hi, people

I have recently been rewatching young justice and while i was do it these idea kept jumping out a me

so i finally gave in to my impulses and wrote a fanfic

about is please tell me what you think

Chapter 1

Batman (A.K.A Bruce Wayne) sat in the large chair facing the bat-computer, monitoring the screens with his signature scowl fixed in place.

On the second level of the bat-cave Red Robin was sparing with Red Hood the latter failing horrible. Batgirl and Robin were standing just to the side of the training ring watching the fight unfold, the former grumbling something like 'I could beat both of them with my eyes close'.

After typing up the plans for one of his new gadgets, Batman stood up and walked toward the ledge of the floor, where he peered down to watch is former sidekicks spar.

'Well, Jason certainly hasn't lost his ruthlessness' he mused.

Watching this reminded him of when he and Richard use to spar but it was a lot less … Batman cut off his train of thought.

'It's no use remembering that' he scolded, but he couldn't help himself.

Richard Grayson (the first Robin) had been missing, and presumed dead, for 6 years along with M'gann M'orzz, Wallace West, Artemis Crock, Conner Kent and Kaldur'ahm, also known as the Team.

Batman knew that his sidekicks and former sidekicks were exceptionally great in their own way but none of them could replace Richard.

-Flashback (6 years ago)-

The Watch Tower

It was red tornado that brought it up; it was he that set about the chain of events that led to the disappearance of the team, not that he knew it at the time.

The justice league sat in the meeting room of the watch tower and Batman explained the problem.

"We have received a distress call from a planet called Takamët, they say that a group aliens have been trying to take over their world and have been using earth technology to do so" he explained.

"And what do they want us to do about it?" Superman asked arrogantly.

Batman shot Superman a glare before saying "they want us to go there and disable the earth tech before the conflict grows to a full scale war"

"But?" Green Arrow asked, knowing it wasn't that simple.

"but with our current obligations no one in the league could get there, at least not before it gets too far out of hand" Batman continued.

"May I make a suggestion?" Red Tornado asked in his usual robotic voice.

"Go ahead" Superman said.

"What if we sent the Team?" he proposed.

"Absolutely not" Black Canary said.

Batman and a few other leaguers were about to agree when Superman said "let's put it to a vote"

The vote was close but there was a winner; it seemed like the Team was going to space.

- Wayne manor–

Bruce and Richard were sitting around a large dining table eating Alfred's delicious, five star quality food when Bruce said "I don't want you to go to Takamët"

"What?! Why not?" Richard said enraged.

"You're not ready" Bruce said.

"Not ready? I've been your partner for 5 years" Richard argued.

"And you're not ready" Bruce said stubbornly.

"I don't care what you think I'm going" Richard said adamantly.

Bruce sighed knowing there was no way around it.

"Just be careful, OK?" he said.

"What?" Richard asked startled, this was one of those rare moments where Bruce showed some true emotion and Richard was certainly surprised by it.

"Be careful" Bruce repeated.

"I will" Richard said smiling.

-End of flashback-

The bat-computer flared to life as the screen flashed with the image of the justice league symbol. Suddenly the bat-clan stopped what they were doing and headed to the computer.

"What is it?" Batman scowled as Superman's face appeared on the screen.

"We need you to come to the tower" Superman said.

"Is it really necessary?" Batman questioned.

"Yes" Superman said getting a little bit annoyed.

"Very well I'll be there soon" Batman replied as he turned the transmission off.

"Can we come?" Red Hood asked as soon as Superman's face disappeared.

"No" Batman said impassively.



"What if we-"


"We'll be-"

"Listen I am going to the watch tower, I'll be back soon but until that time" Batman glared at them "Stay. Put"

Batman walked towards the zeta beam and in a flash he was gone.

"Batman 02" the computer announced as the bat himself appeared in the watch tower.

He stalked into the meeting room to find the green lantern at the head of the table.

'Must be something Lantern Corp related' Batman decided as he sat down.

About ten minutes later Superman announced "Where the hell is Batman?"

"I'm here" Batman said causing everyone to jump and look at him.

"You have GOT to stop doing that!" Green Arrow said.

"When did you get here?" Black Canary asked.

"About 10 minutes ago" Batman said "now, are you going to tell me why you called me here or are you going to asked me pointless questions?"

"Uh, right" Superman said before gesturing for green lantern to start.

"The lantern Corp is requesting our services" The Green Lantern informed them.

"With what?" Batman asked pointedly, knowing that the lantern Corps wouldn't ask for help unless it was serious.

"There is a group of intergalactic 'superheroes' called The Trailblazers, who four years ago were given the title Keepers of the Cosmos and are now parading around the universe" Green Lantern informed them.

"Keepers of the Cosmos, now where have I heard that before?" Superman mused.

Having heard Superman's musings Hal took it upon himself to jog his memory.

"The Keepers of the Cosmos are a group of people who are charged with protecting the universe and not just one planet or galaxy, however this is the first time the title has been use for 3 thousand earth years" explained the Green Lantern.

"So basically they're the people you go to when the lantern Corps and everyone else is out of their depth" said Batman.

"Yes, exactly" said Hal "they also can't age"

"Wait, so they're immortal?" asked Black Canary.

"No they can still die they just can't age" the Green Lantern said.

"Well what's the point of that?" Superman retorted.

"It was because, when, or if, they decided they didn't want to be heroes anymore they wouldn't miss out on life" he explained.

"Enough, we're getting off topic" Batman interrupted.

"Batman is right", said J'onn, "what do the lanterns want us to do with these people"

"They want us to capture them" stated Hal.

"What? Why? From what you've just said they're heroes why would the lantern Corps want us to capture them?" asked Wonder Woman, thoroughly confused.

"Because very little is known about this group of individuals and they have not answered to any of our attempts to contact them also they have knowledge that even the guardian's don't have access to making them a formidable threat to everyone, not just earth" Hal explained.

"One thing I don't understand is why" Hawkgirl said "the Green Lantern Corps has millions of lanterns across the galaxy, so why are they asking us do it?"

"that's a good question" Hal stated before continuing with an explanation "so far all of the Guardian's attempts to apprehend these people have been meet with dead ends and any efforts to predict their movements have come up completely blank, so they have begrudgingly admitted that they need a different approach to this and because we have all have a track record of finding people that don't want to be found they thought we were the best candidates"

Hal then sat down indicating that he was finished and starting the discussion.

"This could be extremely serious", Wonder Woman said, "a group of people we knowledge of the entire universe, it could be a disaster if their intentions are anything less than honourable."

"I agree, this could threaten life everywhere. We have to do something" Black Canary concurred.

After similar comments from the rest of the league Superman said "so I think that where all in agreement on this, however, we need to decide who's going to go"

After careful consideration the chosen leaguers going to Oa where: Batman, Martian Manhunter, The Flash, Green Arrow, Aquaman, Superman, Black Canary and, of course, Green Lantern.

Soooo, There's chapter 1

what did you think? good? bad? horrible? do you think i should continue?

please tell me

Also if you think I should continue, what parings should I do?

I've already decided of birdflash but is there any other you'd like me to do?

P.S I'm looking for a bata reader PM me if you're interested