I own nothing. Hey everyone. This is the rewrite of the other story. This is the harem version. So the first two chapters have nothing new except a slight change in the plot.

issei's parents are both dead. This is the only change minus the first two chapters and a half of the third. :P

Ok enjoy.

A little boy about twelve was on his knees, unconscious and bound in chains to the wall and floor. He was wearing raggy clothes, just torn blue jeans that were obviously from the trash. He also wore a simple grey T-shirt, just soaked in dirt and grime. It was obvious the clothes were from the trash. He had a large gash under his right eye that went down towards the middle of his cheek. It was a scar now, but it was obviously a knife wound. He was so skinny, it was obvious he wasn't eating very much. There was food placed before him, but they were from the morning before, as the boy seemed to refuse to eat. His wrists and ankles were chaffed and raw, as he was obviously in chains for a very long time. He had short, spiky and dirty brown hair. If he opened his eyes, you would see he had chocolate brown eyes as well, matching the color of his hair.

The room he was in was little more than a jail cell, only a cot which looked unused and a toilet with a sink. There was soap of course and there was a toothbrush and toothpaste, though by the looks of it, the boy gave up on personal hygiene a long time ago. There was a metal door which had two slots on it. One up top for people to look in and for him to look out and a slot near the bottom where the food was slid in or other items. There was no windows so there was no indication was time of day it was.

It was the large metal door opened up with no sound at all, obviously well oiled. As the bright light from the hallway shined in, the little boy opened his eyes and looked up, his expression full of defeat. He was just broken down into nothing, unable to do anything but lay there. He watched as a large man walked into the room and removed his chains before yanking the boy to his feet, picking him up roughly over his shoulders and carrying him off. A few minutes later, they arrived in a large shower room, like a locker room. After being brutally shoved into the wall with a resounding thump, the boy was immediately hit with a large blast of water, from a hose. The boy was stripped of his clothes prior to this of course.

"Get behind his ears!" Yelped a female, who was giggling with sadistic glee.

"Wanna do the honors Rach?" The big man said with a smile.

"Sounds like fun! Let me give this boy a nice wash down."

"Be careful, this boys stench might knock you out."

"Ha ha! I thought you were going to say something like this hose would be too much for me to handle."

"You've handled bigger hoses than this one babe."

"Yea, your brother."

"Ouch. That's hurtful."

"He he." The woman giggled out, washing the boy with the hose.

The boy was crouched in the corner, cowering from the hoses powerful jets of water. It stung greatly on his beaten body.

After the 'shower', the boy was dragged back to his cell where he was tossed inside by the man before having his hair pulled and having his face look up at the man. The man was a massive hulk of a man, muscles bulging. He was a Russian and looked at the boy with cold eyes.

"Issei, you can act like you are just a broken toy and nothing less, but I will mold you into what my client desires here very soon. Just you wait. She tasked me with finding the most suitable boy for the job. She likes the young ones so much. So, I found you and I have taken great pleasure in beating that defiance you had out of you. Your parents made you strong, but you are truly just a weak little boy. Pathetic. Now you should eat, you will need your strength for tonight... Hahahahah." The Russian laughed as he walked out of the room, leaving the boy on the cold hard ground, not even snapping him into the chains. The boy was so weak willed and broken he would just lay on the cold dirty ground.

Issei Hyoudou. He was taken from his loving home at the age of 7 and shoved into the life of debauchery and brutality. He was being cultivated to be in the sex slave trade, supposedly a female was into the younger boys, in their early teens, thirteen to fourteen, so he was sought out. He was chosen because of his father. His father was a hunk of a man, a model in the Japanese fashion industry and was a male stripper in his younger years. Due to this, they took Issei in assumption he had his fathers genes in good lookingness. This was what he was told at least.

The kidnapping took place in the middle of the night on Issei's birthday, in the wee morning. His father was quick to get the shotgun but was quickly brought down with a gunshot to the head. Issei's mother screamed at the sight but she was shot in the chest. She was taken to the hospital when the cops arrived. Issei was only 7 and was easily captured from his bed in the middle of the night. He screamed and cried until he was also knocked out with a gun and taken into a black unmarked van. The kidnapping only took ten minutes and they were out twenty minutes before the police even arrived from a call from a neighbor. The father died instantly from the gunshot though. His mother had died a day after the hospital got her.

Issei was beaten by the older man, every day for two years. He was defiant for a year, but it took a year to completely break the boy into nothing. After that, the beatings slowed down but never stopped. The man took great pleasure in beating up a helpless child. There were many females in the operation and they were just as cruel as the men, if not crueler, taking part in the savagery. One female gave him the nasty scar under his eye, just because Issei wouldn't give her a kiss on the cheek for being such a good mommy. The knife was shoved into his skin and muscle right under his eye. He screamed and cried for mercy, but the woman just snarled and tore it down his face, until she hit his lower jaw and she removed the blade. She forced his lips to her cheek, making Issei kiss her as his blood and tears mixed on her own cheek and on the ground. Issei was treated like he was just some toy for them to play with, which for what they were doing he was only a toy.

There was actually very few men in the operation, only the large muscle man, the doctor and the chef. Three men and plenty of women. They were all good looking females too, yet they were mean. Issei was not touched though by the women, yet he knew everything there was to know about sex. He was forced to endure the painfully accurate classes that taught him how to behave for his mistress.

He was whipped weekly and his body looked like a tic tac toe board after three years of it. His back was bloody and pulpy after the whipping that the body could never truly heal and his body was just badly scarred. His bones were broken constantly and he was still beaten with broken bones. There was a doctor on hand but never gave him any sort of numbing agent and just painfully reset his bones or fixed him up. The entire operation was a cruel one, no one showed any sort of care for him and he forgot what it was like to be loved. He was close to being turned into a toy by the men and women, but luck was on his side...

After about three hours after the 'shower', Issei began to hear screams of death and pain. It took only two minutes, but all the screamed died down and everythign was silent. It was then his door opened silently and a beautiful black haired female stood in the door way. Her hair rained down like silk and she was absolutely stunning. She looked at Issei with a smile on her face and she reached a hand out to him. As he reached out to his savior, something that he wasn't sure why he did, he left his stomach wide open and the female gave him a wicked grin. Two black wings came out from her back, as black as the midnight sky. Feathers rained down around Issei and he watched as a spear of light came out of her hand and was shoved into his gut like a rapier. Issei's eyes went wide before they narrowed again, his life quickly leaving his body.

"Sorry kid, but I never came to rescue you. I had to take care of what was growing inside of you. It's power scared my superiors and I took it upon myself to rid it of this world. No hard feelings. I made sure to put extra power in it to quickly end your life. Farewell." The black haired woman said, disappearing in a flash of feathers.

With his life leaving his body at a rapid pace, Issei weakly stood up to his feet and began to wobble out the door. He knew his time was nearing its end, but he wanted to see the outside world once more before he died. He would never see his father or his mother again he knew, but at least he could die seeing the world. As he reached the outside world, he collapsed on the grass outside, a trail of blood coming from the building. With the amount of blood lost, he should have been dead when he was struck in the gut, but Issei's will denied death and kept him moving. As his eyes closed and his life left, the last thing he saw was a purple haired beauty standing before him with a gentle smile on her face and he heard one last voice.

"I will take you in and let you live your life again. So from now on, you live for me."

Read. Review. Moo.