Corol's POV

I woke up laying on the floor. The area around me was dark. The air was heavy and cold. I sat up and looked around into the darkness.

"Ari, Stella, Auntie?" I asked as I felt my skin crawl.

"It's just me… and you here..." a presence from behind me answered.

I jumped and turned around a shadowy figure looked up at me from hugging their knees.

"Who are you?" I stepped back.

"Someone who knows you…" they answered back standing up, " You made this dream up didn't you? Are you trying to believe that you honestly know what your mother looks like? I know how you long to find happiness… just to loved… to be a family like the others…"

"..." I held my chest.

"Hurts doesn't it? Those are so simple, and yet…. Nobody would give it to you..."

"That's not true… Cuddlefish… Nana…"

The figure was circling around me. They let out cruel laughter.

"Cuddlefish left you when you needed someone the most. You were all alone. And Nana was only using you, so Callie and Marie wouldn't be in trouble. Do you honestly think they 'LOVE' you? And yet here you are trying to create a happy fantasy. You were going to try to stay in this 'dream world' right? So your body would just waste away."

I shook as my heart was squeezed. I knew this is what I truly thought, I would be lying if I said otherwise. I just sink back down to my knees.

"You were never good enough… you lost every turf war in that tournament… couldn't even be of use to anyone"

"STOP IT!" I gripped my head.

"You are nothing, a nobody only alive to be used as a tool."


"Doomed to die alone… Loveless and pitiful"

"Please… stop…" I curled into a ball.

"It's the truth, isn't it?"


"You hate them don't you? They treated you badly… shamed, insulted, and caused you so much pain" They stopped and knelt down beside me, "Isn't it time to get back at them, Corol? You are special after all… You had the power to wipe them clean off the face of the world."

"Power?" I looked at the figure

"Yes," they wiped my tears away, "It was a farewell gift from your mother… The power of plague…. The power to taint ink until organ failure and control over the infected…"

"I can do that?…." I looked at my hands until they took my hands

"Yes, that's why they hate us so much…. They are afraid of our power, Corol. They will try to put us in our place… to kill us. That is why we need each other…. Come to me Corol… We can talk more then... I know together we can make a world full of happiness and a place you can be loved."


"Yes, all for you…" They pulled me into a hug, "Don't misunderstand, Corol… You aren't bad… We are cleansing this world… To do good sometimes you must become the bad guy…"

There it was… the thing I have wanted all my life. I slowly hugged them back. I feel warmth and loved. I didn't want this to end. There was finally hope. It was dark and twisted, but at the very least there was hope.

-Third POV-

Chomp, and Pastelli struggled in their beds. They seemed to be in great pain. Acrilic held Pastelli tightly as she flailed about. Ari jumped out of bed and growled fearful of Corol. His tentacles became as black as tar. He suddenly sat up and looked around.

"Corol! You are wake!" Cuddlefish hugged him.

"You… left me all alone…." Corol coldly replied and pushed her away.

"What? Corol...?"

"I understand now… I was only a tool… I was used to make everyone feel bigger or better than they actually are… I was stomped on, beaten, ridiculed, hated… It's my turn now…"

-Author's Notes-

It's been a while... This was all I can come up with... I honestly still feel weird writing this fic after a long time. I don't know about updating this one regularly, but I guess I can try if you want... I don't know any more about this one.