"WHAT!?" Tsubasa and Giotto shouted.
"You mean in this album, We will see and hear Natsu-san?" The reporter asked. Kurumi nodded with a smile. "This album will be available iin our upcoming concert next week, October 14, here in Japan. We are now accepting reservations for the concert. Oh! By the way, we have a limited edition picture album of Natsu." Kurumi continued.
"Ah.. I remembered something. Last night, Kuro-san posted a picture.. oh here it is" The reported said and they showed the picture. Kurumi stared st the monitor and slowly, a smile started to form on her lips.
"That is Tsu-chan. Kuro's friend. Well you can say that he's like a brother." she answered. Kuro and Akira shivered at the Kurumi's smile. 'Her eyes is not smiling!'
" Before I forget. We are calling all the rockers, also, we will have our UNMASK concert overseas. We will be at America in October 12. Oh another one. Tickets are very low, unlike our other concerts so, if you want to ." Kurumi added.

Kuro and Akira dropped their jaws
"WHAT!?" they screamed, making the other to look at them.
"Were going overseas!? I never heard about this!" Akira almost shouted.
"What the hell is going on!? Oi! wake Tsuna up! we're going to the studio!" Kuro said.
"Stop ordering me!" Akira said and throw a punch at Kuro's face.
Kuro winced at the pain and glared at Akira. He was about to punch back when they heard Nana's voice.
"Ara! You're already awake! Have a breakfast first."
Kuro made his way back to the dining room and there, he saw Tsuna sitting on a chair and sleeping while his head id on top of the table. Nana came out from the kitcgen with Tsuna's food.

"Tsuna-kun, here's your food" Nana said with her sweet smile. Tsuna slowly raised his head and opened his eyes. He blinked and stared at his food for a minute before picking the chopsticks. Tsuna yawned and took a bite on his food. While munching the food, Tsuna closed his eyes because of the sleepiness. Kuro watched his brother-like friend and sweatdropped when Tsuna went back to sleep while eating. Kuro slowly walked towards the brunette and shaked his shoulder. "Don't fall asleep while eating." Tsuna opened his eyes and started to munch again. Kuro smiled and ruffled Tsuna's hair. Unknown to them, Giotto was watching them at the door. 'What happened to my brother!? Why does he have those bruises!?' Giotto asked in anger.

Giotto didn't notice that Tsubasa and Reborn were behind him until the youngest Sawada spoke. "Gio-nii... what the heck are you doing?" Giotto jumped in shock and immediately looked behind him. There he saw his youngest brother Tsubasa and their home tutor Reborn. "No-nothing!" he shouted in shock. Tsubasa rolled his eyes at Giotto's answer and looked at where Giotto was looking before they called him. And there, he saw his Tsuna-nii eating and he noticed the bandages at his brother's body. "Ne, Reborn, do know why Tsuna-nii is full of bandages?" asked by the youngest Sawada. "No, but I can find how he got those." Reborn answered while studying Tsuna. "Please do." the youngest continued.

Not long after their conversation Nana came out from the kitchen and noticed his eldest at the door who is staring at something and his eyes is full pf jealousy. Nana is intrigued, so she looked at the direction where Giotto is staring and saw Tsuna and Kuro. Nana chuckled and went towards the door where Giotto. Giotto looked at her. "Ara, Gio-kun, why are you just staring there? Come inside and talk to your brother and Kuro-kun." Nana suggested and Giotto shook his head. "I.. M-maybe later. T-they look like they don't want to be disturbed" Giotto said with a hint of sadness in his tone.

Nana noticed it. "Okay," she replied and walked pass by his eldest son. She also saw that her youngest and Reborn are there, so she gave them a smile before proceeding to the entertainment room. The kids are the only people there and they are busy playing with each other. Nana walked towards the DVD player as she took out the UNMASK album from her apron's pocket. That CD was given to her by Akira earlier. She was confused at first when the guitarist gave it to her because Tsuna was always the one who is giving her the band's new album. When she asked why, Akira asnwered her that Tsuna gave the album to Kyoya and Alaude as thanks. The tickets were also included in the CD when she looked inside.

Nana took the CD inside the case and put it in the DVD player and song started playing. She looked at the back of the CD case and she saw the title of the song. '15 minutes' she thought and listened to it very intently.

The others who are in the other room were shocked to hear an unfamiliar song, except for the three who created that song. Giotto was curious, so he went to the entertainment room along with Tsubasa and Reborn and there, they saw Nana sitting on the couch while reading a booklet. "Mom, what are you doing?" asked Giotto. Nana looked at her son and smiled. "Reading, of course." Nana answered. "I know mom! I can see that." Giotto answered back and let out an exasperated sigh. "Hahaha~ don't mind me, my dear. Ah! By the way, what do you thinks of this song?" She asked happily and if you look at her eyes, you can see the sparkles in it. Giotto listened to the song before answering his mother.


They sit distorting your reflection
But the lights around the mirror have all gone dim
Because you did whatever you could to make a connection
And you did whatever you could to make it in

For fifteen minutes of fame
What would you do
Who would you hurt
And who would you screw
Would you kill for the sake of making a name
For fifteen minutes of shame

You wear a mask but don't know who's behind it
You fear the face of who you really are
Because you did whatever you could to be invited
And you do whatever it takes to be a star

For fifteen minutes of fame
What would you do
Who would you hurt
And who would you screw
Would you kill for the sake of making a name
For fifteen minutes of shame

For fifteen minutes of fame
What would you do
Who would you hurt
And who would you screw
Would you kill for the sake of making a name
For fifteen minutes of shame

I know you think
That you were something special
But your not
And you are the only one to blame

For fifteen minutes of fame
What would you do
Who would you hurt
And who would you screw
Would you kill for the sake of making a name
For fifteen minutes of shame

For fifteen minutes of fame
What would you do
Who would you hurt
And who would you screw
Would you kill for the sake of making a name
For fifteen minutes of shame


"It's good. I like the genre and the way he sang it is full of emotion. By the way, Mom, who sang it?" Giotto asked after listening.

Before Nana was able to answer his eldest, the next song played. And the title is Surrender.
"Do you really want to know?" Nana asked. Giotto was confused at first at the question, but shrugged it and nodded as yes.
Nana chuckled then gave her answer by raising a very familiar album. Giotto and Tsubasa's eyes widened and ran to their mother. Tsubasa took the case and looked at it as if he was looking at a threat letter. "Mom! H-HOW!? How on earth or where on earth did you get this!?" Giotto questioned his mother and his hands were shaking, not because of anger, but shock with mix of excitement. Nana maintained her smile. "From Akira-kun. Tsuna-chan gave his to a friend, so Akira-kun gave to me his album." When Reborn heard Nana's answer, a question was formed to his mind. 'How can Tsuna have that album if it will be available on the day of the concert?' Reborn asked himself, but immediately came up to answer 'Ahh I almost forgot, they are friends, so maybe, and they gave him the album.'

"Where is it?" Tsubasa asked. "What are you looking for, Tsu-kun?" Nana asked. "The pictures of Natsu-san." This time it was Giotto who answered. "Ah, you mean, this?" Nana raised the booklet she is holding, but when Giotto was about to grab it, she hid it behind her. "Nuh uh-uh, you are not allowed to see this for now. I don't want to kill the surprise and I promised that I will not tell anyone until the day of the concert." she said firmly. Giotto and Tsubasa pouted. "but Mom! Aren't we your son? Can't you give some exception?" Tsubasa begged and it was really unboss-like action...well, it's the same for Giotto who is doing his best to get the booklet from his mother's hands. "No means No!" she scolded the two.

While they were arguing, the artists who are in the dining room where laughing, except for Tsuna: who is getting nervous because he doesn't want to get find out today. "Your family is funny." Akira said then laughed again. "Stop laughing, you two!" Tsuna cried and gave his two non-biological brothers a weak punch to their shoulders. Kuro kept on laughing and started patting Tsuna's back. "Hahaha, but listen to them! The way they fret about our new album looks like they are your fans!..." Kuro said, but when he realizes what he had said, he stopped laughing. The three of them were silent for seconds and stared at each other. "Hiiieee! What are you saying, Kuro-nii!?" Tsuna shrieked.

"Yeah, baka-Kuro is right." Akira followed. "SHH! please lower your voice! What if they heard us!?" Tsuna hushed the two in panic as he put his left pointer finger over his lips. "S-sorry" the two older artists responded. "By the way, aren't we going to the studio?" Tsuna changes topic. "Oh, that's right! We almost forgot. Kurumi-san said that we are going to have a concert in America two days before our concert here in Japan." Kuro said. "Eh!? Why so sudden?" Tsuna asked. They shrugged. "We don't know." it was Akira who answered.

Just after Akira said that, Kuro's phone rang. Kuro took his phone from the pocket of his pants and looked at the screen. His eyes widened when he saw the name who is calling. "Shit! It's Mika-nee!"