Chapter one

"House!" the enraged administrator shouted as she flew into his office.

Said person looked up from his team, and stared Lisa Cuddy down, "'sup?"

"Why are you still here?"

"I'm working," he lied, showing her a blank file.

A snicker could be heard, and Cuddy narrowed her eyes at Thirteen, who shrank back in her seat.

"You are supposed to be giving a speech in Maine tonight," she sighed.

"As I recall, I never agreed to that," House replied calmly.

"As I recall, you did."

House looked at Foreman, Thirteen and Chase who each returned a disbelieving look, "they agree, that doesn't sound like me."

Cuddy closed her eyes in frustration, and replied, "one night and you'll be excused from clinic duty for the next three months."

House suddenly perked up, "twelve months."

"Six," Cuddy grumbled.

House practically jumped up, as well as he could, and said, "come children, it's time for a road trip."

-Two weeks earlier-

Emma leaned her head on her hand, and continued to flick small pieces of paper across the sheriff's station.

It didn't happen often, but on days like this she could admit that she missed her old job. There was never a boring moment. Even when they didn't have a case, she would still have House's metaphors to keep her occupied.

But she could also admit that the job had been wrong for her, even if she had been very good at it. Allison Cameron was just a person she had made up, and although it had been her legal name for years, at heart she was still Emma Swan and after what Chase had done she could no longer pretend that being a doctor was what she wanted. However, that didn't change the fact that she often found herself craving a puzzle, and though Storybrooke certainly had many of them, at the moment there was nothing going on and it was driving her insane.

"Our tax dollars hard at work I see."

Emma rolled her eyes, though a small smirk was tugging at the corner of her lips, "you already used that line Regina."

"Is it my fault sheriff, that you merit that comment so often," the mayor replied.

"Is it my fault madam mayor, that there is nothing to do in this town," Emma answered watching as the woman came closer.

Regina's eyes drifted to the pile of paper on the desk, "I could suggest something that you could do." Emma smirked, "I have a better idea," she said, and without warning pulled the brunette into her lap.

Regina scowled playfully, but still brought her arms around the other woman's neck, "I came here to ask for a crime report, not to distract you further."

"You must know by now that my brain stops working whenever you're around."

"Does this mean that you can actually be smart when I'm not around?" Regina smirked.

"Probably...too bad we'll never find out," with that Emma connected their lips.

A few moments later, Regina leaned back, " crime report?"

The blonde shrugged her shoulder, "do you really care?"

Regina sighed in resignation, and mumbled "no" before she crashed her lips against her wife's.

-Present day-

"What are we going to do?" Henry sighed.

Regina placed a hand on his shoulder as she looked at the sedated blonde. Though it had pained her to ask Whale to do this, it had become apparent that the saviour was not capable of dealing with the darkness, so Regina had decided to protect her town.

She just couldn't wait to smack her around the back of the head once all of this was all over, though she knew she shouldn't be surprised at Emma's sacrifice, the fact that it had happened didn't hurt any less. She could just feel the name on the dagger taunting her from inside her coat, but she refused to let this be the end of her happy ending.

"We'll find a way Henry."

"You sound like grandma," the boy half laughed and half sniffled.

Regina scowled at her son, and he just slightly smirked at her, before falling into one of the plastic chairs.

David ran into the room abruptly.

Regina and Henry each turned to fix him with a questioning gaze, and the blonde man seemed to be working hard to catch his breath, " line..."

Regina furrowed her brow, though she felt like setting this whole stupid town on fire, why can't things ever just stay good?

Henry handed him a cup of water, which the man took gratefully. Once he had downed its entirety in one gulp, he said, "A car crashed over town line."

"That's not possible," Regina replied, though she felt a twinge of fear thinking about what had happened last time.

"We don't know how it happened, but there are four people in the ER right now that are not from Storybrooke."

Regina's head fell in her hands, and she sneaked a quick look at the sleeping blonde, and silently wished that she were awake to deal with this.

"Well then patch them up and send them on their way," she scowled.

"Their car is wrecked."

"Then give them another one," she almost shouted, before she deflated at her son's shocked expression. After a calming breath she added, "I am not in the mood for this."

Charming gave his daughter-in-law a sympathetic look, and said, "Blue said that the barrier between Storybrooke and the outside world just slightly fluctuated, and then strengthened. No one can leave."

"Are any of them actually hurt?" Henry asked, trying to avoid his mother smacking her head against something out of frustration.

"Just cuts and bruises, they're all conscious," David replied and offered his grandson a grateful smile, "Whale wants you to talk to them, he said he's running out excuses as to why they can't leave."

"Why can't he just make something up, he can embellish their injuries," Regina suggested.

"He tried, it didn't work."

"Why?" the mayor asked through an exasperated sigh.

"Because the people that crashed are a team of doctors."

A/N Continuation will probably be based on reviews since I'm not actually sure how much interest this will get haha

The two sets of characters will meet in the next chapter, this was just to set up the scenario XD

If you have any ideas for other House/OUAT crossovers let me know XD