I Do Not Own Vampire Knight Or 'Finder Series'
For Ben4Kevin
A/N At Bottom!
Let's Go!
He jerked awake, in the same state that he'd woken in for the last four weeks.
His dick was hard and his chest was moving rapidly as he tried to get enough air into his lungs.
And he was fucking hot. As if he were flying a ship too close to the sun. He felt as if every part of him was melting into the other. He pushed through the feelings, breathing deeply in a concentrated effort that his step father had taught him long ago. His heart jolted in his chest as he remembered the step father that was five months gone. The man who'd waited until death to inform his son of everything that was pertinent in his life, changing the status quo.
He only took seconds to evaluate his physical status and then he was out of the bed and dressing like lightning, ignoring his raging hard-on for self preservation. They were close and they'd found him quicker this time. He was going to have to get quicker too. Or he was going to end up in a cage. A luxurious one no doubt, but…still a fucking cage nevertheless. And maybe he'd end up liking it.
So flushed and stirred up, he vacated the room, never having turned on any lights, leaving the room key on the cheap wooden desk near the bed. His car, the flavor of the moment, a dark blue 1970 Chevy Camaro that ran like a dream. Maybe he could keep this one once he reached his destination. If they let him that was. He hadn't gotten good rest in the last six weeks that he'd been on this wild ride. His hair reached past the length of his collar and he was pretty sure his eyes were so red they could substitute as fire trucks. But that didn't matter as he pulled the antique out of the parking lot heading for the freeway north. He was almost to the end of the road when the distant glow of headlights reflected in his rearview, turning into the hotel parking lot.
His shoulders tensed even more as an ominous feeling swept over him and he shuddered to think of how close he'd come to being caught. The close call sent a tremor down his spine and he punched the gas, entering the freeway at an unsafe speed. His hands trembled on the steering wheel and he hoped that they wouldn't catch his scent so quickly this time. He had mere hours to go until his destination. A haven where they wouldn't be able to find him.
He steered north, towards the everglades, gunning it. There was enough space to hide his existence for years if he wanted to. He would take his time and think about what to do. At this juncture in the road, every way seemed impossible. They were impossible.
Five months ago his life had been great. He'd been at the top of the world in a world of tops and bottoms. He'd been set to take over his father's business right after obtaining a double master in engineering and business. He sighed. He still held the reins to the company, but how long would that last? It became colder steadily as he climbed higher, but the view was beautiful.
He decided that he could get used to this for a while.
Until he figured out how to solve his problem.
He snorted as he leaned forward to switch the radio on.
Like that was going to be simple.
He pulled into the front of the rustic cabin three hours later and instantly felt a level of calm that he hadn't been allowed in the last five months. There was no one here to observe his loss of control, no one here to claim his basic rights. The next cabin was five miles away, inhabited by its' own scared occupant.
This was a haven for omegas who didn't want to be claimed. Supposedly the fresh concentrated air diffused the not-so-subtle pheromones omegas emitted when they were of age and free for claiming. Or so they 'claimed'.
He'd found this place through an ultra secret source that refused to divulge the details until he'd proved himself a desperate al-omega. Shit, he was going to have to get used to what he really was before he went out to portray what he wasn't. Because he just couldn't give up his life. That in itself was an oxymoron. He would have to just find more the anti-suppressants. Surely he had enough money at his disposal for that much.
He exited the car and stretched luxuriously, enjoying the lush green scenery of humungous oak trees.. He was safe and free. Surely they couldn't follow him here. Whatever scent they'd been following would be eradicated by the atmosphere here and he would be able to breath.
Without the fear that some creep was around the corner just waiting to ambush him.
Damn his father.
Damn his life
Several Months Later…..
He jerked awake, as he was accustomed to, his dick hard and his chest moving rapidly as he tried to suck in air.
He paused for several beats as he waited for the atmosphere to calm the raging need that was now an everyday part of life. It was only assuaged by consistent masturbation and self denial. When it failed to work after several seconds, he sat up in the bed, pushing his sweaty hair back from his face. The cabin was dark around him, as it should be at three o'clock in the morning, he surmised. Just in time. he had to go into town to obtain supplies anyhow, so it was a good thing that he was up early.
Except…the feeling of nervous anticipation ruffled the skin at his nape and his nerves weren't calming down as they should have at this point.
He'd been reading up on the calamity that was his life. Gotten familiar with the ailment that haunted him. So he knew there was only one reason that he couldn't calm down. He was in the presence of his alphas. When they were as close as fingertips away there was nothing to be done to counteract the effects they had on him.
He froze in the silent darkness, telling himself that that just wasn't possible. He'd have felt them long before now, wouldn't he? That was always the way that it worked. Granted the time that he spent here could have made his guards really lax. But honestly a body would feel the intentions of danger against it wouldn't it? He clenched his hands, the slight pain of his nails digging into his palms offering a momentary respite. The little pain cleared his head somewhat and he chided himself silently.
Of course they weren't here.
Close enough to touch.
Because wouldn't that just be fucking unfair?
And wouldn't he be able to feel them in this quiet peace?
There was just no way to hide the chaotic disturbance they brought with them.
But wishful thinking was just that and he found himself blinking rapidly into the painful light suddenly drenching the room. So it took him at least one minute to register that he was not alone in the room.
He didn't wait for his eyesight to clear completely before he was lurching to the side reaching for the emergency pack that he kept just beside his bed.
Fingers clamped around his wrist before he'd even twitched in that direction, pinning it to the mattress. And somehow movement was the stuff of dreams as the hand became an immovable weight. He came off the bed like a terrified cat, hissing, his hand lashing out instinctively in a debilitating blow.
Or it was meant to be.
Instead he found himself flat on his back staring up into a pair of dark, expressionless eyes, hands clasped securely above in his head in a one handed grip. The air around him became heated in his subsequent struggle, and tension tightened along the tight seams of the room. Yet, no one had ever accused him of being easy go lucky. He lashed out with his foot, determined. That only got him totally restrained as the intruder dropped all of his weight down over him, stopping all his actions. He stopped instantly as the hard jut of arousal penetrated his panicked mind, an realization his situation hit completely.
The full tempting mouth above him lifted in an abbreviated smirk before he turned to look at the tall, dark haired, dark eyed man enjoying the antics.
"Zero," He purred, amused promise flitting through his eyes. A promise that he knew that he couldn't fulfill. Not without a fight that was.
"We've found you at last."
Sooooo…Here we go again! A new story! And I'm excited! Yep this is a Vampire Knight-Finder Series Crossover Threesome set in the Alpha/Omega universe featuring two of my MOST favorite Ravens and my favorite silverette inspired by Ben4Kevin. And knowing me….there will be a few differences so get ready! Know it's kinda of short, but this is just the beginning! Really no plot (Yet)….This will involve Vampirism…(Smile)…Delicious…..
Hope you enjoy it as much as I am!
Until Later…