"Welcome to the WORLD'S LARGEST BOUNCE HOUSE!" yelled out a carnival barker, "Only in town 'til the end of Springfield's Día de los Vivos festival!"

All of a sudden, the man hears screams coming closer and closer.


Lisa, Bart and Grandpa crash in the bounce house, only to be launched back into the air.


Lisa quits screaming for a moment when she notices what they are going to crash into: a building marked with a sign saying SPRINGFIELD HOUSE OF MIRRORS: NOW WITH NEW FLASH VS. MIRROR MASTER EXIBIT.

"I THINK WE'RE GONNA DIE," cries out Lisa.

Comic Book Guy was not happy.

"Who the hell chooses to use Bart Allen over literally any other Flash? I would have taken Kingdom Come Flash over him."

"I'm sorry, sir," says the Squeaky Voiced Teen, "but we aren't allowed to give refunds."

"Fine, but next time, I'm going to the House of Wax. They're much more reliable."

Comic Book Guy storms out.

"The least, THE LEAST, they could have done was Wal-"

The trio lands on him, bouncing them back into the air once more.

"The fact we're still alive involves a remarkable amount of coincidence..." screamed Lisa.

Bart retorts, "Just be glad we aren't street pizza!"

The three finally land in Marge's car.

"How we managed that, I'll never know..." says Lisa with a sigh of relief.

"I'm tired..." says a now cranky Grandpa.

"Hi mom," says Bart.

"Hello," Marge responds, her voice somewhat shaky.

The rest of the ride is spent in silence. Marge drops the three plus Maggie off at the house.

"What was that about?" wonders Bart.

"I don't know," Lisa answers, yawning, "but whatever it is, it's best left to tomorrow..."

"Really!?" responds Bart, "This seems important."

"Look, I'm tired and I feel dead inside. There's only so much one little girl can do in a single day."


The Simpsons

Created by Matt Groening and Owned by 20th Century Fox Television