A/N: Third and final part! I hope y'all enjoy!

All mistakes are mine.

Disclaimer: Do I even have to say it? Oh, I do? Well, it's not mine. If it were, Dramione would be cannon. ;P

The evening of the Christmas party arrived much quickly than Draco had anticipated. He had yet to contact Hermione (much to Narcissa's annoyance), finding that his courage would dwindle whenever he glanced at her handwriting.

Draco decided to wear his best black suit, pairing it with a black shirt and tie. Draco smirked as he styled his hair, admiring how the dark color made his skin and hair look even fairer in comparison. After preening in the mirror, he grabbed the invitation and stared at the address.

"Grimmauld Place," Draco muttered under his breath. "Why does it sound familiar?"

Shaking aside whatever lingering reticence he had about attending the party, Draco arrived at Grimmauld Place. Shutting his car door shut, he turned and felt his mouth drop at the sight. It was quite larger than the average house, being three stories tall with columns. He shook himself and tucked his hands into the pockets of his coat, walking briskly.

Who'd have thought Potter owned a house like this?

After handing his coat over to the man at the door, Draco gazed around the inside of the house and followed the sound of music and chatter. As he stepped into what he could categorize as the ballroom, he was mildly surprised by the amount of people that had been invited to the soiree.


He snapped his head to the direction of the voice and saw that it was none other than Harry Potter making his way towards him. Draco smirked at the sight of the raven-haired man, who looked impossibly uncomfortable in his dapper suit and gelled-down hair.

"Potter," Draco nodded his head, acknowledging the host. "Looks like you finally tamed that thing you have on your head you call hair."

The man flushed slightly but mumbled something about his wife but then eyed Draco intently.

"I'm surprised to see you here, quite honestly."

"I was invited, was I not?" he drawled, snatching a glass of champagne from the passing waitstaff.

"You were, yes," Harry nodded. "But the hesitance on your face when I gave you the invitation was impossible to miss. I know you're not a people-person."

"Excuse me?" Draco sputtered. "I'm not a people-person? Who's the one who makes negotiations with people, oftentimes in a different language and who is the one who looks like he just might hurl if he's approached by another guest?"

Harry blushed brightly and took a hasty sip of his drink.

"Exactly," Draco smirked triumphantly. "So… I'm a little surprised by the venue. I hadn't realized you came from money."

"I don't, not really. It belonged to my godfather Sirius and it passed on to me once he died," Harry answered quietly.

Sirius? Could it be…? Surely there aren't many men who went by that name.

"Ah, I see," Draco muttered politely. "It's nice. Perhaps a little too gothic for my taste."

"You should have seen it before," Harry chuckled, shaking his head. "Looked like something out of a horror movie."

Draco snorted and took another sip of champagne.

"You know, we're related," Harry piped up.

Draco choked on his champagne and coughed before glaring at the bespectacled man.

"What on earth are you on about? How could you and I possibly be related?" he questioned in a scandalized voice.

Harry rolled his eyes and said, "Not by blood, you prat. I just meant that my godfather Sirius is your mother's cousin."

Ah… I was right, then. I don't think I've ever heard Mother talk about him. I suspect it has to the with the fact that her older sister murdered him in cold blood after going mad.

"And that makes us related how?" Draco sneered, swirling the remnants of his champagne.

"Like I said, not blood-related—"

"Thank God," Draco muttered under his breath.

"Just related in that you and I have… you know what? Never mind," Harry huffed.

Draco snickered, delighted to see the man become flustered.

"You're just a trust-fund baby."

Draco quirked an eyebrow and stared at the man curiously.

"Oh, just something my friend says… she lives in America and has had all sorts of delightful phrases and words rub off on her," Harry explained with a grin.

Draco felt a tingle go down his spine but ignored it.

"Oh. Well... while I may have grown up with money you know very well that I'm quite excellent at earning it myself nowadays," Draco shrugged coolly.

"I think we all know that, Malfoy," Harry said, rolling his eyes. "Oh! Look, it's my friend. The one I just mentioned…"

Draco turned curiously, missing the mischievous glint in the man's eyes. A woman in a green gown was talking to a redhead, one he (unfortunately) recognized as Hermione's ex. His mind quickly put two and two together when her laugh rung through the air.

I could recognize that sound anywhere... Hermione.

His eyes raked her back, which was mostly bare. Her green dress had a large v-shape cutout in the back, dipping just above the base of her spine. The bodice and long sleeves of the dress were lacy while the bottom of the dress looked like velvet, pooling at her feet. What caught his attention next was the glittering necklace she wore, which looked as like it was in the shape of some sort of animal. Draco squinted his eyes and felt his heart pound foolishly as he realized just what kind of head rested against her spine.

"Mione… Mione!" Harry called out, cupping his hand against his mouth.

Draco hissed softly (both at the awful nickname and Harry's squalling) and gripped his glass tightly when Hermione turned around. She immediately found Harry and grinned at him but then her eyes slipped from her friend's face to Draco's. Hermione's eyes widened imperceptibly and color rose in her cheeks as she began to walk their way, having been beckoned by her friend. Draco could almost hear the multitude of thoughts running through her head and focused on not giving anything away with his expression.

Anything I have to say is just between the two of us.

To his vexation, her ex followed, scowling at Draco.

"Hello Harry… Draco," she nodded graciously.

Draco suppressed a twinge of disappointment when she gave him a polite smile.

Well, what did you expect? A hearty snog?

He watched as Harry raised his dark eyebrows expectantly at Hermione, who blushed.

"We've met before," she muttered.

"Ah, right."

"So, what are you doing here, Draco?" Ron asked brashly.

"I believe I was invited," he answered smoothly.

Not that it's any concern of yours.

"By who?"

"Whom, Ron," Hermione corrected gently.

"By Harry here, of course," Draco answered, smirking inwardly.

"Why would Harry invite you?" he blurted out.


"He doesn't owe you an explanation, Ron," Hermione interrupted, giving her ex a stern expression.

"But Mione—" the redhead whined.

"But nothing, Ronald… and how many times must I remind you not to call me that ghastly name?" Hermione snapped, narrowing her pretty brown eyes at the ginger.

Draco chortled inwardly, relishing the way the man's ears turned maroon and watched as his freckles disappeared into his blush.

"Oh, Ron… have you tasted the finger foods yet?" Harry asked hastily.

"What? I… no—"

"Come, then! You'll love them," he said, taking at his friend's arm and pulling him along.

Ron turned to look at Hermione before eagerly following after Harry and Draco watched them go, deeply amused.

A one-track mind, that one.

"Sorry about that," Hermione told him quietly. "I'm afraid Ron isn't very subtle sometimes."

"It's quite alright," Draco shrugged.

Now that he was alone with her, he felt something fluttery in his stomach come to life.

"You look… breathtaking, Hermione," he told her ardently, looking into her eyes.

She blinked rapidly as a blush grew on her cheeks.

"Thank you. You look striking. Black suits you magnificently," she murmured, looking at him from under her sooty eyelashes.

He managed to give her a crooked grin despite the way his heart stuttered.

"Thank you," he nodded, pleased at her compliment. "I'm quite interested in your necklace…"

Her eyes widened and she sunk her teeth into her bottom lip as Draco watched intently.

"I… I like dragons," Hermione replied meekly.

"May I see?" he queried courteously.

She only nodded before turning around, giving him a close up view of her necklace. He felt his breath catch in his throat as he eyed how it was wrapped around her neck once before the head and the tail met in the back. Every bit of it was covered in what Draco reckoned were diamonds although it had two tiny emeralds as eyes. Very lightly, he brushed his thumb against the head, inadvertently (or not so much, he smirked) against her spine. He heard a soft gasp and watched as gooseflesh erupted, relishing her reaction.

So she definitely feels something. Now, to be a man and do something about it.

She whirled around, two pink spots on her cheeks.

"It's marvelous," Draco nodded appreciatively.

I wonder… was that really her reason for wearing that necklace? Or am I thinking too much of myself?

"Thank you," she murmured from behind her glass.

He observed the front of her dress and though it looked simple, Draco found that it was beautiful in its simplicity. Although the neckline practically covered her collarbones, her bare back and the fact that it fit her like a glove more than made up for it. He approved of the simple diamond studs in her earrings and found his eyes wandering to her hair. Chocolate brown curls cascaded from its updo, one nearly brushing the curve of her neck. Draco's fingers itched to stroke it but knew he might not be able to get away with it after his stunt of caressing her back.

"Listen, Hermione… I'm sorry about Astoria's dismissive attitude at the restaurant. She—"

"Don't worry about it, Draco," she interrupted softly. "It's not the first nor will it be the last time it happens. It's alright."

"No, no it's not alright," he pressed angrily. "It's unfair and… you deserve better. You really do."

A corner of her lips curled upwards, soothing Draco's ire somewhat.

"Thank you. It means a lot," she nodded, gulping loudly. "Where… where is she, by the way?"

Draco shook his head slightly and stared at Hermione, whose eyes had lost their shimmer.

"'Where is she?' Who are you— Astoria, you mean?" he asked, puzzled.

"Well, yes. I thought she'd be here with you," she smiled although he noticed it didn't quite reach her eyes.

"Why would Astoria accompany me to—"


He closed his eyes and groaned loudly, not caring if was rude.

Speak of the devil and she shall appear.

Despite the frustration he felt at her untimely arrival, he observed (much to his amusement) that Astoria wore a slinky red silk gown despite her past proclamations about the color.

What a bloody hypocrite.

"Astoria, good evening," he bid her civilly enough.

To his annoyance, she grabbed on to his arm and clung to it all the while ignoring Hermione. She, on the other hand, watched them impassively.

"Draco," she simpered, nuzzling her nose against his bicep.

Urgh… I detest clingy women. Although I suppose I wouldn't entirely mind if Hermione did it…

He entertained himself for a couple of seconds imagining Hermione cling to him, batting her eyelashes at him and pouting at him attractively. Draco was snapped out of his daydream when Astoria turned to look at Hermione.


Oh, gods… I hope she didn't just ask what she's doing talk to me.

"I'm well, thank you. How about yourself?" Hermione queried cordially, a small smile touching her lips.

"I'm excellent now that I'm with Draco," Astoria answered, tone dripping honey.

Draco grimaced and he saw Hermione's expression tighten faintly.

"Well, I'll be leaving the two of you now…" she began, looking away uneasily.

"Nooo, do stay," Astoria pouted, clinging even closer to Draco.

Hermione turned to look at Astoria disbelievingly, who in turn smiled guilelessly at her.

"I'd really rather not," Hermione answered in a clipped tone. "Good evening. Draco, it was good… it was nice to see you again. Enjoy the party you two."

With that, she nodded her head regally at them before turning around and walking away. Draco's heart clenched uncomfortably as he watched her before turning to Astoria.

"What in the blazes are you doing here? I doubt Potter invited you," he grit out through his teeth.

"I crashed," she shrugged.

"You… what? How did you even find out about this party?" he hissed at her.

"I might have bribed one of your secretaries…" she smiled impishly.

Draco stared at her in utter incredulity.

That's it. Somebody's getting fired. I will not stand for this breach of my privacy.


"I told her that I was your girlfriend and was curious whether my significant other was going to attend any holiday parties," she shrugged without a care in the world.

Draco sucked in a deep breath, feeling as though he were about to explode. He glanced around, noticing they were attracting quite a bit of stares before grabbing Astoria and dragging her to one of the balconies.

"But you're not."

"She certainly didn't know that. Look, Draco, I will go to any lengths to go what I want… and guess what? I want you. I don't care how dirty I have to play or who I involve," she told him, dropping her sweet and innocent façade.

Ah, the viper's finally come out to play.

"Astoria, can't you see just how wrong that sentence is?" Draco snapped, shaking her gently.

"Is it wrong to care for someone and wanting to be with them?"

Draco swallowed thickly and felt himself begin to turn to look into the ballroom but stopped.

No need to give her any more ammunition.

"No, it's not. But you're going about it in the completely wrong way. You can't force your feelings on someone else," he told her quietly.

"You like her, don't you, Draco?"

"I…" he trailed off, simultaneously beginning to panic and scolding himself for being so obvious.

"I don't quite understand what you see in her, although I do suppose she's kind," Astoria shrugged. "But she'll never understand what it's like to be one of us."

"'One of us'?" Draco parroted skeptically.

"Yes! To grow up with high expectations from our parents, being forced to marry in order to form alliances…"

"You clearly never did your research on her, Astoria, and have no idea who she is. But let me assure you that her parents had high expectations of her also," Draco told her firmly.

"'Had'?" she questioned, perking up.

"It's a bit of a lengthy story which is also not your business. Besides, it's not my story to tell," he shrugged.

Astoria stared at him for a long time as though she were trying to figure him out.

"It's not just a crush, is it?" she whispered, eyes glazing over with tears.

"I… barely know myself," Draco admitted softly.

"Does she know?"

"No. She has no bloody idea and I've been too much of a coward to let my sentiments known. Besides, she seems to think you and I are together," Draco laughed bitterly.

"Oh… you should probably let her know we're not," Astoria told him ruefully.

"Probably. It would definitely help my case, I think. If she doesn't hate my innards by now, anyway," he muttered cynically.

"It's impossible to hate you, Draco," she cooed, taking a step closer to him.

He watched her warily and she gave him a sheepish smile.

"It really is impossible to hate you," Astoria repeated seriously.

Draco scoffed and gave her a look.

"You barely know me, Astoria. The person you fancy isn't quite me anymore… although I'm still me at the core," he said slowly, furrowing his brow slightly. "But I digress… you only think you fancy me but—"

"Do not presume to tell me what I feel!" she shrieked.

Draco took a subtle step back and watched as Astoria blushed deeply before smoothing her perfectly coiffed hair down.

"I apologize," Draco told her, raising his hands as if to show her he meant to harm.

"It's… it's okay. I'm over-excitable," she murmured, looking up at him. "It's just… you look so handsome."

"Thank you," he responded gruffly.

"What about me? Don't I look pretty too?" she asked sweetly, smoothing her hands down her dress.

Draco sighed inwardly before nodding.

"You look lovely, Astoria," he told her in a monotone voice.

She frowned at that but then shook her head.

"I'm sorry, Draco. I… I suppose it was improper of me to just show up and expect you to take it well. Especially when the object of your affection is in attendance," Astoria apologized, her eyes briefly flickering over his shoulder before settling onto his face.

"It's… quite alright, Astoria. You're young. You'll learn."

"How about a hug?" she asked, giving him a nervous but toothy smile.

Women, I'll never understand some of them.

"Sure. Come here," he said, beckoning to her.

She let out a girly squeal and launched herself into his arms, causing Draco to stumble back a couple of steps.

"Oops," she giggled, looking up at him with a blush painted on her cheeks.

He gave her what could pass for a smile and was about to pull away when he felt her lips crash against his. Instead of pushing her away, Draco's brain froze and Astoria seemed to take it as encouragement because she let out a moan and deepened the kiss. He felt the tip of her tongue poke his lips and that's when his brain seemed to spark back to life. Draco pushed her away and frowned down at her, ready to give her a piece of his mind. But instead of looking repentant (and at him, for that matter), her eyes were sparkling and focused over his shoulder.

Draco turned on his heel and felt his stomach fall when he noticed Hermione standing at the doorway, clearly having witnessed the kiss. Her dark eyes were wide and shiny; his stomach tightened when he realized they were unshed tears.

"Hermione…" he began, taking a tentative step towards her.

"Hermione, it's so good to see you again. Before I forget, I apologize for treating you so unfairly at the restaurant. It was wrong of me to treat one of Draco's friends so badly," Astoria told her in the most saccharine voice Draco's ears had ever had the misfortune to have heard.

He saw Hermione swallow thickly, her eyes focusing on Astoria's face. He felt sickened by the malicious twinkle in her green eyes and felt doubly guilty for not stepping in yet again.

"It's… I…" she trailed off, giving herself a quick shake. "It's fine. I apologize… I didn't mean… I was just… happy Christmas."

She looked at Draco, a maelstrom of emotions in her eyes before turning on her heel and practically running off. He heard Astoria scoff and rounded on her, feeling murder in his heart.

"What the fuck where you thinking, Astoria?!" he growled, tugging at his hair.

He recalled how her eyes looked over his shoulder just before asking for a hug and let out a louder growl.

"You know she was there, didn't you?" he demanded, towering over her.

"Yes, I did know! It's exactly why I did it! That bitch had to be put in her place!" Astoria replied haughtily.

"'The bitch'? Astoria, you are clearly out of your mind! You don't fancy me, you're obsessed with me!" Draco shouted. "You obviously don't care who gets in your way as long as you get your way!"

"It had to be done," she shrugged.

"You... you're foul," Draco said, looking at her with disgust.

"No! I'm not! I'm just ambitious and—"

"You're cold-hearted and if you think that I'd ever be interested in the likes of you well, I just feel bad for you," he sneered at her.

Astoria gaped at him but then seemed to gather her bearings because she gave him a cruel smile.

"I'm the one who ought to feel bad for you. You think your precious Hermione is ever going to look at you after that?" she taunted. "You'd be lucky if she even deigned to let you be in the same room as her."

Draco felt his heart drop, knowing she was right but let his fury wash over him.

"You are a manipulative bitch, Astoria. You played me and you can bet it will never happen again. You're just pathetic and I feel sorry for you. You think that by wearing something red you're going to catch my attention? Good luck next time… and by next time, I mean never. Don't you ever dare look at me or talk to me and the same goes for Hermione. If I ever get word that you so much breathed her way, there will be hell to pay," he told her in a low voice, never looking away from her eyes. "Am I clear?"

Astoria stared at him with wide eyes and he could hear her heavy breathing.

This is the Draco you wanted, wasn't it, Astoria? Better be careful what you wish for, sweetheart.

"Do I make myself clear?" he pressed, glaring icily at her.

"I… it's clear. It's clear," she murmured, swallowing loudly.

"Good. Remember… I have eyes and ears everywhere," he told her, giving her a cold smile before turning on his heel.

I don't usually delight in threatening women but Astoria just had to be stopped. What an infuriating little girl.

He tried not to dwell on her words concerning Hermione and looked around the ballroom, looking for a green dress but wasn't so surprised when he didn't spot her. Draco did, however, see Harry giving him an irritated look but shrugged it off.

Who knows what crawled up Potty's panties… I might as well go home. It's futile to remain when I know I'll be in a terrible mood for the remainder of the night. Plus, she's not even here anymore. Not that she'd talk to me if she were. Gods, I'm in the worse situation ever.

Once he got home, Draco imbibed on the finest whiskey he could get his hands on until he got sleepy only to awake to a terrible hangover the next day. He felt desolate, brooding everywhere he went and felt thankful when it was time to go to bed. He had to go to his office the next day and he was relieved that he'd have work to distract him from his misery.

"Mr. Malfoy?"

He snapped out of his reverie, having just sat down from firing the secretary who'd given Astoria information.

"Yes, Abby?"

"Mr. Potter's here to see you."

He frowned but nodded, "Let him in."

What's going on? We're not scheduled to have a meeting today.

The man entered his office quietly and took a seat, watching Draco through narrowed eyes.

"For the love of… what is it, Potter? What are you doing here?" Draco queried impatiently.

"I have a huge bone to pick with you, Malfoy," Harry told him somberly.

Draco's brow twitched at the expression but he realized he must have picked it up from Hermione, feeling his heart twinge at the thought of her.

No, focus on Potter and his… erm, bone.

"Well, what—"


Draco stared blankly at Harry before it dawned on him.

"You… saw?" he questioned weakly.

"No, I didn't. Although I did see her looking distressed before running out of Grimmauld Place. But when I went to visit her yesterday… well, I got the whole story."


"I was rooting for you, Malfoy. I was rooting for you and you've let me down," Harry told him grievously.

"Er… what?"

"Let me start from the beginning…" Harry murmured, getting comfortable on the seat but never once losing eye contact with Draco. "When Hermione arrived from the States, there was a spark in her eyes I hadn't seen in a very long time. Being a male, I had no idea what it was about until she mentioned something that caught my attention. After some probing, she relented and recounted meeting you. I'd never seen her look so bloody enthused about a person, let alone a man. Hermione may be a doctor and yes, it's a job that keeps her close to people but truth it, Hermione is a private person. She's friendly, yes, she has a heart of gold, yes, but it's not easy for her to just approach someone as she did with you. That was my tip-off that it was serious. But when she described you, your wit and how you challenged her… well, I knew she had a crush. She confessed her disappointment when you didn't ask for her number but then smiled cheekily and said that she had taken care of it, just in case meeting her ex had put you off."

"When did she do it?" Draco asked quietly.

"She said she waited for you to fall sleep. She told me how she felt 'tremendously creepy and a little guilty' at nicking the book from your bag," he chuckled fondly. "But then told me that if she got a text or call from you, it'd be worth it."

"I suspected as much," Draco murmured, looking down at his desk.

"Did it?" Harry asked after a moment of silence.

"Did it what?"

"Did having Ron there put you off?"

"I… yes. But not in the way that you're thinking," Draco added when Harry scowled at him. "Although he is extremely tactless."

"That he is," Harry snickered. "What did he say that put you off?"

Draco squirmed in his seat, unsure of how open he should be with Hermione's best friend.

You need someone to talk to, damn it. Besides, having input from her best friend can only help you at this point.

"He told me that he was planning to asking her to reconsider their relationship, so whatever feelings I had, to keep them to myself. He then went on to question my feelings for her, stating his disbelief that someone like me could ever be interested in someone like Hermione. Funnily enough, told me that I didn't deserve her, something I've never doubted," Draco shrugged.

Harry heaved a deep sigh.

"Christ, Ron never fails to put his foot in his mouth. He means well, he really does…" he trailed off, giving his head a shake. "Needless to say, I'm sure you know by now that she turned him down."

Draco simply nodded.

"A few days later, when I saw her again, I asked whether you'd contacted her. Her face fell and she shook her head and suggested that perhaps you hadn't read the book yet… had you?" Harry asked suspiciously.

"To be honest, I didn't even think to look at the book until she mentioned it at the restaurant," Draco told him candidly.

"Ah, yes… the restaurant," Harry sighed yet again.

"What did Hermione say?" Draco asked nervously.

"Well, she was thrilled to have seen you and gushed about how handsome you looked. But when she mentioned that you were on a date… she confessed that she felt like she wanted the earth to open and swallow her up, so great was her embarrassment. She reprimanded herself for getting her hopes up, saying that of course she should have known that a man like you wasn't single and stated she wasn't surprised you hadn't contacted her. She said she felt like a slag for pushing herself on you," Harry informed him quietly. "Those were her precise words."

Draco closed his eyes and ran his fingers through his hair.

"I'm such an idiot," he whispered.

"You are," Harry conceded. "Why didn't you, by the way?"

"Cowardice," Draco admitted simply, opening his eyes to look at Harry.

"I see."

"Have you talked to her?"

"Yes, she came to me yesterday," Harry nodded.

"How… how was she?" Draco asked in a choked whisper.

"She was a mess. I don't think I'd seen her so down since… well, probably since she and Ron broke up," he said before frowning suddenly.

"What is it?" Draco queried desperately.

"It just occurred to me that I don't really know the goings-on in her life when she goes back to the States. We text and Skype, yes, but… other than that… I couldn't tell you the last time she cried. This is not good. I've been neglecting my best friend," he muttered under his breath. "But that's neither here nor there and it doesn't concern you. No offense."

"The hell it doesn't! Hermione's one of a kind, Potter, how can you be neglecting her?" Draco snapped.

"How can you have broken her heart, then?" Harry retorted sharply, glaring at him.

Draco flinched but nodded grudgingly, attempting to ignore the heaviness in his chest at Harry's bluntness.

"Point taken," he murmured humbly, running his fingers through his hair again. "I've fucked up, haven't I?"

"It's… it's not your fault, not really," Harry sighed, softening his voice. "She didn't know you aren't really dating Astoria and you… well, you didn't step up when it was time to do so. Although I can understand why. Sort of."

"I… felt intimidated. I'd never met a woman like Hermione and I… didn't want to disappoint her," Draco began softly. "Your ginger pal's right, I don't deserve her, but Christ, do I want to."

"Maybe you should tell her that."

"How? I would completely understand if she didn't want to see me again," Draco burst resentfully.

"I wouldn't be so sure… look. Her feelings are hurt, yes, but you didn't do it on purpose. This thing between you two is fixable. I know you're uncomfortable with being vulnerable, but if anything, this is the moment to bare your feelings and thoughts to her. She'll understand, Malfoy. She's forgiving… she'll forgive you. She'll probably punch you first but she'll forgive you," Harry smirked.

Draco huffed but let his words mull in his head.

"I want to see her."

Harry watched him for a long moment before reaching out for the stack of sticky notes and pen on Draco's desk and writing something on it. He pushed it towards Draco before rising to his feet.

"That didn't come from me," he grinned. "Good luck, Malfoy… you better make her happy."

The 'or else' hung in the air though Draco had no intention of not making her happy. He was speechless and watched him leave before looking down at the slip of paper.

It's her address. Gods, he gave me her bleeding address.

Panic gripped him and Draco quivered in his seat.

No… no. It's time to be a man and tell her how I feel for once, like I should have ever since meeting finding her number in my book.

It was as though the gods were against him because Draco was practically chained to his desk the next three days, going home long after the sun had set. It was on Friday that he finally got a break and decided that he had to visit Hermione because he knew she'd be going back to the States soon.

He wanted to wear a suit since they usually made him feel powerful but decided against it, realizing that the meeting to come wasn't yet another business meeting in which he had to assert his authority; he didn't want to intimidate Hermione or scare her off (though he doubted she'd be one to run scared).

If anything, she's the type to face things courageously. Gods, I admire that about her.

Draco ended up choosing a pair of dark denim jeans, a black cashmere jumper with a grey button down underneath along with black combat boots. After slipping on his leather gloves and coat, he made his way to his car and carefully drove to the address, ignoring how his hands shook despite the tight grip he had on the steering wheel.

Draco finally arrived to the house and found himself in awe by how normal it looked.

Hmm... I'd expected it to be showier.

After taking a deep breath and counting to sixty, he reached out a trembling hand and knocked on the door. Both his stomach and heart felt as though they were being squeezed and part of him wished that nobody was home. But just when he was reaching out to knock again, the door swung open and who he guessed was Hermione's mother stood gaping at him.

So, her hair is like her mother's.

"Er… good afternoon. My name is Draco Malfoy and I'm here to see your daughter Hermione. Is she home?" he questioned as smoothly as he could muster.

After staring at him for a couple of more seconds (he noticed she zeroed in on his teeth after he started speaking) she shook herself and gave him a smile.

"Yes, Hermione's home. Sweetie, there's a young man here to see you!"she called up the stairs.

She's up there. I'll be seeing her in a few seconds… gather what little bravery you have, Draco! It's now or never.

"Mum! You know I don't appreciate you calling Ronald that," she called back, sounding a touch aggrieved. "It stopped being funny ages ago!"

I'm not sure whether I should feel insulted by that.

Hermione's mum turned to him, giving him an apologetic smile and Draco's nerves ebbed a little. Before he could say anything, Hermione was stomping down the stairs, clearly ready to continue berating her mother but stopped short when she saw Draco.

"Hello Hermione," he told her quietly, pleading with his eyes for her to stay.

"Well, I'll leave the two of you alone," her mother said, stepping away from the door.

"It was a pleasure to meet you, Dr. Granger," Draco told her politely.

She beamed at him and turned to Hermione to say, "I like this one. Invite him in, Hermione."

That broke Hermione's reverie and she huffed at her mother, who winked at her as she left them alone.

Draco took that time to notice how comfortable Hermione looked. She wore yet another bulky knitted sweater, leggings and a pair of thick socks while her hair was in a messy plait.

She's so beautiful.

"Well, come on in," she sighed, motioning for him to step inside.

Draco entered and closed the door behind him, struggling not to fidget on their welcome mat.

"What are you doing here, Draco?" Hermione asked him softly, playing with the ends of her hair.

"I came to tell you… erm, is there a place where we can converse comfortably?"

After eyeing him silently, she nodded.

"Yes, follow me."

He followed her to what he assumed was the den and she flopped down into a corner of the couch while Draco sat on the other end.

"Well?" she asked impatiently, crossing her arms.

"I came to tell you how I feel," he choked out.

Hermione blinked before turning a pretty rosy shade.

"Draco, you needn't come all this way… hang on, how did you get here?" she questioned skeptically.

"My car, of course," he answered cheekily.

She narrowed her eyes at him.

"Don't get cute with me. Who told you who I lived here?" Hermione demanded, her cheeks growing magenta. "Never mind… I know who it was. He's in for a world of pain."

"Don't take it out on him. He meant well," Draco found himself saying.

Hermione watched him intently while he blushed and looked away from her.

"You don't need to tell me anything, Draco," she spoke softly. "I… I'm sorry. I should have known you were in a relationship. I shouldn't have pursued you and I'm sorry if I put a strain on—"

"But you're wrong!" Draco burst out, not wanting to have her apologize to him any longer.


"I'm not in a relationship with Astoria, I never was. That night at the restaurant was a one-time event and I only went as a courtesy to my mother. I'm so sorry for not making that clear sooner but then she arrived at Potter's party and everything went downhill from there," Draco told her, looking into her eyes.

"You're… you're not together?" she whispered hoarsely.

"No! Gods, no. As if I could ever be attracted to the likes of her," Draco said scathingly.

"But I caught you two kissing…" she trailed off and then blushed.

"She orchestrated it perfectly, the manipulative little wretch. She saw you coming and asked me for a hug which she used as an excuse to kiss me. I can assure you that I didn't reciprocate," he told her quietly.

Hermione swallowed loudly and looked away from his eyes.

"I never heard from you," she whispered.

"I know! I know… and you have no idea just how much I've hated myself for not reaching out and pressing those digits. I'm not a brave man, Hermione. I'm actually surprised by how candid I'm being right now. I think it's the adrenaline."

She chuckled quietly and turned to watch him.

"I didn't think you were interested…"

"Gods, I was… I am!" he groaned, massaging the bridge of his nose. "I've never been this interested in a woman before. It scares me although it thrills me just as equally."

A corner of her lips quirked upwards and Draco found his hope rising.

"You've never had a woman keep you on your toes, have you?"


But I'd be quite willing if it was you.

"I really like you, Draco. I… my flings… at the risk of sounding cliché, I've never felt this way before," she confessed, biting her lower lip.

"Not even with your ex?"

Hermione cocked her head and then shook it.

"That was different."


"Raging teenage hormones and rose-tinted glasses make for a terrible combination," she smirked. "Though the latter could also be called 'idiocy.'"

Draco's heart started at the sight and he chuckled.

"It... this scares me too. That I'm feeling too much, so quickly. Because I barely know you… yet I feel like I've known you for much longer than I really do," Hermione continued pensively. "I'm leaving tonight—"

"You're leaving already?" he interrupted, disheartened.

"Unfortunately, yes. I received a call about a patient who's had an emergency…" she trailed off, shrugging.

Draco's heart sank but he felt thankful he was talking to her in that moment.

"If I had come any later I would have missed you."

"Then I'm glad you're here now," she muttered, scooting closer to him. "Draco… I like you. But how are we going to—wait… what exactly do you feel for me?"

He saw her grow hesitant and reached out for her when she began to move away.

"Hermione, I like you a lot," Draco told her, giving her a smile. "You challenge me like no woman ever has before and every poignant thing you've ever said has lingered within me, turning me surprisingly introspective. You don't kiss my arse and are unafraid of calling me out on my shite. That, coupled with your loving heart and bright smile…"

He trailed off, fascinated with the blush on her cheeks.

"Draco… do you… oh, this is so silly," she muttered under her breath. "Do… do you love me?"

Draco cocked his head, giving the thought its due merit.

"I don't, no… but I could, very easily," he answered her frankly.

Hermione closed her eyes and sighed deeply. When she opened them, he noticed they were shiny with tears.

"What is it?" he asked, gently squeezing her arm.

"We live so far away," she whispered, her lower lip trembling. "How will we get to know each other further when we lead busy careers along with the time difference?"

Draco stared at her, unable to answer her without sounding negative.

"That's two things already working against us. I can also see myself falling in love with you… but without spending time together, how will our relationship even begin to flourish?"

This woman is one of a kind, Draco. You just don't let a gem like Hermione go. Sure, she has her flaws, but then again, so do you.

"We make things work, Hermione," he told her firmly. "We can set a time apart for talking, one that benefits us both. We can text daily… Christ, I can't believe I'm about to say this but, if there's a will, there's a way."

Hermione stared at him for a long moment before giving him a bright albeit watery smile.

"You really do like me, don't you?"

Draco huffed and pursed his lips playfully.

"What gave it away, I wonder?" he drawled. "The fact that—"

But Draco wasn't able to continue because Hermione reached over and pulled him into a searing kiss. He responded instantly, tugging her closer to him and losing himself in the softness of her lips.

If these aren't the fireworks every woman claims to want to see, then I don't know what they are.

Her fresh, flowery scent wafted into his nose and Draco felt intoxicated, pressing Hermione closer to his body. She nipped his lower lip, gently soothing it with her tongue afterwards and he groaned. They continued to kiss passionately until they began to grow short of breath before finally pulling away. They watched other each other before Draco grinned goofily and Hermione gave him a shy grin.

Very tenderly he brushed an errant curl from her forehead and tucked it behind her ear while Hermione watched him raptly. She, in turn, smoothed his jumper down since she had gripped it tightly in her hands in a particularly passionate moment. His heart jolted at her touch and couldn't find it in him to feel embarrassed that she could possibly feel his racing heart.

"Did you wear that necklace because of me?" he whispered abruptly.

"Yes," Hermione replied breathlessly. "Although I had no idea you were going to be there..."

He nodded, infinitely pleased with her answer and pressed his hand over hers.

"So… at least one text per day?" Draco murmured.

"Yes. We can agree then on the calls," Hermione agreed, nodding her head.

"Sounds good to me. Would you mind if I saw you to the airport?"

Hermione's face fell slightly and Draco felt his heart sink.

"I don't think so," she muttered regretfully. "It's not that I don't want you there, I'd love to have as much time as possible with you… but it'd just make parting even more difficult."

"I understand. Would you text me when you get home?" he asked hopefully. "It doesn't matter what time it is here. I'd like to know you got home safely."

She gave him a soft smile and nodded, brushing his messy fringe to the side.

"You know… before you approached, I thought you were going to—"

"What? Hit on you?" she interrupted, tittering.

He narrowed his eyes at her but nodded.

"Another delightful American expression, I take it?" he drawled. "But yes."

Hermione's face grew thoughtful before she gave him a cheeky grin.

"Well, whether I did or didn't… I still got the bloke in the end, didn't I?"

Draco stared at her, speechless, before tickling her madly. Her laughter soothed the ache in his heart and when she was crying out that she was just about to wet herself, Draco stopped and embraced her.

Gods, I'm going to miss you, you cheeky minx.

Just before he'd left her house, Hermione told Draco that there was going to be a conference in February and inquired whether he'd like to see her then. He didn't hesitate to say yes and was delighted when she beamed at him.

"I don't expect you to wait for me, Draco," Hermione had told him tentatively. "As a matter of fact, I'd like for you to go out on dates. That way, you don't feel like you're missing out."

After wryly telling her he's gone out on enough dates to last a lifetime, Hermione told him that if it made him feel any better, she would try to date too. Draco wasn't as amenable to that, but didn't want to come across as a possessive tosser so he agreed. When he asked her the date of her conference, she chuckled.

"Funnily enough, it's the weekend of Valentine's Day," she said, wrinkling her nose. "But I'll arrive a day early so we can go out on our date."

He told her that he would pencil her in and she proceeded to pull him into another passionate kiss.

The first month crawled by slowly, much to Draco's disappointment. They hadn't been able to talk to each other on the phone as much as they liked, so they appointed Sunday to be the one day where they would call each other because it was the one day they both didn't work. They texted multiple times throughout the day and even sent a few emails back and forth. Despite not being able to see each other face to face, Draco thought that he and Hermione were getting to know each other splendidly.

Draco knew that Hermione had gone on a couple of lunch dates with co-workers and had tried to keep the jealous undertone out of his texts to her. He'd gone out on a couple of dates himself but Draco found himself listless, with his mind wandering to Hermione and so he stopped. He was elated when Hermione had confessed she'd felt the same during her dates.

When February rolled around, Draco began to grow nervous. He wasn't sure if he ought to greet her with roses and chocolates since they barely missed Valentine's Day.

She's a woman… what woman doesn't love all that flowery tripe?

But then he paused, realizing that Hermione wasn't just any woman.

When the day of their date dawned, Draco was awake early like a boy awaiting Christmas. He tossed and turned, trying to go back to sleep but his mind kept thinking of every possible scenario upon seeing her again.

After a leisurely shower and shaving, Draco took his time choosing the perfect outfit and eventually settled on a pair of pressed navy trousers, grey button down shirt and a navy cardigan. After fussing terribly over shoes, he choose a pair of brown wingtips and finally styled his hair in his usual neat but tousled 'do.

When the hour of their meet-up began to creep up, Draco began to feel the fluttery feeling in his stomach again.

Is this what the women call 'butterflies'? Must ask Hermione… or not.

He arrived at the tea shop where they had agreed to meet and Draco let out his anxiety by tapping his fingers against the table.

Christ, I don't think I've ever been early for a date. Is this how women feel too? What exquisite suffering.

Exactly on the dot, Hermione walked into the tea shop and Draco felt as though the air had been sucked out of the room as he admired her beauty.

Gods, it's been far too long.

She wore a lovely cream coat, her curls (managing to look both wild but sleek) poking out of the beret that matched perfectly to the color of her cherry red lipstick. Draco assumed she wore a dress because he could see a peek of her pantyhose but his attention was then captured by the incredibly sexy knee high black boots she wore.

Hermione spotted him and grinned, immediately making her way to him.

"Draco!" she cried, throwing herself into his arms just as he stood up.

"Hermione, it's so good to see you," he murmured into her curls.

"It's lovely to see you too, Draco. It's been too long," she told him, squeezing his middle affectionately.

They pulled away and stared a beat too long into each other's eyes, causing a blush to rise on their cheeks. After ordering a cuppa and catching up, they decided to move along with their date. As they exited the tea shop, Draco reached out for her hand only to find she'd done the same. After exchanging a quick grin, they intertwined their fingers.

Draco looked at Hermione every few seconds, unable to believe she was by his side yet again. He tried not to think about the fact she'd be gone by Monday and focused on the happiness and calm she brought him. He felt mildly puzzled by the fact that he would smile whenever he looked at her and that his heart would swell whenever he'd catch her looking at him but cast it to the back of his head; he wanted to be in the moment with her instead of being stuck in his thoughts.

"So… I hadn't told you what I'm about to divulge because I didn't want to count my chickens before the eggs hatched…" she began and Draco began to fret.

It couldn't possibly be good, could it?

"But… when I got back, I'd put in a request to be transferred to a hospital, where, you know, I could be closer to my loved ones. Well, turns out my request was approved. Starting two weeks I'll be working in a hospital here," Hermione told him nonchalantly as Draco gaped at her like a fish out of water. "I've got most of my things packed and ready to be shipped although I brought as much as I could on this trip—"

"You minx!" Draco growled, pulling her aside and into his arms. "For how long have you kept this from me?"

She tittered, righting her beret and looking up at him tenderly.

"Since the beginning of February."

"And you're telling me this now?"

"I told you, I didn't want to get ahead of myself in case the request got denied," she told him in that bossy tone he'd grown to adore.

"I… I… I don't even know what to tell you. I'm a little overwhelmed," Draco muttered, looking away from her eyes.

"Hey…" she breathed, extricating a hand and gently tugging his chin so she could look into his eyes. "At least now you have all the time in the world to figure out what to say to me."

Draco gave her one of the crooked grins she'd (grudgingly) confessed she loved before pulling her in for a kiss that stole their breath away.

Do I ever… and I've never looked more toward to my future than now with Hermione by my side. Life is brilliant.

I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I loved writing it. With this plot bunny out of the way, I can fully focus on You Again once again. Sorry guys, I hadn't meant to push that one aside but I'd pushed this for too long and it refused to go away.

Thank you for the wonderful reviews and for following and adding the story to your favorites.

Like always, thank you for taking the time to read. :)