AN: Here we go, the final Truth or Dare. This one has everybody going in one round. After this story I'll be working on my Puppy Love Moments 2, which is basically me doing new one shot romances with various parings in Paw Patrol (All the pups though, I don't really ship the humans since I don't see any good chemistry for one and I will never ship human x pup).
Thanks to everyone for helping out with this story with your suggestions. Maybe sometime in the future I'll do a Truth or Dare 2, but that won't be for awhile. Be sure to check out my other stories both current and completed.
And be sure to watch zeaeevee on DA for an upcoming Truth or Dare comic version we're working on together.
Disclaimer: I don't own Paw Patrol.
The pups all made it back to the Lookout with satisfied smirks on their faces. "That was the greatest thing ever," said Rocky. "I feel so relieved."
"Do you mean that literally?" asked a grinning Marshall.
"Should we be worried about leaving Alex tied up like that?" asked Everest with a little concern for the human.
"Eh, we'll rescue him later," said Chase as they got back into their circle. "So shall we play again?"
"Actually, I was wondering if we could soon stop," said Marshall, rubbing his paws. "I… well… we… um…"
Everest giggled before nuzzling her boyfriend. "Marshall wants to take me out for dinner tonight. So we need to get ready for it."
All the pups gave a little "aww" upon hearing this while Marshall kissed Everest on the cheek. "Okay then," said Rubble, putting his paw up. "Let's do one more round! This time everybody goes, okay?"
The pups all nodded in agreement and Chase spun the bottle one more time before it landed on Zuma. "Eh, I'm all dared out. I'll take a twuth as my last one."
Chase scratched his head a bit, trying to think of a good truth for his friend. "Hmm, what to ask…"
"Ask anything bwo," said Zuma, raising his head a bit. "I'm not afwaid."
"Except for toilets," whispered Skye to Rocky which made them both giggle and Zuma to glare at them.
Chase snapped his paws (a talent he learned on his own) before pointing to Zuma. "Tell us about Damian Stone!"
Zuma raised his eyebrow. "Why do you want to know about him?"
"Because you were involved in something that got him arrested weren't you?" asked Chase. "It was something I heard in passing when I was visiting a police station in Costal City. You used to live there, right? What happened?"
"… ugh… I'm never going to hear the end of this…" Zuma muttered before starting his story. "It all began one day…
Zuma and his parents, both chocolate labs like him, were walking down the beach with their human owners, Masha and Greg, when they decided to enter a tiki hut shack. It was near closing time, but the owners were willing to give them some ice cream before they closed down. As the family of both humans and dogs were about to eat, someone suddenly came out of nowhere and scooped up their ice cream.
The shocked family of five turned around to see a crazed looking hobo dressed man with golden teeth and green hair raise their stolen ice cream in victory. "Behold! I have yet stolen another set of ice cream! Thus I, Damian Stone, Ice Cream Gangster of Costal City! Shall now get away!"
And thus he started to run.
Zuma, not waiting to waste his strawberry ice cream to some maniac, took chase after the hobo despite his parents telling him to heel. Zuma ignored them and continued to bark against the hobo who saw him and tried to run faster, but the little pup was still a match for him. Halfway down the beach, the hobo turned around and glared.
"So, you think you can stop me, huh?! Well, prepare to face my little friend, Shiva!" said the hobo reaching into his pocket.
Zuma gulped. Was it a knife? A gun? Some kind of weapon?
It was… a stick.
A simple stick with a pointy end.
"Ha! Are you scared yet!" said Damian Stone waving his stick around.
Zuma rolled his eyes and did what any pup would do to an idiot like this. Bit him in the jewels.
"Police came by later and it turns out he was just some cwazy hobo who loved stealing people's ice cweam. The shack thanked us by allowing us to eat ice cweam for fwee," said Zuma, rolling his eyes.
Some of the pups were laughing at the silliness of the story while others just shook their head in disbelief. "That guy sounds completely harmless," said Rocky.
"Yeah, I bet even I could take him," said Marshall with a laugh.
Zuma chuckled a bit before he spun the bottle. This one managed to land on Marshall who got up and growled with excitement. "I'm fired up! Give me a dare!"
An evil grin decorated Zuma's face as he pointed to Marshall. "Mawshall, I want you to lay on your back, close your eyes and open your mouth."
"Uh, why?" asked Marshall, trying to see the point of this dare. "That sounds kinda easy."
"Well, you're not going to open your eyes until I say so," said Zuma, still grinning. The others were just as confused as Marshall by where Zuma was going with this.
"Okay," said Marshall deciding to do so. He got on his back, closed his eyes, and opened his mouth.
Zuma did his best to hold in his laughter as he slowly positioned his rear in front of Marshall's face and raised his tail. The others, finally seeing what he was doing, all quickly covered their muzzles with their paws to prevent them from smirking.
"Um, am I supposed to do anything?" asked Marshall, getting a bit nervous.
"You can open your eyes now, dude," said Zuma as he clenched his teeth.
Marshall did so…
"AAAAAUGH!" cried Marshall as he jumped up and started wailing at the smell and taste of Zuma's fart in his eyes, nose, and mouth. "It burns us! It burns us!"
The entire patrol fell on their backs, laughing and kicking their legs up. No pup laughed harder than Zuma who couldn't believe he managed to pull that one off. "Oh, that was wich!"
Marshall dived into the bathroom and started the shower where he dived it and tried to wash his face off over and over again. "I'll never be clean again! Darn you, Zuma!"
"Hey be sure to wash well! I don't want to be kissing something that smells like butt on our date," yelled Everest, before giggle. "I'll spin for him since he's occupied."
"My eyes are bleeding!"
The team ignored Marshall as Everest spun the bottle and this time it landed on Rubble. "Truth or Dare, Rubble?"
"Truth, please. I kinda wanna take it easy on my last turn," said Rubble.
"Okay, how about this," said Everest, thinking of an easy one. "Why do you like cats so much?"
"Oh, well," Rubble scratched his head. "When I was living on my own, there was this cat that I sometimes hung out with. I know it seems weird but we were both strays and sometimes you need to rely on others you know? Even if we couldn't understand each other, we still helped get food, fight off other strays, and even slept in the same shelter. Then one day, he left, didn't say why or anything, just went off. It was actually a month before I decided to come to Adventure Bay and live with you guys."
"Wow, cool story bro," said Zuma, impressed.
"Have you seen that cat again?" asked Chase.
"No, but I have a feeling he's okay," said Rubble with a smile. "And if I do meet him, I wanna show him that I'm okay too."
Marshall finally returned, but smelled like six bottles of shampoo. "Ugh, I'm never accepting a dare from you again, Zuma."
"Told ya I'm the master, dude," said Zuma with a smirk.
Rubble finally spun the bottle and it landed on Rocky who nodded and said, "Truth."
"How do you keep all that junk in your trunk, Rocky?" asked Rubble, scratching his head at the thought of how much stuff is in there. "I mean, don't you run out of room? It seems bigger on the inside then it is on the outside?"
Rocky gave a nervous laugh. "Well… you wouldn't believe me if I told you."
"Try us," said Skye.
Rocky sighed. "Okay…"
Rocky and his recycling truck were standing on a hill a few miles from Adventure Bay where he was trying to figure out a way to have more room in his recycling truck then normal. It could already hold a lot, but he wanted to find some way to make it hold more. Grumbling he put away his tool arms and sat down, pondering his problem until he heard something.
Almost like the wind but a chime with it, and something was, for the lack of a better word, fading in. He turned around and his mouth dropped wide open. That's… impossible…
A large blue pup house was fading into existence with a blue light on top of it. It was making this noise that sounded so weird and yet so full of adventure. Finally, it stopped and Rocky just sat there in stunned silence. Finally, the door opened, and out came a Shiba Inu with a brown trench coat and bow tie. He looked around with a smile on his face, yet when he stared at Rocky he froze.
"Rocky? What are you doing here?" he asked with surprise. "And why do you look so young?"
"Um… who are you?" asked Rocky, getting freaked out over this strange dog that pop in out of nowhere. Not only that, but he knew his name! What unsettled him even more was his eyes. It was like looking at fire and ice in eternal conflict.
The Shiba Inu sniffed the ground and, of all things, licked the grass before smack his lips. "Ah, 2013, short of my destination and we haven't met yet. Not for another five years at least."
He smiled and raised his paw for a shake. "Hello, I'm The Doctor."
"Doctor Who?" asked Rocky shaking it out of politeness.
"Just the Doctor," said The Doctor as he turned to Rocky's truck and inspected it. "Ah, I see your working on your truck. Problems?"
"Um, no," said Rocky, who didn't know why he was trusting this Doctor so quickly, but he decided to press forward. "I'm just trying to make it store more in the back. So I have more room to use my stuff when needing to invent something on missions."
"Ah, well I know a solution to that!" said The Doctor as he pulled out a strange wand like thing from his coat with his teeth. "Be right back."
He entered the back of the truck and all sorts of sounds like a "Whhhhzzzz" and "SSsiinnne" were heard over the next five minutes. The Shiba Inu then poked his head out and smiled. "Done! Come inside and have a look."
Rocky shrugged his shoulders and went inside, following the Doctor.
**Two Hours Later***
"How the heck did you manage to do that?!" shouted Rocky as he leap out of the truck, his mouth still wide open. "It's like it's… it's…"
"Its own pocket universe? Well it is, such things are easy to make for a Time Dog," said The Doctor with a smirk.
"A what dog?" asked Rocky but was ignored by the Doctor who made his way back to his pup house.
"Anyway, you can fit almost anything in there with plenty of room to spare. Now I have to get going, I'm late for an exhibit on the Cyberdog Wars that I promised to attend. See you soon, Rocky. Soon then you think!" said The Doctor as he closed the door.
Just like before it started to make that weird noise as it flashed over and over again before fading away.
Rocky looked at his disbelieving friends who were all giving him strange looks. "Told ya, you wouldn't believe me," said Rocky with a sigh.
"Who names themselves "The Doctor" anyway," said Chase, shaking his head. "Sounds like a maddog to me."
Rocky shrugged and spun the bottle again, this time it landed on Everest. "Dare please!" said Everest smirking.
"I dare you to lick your boyfriend's toes," said a grinning Rocky.
"Ewww!" said the rest of the group but Everest.
"Simple," was all the husky said.
"Wait, what?" asked Marshall before he was pushed to the ground and started laughing as Everest began licking his paws. She even sucked on the toes a bit with a sultry look on her face that was making Marshall a bit turned on.
The others were finding this a bit… disturbing.
"Um, maybe we should move on before Everest decides she wants to suck a few other parts of Marshall that we don't want to see," said Skye in a hurry.
"Aww, but I was having fun," said Everest, pouting.
"Y-yeah, me too," muttered Marshall.
"Dudes, save it for the bedroom," said Zuma shivering at the thought.
"Well, if you were all feeling left out, we could have all joined together," said a winking Everest which made everyone blush.
Who would have thought such a dirty mind was under that playful and wild body.
Everest decided to ignore the shocked stares before spinning the bottle and landing it on Chase. "Truth or Dare, Chase?"
"Um, Dare?" asked Chase, quickly regretting his decision upon seeing Everest's smirk.
"Okay, then… I dare you …" Everest slowly said it as to build tension. "To slap Skye's butt."
Chase felt all his blood turn to ice as the entire gang stared at Everest who was blowing dust off her paw. Skye was even redder in the face then the rest of them as Chase was considering having a heart attack just to save himself from embarrassment or Skye's wraith. "I… I… I can't…"
"It's the rules," sang Everest.
"But that's… I mean would want that to happen to you?!" shouted Chase pointing at her.
"If it was Marshall, he can smack my backside all day and night," whispered Everest as she turned to her shivering boyfriend and raised her eyebrows. This made the poor dally faint with his hind legs in the air and his mouth blabbering about Everest and her behind.
Chase was about to further argue when Skye interrupted him. "It's… it's okay, Chase." He turned around and sure enough, Skye's rear was raised in front of him with her blushing and hiding her face. "Just… not to hard…"
Chase couldn't believe this was happening. He was too torn by his fantasy and his desire to be noble to do this. Still…
A dare is a dare.
Raising his paw, Chase closed his eyes and brought it down, smacking her butt that echoed across the room. Skye yipped a bit, but didn't say much else. She just sat down, red in the face like Chase.
"Dude, you're evil," whispered Zuma to Everest.
"Yeah, I know," said Everest. "Now Chase, time to ask Skye for a truth or dare."
Chase nodded and turned to Skye nervously. "Um, Skye? Truth or dare?"
"… dare…" whispered Skye.
"I… I…" Chase closed his eyes and sighed in defeat. "I can't. I just can't." Skye looked over her shoulder. "I… care about you too much to make you do something after what we just did… I'm sorry, Skye but I can't…"
"… heh, guess I win, Everest," said Skye with a giant smile.
All the pups but a disappointed Everest and fainted Marshall turned to Skye with wide eyes.
"Wait, wha-" Chase didn't get a chance to finish as Skye suddenly kissed him on the lips. Ohmygodohmygodohmygod!
She broke the kiss and winked to him. "During our break, Everest thought you would dare me to do something against my will, but I told her you were too noble for that. Thanks for helping me win that bet." She then proceeded to smooch him a bit more. "Also, you need to be more suttle about your feelings."
'Wait, you mean you kn-" he was again interrupted by another kiss.
"How about we play another game?" asked Skye as she whispered into his ear. "Seven minutes of heaven? With a side of smacking me as much as you like?"
Chase at this point fainted which made Skye giggle as she dragged him to the closet. She paused and then turned to Everest and asked, "Wanna join us with Marshall?"
"Do you need to ask?" asked Everest as she grabbed her pup and the two ladies dragged their lovers into the closet for some private fun.
The remaining three just sat there.
"I dare us all too just head to the beach and not come back for a few hours," said Rubble.
"Agreed!" said Rocky and Zuma as the three rushed out of there without a word.
AN: Finished! Thank you all for reading this and I hope you enjoyed it! Yes, that Damian Stone shout out was a bit of a shoutout to my own story Zuma's Fear. I decided why not screw the villain a bit by making him a complete joke instead of the sociopath he is in the fic.
Also, Doctor Who fan here.
Thanks for reading!