Yamu : Hey guys! Well, firstly, the one's of you who already know my story's will probably ask : "WINX CLUB!? Are you serious?...". Then again, you guys know my age if you know my story's already, so no questions, alrighty?

Yogi : Even for your age, that's a little...embrassing?

Yamu : Hey! I saw 16 year old's that still write Winx Story's here!

Yogi : Alright, I get it! Calm down. ...You know the rest, right? Deeeep breath...

Yamu : Okay, firstly, You're talking to me in a 'do you understand me?' voice and I'm no alien or something. And then, I'm not this mad right now to go back to our usual ritual.

Yogi : ...

Yamu : ...

Yogi : Okay, obviously we're fooling around not knowing what to say so let's start your stupid story, Yamu. Oh, but first, a really REALLY really important thing: I'm. A. BOY! But thanks to her sucking name skills (in japense, by the way), I got a name sounding like a girl's!

Yamu : Again, I EVEN CHECKED THAT THIS NAME WAS REALLY MALE! And it is! And Yogi is the only similar name to Yamu and since we're Counterparts-


Yamu : I sat there for half an hour filling in a lot of names, one after another, into the line but none was accepted 'cause they WERE ALREADY TAKEN! So stop complaining, it's not my fault. Now, who does the whole thingie?

Miele : ME! *raising hand*

Yamu : *smiling* Alright, go on...

Miele : Yamu doesn't own Winx Club-

Yogi : And that'll better stay so!

Yamu : YOGI!

Yogi : Ok, Ok, I got it.

Miele : Okay, she doesn't owns it. Also, she has a crappy english and is sorry for every fail or missing letter. We hope you enjoy this Chapie. Oh, one more thing. Yamu and Yogi are Counterparts but Yogi does NOT exist in real-life, and no she's not insane. Mostly Everyone who watched 'Powerpuff Girls Z' and is on has them. Okay, see you in the last AN~


On planet Domino, in the castle...

"Princess, time to get up!" I heard one of my Maids yell as I suddenly felt the sun on the back of my head and on my blanket. This only caused me to "Mhmmm" a little and pull the blanket over my face. Now my feet were sticking out of the blanket instead of my face, that was covered up safely now.

"Rise and shine princess!" The other maid said as I heard her roll in the wagon with my breakfast on it. Like every morning...

"Come on, princess! It's a sunny, wonderful day! Get up!" The third maid said pulling away the blanket.

"Ahhh! My eyes!" I said playfully covering my eyes with my hands and turning around, struggling like I'm a vampire. That caused my three Maid's to giggle.

Oh yeah, before I forget the self-interduction. Hello, I'm Bloom, princess of Domino. My parents are Marion and Oritel, the famous King and Queen of Domino. I have a big sister, Daphne, but she was cursed once and is now often switching between her ghost- and human-body. She does like it a bit more being a ghost since she grew to going through everything and floating around. As a human I always have to help her to keep her balance and stop bumping into things. Useless. But still, everyone loves her. She's very kind-hearted.

I'm going to Alfea, the school for fairies. There I have 5 friends, who are princesses as well.

Firstly, we have Stella. She's the princess of the moon and the sun, the princess of Solaria. Her parents are King Radius and Queen Luna, who are currently divorced. That's the reason why there are two castles in Solaria and since those two are even fighting about their children and such things, Stella often appears in front of the Gates of my castle. The guards are already used to her and just et her pass, also they're scared of picking a fight with her. She's a beauty Queen and always knows what we, her friends, should wear. WARNING: Don't go shopping with her. I swear, you will be the victim then.

Then there is Flora, princess of Linphea. She's the fairy of the nature and a really nice person AND my roommate in Alfea. She has a little sister, Miele. Miele often helps us out in ...situations. Complicated situations. Miele goes to the Linphea College. Flora's Mother is Queen Alyssa and her Father is King Rollos (Yamu : Yes, they're King and Queen in my story). She is the best friend you could ever wish for. WARNING: Don't hurt the nature. I'm SERIOUS!

Next we have Musa, princess of Melody and fairy of the music. Her dad is the famous King Ho-Boe and her Mother is, or rather was, a really famous singer, Matlin. Her voice was known all over the land but someday she caught a unknown illness and there was noting to cure it with. So she died in front of her family. Her father got depressed, he loved Matlin so much but now she died. His desperateness is the reason why she has gone with us to Alfea when we were 6. But that's a other story I'll tell you later. Musa is a really protective friend and a great singer, just like her mother. She is really strong, not as strong as a boy tough. But when a boy is annoying us she just kicks him in the guts or somewhere else and he's defeated. WARNING: Don't mess with her.

Now it's Tecna's turn. Tecna is the proud princess of Zenith, daughter of Queen Magnethia and King Electronio. She's very smart, but that is to expect from the fairy of technology. I don't think she's having any interests in a realationship or boys, but she must have a little weak point for cute boys according to what happend on one of our usual girl-nights. She must have a weak point...she's a girl after all...! Then again, she mostly thinks logically and does no risks unless we make her. I bet without us her life would be boring. She's hanging to her computers and Diget a lot but to us too. One time I disappeared for 4 hours and she searched literally EVERYWHERE for me. She's very sweet. WARNING: Do not crash her computers, disturb her studies or say something bad about Logical-staff.

Lastly, there's Layla. She's the princess of Andros and fairy of the...water, I guess. WE gave her a nickname, Aisha. Don't ask how we thought of such a name. This princess loves to dance so she's often with Musa, who understands her just fine. She hates boys and does not hurry getting a realationship but still, she likes some boys but she's not the flirty-Stella. She never found herself a got matching boy who likes the same things as her, but she has a big intrest in Roy. She had nearly no friends in her childhood unless us, as she came to Alfea, and Anne, who moved away wich was the cause for her Alfea trip. WARNING: Do NOT, I repeat, NOT anger her. And don't say any dumb things in front of her, she can get your life a little awkward. But she's no bully.

So, that's my friends. OH! Before I forget. The pixies! Yes, you heard right, pixies. We all have heart-bonded pixies. Mine for example is sleeping with Kiko, my rabbit, whose bed, or rather basket, is right next to my bed.

Her name is Lockette, the pixie of the portals. She's very nice and cute. A heart-bonded pixie is a pixie that is with you a life time, who feels when you get hurt even if you're miles away and who dies together with you. When you meet your Heart-bonded pixie it's like first love. Yes, they're bonded with love. That's why it's called 'heart-bonded' pixie. I fell in love with my little Lockette here.

Flora fell in love with Chatta, who is always talking. She can't keep her mouth shut but sometimes she's a good leader. She loves Flora so don't mess with her, like I said, pixies and fairies can feel each others pain. But you shouldn't mess with EVERY pixie, they could really hurt you as well as the fairies if you mess with their pixies.

In short form, Musa has Tune, Tecna has Diget, Flora has Chatta, I have Lockette, Layla has Piff and Stella has Amore.

Now, back to my life.

"Princess, please stand up." One of the maids, who opend the curtains earlier, said. She had blond hair.

"Why should I? It's the last day of my holidays at Alfea and the day would go as usually boring as always." I said sitting up and running a hand through my fiery red hair. I already could tell it was a little messy.

"Oh, please don't say that. You never know what the day has prepared for you until you go through it~" The orange haired maid, who drove in the wagon earlier, turned her head to me winking, Then she continued pouring tee into a cup from what I obviously was going to drink.


"What do you know!?" I asked in a low voice.

"Only that King Oritel wanted to talk to you about something..." the purple haired said. "...important." She added as she grabbed the tray from the wagon and brought it over to me.

Was that good or bad? Wrong or right? What has my father planned this time?

I looked over the tray that was placed on my bed in front of me.

"No raw fish today?" I asked. I was surprised.

"No, but tomorrow." The orange one replied making the wagon ready to be rolled back to the kitchen. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

That means another hectic morning in wich I disappear and run over to the little lake my sister likes to hide in. I swear, this lake already has a whole fish family in it! Where do they get them all so fast?

I'm happy with my hair and my skin, I don't wanna change anything by eating a raw fish. But as my maids love to say: "Make the prettiest princess even prettier." (Yamu : Sorry if the sentence was wrong, I only know it from the german movie version and yes, those unamed maids are the maids from this movie.)

But now I have to worry about my dad.

After I ate my breakfast and got ready, I found myself again in the throne room with my father sitting on the throne that was surrounded by steps leading to me.

I had talked to Daphne earlier but then a maid, that wasn't one from my three usual maids, came into our 'lake-room' and called me to my father. Lockette and Kiko appearently followed me after they woke up, otherwise they wouldn't sit on my shoulders right now. One on the right, the other on the left.

I felt Lockette hide behind my neck a bit from feeling my nervousness and Kiko again playing fighter by punching the air, but as soon as my father glared over to him he followed Lockette behind my neck.

Slowly my father stood up from the throne and walked down the stairs towards me. My mom was probably somewhere in the garden.

I gulped.

"Be careful, Bloom." Lockette whispered. She wasn't usually scared of dad, no, she played with him all the time but from feeling my nervousness she must have gotten nervous too.

"Bloom." Oritel said proudly as he stood in front of me.

"Father." I replied. There was an awkward silence until he smiled and patted my head.

"Dad, you gonna mess up my hair." I said giggling.

"Even if, you'll still be as beautiful as ever." He replied sweetly.

"Dad, you're gonna make me blush." I giggled placing my hands on my cheeks. "Where's mom?"

"Obviously somewhere in the garden, but is that really your question?"

"Nope. I was told you wanted to talk to me?" I raised an eyebrow, smiling. "Something important."

"Then you heard...right." Dad said. He looked away and his smile disappeared. Oh NO! What happend!

"Dad...is everything alright?" I asked trying to catch his eyesight.

"Yes, yes it is. But I don't think this is gonna be happy for you...so..."

What was my dad about to tell me. Did something happen to Mom? To Domino? To Daphne, no wait, I was with Daphne just a second ago. Oh no, did he decide to take me from Alfea?! That would be the worst.

"Bloom!" He said proudly again, with no smile, fun or sadness in his looks and his voice. He talked like a real king.

"Y-Yes?" I stuttered nervously. This wasn't going to be good.

"You're...engaged..." He said. I gasped, WHAT! Did he just say he engaged me? TO SOMEONE I DON'T EVEN KNOW! I froze.

By now my father's engagements were never good. 2 years ago he threw a meeting with a lot of prince's, not even looking at my young age. I had to meet everyone of them since he said he had to get me engaged in this young age so it would be decided. But since he wasn't so cold hearted he invited a lot of prince's and said I should choose one tough the tradition is for the king to choose for his daughter but since HE invited those boy's he choose in some way, I guess.

There were a lot of guys. There was a boy with glasses, a Geek, Nerd or whatever. He was pretty cute and funny but he wasn't my type. As I said that I wouldn't get engaged to him he burst out into tears and ran away, far away. Poor guy, I didn't mean to hurt him. The other I remember of them had big muscles and was a master with his sword. But he had muscles instead of a brain and the only thing he thought about was showing those muscles to everyone and playing around with his sword. No romantic at all. He cut everything, even his hair and once he even cut his own jeans down, showing his underwear to everyone, not even noticing it when he walked past my dad proudly, thinking he won my heart with his skills and his so called "Baby's" that were his muscles. Yes, he called his muscles his baby's! Gross! Ewww!

The third I remember was a bit fat. Ok no, he WAS AND IS fat. I didn't see him in years, he wouldn't dare come close to me again. He was rude and had no manners, he thought he was a ladies dream when I was actually disgusted by him. But I wasn't rude enough to say that. As we ate together in the garden he...let's say, he ate like an animal. As we walked through the garden he put his hand around my shoulder roughly. I removed his hand calmly but as he grabbed me under my waist, I had enough and send a fire dragon fly towards him. That dragon made him run for his life and past my father who saw that back then. He could be thankful, thanks to me he lost a few pounds.

There were other failures of a prince but I won't count down everyone. In short form: Didn't my father learn that he can't force me to marry someone? He sucks with his choosing of prince's.

I stood there, frozen. How could he do this to me?

"How could you?! DAD!" I yelled.

"Bloom, it's time we get you engaged. We know that you haven't found your true love by now but if you do...well, you know, they could only pretend to be loving you to get their dirty hands on your money and power over the kingdom." He said. OMG, that was one time that such a thing happend but my father found out that he was lying before I got engaged to that guy. He was banned from the kingdom and I was sad back then, how couldn't I see he was pretending?! We fought a lot so how did I not get it but my father did?

"Dad, that was one time and nothing bad happend. But that you want to get me engaged to a guy I don't even know, that's a other story-" I was cutten of by my now angry dad.

"Nothing happend? NOTHING HAPPEND?! You nearly got ENGAGED to that guy." He yelled. I took a step back from fear. "Look, Bloom, I need to prove that the guy you marry is from a good line of people. I don't want you to end up heartbroken, alone and with a baby from a guy that was only pretending to be loving you. The kingdom and his ruler, so you and your husband, should be safe." He said, still angry.

"BUT DAD-" I sarted to yell. Now I got him to the point, I pushed him over the line the moment he remembered that guy.

"NO BUTS! YOU ARE ENGAGED TO THE PROUD PRINCE OF ERAKLYON, SKY, SON OF ERENDOR AND SAMARA! And you will get married to him someday!" He yelled.

Tears rolled down my face, I stood there shocked, even Lockette and Kiko were shocked.

I couldn't stop the tears. I felt the guards behind us, that guarded the enterance, stare at me in shock.

I ran away, through the wide open enterance before the guards could stop me. I heard my father scream my name and the guards call out "Princess!", but I didn't react. I ran across the floor, crying and sobbing really hard. My stomach was full of dying butterflies.

Tears fell back and landed on the floor as I ran, ran somewhere far away from this reality. I thought about taking Peg, my horse, and ride away but then got a other idea. I just wanted to be swallowed by the ground right now. I found a place to hide, a place where I would never be found at.

By Daphne's side.

I ran straight to our lake-room and opend the unguarded door only to slam her shut in the next second. No one knew about Daphne hiding here or all the fishes that I realesed into this lake.

I ran to a corner, rolled into a ball and said there, crying.

"Bloom?" I heard a soft voice. I removed the hands that cover my face only to see Daphne standing there in front of me. Behind her all the fishes that were in the lake swam to the corner and watched us as closely as they could, as if they wanted to comfort me.

"What happend, Sweetie?" She asked. She bowed down to me and hugged me gently. I realized that she has already turned into her human form. She had long, wonderful blond her and a scarf around her neck. The usually clumsy girl pulled me into a thight hug and asked me again what has happend.

"It's terrible, Daphne!" I sobbed. "Dad, D-Dad, he..."

"Calm down, take a deep breath and tell me what is on your heart." She said worridly. I sobbed and finally caught back my breath.

"Dad engaged me..." I said as I began to cry endless tears again.

"WHAT!" Daphne yelled in shock. I sobbed as I hid my face deep in hear chest. She hugged me even tighter. "I'm so sorry, Sweetie. To who did he get you engaged."

"A-All...I-I know from the con..versa..tion is th-that...his n-name...is S-Sky and...h-he-he's the p-prince of...Eraklyon..." I said between sobbs but she got it anyway.

"What prince is that? He let himself get engaged to a unknown to him girl?" She said.

"..." I kept quiet. After a while I finally spoke up again. "D-Daphne?"

"Yes?" She asked.

"I love you..." I said and burst into tears again.

"I love you too..." She said and so we sat thre for hours and hugged each other, until we fell asleep there, in each other's arms.

Yamu : and first Chapi done. I planned on making a 7k+ Chapter but it's 22:32 and I still want to watch a movie. So bye, till next time!

Everyone : Bye bye~