A/n: Alright everyone, here it is! The ending if "If I Die Before I Wake." It's sad to have it come to an end but I have definitely enjoyed writing this one as much as I did writing "Because Your My Brother."

Thank you so much everyone for reading my story and for everyone who has left me a review, followed, and/ofavorited. Special Thank you to LilyBolt for your support as well as everything else.

Ch 6


"Shhhhh," the demon put his index finger of the hand that wasn't holding Sam by the hair to his lips. "Don't bother wasting your breath on useless pathetic words Sammy."

"Ths st rl," he slurred. Dean's hand then balled into a fist and made contact with his face. The younger brother could feel it already beginning to swell, but couldn't feel any pain. "T-This...isn't...r-real."

"Shut up!" The demon roared landing another punch.

"Think about it. We were working a case and-" another blow.

"I said shut up!"

"Dean, please, I know you're in there. I saw your face back in my room. You were terrified, you don't want to do this."

"You don't know what the fuck you're talking about!" The older man pulled his brother's head back and slammed it against the wall. Sam still didn't feel anything. The knock to the head would have put Sam's lights out easily or at least left him with a bad headache in the real world. It must been working for him, but he wasn't leaving his brother. Not again.

"Come on man, try to think back. We were investigating a murder where the victim's insides were jelly and there was-"

"A blue handprint," Dean finished in a low voice as though he was remembering.

"Yes, a blue handprint! Dean, we're in a nightmare. This isn't real." Sam could feel his heartbeat starting to pick up.

"No!" His head met the wall again. "Shut your fucking mouth!"

"No no, stay with me here Dean. We can get out of this. You did it once before, remember? With Charlie. Just, fight this fear. " The demon let go of Sam's head, allowing his chin to fall to his chest. The younger man managed to raise it up again himself, with minimal difficulty. When he looked up at his brother, the black in his eyes seemed to disparate and his natural green returned. The look of malice was replaced with terror as he stared over at Sam as though he had witnessed a train wreck. "It's alright," the young man said quickly trying to reassure his big brother. "Welcome back."

Sam's eyes popped open just in time to see a man looming over Dean who was sitting in a chair next to him. As quietly and with as little movement as he could, the younger man began to look around on the ground, until he spotted the knife dipped in lamb's blood that must have clattered to the floor from Dean's hand after they were attacked. As Sam slowly began to bend down to retrieve it, the man spun from Dean and immediately his attention fell on him. He moved quicker, snatching up the blade just before he could get it kicked away from him and dodged the now blue glowing hand that was reaching out for him. He wobbled slightly, the effect of the Djinn still with him. He managed to draw the creature away from Dean who's eyes were still closed, his head sagged towards his right shoulder.

Djinn lunged at the younger brother and managed to grab hold of his button up shirt. Before Sam could be returned to the nightmare he had just escaped from, he plunged the knife into the monster's throat and twisted. Gargles emulated from his throat as blood spat at Sam. With a labored grunt, he ripped the knife out and let the Djinn fall to the ground. The once glowing hand and eyes were now a dull grey. Sam made his way back to his brother. Dean's complexion was a few shades lighter then his normal tone and his face was glistening with sweat.

"Dean. Hey hey hey, come on," Sam slapped his face lightly. "Wake up. Wake up damn it." His eyes were met with a pair of groggy green ones and he let go of a breath he had been holding. "Dean! Hey," he greeted with a weary grin. His brother didn't respond, but instead just looked at him briefly before averting his eyes, his chest heaving.

Once they were back at the Bunker and Sam had cleaned up the blood that had been spewed onto his face and put on a clean shirt, he went in search of Dean. He found him sitting in the kitchen with hard liquor in his hand and a deep haunted stare in his eyes, which were fixed on the coffee pot across from the table. Sam leaned in the doorway, observing his brother who had been too lost in his thoughts to notice him. He cleared his throat, causing Dean to shake himself from his zone and bring his eyes back to life. They fell on his brother.

He raised the bottle of alcohol that sat by his glass towards him. "I'm good, thanks," Sam politely declined.

Dean lowered the bottle and instead collected his glass again and took a deep drink, his eyes staring straight ahead of him. Sam licked his lips nervously. "Dean," he started gently, "you know I don't blame-"

"Don't," the older man responded sharply. His eyes flicked up to his brother's. Sam sighed visibly, his own sympathetic hazel stare causing Dean to turn his attention to his drink. The small amount of time Sam had had to meet his big brother's eyes had been enough for him to see that they were sunken in and heavy not with sleep, but with something much more daunting.

"We will find a way to get rid of that thing, for good. I promise." Dean scoffed and shook his head as he finished off the rest of what was left in the glass.

"Yeah ok Sammy...Sam," he quickly corrected himself and bowed his head.

The younger brother pulled away from the doorway and made his way down towards Dean. The older sibling got up from his spot at the table and moved back. Sam froze for a second, then continued slowly as though Dean was a deer that he was trying not to spook. Hurt and understanding shining in his eyes.

"It's alright Dean," he coaxed softly.

"No, it isn't. It's far from ok Sam. I almost-" the older man choked.

"It wasn't you."

"Stop." There was a beat of silence between the two. "You look like crap warmed over, you should go get some sleep."

"Preaching to the choir," Sam retorted light heartedly with a hint of a smirk.

"You go catch some zs, I'm going to keep looking," he responded.

"I think it would be better if you got a bit of rest too. We'll start up again tomorrow after we've had some actual sleep."

"I'm not tired." The younger Winchester knew this behavior from his brother only too well. Dean was too afraid to sleep. Too worried he would have a nightmare again. His brother had been pushing him away progressively more in the recent events. Ever since he killed Cain, Dean had become even more like that of a wounded wild animal then he already was. The difference now was that Sam knew how badly it scared him and how badly he feared what he might do to his little brother and what he'd become if he couldn't break free of the curse. Unfortunately, Dean now knew that Sam was aware too. Even worse, the Djinn had locked them away in the same dream because both Winchesters had the same fear. Now Dean knew that for certain too, which meant he was likely to retreat into his shell even more than he already had.

"Look, I know you're scared, but-"

"You know what, I think I will turn in," Dean said keeping his distance from his brother as he passed by him and started towards the hallway.


"Night Sam." With that the older sibling left the younger standing in the kitchen. Sam sighed heavily and stared off after his brother before retiring to his own space for the night.


Dean reluctantly entered his room in the Men of Letters Bunker. Everything was exactly as he had left it and exactly how it had been in the nightmare. He approached the mirror hanging above his sink and slowly peered into it, Cain's voice buzzed through his mind like a fly.

"My story began when I killed my brother and that's where your story inevitably will end."

Ghostly green eyes stared back at him as he felt the burning itch creep into his right arm.

A special special thank you to miXiZ for not only your support and reviews m, but suggestion. She suggested that the boys were at odds due to some supernatural creature manipulating them, but they are able to see through it in the end. I truly enjoyed writing Demon Dean, might have to do it again sometime, thank you my friend.

If anyone has any suggestions (non slash/ship related), I'm all ears.

Thank you for reading.