Hello everyone! T'is I, Kyroshiro, here with another fanfic. This time its is a Naruto and Five Nights at Freddy's fanfiction. Now I know, that might sound bad. But to be honest, there's really nothing to be worried about.

Sorry, I had to do that, if you got the reference, good for you. Anyways, I know how FNaF has 'gotten old' for many people, and how they're glad the game has finished (supposedly. Never know what Scott is thinking tbh), but in my opinion, its STILL a great game. It might get old in the future for myself, but it'll always be one of those games I could come back and play a little. Anyways, this IS gonna be one of those Alive!Kushina and Minato, Sister to Naruto, Neglected!Naruto fics., but mines will be a tad different. Not sure if Ill make this fic. one of my 'main' fics. or if it'll be one of those that I will post chapters of once in a while. I will, however, have at least 1 or 2 chapters after this to get a gist of what I'm gonna write about. As for how FNaF characters will play into this, well that'll be somewhat revealed over time. Some things have to be a surprise after all.

There will be some news at the bottom btw.

Without any more interruptions, lets get this fic. on the way, no?

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or FNaF. Those belong to some Japanese guy and (I'm assuming) some American person respectively.

6 years after the Kyuubi attack:

"Yatta! I did it! Did ya see that Otou-san, did ya," a little girl cried out as she looked at her father, happiness in her violet eyes. This girl was about 3'5 with smooth long blond hair that were tied in pigtails and two sets of whisker like marks on her cheeks. She had on a white shirt and ANBU pants. She was looking at her parents as they looked at her with a proud look.

"Yes, yes I did Akane," her father, Minato Namikaze, spoke with nothing but a proud tone. He was a man of about 5'7 in height with spiky blond hair and cerulean blue eyes. He wore a Jounin flack jacket with ANBU pants with the Hokage Robes over that.

"You did great Akane," a feminine voice proudly stated, causing the duo to turn towards the kitchen where a redhead had come out of. This was Kushina Uzumaki-Namikaze. She wad about 5'4 with red hair and violet eyes. She had on a red shirt and black pants. She looked to have been preparing lunch for the family. "You're getting stronger everyday my Musume." Akane beamed at her mothers kind words as she and her father prepared for lunch. They looked like a completely happy family.

However, what they didn't notice was another 6 year looking at them from the top of the stairs of their 2 story house. He looked like a miniature version of the Yondaime Hokage, only he had Red hair rather than blond and his eyes color were violet on his right eye and cerulean blue with a hint of red on his left eye. He had on a black shirt with black shorts. His eyes were narrowed as he looked at the family with a scowl on his face. A greenish-yellow stiffed rabbit was in his left hand. The rabbit looked like it had seen plenty of better days at it had rips and holes around its body, showing that it had no stuffing inside, though it looked like a framework is metal was inside. Its face was in a permanent grin which was creepy in itself. Its eyes made it down right horrifying with how they seemed like they could stare into your soul.

"Tch, of course they'd be all picture perfectly fucking happy without Naruto," Naruto muttered as he walked to his room on the second floor. He placed his hand on the door and pumped some Chakra into it as a sealing array appeared for a split second before disappearing as the door opened. Naruto walked into his room before he placed his hand on the door again, showing another sealing array that disappeared before the door closed. Naruto sighed as he looked at his barren room, with the only things in there being his bed, a bookcase filled with different books that looked incredibly out of place for a 6 year olds bedroom being they were advanced reading books, and finally a desk with papers strewn all about, most of them being drawings. He looked down at the rabbit toy, before sighing.

"Naruto knows," he said to the rabbit, looking crazy for a second. "But Naruto guess he still has that small amount of hope in him that they'll finally notice Naruto." He sighed again as the rabbit seemed to take on a saddened look. The rabbit moved its fingers as it clombed up Narutos body before wiping away some tears that began to cascade down the red heads cheeks.

"D-D-Don't w-w-worry," the rabbit spoke. "P-P-P-PlushT-T-Trap and others are N-N-Naruto's friends and f-f-f-family." Naruto smiled as he picked the toy rabbit, PlushTrap, and hugged him close to his body as more twars fell from his face. He wiped them away quickly however.

"Naruto promised not to cry over their neglect," he whispered to himself as he calmed down. He then looked out towardsthe window to see that it was around 2 or 3 PM. He decided to go out for more chakra control excersizes and fuinjustu training. He grabbed a few sheets of paper, opened his window and stuck to the side of his home with Chakra before he climbed down and raced off towards one of the Training Grounds he frequents. As he did, he began to remember how he came into possesion of PlushTrap.

5 years after the Kyuubi attack:

A five year old Naruto was walking through the streets of Konoha, being ignored as always. He sighed as he held his left cheek that were still stinging a bit from the smack his mother had given him earlier. He gave a dry chuckle as he mentally berated himself a little bit due to believing his parents would notice him if he showed them he unlocked his chakra and had learned tree walking. He never realized how wrong he would be.

"YOU LITTLE SHIT," Naruto remembered his father shouting at him when he came down and looked on for his parents reaction. Minato and Kushina were glaring at him while Akane was looking on on in confusion. Naruto had a confused look before he fell to ground while holding his stinging cheek. He looked up with tears in his eyes as he saw his mother standing over him with anger in her eyes. He didn't remember exactly what they said, but he heard them say for him to go to his room and stay in there until further notice.

Of course, as soon as he got into his room, he opened his window, which was towards the front of the house, and climbed down and walking off towards the center of the village. He was merely another person in the village to which he scoffed at. If he were his sister, the HERO of Konoha just cause she held the Kyuubi at bay, they'd be all over him to get in his good graces. He shook his head as he realized that he was in the Red Light District, the slums of Konoha as other people called this area. He looked around and noticed that there was no one around, not even the 'homeless that usually frequent the area. He noticed that the buildings around him were rather rundown, when he noticed one building in the middle of two very large buildings. This building was rather worn down, but it looked better than the other buildings. He saw that there was a rather large sign on top of the building, but most of the words had disappeared.

"Fr...y F.z..a. .," Naruto spoke the letters as he got close to the building. Behind the words were what look to be a brown bear with a bow-tie and top hat, a yellow chicken with a bib that said "Let's Party", and a purple rabbit with a red and white guitar in his hands, all of them smiling as they stood in poses. Naruto gave a confused look, before he saw the door to the building open up ominously. He gulped, before he went against his instincts of running away and began walking inside. He could have sworn he heard someone talking to him.

'Come little child, come with me,' the voice spoke. He entered the building and saw it was dark, before the door closed and the lights turned on out of nowhere. He looked around and noticed that there were no adults in the building. Rather, there was a bunch of kids sitting at tables near what looked to be a stage with three... he didn't know what they were. They looked like the animals on the sign, but they looked badly damaged with odd metal appendages coming out of holes on them. They looked to have five 'fingers' that had the skin peeled off as they had five pointy fingertips. The bears hat had odd metal wiring coming out of a hole and a demonic looking cupcake was in the chickens hand. Their mouths had what looked to be 3 rows of very sharp teeth.

Naruto walked further into the building as the children were screaming and cheering for the three animals, as the animals seemed to be singing some really sappy song. It was when he got to the middle of the room did things get creepy. The cheering and screaming stopped abruptly stopped as did the animals singing. Naruto looked around to see all the children were looking at him with rather creepy smiles. He gulped before he began walking slowly away from the main hall. He eventually bumped into someone rather tall. He turned around to apologize, when the words caught in his throat over the person that he saw.

The person looked to be an adult in his twenties. That wasn't what stopped Naruto. What did, was the fact that the man was all purple, even his skin. He showed no discernible features, except for his white eyes with no pupils, what looked to be a shield on his chest and some curved object in his left hand. Naruto felt nothing but fear as he stared at the man. The man reached behind him and brought out a knife and Naruto's eyes widened as he saw the man come towards him as he raised the knife in the air ready to stab Naruto in the head. Naruto could faintly hear the children whispering to him.

'JoIn Us,' he heard them whisper rather creepily. 'JoIn Us! JoIn Us! JoIN uS! JOIN US! JOIN US!' Naruto was paralyzed with fear as the man chuckled with insanity clear in his pupil less eyes. Naruto closed his eyes as tears streamed down his face as he accepted his fate. He was going to die and he knew his parents wouldn't care as they'd just put more protection for Akane.

Naruto suddenly found himself on the floor and a pained scream above him. Naruto opened his eyes and looked up, to see that the children had all disappeared. Naruto, however, noticed that the animals had disappeared as well. He looked towards the 'Purple Man' and saw that the bear had its arm through the Purple Mans chest.

"S-S-Save T-T-Them," the bear spoke, his voice sounding rather hard to understand. Naruto could only stare as he saw the bunny and chicken come into his view and help him out. The Purple Man grinned and gave off an insane laugh as he used the last of his energy to throw the knife at Naruto, aiming at his heart.

"You Can't," Purple Man maniacally laughed as he died. The chicken and rabbit moved to stop the knife when it was knocked away by a red blur. Everyone's attention was on the red blur to show what looked to be a fox in a Pirate Garb. It looked much like the other animals, except the front half of its muzzle had no skin, showing some sort of metal skeleton for a muzzle. Not only that, but it had lots of holes on its body, showing more metal appendages than the others.

Naruto looked in confused fear as the bear took his arm out of the Purple Man and walked towards the 6 year old, whom looked at the bear with a confused look. The bear had this aura that made him feel relaxed with the animal. The bear had something in his other hand. He grabbed the redheads hands and place the object in them. He then spoke.

"H-H-H-Hope you h-h-h-had fun at F-F-F-F-Freddy F-F-Fazbears P-P-Pizzeria," the bear spoke. Naruto began to feel sleepy as he spoke. "We have been your host: Freddy Fazbear, Chica the Chicken, Bonnie the Bunny, and Foxy the Pirate Fox. Come back again soon." Naruto blacked out as those last words were spoken.

Flashback End

When he had awoken, he found out he passed out in the middle of the streets and was taken to the hospital. The doctors told him that they had no reason for why he passed out, and that he was free to go. Just before he had left, however, they had given him a stuffed golden yellow rabbit, saying he dropped it when he passed out. Naruto never remembered having the rabbit before the image of the bear, Freddy Fazbear if he remembered, giving him something. He took the rabbit and noticed that it had holes in it with what looked to be a metal skeleton inside. He nervously took the rabbit and left.

He was interrupted from his thoughts when PlushTrap conked him on his noggin. "Itai! Why did PlushTrap hit Naruto on the head," he shouted angrily towards the robotic rabbit. PlushTrap glared back at the redhead before both of them broke into grins.

"P-P-PlushT-Trap wonder what Naruto thinking," PlushTrap spoke to the redhead. Naruto sighed as he reached the training ground that he used. It was Training Ground 9, a very large training ground that was said to be cursed due to the Kyuubis attack, with newly grown trees around the field as well as a decently large lake nearby. Naruto scoffed at the blatant stupidity of the villagers. Idiots. Then again, he had a haunted rabbit plushy, so maybe it was completely baloney. PlushTrap had began speaking with Naruto when he had reached his bedroom. Of course, his parents never knew neither would have cared when he got home. They didn't even spare him a glance, which really irked him. He was used to it however, and just went to his room.

"Welp, guess its time for Naruto to begin training," Naruto spoke, placing a hand on his arm and pumping chakra to a hidden seal. Out popped some brushes and ink that he quickly grabbed. He then made a handseal for a Justu he had recently taken from his fathers study, not that his father would know considering the fact that Minato never payed attention to the redhead as well as the fact that his father never really looked at his personal library anymore. "Shadow Clone Jutsu." Out popped two more Narutos. He didn't have as much chakra as his sister, and likely never would, but he had enough Chakra for 4 Shadow Clones where as his sister could make literally an unlimited amount. He only made two though, so they could work on his chakra control while he focused on physical training and his fuinjutsu. Naruto quickly began his stretches while PlushTrap let himself down from Narutos back, took the sealing equipment, and just walked to a nearby tree and sat himself down watching Naruto starts his training by running the training ground 10 laps before he started doing push-ups and sit-ups. By the time Naruto had finished his physical training, it was around 5 or 6 in the afternoon, about the time he should be heading home. He wanted to continue on his fuinjutsu training. He dispelled the clones and allowed their memories to be assimilated before he he picked up several rocks and had them hover over his fingertips with chakra. He smirked when he saw how good his control had gotten.

PlushTrap had walked over to Naruto as he was making the rocks float over his hands and had climbed up his head. Naruto grinned as he let the rocks fall before he grabbed PlushTrap and hugged him close to himself. "Naruto is glad PlushTrap is his friend," Naruto spoke. He had picked up on the habit of referring himself in third person when PlushTrap was given to him. PlushTrap returned the hug and was about to respond when he felt ill intent towards Naruto.

"Naruto, jump," PlushTrap told the redhead, who headed the warning and jumped away with chakra just as an earth spike nearly impaled him. Naruto gulped as he heard deep chuckling coming from the trees. He turned to see several shinobi with Jounin Flack Jackets. They also had headbands with two rocks in them on their foreheads.

"Iwa Shinobi," Naruto whispered, though everyone heard since there was silence in the Training Ground. The Iwa Shinobi grinned maliciously as they walked towards the 6 year old.

"Well well, this little brat knows his villages," the lead Jounin snarled out as he and his friends surrounded Naruto. He began to perform hand seals as did the other 4. "Too bad that wont help you out. We will get revenge on your father by killing his only son." The Iwa Shinobi gave off a victorious smile before they all paused when they heard Naruto begin to giggle as he lowered his head. "What's so funny brat?"

Naruto continued to giggle before he began chuckling and ended up laughing, all while he raised his lowered head. The shinobi all took a step back as they saw the insane grin that Naruto had and his wide eyes filled with nothing but insanity and rage. "You," Naruto giggled out. "You think, my so called Tou-san would care if Naruto died?" Here Naruto held PlushTrap tightly in his left hand by PlushTraps right hand as he hang there, his left hand touching the ground. "He could care less if Naruto died right in front of him, neither would Naruto's so call Kaa-san. You went after the wrong child, for Naruto is not the Hokage's Son. Naruto is merely a guest in their home." The insanity in his eyes became intense as the group of Iwa Shinobi listened to his rant on how his parents never cared for him, only his sister. They never felt two Chakra Signatures behind the tree. listening in to the child's rant.

They never felt so much sadness and despair coming from the 6 year old. They were also ashamed of Minato and Kushina as they felt it was entirely their fault. This kid should be worried about getting in trouble with his friends as they played pranks on people, or be with his sister playing and having fun. They focused on the group when Naruto's insane chuckles were heard in the training ground.

"PlushTrap, show them why your named so," Naruto said as he smiled the same creepy smiles the children did in his dream/hallucination. The two hiding in the tree, one Ibiki Morino and Anko Mitarashi, peeked their heads out to see that the Iwa Shinobi were on the ground screaming in pure unholy terror, their screams piercing the sky with unfathomable fear.

"Some kind of Genjutsu," Anko suggested as she saw the group of 5 Iwa Shinobi stand up and run away from something that was not their, clawing at their eyes and attacking the air with kunai and shuriken. Ibiki shook his head as he turned his attention to Naruto, whom was muttering things under his breath as he held the bunny toy in his hand tighter.

"No, if it was a Genjutsu, we would have been caught in it as well, since its seems to be a wide spread type," Ibiki thought out loud, before he sighed and closed his eyes. "Then again, he told someone named PlushTrap to cast the supposed illusion. This could be a trap. But then again, why go through so much just for a trap. He opened his eyes and looked at the redhead once more, analyzing what the boy could have done. "I think it has something to do with the Rabbit Plushy he has." Anko looked at her co worker in curiosity. "He told someone named PlushTrap to show him his namesake. Perhaps its this." Ibiki closed his eyes once again. "Then again, that doesn't really explain much." His eyes widened in surprise as the training ground suddenly became silent. The two shared a look before peeking at the training ground once again. They saw that 4 of the Jounin were all on the ground, their eye sockets missing. Scratches and cuts were all over their faces and they seemed to have a look of pure agony as they stayed in a rigid position, like if they got crammed into a tight was one that was curled up in a ball and was whimpering in terror near a tree. They turned to the child, and were surprised when the rabbit plushy was on Naruto's head and patting it as the boy cried into his arms.

The duo jumped down and cautiously approached the crying child. PlushTrap noticed the two and growled as he stared at them. However, they had no ill intent and he let them approached the boy, but prepared to put them in an illusion should they try something. Naruto was mumbling something they couldn't hear until the two were near enough that Anko grabbed the little boy and held him close to her as he cried on her shoulder.

"Naruto broke their minds, Naruto broke their minds," Naruto whispered as he was rocked by Anko. Ibiki shared a look with her before the two stood up, PlushTrap still cautious as ever, before Anko started on her ways towards the I&T Department, dragging the half alive Iwa Jounin while Ibiki sent out a pulse of chakra and began taking note of the bodies left.

And that was the first chapter of You're Broken, I promise to put you back together. This was more of a prologue I suppose. Meh. I know I did a rather shitty job in my opinion of the whole flashback and stuff. I just felt like writing, and to be honest as soon as I started typing, my hands just flew over the keyboard. There may be a few grammar mistakes, so if you see any just point them out so I could fix them, that'd be swell.

In other news, Im also working on the sequel to Bleeding Darkness, but it may take a bit longer than I had anticipated. So look out for news on that. The improved version of Naruto's New Life will be up sometime between tomorrow and next Friday. Let's see... Ah, I also will be updating Teal Guardian, Yellow Mew sometime between now and Next Friday as well, so be on the lookout for that as well. I don't have much else to say, though the next chapter of this will be sometime between tomorrow and next Friday as well. At that point, I'll know if I want to continue this as an actual fic. or just a once in a while thing.

This has been Kyroshiro.

Thank you,
and goodnight.