A/N I am so very sorry guys! It has been forever since I have update anything, and I feel horrible that I haven't at least let you guys know that I was busy with other things! Well, I kinda wanted this to be a 10K word chapter, but I could only manage about 1.5K. Well, I hope to get writing the next chapter, to try and not keep you guys in suspense!
Ok, let me reply to some of your reviews!

Amber611, I am so happy to hear that you enjoyed what I have written! And I too look forward to writing about Owen as a Grandpa! I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Guest, Sorry that the wait was as long as it was! I will try and make it up for you guys!

Silverleone, I thought it would be just something funny to have. I may put in a little snippet in a future chapter of him talking to his buddies about it! Possibly with Pina Coladas in hand.

DragoonSensei, I am glad you enjoyed the last chapter! Please forgive me for my tardiness on this chapter!

Anyway guys, I hope you guys can forgive me for taking so long to post this! I hope it won't take as long to put up a new chapter! Well, enough from me, but please tell me what you guys thought of this chapter! I love reading reviews!

-Scriptorem stilis

"Mr. Blue Sky"

The helicopter touched down. She was so excited! Grabbing her bag, she hopped out.

A small troop of people were waiting by the landing pad. Six men were carrying big guns, while a man in a grey suite gave a warm smile. A woman stood next to him.

Aunt Caroline.

"Hey Auntie Caroline!" she called out, as she hugged the woman.

"Hello, Rosa," Caroline greeted the energetic child.

"Welcome to Isla Sorna, Ms. Rosa Johnson,"He greeted her "I am Mr. Weiskopf , CEO of International Genetics Incorporated, or InGen for shot,"

"It is nice to meet you sir," Rosa said as she bounced up and down on her heels.

"Shall we?" Lopez gestured towards the building.

"I assure you, it is far nicer inside, for it has air-conditioning," Caroline said to Rosa.

The young girl smiled and giggled, her eyes twinkling. The three of them walked towards the building, with the six armed following just behind.

"So, how are we going to get Sleeping Beauty here back to Jurassic World?" Owen asked.

"The same way we got her here. Air lift here," Claire said in a very matter of fact tone.

The three of them stood for a moment, in an awkward silence. Claire broke it by raising a radio to her mouth and speaking into it,

"ACU, we have the Asset sedated. We are ready for pickup,"

"Copy, where is your location?" A man said on the other end.

Claire looked around. She didn't know where they were, other than that they were in Costa Rica.

"Hand me the radio," Tim spoke up.

Owen shifted the weight from one leg to the other as Tim gave the ACU team their coordinates. He patted one of his pockets and found he had something rectangular in it. Pulling this out, he seen it was an old Sony Walkman. Correction, it was HIS Sony Walkman.

He put on of the ear pieces over his ear and hit play. There was static before a tune came on.

"Sun is shinin' in the sky, There ain't a cloud in sight, It's stopped rainin' everybody's in a play, And don't you know, It's a beautiful new day, hey hey,"

Owen smiled as he recognized this tune. It was Mr. Blue Sky, sung by Electric Light Orchestra. It was even funnier; since the sky above them was clear of clouds, save to the east, where they were a thin line of grey.

"What are you doing?" Claire interrupted his enjoyment of the song.

"Um... listening to music," Owen stated.

"And dancing like a paralyzed rat," Claire said.

"My dancing isn't THAT bad!" Owen argued, taking offense to such a claim.

"What are you listening to?" Tim spoke up.

Owen smiled before replying, " Sky,"

"Geez Owen! What are you, stuck in the seventies?"

"Some of the songs on this Walkman are better than some of the crap that is on the radio today,"

"What songs do you even got on that fossil?" Tim snickered.

Owen looked at the Walkman, seeing the cassette tape inside spinning.

"Well, the ones I can remember that are on here are Mr. Blue Sky, of course. There is also Brandy, You're a Fine Girl, Lake Shore Drive, Southern Nights and The Chain,"

Tim rolled his eyes.

"Hey, these are good tunes!" Owen barked.

"Sure thing, gramps," Tim said, sticking his tongue out.

Claire shook her head. A few minutes, they could hear the drone of the helicopter coming closer to pick them up.

"I just hope she doesn't wake up when we are over the Pacific," Owen thinks to himself as the helicopter touches down.

"Where is Alpha? What is he doing?" This thought kept on bouncing around in her head, but she could not put them to rest for she didn't know the answers.

"What is wrong?" Delta asked, concerned about her sisters constant pacing.

"I am just worried Alpha is in trouble," Blue replied, but not stopping.

"What you guys talking about?" Diablo butted into the conversation.

"Nothing of your concern," Blue snapped at hm.

Deltas' eyes widened in shock at her sisters' hostility towards Diablo. Storming off, leaving Delta and Diablo alone.

"I am sorry about how she is acting! She just hasn't been the same since Alpha has left. She is very worried about our pack," Delta apologized.

"I can understand her concern. I would be upset if the Alpha disappeared," Diablo said.

Delta walked over to her mate and sat down next to him.

"Tell me about your Alpha," Diablo said, almost out of the blue.

With that, Delta embarked on a tale of all she could remember of her Alpha. Diablo sat and listened intently. He was confused by why they would listen to a human.

But then again, he had a man for a father.

So he couldn't say squat.

"Over here is where our geneticists work out the genetic code of the DNA. Jurassic World was a show room to awe the public. Here on Isla Sorna, this is the were the magic happens," Mr. Weiskopf explained to a very eager Rosa.

Caroline was glad Rosa wasn't like most other girls her age. They would most likely be bored out of their minds, and taking selfies, and checking Snapchat, and Instagram, and god knows how many other social media apps.

They continued throughout the labs, and then moved to the hatchery. They arrived just in time to see a baby Pachycephalosaur hatching. Rosa took many pictures as the infant emerged from the egg.

"It is so small!" Rosa exclaimed.

"They don't stay that size for long. We have done well to try and recreate the DNA as close to the original as possible. But there are a few enhancements, one these are a sped-up growth rate. This Pachy will be fully grown in five years," Caroline explained.

"Wow," was all Rosa could say.

Lopez was smiling to himself. He was glad that Rosa was enjoying the tour. He just hoped that nothing would go wrong, like so many other things have on Isla Sorna.

Lowery swivelled around in his chair. ACU had successfully captured all the escaped assets, with very little accidents to report. One trooper received a minor abrasion when a Gallimius kicked its leg, and caught the trooper in the side. Another had rolled his ankle while walking through tall grass during the roundup of the Hysphilodonts.

All in all, they were really lucky.

Construction had finished the repairs on the door to the Indominus paddock, as well as Rexy's. The park was nearly operational again. They just needed to get the handlers and other staff, and throw in a couple thousand visitors, and it would be like it had a month prior.

He could imagine what foolish things would be happening if there were visitors here. One time, a man had thought it would be a good idea to use flash photography at the Dilophosaur exhibit. It had taken the cleanup crew five hours to remove the spit from the viewing glass.

Another time, a child had been bitten by one the compys at the Petting Zoo. The mother had a canary, and thought her daughter was going to grow a tail and get scaly skin, and turn into some odd dino-human cross. She was even threatening to sue Jurassic World for it.

He could still here her voice. It reminded him of one of the Chipettes. Either that or she had an asthma inhaler full of helium on her at all times.

It felt weird with the control room being empty. It used to be so full of light and sound, now most of the screens were dark, because there were no people to use them.

"Lowery, you there?"

He jumped at how similar that line was delivered to when he was asked if he would open Paddock Nine

"Yeah, I am here," He replied. He had almost wanted to add "Where else would I be?" but had bit his tongue and not said it.

"I am just telling you that we are loading up the Indominus now. We will be back to the island at around five thirty, ok?" Claire's voice crackled over the radio.

Glancing at the clock, Lowery saw that it was half past three in the afternoon.

"I will tell the crews that the I Rex will be back soon, just so they can get things finished up,"

"Thanks Lowery,"

Lowery quickly radioed the construction teams, to tell them that they should move the equipment, for the Indominus was on its way back. He informed ACU that they would be needed at the Indominus paddock, to help move the asset into her pen.

He just crossed his fingers that nothing would go wrong.

But sometimes, things have ways of going wrong.