myself to my emotions."

Michaels smile dropped a little and he folded his hands on his desk, "Explain, my child."

Naruto grit his teeth and inhaled deeply, "Every day I look at the humans, trying to see why we protect them, and every day I fail. I see these mortals and how arrogant they seem to be, I see hate, I see corruption… and yet we need to protect them from devils." He gripped his helmet tighter than he had been doing, causing a small dent to form in it, "I fear Archangel… I fear that one of these days I will stop seeing the difference between humans and devils."

Michael looked concerned for a moment, but then gave a serene smile toward the young man, "I can see your conflict young one…" He motioned with his hand and a magical screen, portraying a woman and her young daughter playing in the park, appeared before the two, "…but remember, no matter how much evil there is in the world, the good will always be enough." The screen changed to a couple laughing while they walked down the street, "There is love where there is hate." It changed to a priest giving his shoes to a dirty hobo, "Humility where there is arrogance." It changed again, this time; to a young man running up to an old lady and telling her she dropped her wallet. "And honesty where there is corruption."

Naruto watched all these events play out in front of him, all the while being entranced by things he had missed. He bowed his head in shame, "I've faltered in my beliefs, Archangel, please forgive me!"

Michael just smiled back at him, "You have done nothing that needs forgiveness, young one."

Naruto lifted his head ready to retort, but then winced in pain when he suddenly remembered something that he was sure never happened.


A young man with short spiky blond hair stood in front of a large fox-like creature and said, "Once you question your own beliefs, it's over"

*flashback end*

He grunted in pain, and stood up to excuse himself, but Michael stopped him before he could walk out, "What ails you my child?"

Naruto seemed conflicted at that question, he knew he couldn't lie, but he did not want to tell Michael about these visions, memories, prophesies, or whatever they were. These things were the entire reason for his latest behavior, they were the reason he started to doubt his entire existence as a being of his own. Was he truly his own person, or just a reincarnation of a better being? He couldn't accept that he was so weak as to let his former self influence him, if that was indeed the case, and because of that he needed to make sure that he had made his own decisions up until now He looked back at the Archangel and gave a small smile, "I am dealing with some personal issues, Archangel Michael."

Michael nodded in respect, "I'm here if you ever need to talk, young one."

Naruto's smile widened a little, "Thank you." He turned around to walk out of the office once more, but then stopped in front of the door, "May I be allowed to go down to earth, Archangel?"

Michael eyed the young man curiously, "Why do wish to go down to earth?"

Naruto's smile turned a little sad, "I merely wish to by some of earths snakes, and eat it while I watch the humans from up close."

A heavenly smile graced Naruto as an answer, "Then you may take the day off, Naruto."

"Thank you once again, sir." With that said Naruto walked out the door, closed it behind him, and flew down to earth.

Fifteen minutes later

Naruto looked annoyed as he finally came up to the counter, after standing in line for ten minutes. He had dismissed his armor, and was now wearing a white T-shirt with navy-blue pants, and white sneakers. He waved back politely at another girl that greeted him, with a smile. He scanned the menu that he had in his hands, and looked up at the older man behind the counter. "Hello, I'll have 10000 yen worth of everything please."

The old man behind the counter looked up at his newest customer, "Are you sure you will be able to eat all of it young man?"

Naruto smiled, "I'm sure I'll manage." He took the back of sweets from the counter, and put down an extra large tip for the man, "Rest assured, I will not waste such fine delicacies as sweets." His smile wavered a bit when another memory flashed in his head.

A young blonde man sat at what looked like a food stall, and smiled brightly at a young brunette as she sat his food down, "Thank you Ayame-chan!" His mouth watered as he looked down at the bowl, "Ramen truly is the best!"

"Are you ok young man?"

Naruto shook his head in an effort to get rid of the images and smiled at the old man, "I'm fine, but thank you for asking." He nodded once and walked outside to go and look for a park.

Ten minutes later at a park

"This seems perfect." Naruto sat down and smiled brightly as he sat down at a wooden bench and wooden table. He sat right next to a road in the park, so a lot of people walked by him, and greeted him with friendly faces. He enjoyed the sight, all the while eating his sweets. Then he thought back to the memory he had when he spoke to Michael, and he said the words out loud, "Once you question your own belief, it's over." He forgot about his sweets and his smile dropped, his blue eyes fell to his hands, and he stared at it for what seemed like several minutes.

"I questioned my beliefs…" His hands started to shake when he came to a realization, "Does that mean… no, could it truly mean it's over for me. Could it mean that I don't deserve the grace of my fallen God anymore?" He clenched his hands and steeled his eyes, 'No, I am an Angel, an Angel of…'

His thoughts were interrupted when an almost emotionless voice spoke to him, "Are you going to eat that?"

Naruto almost jumped out of his seat when he heard the voice, he was so far gone in his thoughts that he had forgotten that he was in a park, surrounded by people. He looked to his side and saw a tired looking short girl with shoulder length white hair; he also noted her tired golden brown eyes and exercise clothing. Naruto loved his sweets, and didn't share easily but this little girl seemed to be tired, and he took pity on her, "Sit down little one, and you can have as much as you like."

The white haired girl narrowed her golden brown eyes, but decided to take a seat and eat the free candy. Just as she was about to sit, something warned her not take a seat, but she completely ignored it and sat down anyway. She cautiously looked at the blonde guy in front of her while she slowly took out a piece of fudge, once she was sure he wouldn't do anything, she began to enjoy the sweet treat.

Naruto watched the little girl and smiled, "It's good that a small child like you is cautious of strangers…" He took out a piece of candy and unwrapped it. "But you need not worry, I'm harmless."

The white haired girl glared at that comment, not able to hold back her ire anymore, "I'm not a little girl, I'm in high school."

Naruto looked surprised at that but nevertheless smiled, "My name is Naruto, and you are?" He stuck out his right hand for a handshake and waited for her response.

The girl didn't seem interested in him anymore though, and was content with eating her fudge while ignoring him. Naruto saw this, but wasn't disheartened; he reached into a back on the ground and pulled out two juice bottles. "Would you like one?" When she just looked at him with no response Naruto sighed, "I just figured since you seem tired, and I have these, I'd offer you it to you." He opened his own juice bottle and took a sip, while leaving the other one on the table. "I'll leave it there if you want it."

The girl eyed the man for a little bit and then took the bottle, "My name is Koneko." She opened the bottle and took a small sip to test, then when she was sure it's safe, she began to drink it.

Naruto smiled, "It is a pleasure to meet you Koneko-san…" He looked at a leaf that fell from a tree, and then followed it with his eyes. "Are you training for a big event?" No answer came, and Naruto just sighed, "I'm only trying to make conversation, Koneko-san."

"We're not friends, Naruto-san; there is no need for us to have a conversation."

Naruto looked at the girl and smiled, but he received no smile in return, "True, but that does not mean, we can't become friends."

Koneko stared at Naruto with a blank face, "It is highly unlikely."

"I need a friend on earth Koneko-san…" He smiled and shook his head when she was about to say something, "…I just mean that if I don't have anything to tie me to earth, then I am afraid of what I'll become." Naruto chuckled when he realized what he'd said. "I'm afraid it's time for me to go home, I hope we'll meet again."

Koneko looked at the strange man and then at the bag of sweets still on the table, "Will you take the bag?"

"No…" He smiled down at her, and Koneko could have sworn she saw his eyes glow a brighter blue. "…I thought you deserved it after listening to my drabble." He stopped himself and then looked at her again, "I don't know who you are Koneko-san, and I did not mean to be such a nuisance, so forgive me." And with his mind spoken, Naruto walked away from her, intent on having one last stroll before going back to heaven.

Koneko stared at the young mans back for a few seconds, before going back to eating the back of sweets, "What a strange guy."

She sat and ate alone for a few minutes, but then decided to go back to the club house and finish eating her sweets there.

With Naruto

He was thinking about the girl he'd just left alone at the park, "I hadn't noticed it was this dark, I do hope she gets home safe." He thought about her more as he walked down a sidewalk, while greeting countless young girls, who blushed and waved at him, "Curious how I couldn't even get her to smile, she must only really smile at her friends."

Naruto's thoughts were interrupted when he heard a woman scream for help, his head immediately shot to his left and he ran down an alleyway.

"…then I'll rape you until the sun comes up!"

"No, please, someone help me! Please God!"

Naruto stopped in the ally and released his power, a white light surrounded him and when it died down, he was wearing his white armor and his four wings were out; his halo was also on his head. "God has heard your prayers, and you will be saved by his grace."

The masked rapist stopped tearing the womans' clothes, and turned around to shout at the wannabe savior. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw what looked to be an Angel standing in front of him, "What the…"

The womans' sobs stopped when she saw the winged man with his halo, "Are you… are you an Angel?"

Naruto smiled at the woman as warmly as he could, "Don't worry miss, this man shall be judged by the power of His hole grace." Naruto charged a sword of light in his hands and as the rapist tried to run away he charged in, ready to bring the man to justice, but just as he was ready to impale the man, a pain shot through his head.


An orange haired looked at Naruto with emotionless eyes, "You think you're the only ones who matter. You think you can put off death. But that peace made you foolish and thoughtless. If you kill someone, someone else will kill you… this hatred binds us together."

*flashback end*

Naruto was shocked out of his memory when he heard a woman scream, he opened his eyes and stared at a half dead womans' eyes. He looked down toward her midsection and saw his sword of light had ran through her body. His hand and armor were covered and the womans' blood, and Naruto could do nothing but gasp in shock.

"Yo…" The woman coughed blood into the shocked Naruto's face, "You… demon." That was the last thing she said before she died. Those words played over and over in Naruto's head, like a song stuck in repeat; it tore at his soul for what seemed like hours, but was only fifteen minutes, as he just stared at the womans' lifeless body. An innocent woman that he had killed, and to top it off, the criminal he should have judged ran away.

"What have I done…" He stood up and looked at his bloody hand with wide eyes, and then tried to wipe the blood off with his other hand. This only increased his anxiety when the blood spread to that hand as well. Another sentence played through his mind at that moment.

"Once you question your own beliefs, it's over"

"Are you taunting me…" His hands began to shake, "You think because you look like me, you can compare yourself to me!" His magical power rose to its maximum and he shouted, "I am the real Naruto, and I'm my own person!"

Another pain flashed through his head and he saw a young man with long black hair, and dull black eyes staring at him, "Who are you?!"

"The ones who aren't able to acknowledge their own selves are bound to fail."

Naruto grabbed his head, "My name is Naruto… I am Naruto." He repeated this until an Angel came to see why he had raised his magical energy like he had.

The Angel looked at the distraught Naruto and walked over to him, "What happened here?"

Naruto stopped his meltdown and looked at the angel, "I… I…" He couldn't say it; he could not say that he as an Angel killed an innocent. He couldn't even accept it, so he just pointed toward the lifeless body of the woman.

The Angels eyes widened and he looked around for the perpetrators, "Who did this?"

Naruto's hand shook uncontrollably as he started to point toward his chest, "I…" His words were caught in his throat by a lump, but the Angel had seen enough to make up his mind.

He charged I light spear, and aimed it at Naruto, "Stand up you trash! And prepare for judgment from Archangel Michael himself!"

Naruto's body moved on his own when he stood up and nodded toward the angel, he turned around and felt the angry prod against his back. That prod signaled that he should take off at a slow pace and he did just that.

With Koneko

The cat-like girl sat on a comfortable looking red couch, and enjoyed eating sweets out of a bag. The bag was about half empty by this time and she had a small smile when she thought off that.

Her attention was brought to the door when she heard it open, and saw a beautiful redheaded girl walk in, with black haired beauty just behind her. The black haired girl caught sight of the bag of sweets in Koneko's lap, and she walked over to her, with a smile. "Where did you get those sweets, Koneko-chan?"

Koneko looked up at the black haired girl with a blank expression, "A strange guy gave them to me."

The black haired beauty giggled with her right hand in front of her mouth, "And what did you do to get them, Koneko-chan, you naughty girl."

Koneko stared at the girl for a minute and then went back to eating her sweets. The redhead walked behind a desk and then sat down in the chair behind it, "That's enough, Akeno, she's clearly enjoying herself. We have more important things to talk about."

"Yes, Rias-sama." Akeno walked behind the desk, and stood to the left of Rias, "Like the burst of Angel power we felt a few minutes ago."

Koneko's ears twitched, but no one noticed, and Rias just continued the discussion, "Yes, to the East of the school."

Koneko stopped eating and looked at Rias, "I was on that side of town today, Rias-sama."

Rias raised an eyebrow at that. What were you doing? And did you see any Angels?"

Koneko thought for a moment, "I was running a few laps around the park, and I didn't see any Angels… but I did feel something strange."

Rias moved a pawn on her chess board, signaling the start of a game between her and Akeno, "When did you get this feeling?"

"When I sat down to eat sweets with the guy who gave me this." She pointed at the bag and then began licking at a lollipop.

"Could he have been the Angel then?" Came the reply from Rias as she moved another piece.

Akeno giggled again, "Koneko-chan, how could you lick an Angel's lollipop."

Koneko stared at Akeno, again with a blank expression, "Suck it." The statement caused Akeno to giggle even more, but Koneko focused on Rias, "It could be entirely possible that he was an Angel, I just wanted his sweets though…" She thought for a moment, "…and he was nice enough to give them to me."

Rias folded her hands under her chin and gained a thoughtful expression, "Why would he come into our territory?"

Koneko shrugged, "He said he wanted a friend."

"A friend?" When Koneko nodded, Rias continued, "And what did you say?"

"I said nothing, so he left…" She poked the bag again, "…and he gave me this."

'This Angel could cause trouble for us…' Rias leaned back in her chair and thought about how she would handle this situation.

Four hours later with Naruto

The blonde haired Angel walked along a golden road to the hall of judgment, with a defeated look on his face. 'It was an accident…' He watched himself fall through the huge doors, as he was pushed by an Angel. Not even wanting to get up, that same Angel had to roughly pull Naruto to his feet so he could stand before the Archangel Michael.

Michael sat on a golden throne with eyes filled with sadness; he couldn't believe the news when he heard what had happened. He thought his words of wisdom had helped the young man before him, but he was clearly wrong. Michael stood from his throne and looked down on Naruto, "What do you plead?"

Naruto wanted to say innocent, he wanted this to go away as soon as possible, but it wouldn't be able to. "Where is father…" His words came out softer than a whisper.

Michael's eyes softened when he saw the defeated look of Naruto, "Speak up young man."

"I asked where father is!" Naruto's eyes were filled with rage and tears now, "Why isn't he here to protect me!"

Michael held up his hand to silence him, "You speak out of turn, Naruto."

"Isn't a father supposed to protect his children?" He fell to his knees, "Why would he die and leave us alone to take care of his creations?" He looked at Michael with tears streaming down his face, "Does that mean he wants us to become stronger than him?" Another flash of pain shot through his head.

"If the father's responsibility is to protect the child… then my responsibility is to exceed my father."

Naruto stood up when he heard those words, "Yes…" His four wings shot from his back in a golden light, "I'll do it…" He looked Michael straight in the eye as his wings started to swirl in an aura of darkness, "I'll do what father wanted from us, and I'll become stronger than Him Archangel Michael." The ground opened beneath Naruto, and he fell from heaven, "You can keep your meaningless judgment, I'll make my own path, even if that means I must become a Fallen Angel. I'll gain power and one day return to heaven."

Naruto landed in an ally and his wings receded into his back, "What do I do now?" He looked around and sighed, "I don't want to join these filthy Fallen Angels, but I'll have to if I want to survive. Until I find a secure hide out of course."

Naruto was about to walk out of the ally when a woman with blue hair landed in front of him. He eyed the woman and immediately noticed her well developed chest and curves; she looked at him and raised an eyebrow, "Are you the one that just fell from heaven?"

"I suppose…" He narrowed his eyes, "With that foul energy coming off you, I suppose you're a devil."

The women laughed, "No, I'm a Fallen Angel just like you, and I was sent here to recruit you."

Naruto raised an eyebrow at that, "You Fallen Angels work fast."

The blue haired woman smirked, "We have to, or our numbers will stay as low as they have been."

Naruto walked up to the woman and held out his right hand, "The name is Naruto."

"Kalawarner." She looked at his hand, scoffed, and turned around, "Follow me to your new home."

Naruto sighed as he watched the woman take off, that was the second time today that someone refused to shake his hand. What was wrong with these women? He sprout his wings and took off after her, catching up in a flash, "Where are we going?"

Kalawarner looked at him with an annoyed look, "To a church."

"Fine, no need to get your panties in a bunch." Came a reply from a just as annoyed Naruto.

"I don't wear panties." Naruto raised an eyebrow when the woman smirked at him and then flew up ahead, revealing that she indeed didn't wear panties, and she took off faster to their headquarters.

"These Fallen Angels…" Naruto shook his head, "They have no shame." He took off after the woman, but then he felt the small bulge that formed in his pants, "It seems I have truly become one of the fallen."

Three minutes later Naruto landed outside a small church, with Kalawarner walking inside immediately, he looked at his surroundings first. His eyes scanned the church up and down, trying to see any and all escape routes he could take. He found only three, which were too little for him to feel comfortable, but enough for him to escape through. "Let's find out who I'm working with for the time being."

As soon as Naruto walked through the door he heard a little girls' voice, "He looks like totally cute doesn't he?"

Another voice was heard after that, this time an older womans voice, "Hmm, you're right Mittelt, he his." A woman wearing some leather strips fashioned to be a bra and a leather thong, that had three stripes of leather on her left side, flew down next to Naruto and cupped his cheek. Naruto saw the blush on her face, but could see she was just a tease.

Kalawarner turned around and glared at the woman, "Leave him alone Raynare, he just became a Fallen Angel, and needs to meet our leader."

"Yeah, and he probably tots likes my cute body over yours!" A girl wearing what seemed to be a black school girls' outfit, with white trimmings landed in front of him and gave a grin in his direction.

Naruto looked past her toward Kalawarner and asked, "Where is this leader?"

Mittelt grew a tick at being ignored but before she could speak up, Kalawarner answered Naruto's question, "He's here."

A man flew down from the sealing wearing a brown trench coat and hat covering his eyes, but that wasn't what caught Naruto's eyes, it was the fact that the man only had one set of wings. His eyes narrowed in suspicion, "What is this?!"

"Why I'm Dohnaseek, of course." He stopped in mid-air and smirked at Naruto, "And you are my crews new member!"

Two sets of wings burst out of Naruto's back and he flew toward the man, and then stopped right in front of him, "What good is a leader who is weaker than me?"

Dohnaseek was a little shocked when he saw the blondes wing count, but then smirked at him, "You need a team to survive as a Fallen Angel, boy, and I can give you that team."

Naruto grit his teeth, "Fine, I'll join your team for now."

End Chapter.

AN: So yeah, drop a review on what you think of the chapter, and final pairing. As always, the more reviews I get, the faster I update a certain story so same applies here.

Slade963 out.