Good afternoon, my faithful readers! Here we are; the final chapter of possibly the "final chapter!" It has been a long journey; can you believe it was one year ago this past friday that the first Wreck it Freddy's was uploaded? I can't either! It has been an amazing roller coaster ride, and I hope it has left as much of an impression on you as it has for Dixie and I. I will save more of my rambling to the end, so sit back, relax, and enjoy for one last time, everyone!

Everyone clapped and cheered the moment Clyde floated up, Toy Chica hugging him to her as they kissed- well, as much as a ghost and an animatronic COULD kiss. She kept him snug against her chest as she walked back down the aisle, cuddling being one of their favorite things to do together. The wedding had went off without a hitch, and everyone was happy for the newlyweds.

Felix wiped a tear from his eye, gazing up at his wife lovingly. "Reminds me of OUR day."

"One of the best days of my life." Calhoun smiled as she picked him up to give him a peck. "So when's your turn, Wreck-It?"

"M- Me?" Ralph gawked at her. "I'm not even in a relationship!"

She shrugged. "Well, I have to pick on SOMEONE."

Vanellope, BB, and the Sugar Rush racers joined the ghost kids and little Mike as they all headed to the reception area, little Mike having begun to fit in well with the group. Clyde helped them and Mike start the Bad Anon Jr. program, and it was garnering a lot of success and praise around the arcade. When all of the guests reached the reception area, everyone congratulated the couple and Toy Chica received many hugs and well wishes from her animatronic friends. She never felt so overjoyed in her life, turning to everyone as she held up her bouquet of flowers.

"Let's party!" She exclaimed.

Vanellope giggled. "She said she's gonna throw the bouquet!"

All of the single females gathered in a group, anxiously awaiting for the toss. Toy Chica's limbs were more flexible than some of the other animatronics', so she easily threw it over her head and into the crowd. Everyone scrambled, but one hand reached up to grab it, all the others groaning and pouting disappointingly. When they cleared a way around the lucky lady, everyone gasped when it was revealed that Mangle had caught it. Feeling a surge of confidence since Jeremy had made her over, she turned, emitting some radio garble as she approached Foxy.

Foxy held her paws and got down on one knee then, mumbling something to her. She blinked and immediately hugged him, which would've been tight enough to choke him if an animatronic could be choked at all. BB exclaimed "HI" loudly, hugging the two of them.

"See, you guys can pick on THEM." Ralph said to Felix and Calhoun, clapping his large hands for the newly engaged couple.

Jeremy wiped at his eyes as Mangle came up to hug him. "Congrats, sis, I know you two will be happy. And no, I'm not crying, some rice got in my eye from when they were flinging it for Toy Chica and Clyde."

Mangle rolled her eyes- as she was able to do so now- but chirped happily as Foxy came over to hold her hand.

"It's about time, ya lovebirds!" Vanellope beamed. "There's gonna be a lot of celebrating around here!"

"Well, that is the Fazbear motto, am I right, Freddy?" Mike chuckled, playfully elbowing Freddy.

Toy Chica came up to Mangle, the two hugging before she practically dragged the animatronic fox over for pictures. When they did so, Springtrap came up to Foxy, meaning to congratulate him when he cut off his screech halfway, covering his mouth in embarrassment.

"Yeeeah... I definitely need to work on that voice box." Jeremy said as he rubbed his ears.

"Hey, maybe at Mangle's wedding, Jeremy can catch the bouquet and get married next!" Vanellope piped up. "Or maybe Mike will... or maybe both of you can catch it together and get married!"

Mike was in the middle of taking a drink of his punch when she said that, making him promptly spit it out. Jeremy just stared at her in shocked embarrassment.

"Sh- She didn't mean to each other, fellas..." Felix nervously tried to amend what she had said, thinking they got the wrong idea and would get offended.

"Well what would be wrong with THAT?" Vanellope asked curiously.

"Nothing, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that." Jeremy quickly spoke up with an edge in his voice, giving Felix a sideways glare. "And if anyone ever tells you otherwise…" He added to Vanellope. "… you run them over in your kart and leave them in the dust."

Vanellope shrugged innocently. "Okay." She giggled when BB came up to her, pulling her into a hug. "I know, I know! And yes, I promise I'll wear my gown when I'm their flower girl."

"Hey people, listen up! We're going to continue this in Felix's game, so everyone follow me for the ribbon cutting!" Calhoun shouted. "Let's go!"

"You okay?" Mike worriedly asked Jeremy who was covering his face with his hand.

"Yeah, sorry, I didn't mean to sound... violent." He sighed, loosening up a little when Mike rubbed his back briefly.

"Hey, come on... it's alright." Mike reassured as they all headed to Felix's game.

"Well folks, without further ado, I, Felix Jr., declare that these apartments are ready to become new, happy homes!" Felix announced before cutting the ribbon, Mary beaming as she snapped a photo. Everyone clapped, the animatronics looking upon their new apartment complex with happiness and pride; finally, a place to call their own.

As the animatronics all filed inside the building to unpack what little they had, and Toy Chica to change out of her wedding dress, little Mike approached the five ghost kids, his arms wrapped around an assortment of plushies. He placed them down gently, treating them with care as he smiled at them.

"These have always been my friends. They were always there when I HAD no other friends... but now, I have so many, it's hard to count, and I'm really happy. I never feel like I want to cry anymore. Bad things happened to me, and then something REALLY bad happened to you. I don't want any more bad stuff to happen to you, because you're all my friends now. So... I want to give you all these." He motioned to the plushies. "Take good care of them, okay? They took really good care of me."

The ghost kids beamed, clapping inaudibly before going over, little Mike giggling as they group hugged him. They each took a plushie; Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, and Fredbear- Golden Freddy. They each snuggled their respective plushie before they all headed inside to place them in their new home.

Jeremy cleared his throat when Mike nudged him playfully. "What? That stupid rice that hit my eye..." He huffed.

Ralph sighed happily as he surveyed his game. So much had happened in the last several years, from him still being hated as a 'bad guy', to welcoming a whole entire franchise to live here in peace and tranquility. As Ralph reminisced over the last couple years with Calhoun and Felix, Mike and Jeremy went off to the side on their own. Once out of sight, Mike gently held Jeremy's hand.

"Guess everything's changing for the better now, huh?" He smiled.

"Yeah, it did." Jeremy said quietly, still pretty bashful about the touchy stuff, as always. "When you think we ought to tell everyone?"

Mike shrugged. "Whenever the time's right. No need blurting it out right now, huh? Besides, everybody would be hounding us for details, and I'm not really up for that right now."

"Nah, me either..."

"... I don't think Felix meant anything ugly by what he said earlier." Mike decided to say. "I'm sure he'd be fine with it."

"I'd like to think that." Jeremy sighed. "I can't really help but notice something about all the couples around here though..."

"What's that?"

"They're all... you know... like Felix and Calhoun... Toy Chica and Clyde... Mangle and Foxy." He listed, trying to get the point across without saying it out loud.

Mike smiled a little sadly, getting the hint. He put an arm around Jeremy and pulled him over to kiss the side of his head. "Hey, it'll be all right. Don't worry about all that."

"Sorry, I'm not trying to be all bummed out..."

"I know. But hey, if we can get through a whole series of dealing with Phone Guy screwing with us, I think we can handle a few people giving us dirty looks."

Jeremy had to chuckle at that. "Yeah, I suppose so. I might have to punch someone if they get too opinionated though."

"That's all right." Mike smiled, shaking his head lightly. "I'd probably want to punch them too."

Mike chuckled to himself then, shaking his head. "We've come a long way. Remember when we first met? We HATED each other's guts. When did that change, exactly? You're still kind of uptight, but..." Mike snickered.

"Hey, I'm not THAT uptight." Jeremy pretended to be offended. "I'm just... particular about who I hang around with. And considering you shot me dead the first day we met, I'm surprised I ever wanted to see you again."

Mike frowned deeply at that, not saying anything at first as he glanced away. "Guess that's the 'dad' in me."

Jeremy felt like punching himself. "Ah shit, Mikey, I'm sorry." He said, rubbing the back of his neck. "I didn't mean it like that. I was trying to be funny, which never turns out right so maybe I should quit doing it..."

Mike smiled a bit at that, leaning over a bit to hug his side. "We have all the time in the world to work on your sense of humor." He kissed his cheek. "Look... if everyone else can get their happy ending... so can we."

"Yeah, we can." Jeremy agreed, giving him a side hug back and resting his head up against his.

Indeed, even with the perils faced by the arcade due to the malevolence of Purple Guy and Turbo preceding him, they had all survived and found solace in one another. What had begun as a game franchise with murderous child mascots and deceiving security guards was turned around by Vanellope and her arcade friends. They all helped each other to overcome what had been scripted for them to be, the restlessness of vengeance and spite quite possibly, finally, having been put to rest. Would the group face any more trials and tribulations down the line? Nothing was for sure, but one thing that they all knew; especially the two former security guards sharing a peaceful moment, that they had become stronger programs for it and that nothing could sever the wires coiling the group's bonds together again.

The End

And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. I would like to thank each and every one of you on mine and Dixie's behalf for the support and kind words you have offered, and I'm happy that so many of you truly enjoyed this series. I also want to personally thank Dixie for working with me because this would not have been completed without your help.

So where do we go from here? If you are aching for more from us, please check out Dixie's spinoffs of this series; Guarding Hearts and Bottled Up, they focus on Mike and Jeremy's relationship and are definitely worth reading! In addition, I urge you to check out my series, The Legendary Chronicles; which consist of a multitude of characters from several films and other media including American McGee's Alice series, Rise of the Guardians, Frozen, HTTYD, Brave, and many others. It could really use some support, so I kindly ask you to take the time to read and leave your thoughts. Please also check out mine and Dixie's tumblrs; fanfictionqueen90 and missdixiedarlin respectively, for extra goodies such as art, photo edits and more!

So my friends, I thank you once again for reading, and please stay tuned for more from myself and Dixie as well! :)
