I Knew You Weren't

Chapter One

Draco Malfoy entered the Prefect's Carriage await the arrival of everyone involved in the meeting. His Head Boy badge was entirely too shiny for his liking, but he couldn't help but glance at it every now and then. When he entered the compartment, he was shocked to see it was already occupied. A blonde girl he barely recognized was waiting in the Head Girl chair.

"That seat isn't for you." Draco warned, not wanting the girl to get on Granger's bad side when she realized someone was sitting in her seat.

The girl furrowed her brow. "It's not?"

"You might incur the wrath of the girl it belongs to if she catches you in it." Draco raised an eyebrow. "Who are you anyways?"

The girl smiled, showing off pearly white teeth under her peach-pink lips. "I'm sorry. We haven't been formally introduced. I'm Kylie Meadows, your Head girl." She stuck her hand out to Draco.

Draco took her hand tentatively. "I'm D-"

"Draco Malfoy. I know."

"What happened to Granger? In my letter, it said she was Head Girl." Draco stuck his hands in his pockets. He gave the girl a once-over. Her hair was almost as light as his, maybe only a couple shades darker. And her ice blue eyes penetrated deep into him. A small smile was playing on her closed lips.

"Hermione turned the position down. She didn't want the added stress after missing a whole year of school. McGonagall gave it to me, instead." Kylie reached into the pocket of her robes. "Ah. That's where that went. Maybe this is why you were confused." She pulled her Head Girl badge out of her pocket and pinned it to her robes.

Draco didn't miss the subtle correction of him calling Hermione, Granger. "Obviously, you're a Gryffindor. Are you a, uh, mu-" Draco stopped himself before he finished with 'mudblood, too?'

"I believe the word you're looking for is muggleborn. And no, not quite. For all intents and purposes, I was raised a muggle. But I'm a half-blood."

Draco cocked his head to the side, confused.

Kylie gave another small, slightly swoon-worthy, smile. "My dad was a wizard. He was killed during Voldemort's first Reign of Terror. I was a couple months old. My mum raised me how she knew, like a muggle. But she had help from my father's family when I began showing signs of magic." She laughed. "You're kind of cute when you're confused."

"So, they- what? Replaced the Gryffindor Princess with the Gryffindor Court Jester?" Draco tried to gain control of the conversation. He was not cute and he certainly wasn't confused. Maybe. Okay, a little confused. Not that he'd admit it to a stranger, though.

"Actually, in the spirit of unity and all that bullshit, since you, a Slytherin, were still taking the Head Boy position, McGonagall decided to keep a Gryffindor as your opposite. Because our houses have the most conflict. And since you are also a pureblood, she decided to put you with someone who was still of lesser blood. To show we're unified. That blood status isn't a problem." Kylie took a deep breath but kept on smiling. "It's not going to be a problem, is it, Prince Malfoy?"

Draco sputtered a bit. "I- no. No problem. As long as you don't make it one."

Why is she so fucking cheery? Seriously, who bloody smiles that much? Draco thought to himself.

"Look, aside from having at least four classes with you for six years, I don't know you. I won't pretend to know you or what you must have gone through. I'm not here to judge you. I'm here to do my duties as Head Girl. I may be the only one not judging, but it's not my place. I haven't walked in your shoes." Kylie crossed her legs and looked up at Draco. "And i'm incredibly fucking cheery because I choose to be. We've had enough dreariness for three lifetimes. And I don't like dreariness."

Draco looked dumbfounded. Had she just read his mind? Could people actually do that?

"I didn't read your mind. You aren't the first person to look at me like I'm possessed." She clasped her hands together as the door opened and stood up. "Look, the babies are here." She grasped Draco's shoulder. "Let's make this year a good one. You want to take the podium or should I?"

"By all means, go for it." Draco watched as Kylie took the floor and began speaking to the group. He had wanted to be an absolute wanker. In fact, he had a whole slew of insults to spew at Granger if she had ran her mouth. But they were all lost when he looked at this new girl. Maybe it was how cheerful and smiley she was. It was a bit unnerving, if he was honest.

Draco couldn't help but notice that a few of the prefects were shooting him small glares out of the corners of their eyes.

He wasn't the only one to notice. "Eyes! Front and center!" Kylie barked. She smiled sweetly when everyone obeyed. "I see you've noticed Mr. Malfoy joining our ranks. He is your Head Boy this year. Meaning he's kind of like your boss. There is only one person higher in the ranks than he and I, and that would be Headmistress McGonagall. You screw with Mr. Malfoy and that means you screw with me and, in turn, her. And I'm sure none of you want to screw with her."

Draco gave a small grin at the terrified murmurs running through the group.

"This year is about unification and peace. And I expect just that from all of you. Think of this as a beehive. All of you are worker bees, the low men on the totem pole. Malfoy and I tell you what to do, which flowers to pollinate. McGonagall is the Queen. And we all keep her happy. Capice?"

The prefects all nodded in (slightly scared) agreement.

The rest of the meeting went smoothly, with McGonagall smiling from the back of the room and Draco sitting back in a chair with his feet propped up, watching with slight amusement.

When the meeting was over, the prefects filed out talking amongst themselves and Kylie moved to repack her messenger bag.

"Thank you for that." Draco said from behind her. "You didn't have to."

Kylie tucked a piece of hair behind her ear as she stood up. She slung her bag over her shoulder and shrugged. "A little kindness goes a long way. Like I said, I'm not here to judge you. Everyone gets a clean slate this year." She began to walk to the door.

"You know, you're a bit scary, right?" Draco called after her.

Kylie turned around, but kept walking backwards. "You still think she picked me because I'm the Court Jester?" She winked at Draco and turned on her heel without missing a beat, walking through the doors normally.


A/N: So, I'm usually a sucker for Dramione, but this Draco/OC plot bunny hopped into my head and wouldn't leave, so here it is. Review, follow, favorite! I haven't done HP fanfiction in a cool minute, so let me know how it is! Xoxo