Chapter 27

Eddie just stared in disbelief at herself in the full-length mirror as Hailey, Erin, Linda, Nicki and her mom fussed over her. A photographer was already taking pictures, and unbeknownst to her, had been stationed to capture everything since her arrival on the grounds. Eddie could not believe that she was about to be married to Jamie in just minutes, and would have pinched herself to make sure it was not a dream if Erin hadn't done it for her.

"Ooo, so sorry about that," Erin apologized, "Getting this train attached to your dress is a little more complicated than I thought." With Linda's help the beautiful ruffled train was soon in place and complimented Eddie's dress perfectly.

Eddie gave Erin a somewhat blank look as Hailey was busy taming down the last few errant locks dislodged during the sleigh ride and was setting the beautiful lace wedding veil in place. "How?..." was all she managed, still in shock.

"The dressmaker, Mr. Evans, is a friend of mine," Erin explained. "I told him what we were really coming in to look for and he made sure to steer you towards a certain style of dress so we could pull this off. You chose a little bit of a darker color, but he made it in this beautiful off white instead. That's why I picked it up, so you wouldn't have a choice but to wear it tonight."

"Everyone knew, then..."

"Yes, Eddie," Erin smiled. "We've all been in on it for months now. Well except the kids, of course. Jamie thought of everything. I told you, he's a hopeless romantic," she laughed as she pulled a form from her purse. "Here, you need to sign this for the license. I even have my friend Emily here, she's a court clerk and she'll notarize it. You're all set."

"But wait..." Eddie said in a sudden panic as more of the reality began to hit her. "I don't know what I'm doing! What about the vows? I don't know what to say!"

"Now, Edit," her mother Eva admonished as she lightly powdered her daughter's face and applied just a little blush to highlight her cheekbones. "Don't worry. We can all see how much you love this young man, and to do all this for you... he must feel the same. Just go in there and speak from your heart. You will be fine."

"Hold on!" Nicki chimed in as they started gathering the bouquets. "What about the things she needs for good luck? What is it? Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue? Did we do that?"

"Nicki, bless you for remembering!" Linda exclaimed. "Here Eddie, I have something for you. Frank just handed it to me earlier." She reached in her bag and pulled out a clutch and opened it to reveal a beautiful delicate vintage silver wedding necklace with stunning sapphires. "You have a brand new diamond ring, now this is something old, borrowed, and blue," she said as she fastened it around Eddie's neck. It was breathtaking.

"Oh, Linda, it's Mom's necklace," Erin breathed as her eyes teared up and she fingered the jewels. "I almost forgot about it... Dad didn't, thank goodness! He had this made for my mother when they were married," she explained. "It's been a tradition for all of us to have the bride wear it on our wedding day." Her voice broke as she remembered, "This is the first wedding that Mom hasn't been here to be the one to put it on. She so would have loved this candlelight ceremony here in this old church… especially for Jamie... oh my God, her baby..." The tears were being unleashed freely now.

"Oh my gosh Erin," Linda exclaimed. "Please don't cry yet, you're getting us all started now. It's going to be bad enough when Jamie sees Eddie in this..." But it was too late, there wasn't a dry eye left in the room. Even the photographer was sniffling as they heard a soft knock on the door. Danny peeked his head in.

"Hey, I'm just checking to see how things are going…" he paused, suddenly very uncomfortable to be the only male in the room full of women crying. "Uh, so… everything still all right? 'Cause Spencer is doing his best to keep Jamie calm but the kid's starting to look a little jittery up there."

"Yes," Eddie said and she dabbed at her eyes with a handkerchief. "Tell Jamie… tell him I'm not going anywhere," she smiled. "That will settle him down."

"Okay, good," Danny let out a sigh of relief. He spotted the necklace and suddenly knew what the tearfest was about. He tried to hide the fact that it made him emotional too as he remembered Linda wearing it, and how happy his mother had been at his own wedding. "You look really beautiful, Eddie," he added, wiping his eyes and clearing his throat. "My brother is a lucky man."

"Thanks," she said as she stepped down off the small stool she had been standing on and picked up her bouquet. A few last minute touchups and she was ready. "Let's go," she smiled. "We've all been waiting for this for a long time."


All eyes turned to the back of the church as the quartet struck the familiar tones of the wedding march after Hailey, Erin, Linda and Nicki had made their procession in and stood at the front of the church awaiting Eddie's grand entrance. Spencer, Danny, Jack and Sean comprised the groomsmen's line.

Jamie took a deep breath to ease his nerves as the doors opened, and then he promptly forgot about everything as he saw her enter on her mother's arm. She was stunning and only had eyes for him as they made their way up to the altar. His heart melted as he saw her wearing his mother's precious necklace, and he met her at the bottom step as her mother gave her a kiss and affirmed that she was there to give Eddie away in marriage when the priest inquired.

The rest of the ceremony went by in a blur as the two could think of nothing but the other, and suddenly it was time for the vows. Jamie nervously accepted the ring that Spencer fished out of his pocket and handed him. He turned to face Eddie and smiled as he put it on her finger and said, "Tonight, surrounded by the people who love us, I take you, Edit Katalin Janko, to be my partner, my wife. I am proud to become your husband and to join my life with yours. I promise to support you, push you, inspire you, and above all love you. I will care for you and share with you all that life has to offer us from this day forward, and all the days of my life."

Eddie's hands were shaking as she took the ring from Hailey. For a second her mind went completely blank and she panicked a little until she remembered her mother's words. She took Jamie's hand and placed the ring on his finger as she said, "Jamison Henry Reagan, because of you, I laugh and smile more than I ever have before. I give you my heart and look forward to spending the rest of my life with you, caring for you, and being there for you in all life has for us. I promise to be true and faithful wherever our journey leads us."

Father McMurray proclaimed them husband and wife to a rousing chorus of claps and cheers. Jamie grinned as he picked Eddie up, dipped her back and kissed her deeply before setting her down and taking her hand as they turned to face the crowd.

"I just have one question for you, Mr. Reagan," she said, her eyes shining.

"Yes, Mrs. Reagan?" he answered with a smile.

"So what do you have planned for the honeymoon?"


That's it for this one. I've really enjoyed writing it! Thanks for all the reviews, favs and follows! Look for the next story in this series, "Home Sweet Home" to post when I have it finished!