Hello my Lovely readers! Here are my Gajevy Love Love Fest stories I hope you all enjoy!

Chapter 1: Selfie/ Sexting

Levy was utterly shocked at the text she was looking at. How could her best friend suggest something so, so inappropriate? The small bluenette looked in the mirror, and then at the text message one last time.

You should send him a sexy picture, I'm sure that'll move your relationship up to the next level!

This was a fine line she could be crossing. Gajeel was her friend, although she desperately wanted something more. What if she sent the picture and he didn't feel the same way? Then he would just have a picture of her looking stupid. Levy looked at her petite form in the mirror and slowly striped off her clothes. Maybe she'll just take the picture and send it to Lucy for advice. She took a couple of pictures of her reflection in the mirror, and some more in a selfie style, but deleted most of them. Sighing she laid on her bed, stretching her tired limbs, two seconds from giving up.

In that moment she got a text from the man who's making her go though all this trouble.

Hey shrimp, do you happen to know what we have to do for the stupid rally thing?

She sighed, of course he just texted her for something work related. Straightening her face she tried to take one last picture. The reason he probably didn't see her as sexy is because she didn't see herself that way. After the click was heard to moved from her position and admired the picture. The camera was held in front of her while her back was arched off the side. a slim finger on the side of her lips while her wild hair flowed around her. She had to admit she looked good. Once she was done admiring how she looked she sent the picture as an attachment to her second pair of eyes.

Do you think he'll think it's sexy?

She sent along with the picture. After what seemed like forever she got a text back, but not from the person she was expecting.

I have no idea who he is, but I sure as hell do.

Levy looked at the response both horrified and excited. That picture was not meant to go to him. She probably sent it to the most recent text message thinking it was Lucy. But then he thought she was sexy, which was the whole point of this. Her mind was spinning, what should she do now? Sucking in a huge breath, she sent one of the early pictures that survived being deleted.

Well , how about this picture.

Less than a minute later she got a picture back of a pair of black satin underwear barley containing a huge bulge.

Damn shrimp you're gonna be the death of me.

She smiled at the text and sent another picture. Maybe this could lead somewhere interesting.

So? How was it? I know I'm a day late but hey better late than never right? Please review if you found it enjoyable!