As Reborn turned away from his lover to look toward the Eiffel tower he couldn't help but question, "Why am I doing this again?" The sound of Tsuna's phone taking a picture was his only answer.

Reborn turned around with a raised eyebrow to see Tsuna beaming at him. On the brunet's phone was a picture of Reborn turned towards the Eiffel Tower, stars glittering overhead as the Italian's hand intertwined with Tsuna's.

"Relationship Goals" His Japanese lover giggled.

Reborn sighed. "You're such a dork"

"You don't have the right to call me that" Tsuna pouted as he jumped on Reborn's back.

Reborn adjusted his new 'backpack' before replying, "Of course I can. Because I'm a dork too"

"Ba~~ka." The insult held no meaning and Reborn gave a fond smile.

"Ne, ne Reborn?"


"Can we climb the Eiffel Tower?" Reborn paused in his walking and turned to give his boyfriend a blank stare.

"Whut?" Unfortunately for Reborn the long haired childish brunet was entirely serious.

OMG what even is this? Okay so I should totally still be trying to handle my writers block for one of my other stories but eh. Have whatever this is instead.

Edit: Added a little more punctuation.