4th Month of 283 A.C. King's Landing

King Aerys II Targaryen

His son was dead, slain during the fighting within the Riverlands. Aerys knew there was some part of him that was deeply saddened by his son's death, he still remembered the little boy that his son had bee. How his son had come before him to ask about the world, and how he had tried to answer. Aerys knew he had not been the best father, and that his son had felt the need to rebel, well, Aerys knew he would be haunted by that fact for the rest of his life. He had sworn once before never to abandon his wife, and now, well now, through his grief and his anger, he had sworn that he would never abandon his family. Viserys was his heir and he would raise the boy, his son, his heir, as befitting a dragon. Aerys could feel the pain threatening to overwhelm him, and he tries to fight it down, Rhaella takes his hand then, and he is so grateful for her, knowing all that he has done, knowing what has happened before. He looks before the court, and he knows what he must say.

Clearing his throat, Aerys looks at the court and says. "We, have come before you and summoned this meeting of the court, to present judgement. Men have committed deep seated treason. They have allowed their own desires to come before that of the realm. My son Prince Rhaegar died because of men like them, my cousin Lord Robert died because of that. I will not allow them to continue their path of destruction. It ends today." he pauses and then looks at his hand. "Bring them in." he says. The man bows and goes toward the herald, who announces their names, the final battle had been destructive. Tyrell was dead, Tarly was dead, and most of their men were slaughtered, the order proving once more why it was the most effective fighting force within the kingdoms. Tywin had been taken prisoner, as had Jon Arryn. Ser Gerold had died, trying find Rhaegar, and Ser Arthur had died as well. So much death, for Tywin's naked ambitions. The men are dropped before the throne, and he looks at them with scorn. "You have been brought here to answer for the crime of treason against the crown. You have all committed some act befitting the punishment of death. So tell me, why should this not happen?" There is a long silence, and then when he cannot stand it any longer, Aerys looks at Tywin and snaps. "Do you have nothing to say? I expected things better of you Tywin. What did I do to make you hate me so?"

Silence that is what fills the court room, Aerys knows he could have Tywin killed there and then for remaining silent before the order of his king, but he waits. He knows that eventually Tywin will speak, the man cannot remain silent for long. He is proven right when the man speaks his voice low. "You were supposed to be my brother, and you betrayed me. You betrayed me when you named a savage Knight Major of the Order, you betrayed me when you made a move on Joanna. You betrayed me when you refused the offer of my daughter for your son. And you betrayed me when you named Jaime to the Kingsguard."

Aerys looks at the man before him, the man who he had considered a brother in all but name for so long. He looks at him, and he feels nothing but contempt for this man. "You talk of betrayals, but what of all the times you betrayed me? I know of your involvement in Summerhall. I know of your advances on my wife. I know of the things you did to undermine me before Duskendale and even after Duskendale. You turned my own son against me. And why? Why did you do that?" Rhaella is holding his hand tightly now, and he knows there is a growing sense of anger within him.

Tywin looks at him, his face for once showing some sort of expression. "You were turning me into something you knew I did not want to be. I told you so many times that I could be of more use to you, than you were making. I knew you would never listen to me, and so I went to your son. He was more my son, than he was yours. And you know it. You always felt as if he was not yours."

An old doubt begins creeping into his head then, but he crushes it. Anger making him respond. "You speak treason with every word my lord. Now, tell me, why should I not have you killed? It is a far kinder fate than what you deserve."

The man looks at him and says. "Because you cannot hold the Westerlands without me. Kevan is dead, and my other brothers are not trusted. Without me the West will burn."

Aerys laughs then. "And what of your son, the dwarf? He is your son. He is young yet, he will be raised at court alongside Viserys, and he will come to know his place in the world. You have failed to convince me Tywin. I wonder what Joanna would say? Would she be happy at the man you became, or distraught at your foolishness. I suppose you can ask her." Aerys pauses then savouring the look of pure fear on his old friend's face. Turning to his hand he says. "Bring me his head." He watches as in one smooth motion Brandon Stark removes Tywin's head from his body. As the blood drips to the floor, Aerys barks. "Put it on a spike atop the walls." Stark nods and gives the command. Aerys then turns his attention to Jon Arryn, and this time his anger and hatred grows, it grows and grows. He thinks of Vaella, dead in the Vale, he thinks of Maegor dead in Essos, he thinks of all the deaths, and he snarls. "You."

Jon Arryn, a man he has come to hate above all others, a man whom he wants to merely remove from the face of Westeros. The man shakes and quivers as he stands. "Sire, please, I can explain."

"Explain?" Aerys snarls in response. "What will you explain? How you hunted down and butchered my great aunt? How you had my cousin killed? How you have done all in your power to see my family brought low and destroyed. And why? Because of a fear that we might yet claim the Vale. Well now I shall tell you, you have done a great wrong. Your line ends here. Elbert Arryn shall claim the Vale, and shall marry your wife. You, you are a dead man." Aerys looks at the man, sees him shake, he then looks through the crowd to where his hand's brother is standing, he sees fear there, but nothing else. Grinning, Aerys says loudly. "None do protest this sentence. You are done for Arryn." he pauses and then says. "Drink from the cup, drink the water that will give you peace."

Aerys watches as Stark hands Arryn the cup, he knows what is within the cup, knows that it was Arryn's father who gave this cup to Aerys own great uncle many years ago, and he knows that Arryn will suffer. He is proven correct as Arryn drinks and drinks and then dies screaming, his body engulfed in flames. As Arryn's ashes fall on the ground, Aerys looks at the crowd then and says. "Let this be a lesson to those who plot. The beasts might be dead, but I am still a dragon, and fire is our weapon."

There is a long moment's silence following this, and eventually, Aerys remembers that there is one more person who must be dealt with in the list of traitors. "Bring for Lucerys Velaryon." he says, his voice cold.

The man, a Blackfyre, Aerys can see it now, can see it in the way he holds himself, is dragged before the throne, Aerys stands up then, drawing forth a dagger, he walks down the throne, and spits at the man before slitting his throat in one fluid motion. As the man falls to the ground, Aerys looks at his hand and says. "Give the body to Rossart, let us see if this man was a true dragon." the man nods and the suitable arrangements are made. Aerys remains standing at the foot of the throne for a moment, and then he turns and walks back up and sits on the throne. "Eddard Stark come forward." The court which had come to life with his actions previously falls silent now as his hand's younger brother walks forward, the man looks a little bit like his older brother, but somewhat lacking in some areas. The man gets down on one knee before the throne, and Aerys looks at him. "You fought for the rebels, the traitors, and you were led by a fool and an oaf. Why?"

Stark looks up at him then, and for a brief moment, it is as if Aerys is a little boy once more, meeting the famous Edwyle Stark. Their voices even sound the same. "I was wrong Sire. I was misled by one I considered a friend and a mentor. He lied to me and broke my trust in him. It was a mistake, and one I shall repent for, for the rest of my days."

Aerys considers this for a long moment and then says. "You are not going to turn from the truth again are you Eddard? I would most hate to disappoint your brother."

Stark looks surprised at this, and then he says. "Never Sire. I shall remain true till the day I die."

Aerys thinks over this and then responds. "Very well then. You may rise." The man does so and Aerys waves a hand dismissing him. When the man turns and leaves, Aerys sags down in the throne, Rhaella holds his hand still, and he is grateful for her. "That is all, you may all leave now." he says. And the court disperses. Aerys remains sitting on the throne, his wife holding his hand, he turns to her and asks. "Did I do well Rhaella?"

His wife looks at him and nods. "You did marvellously Aerys. Grandfather would have been proud."

Aerys looks at his wife and asks. "You think so?"

"Most definitely." his wife replies.

Aerys nods, and then says. "Well then, come let us go." he stands and walks with her down the steps of the iron throne, where his hand is waiting for him. "What do you wish to speak of now Stark?"

"I only wished to thank you for doing what you did sire. For pardoning my brother." his hand says.

Aerys looks at the man and responds. "We were merely doing what we thought was right. Your brother had admitted he was wrong, and had repented. There was nothing more to it." he pauses and then asks. "Now how is your wife doing? She has given birth to a son has she not?"

His hand looks surprised at this turn of events. "Yes Sire she is very well, thank you sire. And yes, she has given birth to a beautiful boy. He looks just like me Sire. So I have been told."

"And this child's name?" Aerys asks.

His hand hesitates a moment and then says. "Jon Sire, for King Jon Stark."

Aerys remembers the words said long ago in the fires of Summerhall, of a child whose name would bear the name of a king. He merely nods. "A strong name. We should meet your wife and child soon."

"Yes, of course Sire, it would be our honour sire." his hand replies.

Aerys nods and then walks past his hand, with his wife in tow. As they walk out of the room, his wife whispers. "Do you think that could be what she was on about?"

"Perhaps." Aerys replies.

"Do you think we should keep an eye on them?" Rhaella asks.

"Well, why do you think I allowed the girl to remain with her brother, and why do you think I named Brandon Stark my hand. I intend to keep a complete eye on them forevermore." Aerys responds.