Here's chapter 5. I'm afraid there isn't that much to say here.
Marik: Oh come now, there's always something you say here.
Ack! Marik where did you come from?
Marik: No where, just thought I would pay you a surprise visit since Yami and Bakura are with their hikaris. But I do notice that this story hasn't gotten that many reviews.
I have noticed that, which makes me a little sad. I really want people who are reading this to let me know of what they think.
Malik: Don't worry, they still enjoy this story, they just don't know what to say.
Thanks Malik, you can be so sweet. Disclaimer please?
Malik: Niana does not own YuGiOh, Beauty and the Beast or the songs she puts in here.
Chapter 5
My, What a Gal, Vivian
Now that they have left the tower, following Timaeus to their room, Yugi and Ryou glance around their new home, seeing many stone dragons on the walls. As he lead them, Timaeus quickly glances behind his shoulder to see that Yugi had tears in his eyes with Ryou comforting him. Knowing full well he is still upset about losing his grandfather and giving up his freedom, Timaeus does feel some guilt that he had torn a family apart.
Tholan glances at the young lord with one arched eyebrow. "Say something to them."
"I hope you two will like it here." Timaeus started, but Tholan gestured him to keep going. "The castle is your home now, so you can explore as much as you like. However the West Wing is off limits."
Now they are both curious about that. "Why is the West…" Ryou started but was cut off.
"No need to know." Timaeus simply put before they continue down the corridor.
Sometime later, Timaeus opens a door that lead into a huge room with two beds against opposite walls, a large wardrobe at a angle in one corner by the first bed, a vanity against the wall and a bit away from the second bed, and double doors that lead to one of the balconies.
"Now if either of you need anything," Timaeus steps aside so Yugi and Ryou could enter their room, "my servants will attend you. And I would be happy if you would join me for dinner."
"I'll think about it. I just need some rest first, Timaeus." Yugi faces the knight, his tears dry from his cheeks, small ones still in his eyes. He still needs time to accept the fact he had given up everything for his grandfather.
"Very well." Timaeus nods his head and shuts the door behind him and leaves their corridor.
Now that they are alone, Yugi lays down on the bed beside the large windows, allowing the boys a view outside, to see that it has begun to snow. Burying his face in his pillow, Yugi lets out a few more tears, Ryou sitting beside his best friend, gently rubbing his back before glancing out the window to see everything slowly become white.
Back at the village, as the wind blew the snow around outside, Vivian is in the tavern with many other villagers, still furious about being rejected by Yugi. "Who does he think he is? That boy has tangled with the wrong girl. No one, and I mean NO ONE, says no to Vivian!" Vivian exclaims as she stares hotly at the dancing flames.
Coming up to where she sits before the fireplace as she strokes Kiryu who is perched on one arm of her chair, Panic holds two glasses of sake and replies with a scoff, "Damn right."
"Dismissed. Rejected. Publicly humiliated." Vivian is beyond furious about early, how her sweet Yugi rejected her proposal and Ryou helping to humiliate her the way he did when Yugi had opened the door and stepped off to the side. Snatching more that the glass that Panic offered to her, Vivian barely takes a single sip before throwing the beverages into the fire. "This is a lot more than I can bear."
"Do you want more sake?" Panic suggested, attempting to cheer her up with some drinks.
Not wanting to face him, Vivian pushes her seat so it wasn't facing the fireplace and Panic. "What for? Nothing helps this disgrace I feel."
"You in disgrace? Never." Panic is in total disbelief that she has been feeling so down since this morning. "Vivian, you must pull yourself together."
After she had moved her seat again so she's facing everyone else in the tavern, Panic became determined to raise her spirits back up.
Gosh, it disturbs me
to see you, Vivian
Looking so down
in the dumps
When Panic went to get her to smile, Kiryu lets out a stream of fire at him, causing the dark man to quickly dodge and stand at a table where a few of her followers sit.
Every girl here'd
love to be you, Vivian
Even when taking
your lumps
Not convinced, Vivian just looks away from everyone, her chin in her hand, her legs crossed and Kiryu perches on her shoulder.
There's no girl in town
as admired as you
You're everyone's
favorite gal
"Yeah, everyone but Yugi and Ryou." Vivian groans, but that didn't stop Panic and the others.
Everyone's awed
and inspired by you
And it's not very hard
to see why
Then Shane comes up and sits beside Vivian, being that he does love her and not Yugi, since he has proven that he doesn't want anything to do with her.
No one's
slick as Vivian
No one's
quick as Vivian
No one's
swift as Vivian
For there's no girl
in town as womanly
Perfect, a true champion
You can ask any Tonia,
Jessica, or Sally
And they'll tell you
whose team they prefer to be on
Vivian gives Panic a teasing look, being that he isn't making all of this up just to lift her spirits.
No one's
been like Vivian
A queenpin like Vivian
No one's
got a trusty dragon like Vivian
Stroking Kiryu, Vivian does start to agree.
As a champion,
yes, I'm intimidating
with Kiryu
My, what a gal,
that Vivian
Give five hurrahs
Give twelve hip-hips
Now everyone in the tavern each have a glass of sake as they cheer for their girl.
Vivian is the best
and the rest is all drips
In his excitement, Panic throws his drink out of his glass and all over Vivian and her clothes. Both glaring daggers at what he just pulled, Vivian allows Kiryu, who had dodged the sake to let loose. With Kiryu chasing Panic with fire being shot out of his mouth, Vivian starts to wrestle with a few of her male followers.
No one
fights like Vivian
Douses lights like Vivian
In a wrestling match
nobody snaps like Vivian
For there's no one
as thin and slender
Shane adds in as he is sitting on a bench when Vivian leaps and lands in his arms so he is holding her bridal style.
As you see,
I've got curves to spare
Not a bit of her thick
or plump
That's right
No one
hits like Vivian
Matches wits
like Vivian
In a fire match
nobody controls fire like Vivian
I'm especially good
at expectorating
With Kiryu now hovering above her head as he lets out a few flames from his entire body, Vivian holds her arms above her head and around her dragon, causing the flames to move up to form an arch.
Ten points
for Vivian
When I was young
I ate four dozen fire lilies
Every morning to help me
gain concentration of fire
And now that I'm grown
I eat five dozen fire lilies
So I have knowledge
of a burning inferno
No one
wins like Vivian
Earns those beauts
like Vivian
Her followers gesture to all of the trophies she has won from all of the tournaments she has fought in.
Then goes a swaying
moving waist like Vivian
I use all of my prized trophies
in all of my decorating
My, what a gal
And so, everyone loyal to Vivian all bow low as many others cheer in the tavern. That is until Solomon bursts through the doors in a complete panic. "Help! Someone, I need help!"
"Solomon?" the owner of the bar asks as everyone is baffled of how he appears.
"Please! Please, I need your help, Vivian." Solomon quickly runs over to the town's champion and bows low to the ground before her.
"What's gotten you this all worried?"
"He's got Yugi and Ryou locked in a tower of his castle. We must go now, there's not a minute to lose!"
"Whoa, slow down Solomon. Who has Yugi and Ryou locked up in a tower?" Vivian asks, wondering what could have happened to her sweet Yugi.
"The cursed prince!"
As soon as those words left his mouth, everyone started to laugh at him. "So the accursed prince from that authorless story is a real person?" Jessica asks.
"Oh yes he is as real as everyone in this room." Solomon replies, missing the fact that everyone are making fun of him since they all don't believe that story.
"And everyone that lives with him are all cursed as well?" Sally adds mockingly.
"Every living soul in that castle in the same situation as him." Solomon clarifies. "Now will you all help me?"
"All right, old man. We'll help you out." Vivian says as Para and Dox lift Solomon since he had been pushed to the floor and start to take him to the door.
"You will? Oh thank you so much." Solomon thanks her until he finds himself being thrown out into the cold snow with everyone laughing behind him before Para and Dox closed the doors.
"Crazy old Solomon, right my brother?" Para asks as he wipes his hands clean of carrying the old man.
Chuckling, Dox replies, "He's always good for a laugh. Besides, no one believes that the accursed prince is not real."
To hear that they have called Solomon crazy, Vivian started to think of another plan that'll surely get Yugi to take her as his bride.
Panic, I'm afraid I've been thinking
A dangerous pastime
I know
Panic reminds her and Vivian agrees before she yanks him closer by the collar of his shirt.
But that wacky old coot
is Yugi's grandfather
And his sanity is only so-so
Now the wheels in my head
have been turning
Since I looked at that
loony old man
See, I promised myself
I'd be married to Yugi
And right now,
I'm evolving a plan
And so, Vivian whispers into Panic's ear, the man nodding in understanding as she explained her plan with all of her followers leaning in to hear on it as well. The one thing that Vivian had mentioned really surprised Panic. "No, wouldn't he?"
Now he understood what her plan is.
No one
plots like Vivian
Takes cheap shots
like Vivian
Plans to persecute
harmless crackpots
like Vivian
So, her marriage
we soon will be celebrating
My, what a gal, Vivian
Everyone in the village either at home or at the tavern cheering for Vivian, Solomon is just so upset that no one would listen to him, nor did they believe him about the cursed prince.
Wow, no one wants to believe Solomon when he tells them what is going on.
Malik: Comes to show that you can't depend on just anyone.
Anyway, you all know what to do.
Marik: Review and let us know of what you think or I'll send you all to the Shadow Realm.
Marik!*Malik smacks him hard upside the head*
Malik: Behave!