After working time is closed, the Boar Hat members decided to head out to the town to relax and party while Meliodas and Elizabeth stayed behind, "sorry cappptain, but you have to wait here," Ban said as he left with the others.
"Those stupid bastard, leaving me alone here," Meliodas said chill but annoyed while at his bedroom waiting for Elizabeth, "but then again, I am alone here...with Elizabeth," Meliodas said with a perverted grin and decided to sneak downstairs to grope her butt.
Elizabeth told Meliodas to not come downstairs as she was busy with something, which Meliodas believed the reason was because she wanted to work hard to make herself useful to the group, which Meliodas was happy with her determination, but believe it was not needed.
When Meliodas went downstairs, he smelled something good, "what this smell, smell...familiar," Meliodas said as memories of his old life flashed which bring him a little tear, but wipe it off. Meliodas continued to sneak downstairs and found something that caught his eyes.
It was Elizabeth, and she was cooking dinner! Since they worked together, Meliodas never once saw her cook, mainly because he fear the place might burn to the ground and he already sold his Sacred Treasure to get this place up and running.
"Elizabeth, what are you doing," Meliodas said which alarm Elizabeth, "lord...lord...lord Meliodas, what are you doing here," Elizabeth said nervous.
"I came here to grope your butt, but what are you doing," Meliodas said.
"Oh, well, I was thinking of other ways to help you, which led me to realize that cooking could help you," Elizabeth said with a smile.
"Who taught you to cook," Meliodas said, "Ban did, he was so kind to teach me, but he did told me to give him 10 gold coins though," Elizabeth said naïve which Meliodas made a mental note to beat up Ban, but also thank him.
"Anyway, please sit right there," Elizabeth said pointing at the chair which Meliodas sit down and waited for his meal.
When the food came in, the meal Elizabeth cooked up actually looks pretty good, "please enjoy the meal, lord Meliodas," Elizabeth said while nervous.
Meliodas taste the meal, stopped at the moment which alarm Elizabeth, "is bad, isn't it, I am so sorry, lord Meliodas, I will..." Elizabeth said nervous until she was stopped, "no, the meal, it's actually pretty good, amazing even," Meliodas said stunned by the taste, 'taste like...taste like how Liz would cook for me after our mission,' Meliodas thought to himself as memories of his life with Liz made him bring a little tear.
"lord...lord Meliodas, are you okay," Elizabeth said nervous which Meliodas realize what happen and wipe the tears, "it's nothing, good meal Elizabeth, I guess we don't need Ban anymore," Meliodas laugh which Elizabeth smile and glad to see he's fine.
"Now, let eat this meal together in peace and maybe grope your breast while I sleep," Meliodas said with a smile, "yeah...wait what," Elizabeth said with a smile, but was confused by Meliodas last suggestion.
Meanwhile, at a local town, "I guess the plan worked," Gowther said emotionless while making a pose, "yup, a key to a man's heart is though his stomach," Diane said as she give King her roasted pig which was too big for him, but gladly eat it to make her feel better while the others nodded.
The End
Hi guys, I got this idea from a chapter while Meliodas did a trial and I saw Liz cooking for Meliodas and Wandle, which led me to this idea.