I woke up with a start as I felt last night's antics make their way up my throat and out of my mouth.

I threw the covers off of me and the contents of my stomach into the toilet.

I breathed in heavily and waited a few seconds before I heaved towards the toilet only to have nothing come up this time.

I took this as a sign and wiped my hand over my mouth cleaning off the excess vomit and flushed the toilet. After I had washed my hands thoroughly, I brushed my teeth and sighed trying to catch my breath.

I grimaced as there was a loud knock at the door.

I grumbled and trudged over to the door, opening it but wincing as the suns bright rays shone it my sensitive eyes.

I lifted a hand to my face. "Owen? What are you doing here?" I leant on the door frame.

Owen tilted his head and laughed at my pain.

"Don't laugh at me."

His bright eyes flickered under the sunlight.

"Oh wow, I'm sorry, you just don't handle hangovers that well do ya?"

"Of course I don't. I come from the city remember?"

He chuckled. "No shit." His chuckles died down and Owen smiled at me. "So...You gonna come see my girls today?"

My brows furrowed. "Your girls? Oh wait, never mind. Um, I don't think that's such a good idea."

Owen looked slightly disappointed and it pulled at my heart.

"Ugh, fine. If I must."

Owen smiled. "Good, meet me at the paddock in ten."

I nodded and watched as Owen left, revving up his motorbike looking fine as hell.

I closed the door and grumbled to myself.

"Stupid, Owen making me all gooey."

After I had gotten changed I headed down to the Raptor paddock with slight hesitation. If I didn't know Owen and how he was with them I wouldn't have even come down here.

I pulled up the car and sighed. I grabbed the keys and jumped out the car, gradually making my way up to the top of the paddock overseeing the Raptors.


I turned my head at the sound of my voice and smiled as I saw Owen at the other side of the paddock. I made my way over and he grinned at me.

"Regretting your decision yet?"

"Don't make me hit you." I scowled.

Owen gestured to below him. "Come on, you can meet the girls."

I observed Owen as he lead the way and I cheered inside at his alluring behind.

And I don't just mean his ass.

I followed him back down the stairs and I gasped as I saw them.

They were beautiful things, but they were incredibly dangerous.

Their eyes were like nothing I had ever seen, they were attentive to our presence and they growled as they recognised Owen. Not because they saw him as a threat but because they knew that he was their Alpha. However, they were cautious as they watched me heavily. I couldn't keep my eyes off them.

They were all different in their own ways, but it just couldn't sink in how deadly these animals are. I mean, you never think some of the smaller animals are dangerous compared to the much bigger dinosaurs, but no, these enticing creatures were the most fatal.

I paused in my tracks as I was about to enter the first cage.

I stared at Owen.

He saw that I was scared and he gazed at me and took my hand in his. I almost refrained as I heard the girls growling viciously but Owen's grip was strong but gentle.

He lead me to who I assumed was the Beta just by how she was acting and her eyes.

That's what gave her away.

They were the eyes of a majestic beast. Just waiting for the obtune moment.

I held in a breath as his hand touched the Beta's skull, placing mine on top of his.

She snarled as my hand was settled on her head and I jumped but Owen calmed me down but standing close to me.

I smiled slightly as she seemed to calm down beneath my touch.

It was the most dangerous but exhilarating thing I had ever done in my life.

I jerked as Barry interrupted the three of us.


I turned to Barry my eyebrows furrowed. "Barry, what's wrong?"

"It's Thea."

Thank you for reading guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. But I hoped you enjoyed this chapter!