This is for Shadow of Terror!

This is going to be a short-series-fic, maybe 3-4 chapters?

This is AU/Canon (war was averted)

This is Petris

Characters may be ooc at times/during certain situations

Rated M: strong language/possible sexual content? (idk yet)

I do not own Divergent or any related characters/situations; just my oc's

enjoy :)

Tris' hands were shaking as she stepped into the building, the large, white walls surrounding her. Her shoes clacked on the floors, black and white threatening to drown her. Something bumped her shoulder and Tris glanced to her right, Christina's eyebrows raised. "Intimidating, huh?" Christina asked, a small smirk on her lips.

"I just can't believe this is happening," Tris responded, her eyes glancing to Four as he and Zeke escorted Eric and Max forward.

"I'm just glad we were able to stop the war from even happening. Fucking Eric. Knew that guy was an asshole," Christina muttered.

Tris nodded as she watched her former leaders go through a metal door. Tris and the rest of the initiates followed a member of Candor to a great hall. "Please sit and await your turn. Since you are all initiates, you will be undergoing the trial first. Transfers before Dauntless born." A few of the Dauntless born groaned at this, the woman from Candor casting them a dirty look before the smile returned to her lips. "You will be called in when they're ready for you." With one last smile, the woman left.

Tris' right leg was bouncing as she sat next to Christina. "You would think they'd be ready by now," Will said as Christina leaned on his shoulder.

"They have to get the truth serum ready. There's a lot of us that are going to go under, so they have to make sure they have the right amount," Christina quipped.

Tris sighed, her eyes staring at the marbled floors when a gasp escaped her lips. She glanced down, a hand on her knee. She looked to her right, his green-brown orbs staring at her. "Could you stop being so jittery?"

Tris' eyes narrowed. "Could you not touch me?" Peter removed his hand, a smirk on his lips as he leaned back. Tris scoffed softly, scooting a little closer to Christina. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched Peter stretch out, his body crawling closer to her own. She looked at him, her eyes glaring daggers.

He raised his eyebrows. "Am I making you uncomfortable, Stiff?"

Tris averted her gave, her stomach doing flips. "No."

A shiver ran down her spine as Peter leaned closer to her, his hot breath tickling the nape of her neck. "I think I am."

Tris opened her mouth to speak when Christina leaned over her, her dark-brown eyes blazing. "Fuck off, Peter."

Something dark flashed in Peter's eyes, his mouth opened to speak when the woman from before stalked forward, her green eyes bright against her dark skin. "We're ready for you now. Please, follow me."

The Dauntless initiates stood up and followed her to a decently-sized room, stadium seats surrounding a court-like area. "This is where we go through our trial?" Will asked, his eyes glancing around the room. Tris looked to the seats, a section dedicated to Dauntless members while the rest held various people from Candor. Her eyes settled on Four, his dark-blue orbs already locked on her.

The woman nodded. "If you would all take a seat in this section here, the first few rows. We will call you by name."

Tris sat through the trial as almost everyone went before her. She watched Christina and Will go under the serum, Peter following them soon after. She almost fell out of her seat when her name was called, a soft snicker falling from Peter's lips. She turned and glared at him, his smirk widening.

With a sigh, she stalked forward. Jack Kang and a man she did not know walked up to her, gentle smiles on their faces. The man she did not know the name of injected the serum into her neck, a small sting on her skin. "May the truth set you free," he said before walking off.

Tris wobbled a little, her vision glazing over. She shook her head, a gentle ringing in her ears as she looked to Jack Kang.

"For the record, please state your full name and the faction you originiated in," Kang said, his voice echoing in her mind.

Tris inhaled sharply, a hiss of pain on her tongue when she didn't answer right away. "Tris—Beatrice Prior. I'm from Abnegation."

A quiet murmur spread over the room, their whispers clouding her mind. "Do you know why you are here, Ms. Prior?"

Tris nodded. "Yes."

"Could you tell us, for the record, why you are here today?"

Tris sucked in a deep breath, the air too cold on her tongue. "I'm here because some members of my faction conspired with Jeanine and Erudite to—to overthrow Abnegation and take over the government."

Tris was sitting in the great hall again, a few of the other initiates sitting by her—others were off wondering around Candor. She watched Christina and Will slink off, their hands linked together. Tris sighed, her fingertips rubbing her temples as her skull throbbed.

"Your head hurt?" a low voice asked.

Tris glanced up, Four staring down at her. "I'm fine."

Four nodded. "You did good back there. None of the initiates knew about the attack." Four scoffed. "I already knew that, though." He sighed. "They're working through all of the members of Dauntless."

"So what does that mean for us?" Peter asked as he came to stand nearby, his slender form leaning against the wall.

"Well, as initiates you're not allowed to be in the compound without a leader present."

"And the leaders are the last to go through the trial, right?" Tris asked, a sigh on her lips.

Four nodded. "Candor has spare rooms for all of the initates and the leaders—under supervision. I'll be staying here to look over you guys, as well."

Tris smiled softly, Four nodding before turning and walking away. Tris leaned back in her chair, her eyes looking back to Peter. "Why are you still here?"

Peter smirked at her, his eyebrow quirked. "Snippy, are we?"

Tris sighed. "Can't you just hang out with your old Candor friends or something?"

"I'm having more fun talking to you," he said as he took a seat next to her. "Aren't you?"

"Not particularly, no."

"So, you're divergent?" he blurted out.

Tris exhaled slowly though her nose, her slate-blue eyes turning to him. "What do you want, Peter?"

Peter held up his hands in mock defense. "Hey, I'm just trying to have an innocent conversation."

Tris sighed, her lips opened to speak before a thick voice was calling out from behind them. Tris turned around, a girl about their age staring at them. Her raven-black hair fell in tight curls around her shoulders, her hazel eyes bright and wide. Her skin was smooth and dark, her lips pulled up in a small smile. "It's you, right? Peter Hayes?"

Tris watched Peter's Adam's apple bob up and down, his fingers twitching on his lap. "Hey, Jasmine. How are you?"

Jasmine quirked her delicate eyebrows, Peter's eyes widening before he stood up, his hand outstretched towards her. Tris tried to hide her smile, her veins hot as she watched Peter's body shake with nerves. "Are you going to introduce me?" Jasmine nodded to Tris.

Tris quirked her eyebrow as Peter looked from Jasmine to her and back again. "Oh, this is Tris. Tris, this is Jasmine."

Tris stood up slowly, her hand shaking Jasmine's hand softly. "Abnegation, huh? Can tell by the hand-shake." She turned to Peter. "I thought you hated Abnegation?"

Peter seemed frozen for a moment before he shook his head. "I, uh, I do—she's—"

Jasmine flashed a brilliant smile, all teeth. "It was nice seeing you, again. We'll have to catch up sometime." She turned to Tris, her smile widening. "It was great meeting you, Trick."

"It's Tris."

"Of couse it is." With one last smile, Jasmine turned on her heel—her hips swaying as she twitched off.

Tris rolled her eyes as she turned to Peter, his eyes locked on Jasmine's every movement. "That was interesting."

"Uh-huh," Peter whispered.

Tris raised her eyebrows before rolling her eyes. "Bye, Peter."

"Uh-huh," Peter said again, Tris walking off—a strange feeling surging in her gut.

Tris, Christina, and Will were walking around the building. "And this is where she threw up on me—it was everywhere."

Tris' face contorted in disgust as Will shook his head. "That's really something," he said.

Christina rolled her eyes. "You two are no fun at all. Anyway, up here is where—"

"Christina, it's so nice to see you," Jasmine said as she rounded the corner. Jasmine's eyes flickered to Tris for a moment, a smirk on her lips. "It's nice to see you again, Trick."

A scowl formed on Tris' face, her arms crossing her chest. "It's Tris."

Christina rolled her eyes, her hands on her hips. "Back off, Jinx. We don't feel like dealing with your shit."

Jasmine's lips pulled down in a small frown, her hand covering her heart. "Ouch, Chris. That hurt."

"If you had a heart, I still wouldn't care."

Tris watched a smile slither across Jasmine's lips once more as she stalked off, her long hair bouncing down the length of her back. Tris caught movement out of the corner of her eye. She glanced to her left, her orbs spotting Peter watch Jasmine. "What's Peter's deal?"

Christina quirked her brow before she looked around the room, a small snort sounding from her as she found Peter and followed his line of sight. "You wouldn't believe me, but that boy is love-sick."


"Peter is hung up on Jasmine Jinx. They used to be close friends as little kids. Then she grew up and turned into what you saw before you: a cold-hearted bitch." Christina sighed. "I'd say she bullied Peter but she was really just a bitch to everyone. It's probably what helped Peter to be such a—well, a dick." Christina shrugged. "He's been in love with her for forever—following her around like a puppy. She never even acknowledged him until the day of the choosing ceremony. I don't know what she said to him but he looked completely wrecked. I mean, I don't really care—but the girl's heart, if she has one, is an iceberg."

Tris nodded slowly as she watched Peter, the knot in her stomach growing tighter.

Four led them up a winding staircase. They walked down the long hall, his dark-blue eyes looking at them over his shoulder. "These are your rooms while we are here at Candor. I expect you to act responsibly. We are not at Dauntless. You cannot treat Candor as if you are at Dauntless. Do you understand?" Everyone nodded. "The room number is on the key I gave each of you. I will be in the room at the end of the hall should anyone need me. There are still a lot of Dauntless members to go through tomorrow, and then the leaders. We may not get back to Dauntless until two days from now, give or take."

Tris and Christina walked to their room, the walls a simple white and the twin beds donning black comforters. "Home, sweet home," Christina said.

Tris smiled as she got changed into her sleep clothes. She laid on top of the blankets, her eyes staring at the ceiling. "Where are you going?" she asked as she heard the door creak open.

Tris glanced to where Christina stood in the doorway, her brown orbs gleaming in the florescent lighting. "I'm going to go visit Will," she said, a smirk on her lips.

Tris felt heat color her cheeks. "Okay."

"Goodnight, Tris." Christina flicked the light to the room off, darkness enveloping the air.

"Goodnight, Chris." Tris went back to staring at the ceiling, sleep evading her senses as the bed creaked beneath her. She closed her eyes, trying to clear her mind when a soft knock echoed on the door. Tris sighed, her feet padding to the door. She opened it, a small gasp on her tongue as she took in his messy brown hair and lopsided smirk. "What are you doing here?"

Peter moved past her, flicking on the light. Tris shielded her eyes from the bright light as she shut the door behind her. Peter looked around the room before looking back to Tris, his eyes traveling up the length of her body before he plopped himself down on her bed. "Nice pajamas, Stiff," he said as he reclined on her bed.

Tris rolled her eyes as she walked over and sat on the other bed, her fingertips pulling down on her shorts a little. "Why are you here?"

Peter shrugged as he stared at the ceiling. "I was sharing a room with Will."

Tris stifled a yawn, her eyebrows furrowed. "So?"

Peter snorted. "Christina came over."

Tris stared at him for a moment before realization dawned on her, heat crawling up her neck. "Oh."

"Oh," Peter repeated. A moment of silence lingered in the air before he turned his gaze to Tris. "So, what's up with you and Four?"

Tris bit her lower lip. "Nothing."


"We're just friends."

"I don't care if you slept with him—I just need to make su—"

Tris huffed, anger sizzling beneath her skin. "There's nothing going on between Four and I."

Peter raised his eyebrows, his hands held up in mock defense. "Okay, sorry." He let out a small cough before he began speaking again. "I need to ask you for a favor."

Tris bit the inside of her cheek. "You can stay here tonight. I don't think Christina is going to be leaving Will's room anytime soon."

A smirk slithered across his lips, his eyes gleaming. "Thanks for the offer, Stiff—but that's not what I was going to ask."

Tris nodded, her right leg bouncing up and down softly. "What's the favor?"

Peter looked at Tris for a long time, their gazes locked as silence echoed between them. He sat up, his legs swinging over the side of the bed as he leaned in closer to her. "You remember meeting Jasmine?"

Tris scoffed. "Lovely girl."

Peter quirked his brow. "Feisty, are we?"

Tris rolled her eyes, a yawn escaping her lips. "Can we get on with this favor?"

"I need you to be my girlfriend."

Tris froze, her stomach churning as she stared at him. She swallowed hard, her mouth dry. "What?"

"Pretend—I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend."


Peter scoffed. "To make her jealous."

Tris tilted her head to the side. "Why would that make her jealous?"

Peter rolled his eyes. "Just trust me, it will."

Tris shrugged. "Why do you need to make her jealous?"

"Why must you ask so many questions?"

Tris narrowed her eyes. "I'm not going to agree to something when I know nothing about it."

"Just—please? I thought Stiffs were selfless."

Tris shook her head, her fists clenched by her sides. "No."


"I said no."

Peter's lips turned down, his eyes more green than brown as he stared at her. She felt her throat burning as she looked at him, a wave of sadness washing over him. "I don't usually beg. But—I really need this. I'll do whatever you want. Please, Tris?"

Tris let out a deep sigh. "I'll think about it."

Peter let out a shaky breath, nodding softly. "Good. Okay, that's—that's good."

Tris rolled her eyes as she stood back up and walked to the lightswitch. She flipped it off, darkness taking over the room once more. She made her way back to the other bed, the mattress creaking beneath her weight as she settled in bed. "Goodnight, Peter," she said, a sigh on her tongue.

"Night, Sti—Tris."

Tris rolled her eyes as she turned her back to Peter, a shiver running down her spine as she contemplated his request.

There's the first part! I hope you all liked it. Like I said, it'll probably get 3-4 chapters. :)

Follow/favorite/review, do the lovely things you do!

Until next time, bye-bye! :)