Day 8: Bonus Day. Hey everyone last day of GrayZa week! I miss it already. Thanks for reading!

Erza looked down feeling uneasy. She had spent the last few days watching her boyfriend being oblivious to the attempts of someone else flirting with him. In other words Gray was so dense he still had no idea Juvia was fantasizing and trying to get him to fall in love with her. She knew she was being unreasonable, but she had this fear that Gray would realize that Juvia truly was a much better match for him.

Even her strawberry cheesecake couldn't distract her from this fear. She had tried telling Lucy about it, and the blonde had understood what she was talking about to some extent. Erza had learned that Lucy used to feel the same way about Lisanna. Her advice had been to talk to Juvia and get everything out in the open. It had worked for Lucy after all.

Erza however, felt confronting Juvia who had literally joined the guild at first just for Gray would be like rubbing salt on the rain woman's wounds simply due to her own insecurity. It would be cruel and quite unfair of her to make that move. She glanced over to see Gray sitting with Natsu, Lucy and Juvia. The bluenette had hearts in her eyes as she gushed about Gray.

Erza didn't want to feel this way. It was wrong of her, especially since Gray himself had expressed no feeling other that friendship for Juvia. She groaned and laid her head in between her arms after pushing away her half eaten cake.

"Mira! Bring me a barrel of beer!" Erza looked up to see Cana had sit down beside her. "Hey Erza." Fairy Tail's resisdent drunk greeted her cheerfully. Erza managed to nod her head in acknowledgement. "Where's Gray?" Erza rolled her eyes and pointed to where he was sitting. Cana looked over and Erza felt a little worried seeing a maniacal grin climb across the other woman's face.

"W-what is it?" Erza asked hoping her gut feeling was wrong. The laughter that cam from Cana did absolutely nothing to reassure her. "Is the fearsome Titania jealous?" Erza stared for a moment before shaking her head hoping to deny it to Gray's childhood friend.

Evidently she was not managing to do a very good job. When Cana had stopped laughing, she looked at Erza in an uncharacteristically serious manner.

"You do know there's nothing to be jealous of right?" Erza gave up denying. "Yes, and that is the problem." Cana blinked. "Wait what?"

Erza took in a deep breath and started to explain. "I know that Gray doesn't feel that way about her, he's made it clear often enough. It's just what if he realizes that I'm just not good enough for him. Girls we meet once on a mission go crazy for him. Juvia loves him to the point of doing anything for him. She's not afraid or embarrassed to show her true feelings. What if Gray realizes that someone like her is better than someone like me?

"I know Gray isn't like that. He won't change who he cares about at the drop of a hat. But it won't change the fact that someone like Juvia is much better for Gray than I ever will be."

Cana listened diligently and looked completely surprised that, that was how Erza felt. She slowly shook her head. "Look Erza, I don't know where you got all that from. But I think that for Gray it isn't about what or who's better for him per say, but rather who he feels more comfortable with. We all have issues. You have your problems, Gray has his and even Juvia has her own problems to deal with. I think that working together to solve them is what'll help the three of you."

Erza stared at her. "You're telling me to talk to Juvia?"

Cana shook her head. "I'm telling you to talk to Gray." In an incredulous voice Erza repeated Can'a words. "Yes! You could talk to Juvia but that wouldn't change the fact that you still think someone else is better for Gray right? No one can help you with that other than you. And you won't be able to believe that until you hear that straight from Gray." Cana smiled.

"Erza I'm not telling you what to do. I'm just saying it'll make things a lot clearer for you." With that Cana was done being a counselor as she turned away and immediately called out for some more booze.


So later that day Erza took Cana's advice and got Gray to talk to her in private. Gray smiled at her easily. "Hey Erza." Looking at him Erza couldn't help smile back.

"Where have you been all day?" He questioned her. She blinked before replying. "Just around the guild." He sat down pulling her into the seat next to him. "I missed you." Her heart wrenched feeling the love he was giving to her unconditionally. Before she could stop herself she was blurting out "I-I was talking to Cana today."

"Oh?" He raised an eyebrow. "What sort of horrible story did she tell you about me?" Erza shook her head. "Nothing." Gray leaned back, "Huh really? Then what did you guys talk about?" Erza braced herself before saying "I was asking her if I was really good enough for you." She watched his expression carefully.

"Oh." He said nonchalantly before it hit him. "Wait, what?" He looked at Erza in disbelief, "W-why would you think that you weren't good enough for me?" Erza looked at him, "Isn't it obvious? Why would you want to be with me, when someone as amazing as Juvia is there for you."

Gray looked at her in shock and surprise. "Juvia? What do you mean? Erza if I wanted to be with Juvia I would have been. But I don't. I like you for you."

Erza couldn't handle him looking at her with such a caring expression. "Why? What's there to like about me?"

Gray smiled at her before taking one of her hands in his. "What's not to like? You're strong, you're kind, you're beautiful." With every word he spoke he looked straight into her eyes so she could see just how sincere he was. Erza couldn't help but blush.

"You're fun, you're adorable when you have cake and best of all you love me for me. Even when I'm being stupid and stripping. Not for the random acts of awesomeness." Then he grinned, "Though those do happen a lot." She swat his chest and rolled her eyes.

"I love you Erza Scarlet, so don't you ever thing you're not good enough for me ever again." Erza nodded before letting herself succumb to a moment of weakness by burying her head in his chest. He stroked her hair and for a moment it was as if there was no one other than the two of them in the entire world. Everything was perfect.